
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:148 评论:0
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from Web1.0 to Web3.0


If it is Web3.0, that means Web1.0 and Web 2.0.


Web1.0 is the first stage in the development of the Internet, from 1994 to 20042004 >. , although the general public only had access to Web1.0 in 1994, actually, as early as 1968, a United States Government project called “ARPANET” (Advanced Research ProjectsAgencyNetWork) launched Web1.0. ARPANET was originally a small network of military contractors and university professors in which they exchanged data with each other.


The Web1.0 phase, where users are simple content consumers and content is provided by websites, is typically the news portal , where there is little interaction between users. Of course, Web1.0 is not completely interactive or payment functions, except that these functions are severely constrained by the inability of the transfer infrastructure to provide security. The most innovative enterprise in the Web1.0 era is the winner.


Obviously, while Web1.0 is based on open, decentralized and community-managed agreements, Web1.0 is a readable network where users are unable to interact with the content of the pages in the Web1.0 age. And, as the number of users increases, Web1.0 is increasingly problematic.


The birth of Web 2.0 was mainly to overcome the Web1.0 , and the main advantage of Web 2.0 is that users can interact with the network . Of course, Web 2.0 was born in isolation from the transformation of Internet technology, and the demand for socialization, music, video sharing and payment of transactions has risen significantly as the Internet developed in terms of Internet speed, fibre-optic infrastructure and search engines.


Users’ demand for social attributes has also given rise to many Internet businesses today. Social media platforms such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter provide social functions for users; data-sharing software such as Naster meets users’ demand for music and video; Google provides a shortcut for users to search for big Internet information.


This new and more interactive Internet experience has brought many new features to users and enhanced them. But with it, and until today, it has not been possible to solve the problem: if users are to use these new features, they must empower a centralized third-party platform to manage a large amount of data.


As a result, these central entities have been given enormous power and influence in terms of data and content rights, and a large amount of communication and commercial behaviour has been concentrated on closed platforms owned by a small number of technology giants, such as Google, Meta, Amazon, etc., a model that has been operating until today.


In the core model of Web 2.0, people’s lives are almost dominated by the core. The original feature of the Internet is the democratization of information, but today it is becoming increasingly unreliable and, in some cases, harmful. Simultaneous faces created by artificial intelligence can bring more social problems through deep forgery and identity theft.


a brand-new Internet mode


As with the birth of Web2, the advent of Web3 is closely linked to the desire to solve the current Internet problem. Web3 exists on the basis of block chains, with a commitment to return privacy and digital identity to users, while at the same time achieving a new level of interaction as a result of non-consistency monetities (NFTs) and decentralised applications (dApps).


The block chain is a highly secure and decentralised network where people can store data, exchange values and record transactions in a shared book, and this account book is not controlled by any centralised entity. The block chain network is the backbone of Web3


Smart contracts are inexorable processes in the block chain, using the code logic of "If x is real, then execute y" to automate the transaction. A programmed smart contract can create a decentralised application, the so-called "dapp." Decentralized applications are based on the encryption economy agreement, laying the foundation for the development of Web3 and delivering Web3 to users.


Unlike Web 2.0 applications and Web1.0 static HTML pages, dApp does not run by any person or organization, but by a network of decentralised block chains. Decentralized applications seem simple, but they can create highly sophisticated automated systems such as DeFi, data-driven insurance products, and P2E games.


Each NFT is unique and indivisible , and the most important value of NFT is . Every NFt is unique, and every NFT holder can prove the original uniqueness of the NFT in his possession, for example by means of a digital certificate, because of the support of block-chain technology.


A decentralised and interactive Web3, , allows users to interact directly with each other by bypassing the intermediary. dApp users do not need permission to access financial instruments, trade encrypted assets on a point-to-point basis, obtain parameter insurance claims, verify ownership of digital works of art through NFT transactions, and make money in the game.


The architects of Web3 want to build a fairer and more open Internet through this innovative architecture, where users can interact and trade directly . Currently, the Web3 application, which uses three core technologies: block chains, smart contracts and decentralised prophesy networks, has already been partially implemented, permeating various industries, such as real estate, education, finance, games and medicine.


From this perspective, Web3.0 represents a vision for breaking this monopoly control — the Web3 platform and applications built on block chain technology will not be owned by giants, but by each user, who will acquire ownership by helping to develop and maintain these services.


While it is not possible to predict the future at this time, the vision of Web3 is to provide easy access and other features based on open-source agreements, with commercial interfaces. Web3 is an Internet open to all users, based on open protocols and a transparent network of blocks. Consumer interaction with these agreements may take the form of new applications that provide easy ways to interact with lower-level technologies.


Obviously, Web3 is designed to redesign existing Internet services and products so that they can benefit the public and not just corporate giants. Of course, data will still be used to drive decision-making, but not to exploit consumers. Data rights will be protected, not just to chase profits. Incentives and market mechanisms will help to ensure the credibility and verifiability of information.


What are the possibilities of breaking a monopoly?


Web3 has been rapidly marketed and has also made capital attractive.


On January 20, Twitter announced the introduction of a new feature, displaying the NFT-owned user image as a hexagon, which is also considered to be the first attempt to transform the Internet giant to Web3. Almost the same time, Meta, Youtube, Reddit, and Google announced an attempt to launch the NFT product to join Web3 research and development.


Google’s parent company, AlphabetInc.’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, stated directly that the company was monitoring the development of the block chain industry and Web3. At the same time, it said that many technology companies were pouring in and holding hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, and that Alphabet might soon follow suit.


But the reality is that there is still a long way to go before Web3 is realized. is technologically large, the market size of encrypted money is not as high as it might be, and bitcoins are clearly not enough to shake and occupy the money market.


In addition, one of the most important goals in the set of visions described by Web3 is to break monopolies, especially of platform giants such as Google and Meta. But the opponents of Web3, , argue that it is not feasible to get to the “ungovernment” decentralisation of the Internet.


As the software engineer Geoffrey Huntley pointed out, most block chains, especially in the field of NFT, are currently unauthorised. In his view, the realization of Web3 means that users can send any content — including violent pornography or other forms of digital harassment — to their digital wallets stored in NFTs.


In addition, TWitter's former CEO Jack Dorsey argued that the users did not own Web3, that the actual owners of Web3 were the windfall agency behind the project (VC) and its limited partners (LP), and that “Web3 could never escape their incentives and eventually became a central entity with different features”.


Clearly, in the absence of governance, it will be difficult to determine whether the advent of Web3 gives more power to users or loses more power


The Internet has fundamentally changed the world in which we live, and it is an uncontroversial fact. The Internet has changed everything — financial markets, culture, elections. Ten or 20 years later, events generated or caused by the Internet will shape the world in greater depth and frequency. Like the DeFi-led financial revolution, the Web3 revolution is inevitable and will move forward, and it will move forward all at once.




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