新浪财经讯 7月13日,据网友在知乎爆料,前天下午OKex比特币期货持仓第一名爆仓,爆仓合约价值5800万美元。近期人民币兑美元汇率贬值波动较大,根据汇率换算,5800万美元将近4亿元人民币。
On the 13th of July, according to the news of the new wave, Internet users were aware of the fact that, the previous afternoon, the first warehouse to be held by OKex bitcoin futures, the contract for the explosion was valued at $58 million. The recent devaluation of the renminbi against the United States dollar had fluctuated considerably, with the exchange rate equivalent to nearly $400 million.
Because of the amount involved, the BOTC assessment says, “It's a terrible thing to think, if it were swallowed up by the malignant silo. Remember the millions of dwarves in the last silo?” According to multiple web users, the last OKEx future silo occurred on March 30, 2018, and the last one-and-a-half hour extreme trade in OKEx, the BTC quarterly contract was once more than 20 percentage points below the spot index, or even nearly 4,000 dollars. Investors lost a lot of money, and even investors went to the OKEx Beijing office to claim their rights at the hands of the enemy.
Then, OKEX suspends all futures contract transactions and announces the results of the investigation into unusual transactions and the rollback decision.
On 30 March, at 5-6:30, an unusual account passed a large number of unusual operations, resulting in an abnormal quarterly contract price for the BTC and a significant deviation from the index. After a preliminary technical survey, the users broke the price limit through an abnormally uncosted stubble, and later the details of the unusual transactions will be published.
OKEx will roll back the contract data to Hong Kong on March 30, 5 %, and roll back is expected to end at 15:30, possibly ahead of schedule or later. We will report progress every two hours, and currency transactions and French transactions will not be affected.
Last time, OKEx chose to roll back; then this time, OKEx will deal with the Bitcoin futures explosion? The new wave block chain will be followed.
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