Caring reminder: This case is for study purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.
bitcoin price data are based on time series, so bitcoin price projections are mostly achieved through LSTM.
LSTM is an in-depth learning model that applies in particular to time series data (or data with time/space/structure sequences, such as films, sentences, etc.) and is the ideal model for predicting the price movement of encrypted currencies.
This paper mainly describes the future price of bits .
1 importpandasaspd2importnumpyasnp34fromsklearn。PreprocessingimportMinMaxScaler LabelEncoder5fromkeras。ModelsimportSequential6fromkeras。LayersimportLSTM, density, Dropout78frommatpLootlibimportpypLootasplt9 % matpLootlibinline
1. 数据加载
1. Loading of data
Read day-to-day transaction data from
1 data=pd。Read_cs (filepath_or_buffer="btc_data_day")
According to the data, there are 1,380 data, consisting of dates, openings, highs, lows, closings, turnover (BTC), volume (currency), weighted prices, etc. The rest of the data columns, with the exception of the Date column, fall into the float64 data category.
1的数据。info ()
Look at the top ten lines.
2. Data visualization
You can see the distribution and trends of the data using the matpLootlib for a weighted price. In the graph, we find a zero, so we need to confirm if there are any anomalies in the data.
1 PLT。pLoot (data [' WeightedPrice], label='Price') 2 PLTYlabel (' Price ') 3 PLT图例()4 PLTshow ()
4. 划分训练数据集和测试数据集
4. Demarcation of training data sets and testing of data sets
将数据规范化为0 – 1
Regularize data to 0 - 1
1 data_set=data。删除(' Date ',轴=1). Values2data_set=data_set。Astype (' float32) 3 MMS=MinMaxScaler (feature_range=(0,1)) 4 data_set=MMS。Fit_transform (data_set)
Test data sets and training data sets are divided by 2:8
1 thewire=0.82 train_size=int (len (data_set) * thewire) 3 test_size=len (data_set) - train_size4train, test=data_set [0: train_size,:], data_set [train_size: len (data_set),:)
Creates training data sets and tests data sets. Creates our training data sets and tests data sets in a one-day window.
1 . DeFicreate_dataset (data): 2 window=13 label_index=64 x, y=[], [] 5 foriinrange (len (data) - Windows): 6 x. Append (data/I + window: (I),:) 7 y. Append (data/I + Windows, label_index) 8 returnnp。数组(x), np。数组(y)
1 . train_x train_y=create_dataset (test) 2 . test_x, test_y=create_dataset (test)
This time we use a simple model, which is structured as follows.
Here it is necessary to explain the LSTM's input shape. The input dimensions of the input shape are (batch_size, length of time, characteristics). In this, the time step value is the time window area at the time of data entry. Here, we use one day as the time window, and our data is daily, so the time length here is one.
Long-term memory (LSTM) is a special RNN, which is used primarily to solve the problem of gradient loss and gradient explosion during long-series training. Below is a brief description of LSTM.
As can be seen from the network structure chart of LSTM, LSTM is actually a small model consisting of three sigmoid activation functions, two tanh activation functions, three multiplying functions and one plus function.
Cell status is at the core of the LSTM, which is the black line at the top of the top of the top, and the black line is the door behind us. The cell state will be updated according to the results of each gate. Let's go through these doors and you will understand the flow of cell state.
The LSTM network can delete or add information about the unit status through a structure called a door. Gates can selectively decide which information to pass. The grid is a combination of the beta colon and point accumulation calculations. Because the output of the sigmoid layer is 0-1 = 0 = 0, 1 = none, 1 = all. The LSTM contains three control unit status doors. Let's talk about each door.
forgets the door
The first step in LSTM is to determine which information the unit state needs to discard. This part of the operation is handled through a sigmoid unit called the Forgotten Gate. Let's look at the animation.
We can see the forgotten door looking out.
This information is used to produce a vector between 0 and 1, with a value of 0 and 1 indicating the status of the cell
The next step is to decide what new information to add to the cell state by opening the input door. Let's look at the animation first.
We can see that.
The information is put into the forgotten door (sigmoid) and the entry door (tanh). For forgetting that the output of the door is the value of 0 and 1, the result is that, if the output of the commotion door is 0, the value of the commotion door goes to the cell that will not be added to the current state, and if it is 1, it will be added to the cell state, which is the result of a selective entry of the commotion door into the door into the cell state.
The mathematical formula is:
output door
After updating the cell's status, we need data.
输入的和用于确定输出单元的状态特征。这里,我们需要将输入通过一个名为output gate的sigmoid层传递,以获得判断条件,然后通过tanh层传递单元格的状态,以获得一个值介于-1和1之间的向量。这个向量乘以输出门得到的判断条件,得到RNN单元的最终输出。动画图如下,
Entered and used to determine the status characteristics of the output unit. Here, we need to pass the input through a sigmoid layer called output Gate to get the judgement, and then pass the cell status through the tanh layer to get a vector of a value between 1 and 1. This vector is multiplied by the judgement obtained from the output door and the final output of the RNN unit is obtained. The animation is as follows.
1 DeFicreate_model (): 2 model=顺序模()3添加(LSTM (50, input_shape=(train_x))。形状[1],train_x形状[2]))4个模。添加(密集(1))5 model.com运行(损失='mae',优化器='Adam') 6模。返回model89m Odel=create_model ()
1 . history=model fit (train_x train_y, epochs=80, batch_size=64, alidation_data=(test_x test_y), erbose=1, shuffle=False)
1 PLT。情节(历史。History [' loss '], label='train') 2 PLT。情节(历史。历史[' al_loss], label='test') 3 PLT。图例()4 PLTshow ()
1 predict=模。预测(test_x) 2 PLT。pLoot (predict, label='predict') 3 PLT。pLoot (test_y, label='groundtrue') 4 PLT。图例()5pltshow ()
Currently, it is still very difficult to predict the long-term price movement of
文章标题:使用LSTM框架实时预测比特币价格 Title of article: real-time forecast of bitcoin prices using the LSTM framework 文章链接:https://www.btchangqing.cn/21372.html 更新时间:2021年05月29日 Update: 29/05/2021