
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:59 评论:0
比特币(BitCoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2009年提出,根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。The concept of...



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The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, designing the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based. Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.


Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on specific monetary institutions for distribution, which is generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptographic designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the value of currency cannot be artificially controlled by large quantities of bitcoins. Designed by cryptography can only be transferred or paid by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoins and other virtual currencies is their total number, which is very limited and extremely scarce.

比特币可以用来兑现,可以兑换成大多数国家的货币。使用者可以用比特币购买一些虚拟物品,比如网络 游戏 当中的衣服、帽子、装备等,只要有人接受,也可以使用比特币购买现实生活当中的物品。[1][2]

Bitcoins can be cashed and converted into the currency of most countries. Users can buy virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment in Internet games, and, if accepted, in bitcoins.[1][2]

西维吉尼亚州民主党参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)2014年2月26日向美国联邦政府多个监管部门发出公开信,希望有关机构能够就比特币鼓励非法活动和扰乱金融秩序的现状予以重视,并要求能尽快采取行动,以全面封杀该电子货币。[3]

On 26 February 2014, Senator Joe Manchin of the Democratic Party of West Virginia sent an open letter to a number of United States federal government regulators in the hope that the agencies concerned would pay attention to the current situation of Bitcoin’s encouragement of illegal activities and the disruption of the financial order, and demanded that action be taken as soon as possible to block the electronic currency in its entirety.[3]


On 24 January 2017, at 12 noon, the three main bitcoin platforms in China formally began collecting transaction fees.[4]


Chinese Name




Alien Name





Electronic currency


Circulation platform




Founder of the Concept



发展历程 听语音

Let's go. Let's hear the voice.


In 2008, when the global financial crisis broke out, a paper was published under the alias “Middle-Bone”, describing the Bitcoin model.


Two in all.




Bitcoin does not have a centralized issuer compared to the legal currency, but is generated by the calculation of the network node, who is likely to be involved in the manufacture of bitcoin and can be traded worldwide, can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet, wherever it may be, can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin, and cannot be identified by outsiders in the course of the transaction.[2] In 2009, Bitcoin was born outside the control of central banks and any financial institution.[2] Bitcoin is a “electronic currency” consisting of a series of complex codes generated by computers, which is manufactured through preset procedures, and as the total number of bitcoins increases, the pace of production of new coins has slowed down until 2014, when the upper limit of 21 million bitcoins was reached, and the total number of bitcoins recovered has exceeded 12 million.[2]


Whenever Bitcoin reaches the mainstream media, the mainstream media invites mainstream economists to analyze bitcoin. Earlier, these analyses focused on whether bitcoin was a fraud.


A lot of bitcoin players are attracted by bitcoin’s undesired growth. In contrast to bitcoin players’ attitude, the economists’ attitude is polarized by the 21 million fixed sum of bitcoin.[6]

凯恩斯学派的经济学家们认为政府应该积极调控货币总量,用货币政策的松紧来为经济适时的加油或者刹车。因此,他们认为比特币固定总量货币牺牲了可调控性,而且更糟糕的是将不可避免地导致通货紧缩,进而伤害整体经济。奥地利学派经济学家们的观点却截然相反,他们认为政府对货币的干预越少越好,货币总量的固定导致的通缩并没什么大不了的,甚至是 社会 进步的标志。

The Keynesian economists believe that governments should actively regulate monetary aggregates and use monetary policy easing to fuel or brake economies in a timely manner. So, they believe that Bitcoin’s fixed total currency has sacrificed its ability to regulate and, worse still, will inevitably lead to deflation, thereby harming the economy as a whole.


The Bitcoin network generates new bitcoins through “mining.” The so-called “mining” essentially solves a complex mathematical problem by using computers to ensure consistency in the bitcoin network distribution accounting system. The Bitcoin network automatically adjusts the difficulty of math problems, allowing the entire network to get a qualified answer every 10 minutes.


When Bitcoin was born in 2009, it was 50 bitcoins each. Ten minutes after it was born, the first 50 bitcoins were generated, and the amount of money at that time was 50. Bitcoins grew at about 50 per 10 minute. When the total was 10.5 million (50 per cent of 21 million), the amount was halved to 25. When the total was 157.5 million (5.25 million new output, or 50 per cent of 1050), the amount was halved to 12.5.[7]


First, according to its design principles, the amount of bitcoins will continue to grow until it reaches 21 million in over 100 years. But the rate of later growth of bitcoins will be very slow. Indeed, 87.5% of bitcoins will be “drawed” in the first 12 years.

然而判断处于通货紧缩还是膨胀,并不依据货币总量是减少还是增多,而是看整体物价水平是下跌还是上涨。整体物价上升即为通货膨胀,反之则为通货紧缩。长期看来,比特币的发行机制决定了它的货币总量增长速度将远低于 社会 财富的增长速度。

However, judging whether deflation or inflation is based on monetary aggregates is not reduced or increased, but whether overall price levels are falling or rising. Overall price increases are inflation and, conversely, deflation.

凯恩斯学派的经济学家们认为,物价持续下跌会让人们倾向于推迟消费,因为同样一块钱明天就能买到更多的东西。消费意愿的降低又进一步导致了需求萎缩、商品滞销,使物价变得更低,步入“通缩螺旋”的恶性循环。同样,通缩货币哪怕不存入银行本身也能升值(购买力越来越强),人们的投资意愿也会升高, 社会 生产也会陷入低迷。[5]因此比特币是一种具备通缩倾向的货币。比特币经济体中,以比特币定价的商品价格将会持续下跌。[1]

According to Keynesian economists, the continued decline in prices tends to delay consumption, because the same dollar will buy more tomorrow. Lower consumer willingness has further led to a contraction in demand, a stagnation in goods, and a downward spiral in prices, which has led to a vicious circle of deflationary spirals.

比特币是一种网络虚拟货币,数量有限,但是可以用来套现:可以兑换成大多数国家的货币。你可以使用比特币购买一些虚拟的物品,比如网络 游戏 当中的衣服、帽子、装备等,只要有人接受,你也可以使用比特币购买现实生活当中的物品。[1][1]

Bitcoin is a virtual Internet currency, limited in amount, but it can be used to cash: it can be converted into the currency of most countries. You can use bitcoin to buy virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in a network game, and you can use bitcoin to buy real-life items, as long as someone accepts it.[1]


On 9 September 2014, the United States electrician giant eBay announced that the company’s processing subsidiary, Braintree, would begin to accept Bitcoin payments. The company had entered into a partnership with the Bitcoin trading platform Coinbase to begin accepting this relatively new means of payment.


Although the eBay Market Trading Platform and PayPal operations still do not accept Bitcoin payments, the virtual currency will begin to be accepted by the travel rental community of Airbnb and other Braintree clients such as Uber. Braintree’s main business is the provision of payment processing software to businesses, which was acquired by eBay last year at a price of about $800 million.

2017年1月22日晚间,火币网、比特币中国与OKCoin币行相继在各自官网发布公告称,为进一步抑制投机,防止价格剧烈波动,各平台将于2017年1月24日中午12:00起开始收取交易服务费,服务费按成交金额的0.2%固定费率收取,且主动成交和被动成交费率一致。[4]5月5日,OKCoin币行网的最新数据显示,比特币的价格刚刚再度刷新 历史 ,截止发稿前最高触及9222点高位。[8]

During the evening of 22 January 2017, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

创始人物 听语音

Founder, listen to the voice.

2008年11月1日,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在一个隐秘的密码学评论组上贴出了一篇研讨陈述,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世,比特币的首笔交易完成。比特币用揭露散布总账摆脱了第三方机构的制约,中本聪称之为“区域链”。用户乐于奉献出CPU的运算能力,运转一个特别的软件来做一名“挖矿工”,这会构成一个网络共同来保持“区域链”。这个过程中,他们也会生成新货币。买卖也在这个网络上延伸,运转这个软件的电脑真相破解不可逆暗码难题,这些难题包含好几个买卖数据。第一个处理难题的“矿工”会得到50比特币奖赏,相关买卖区域加入链条。跟着“矿工”数量的添加,每个迷题的艰难程度也随之进步,这使每个买卖区的比特币生产率保持约在10分钟一枚。

On November 1, 2008, a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto put up a research statement on a secret cryptography review team, describing his new vision of electronic currency — bitcoin — in which the first deal in bitcoin was completed. Bitcoin excluded the distribution of the ledger from third-party institutions, known as the regional chain. The first “miner” who dealt with the problem would be rewarded with a 50-bit prize, and the relevant trading area would join the chain. With the addition of the number of “miners”, the difficulty of operating a special software to maintain a “regional chain” would also result in a network that would generate a new currency.


Professor of Mathematics at Kyoto University.


In 2009, Nakamoto designed a digital currency, the Bitcoin, where the hot and hot bitcoin market rose and fell, while the identity of its founder, the “medium bellowed” was always a mystery, and rumours about the “father of Bitcoin” involved the movement from the United States National Security Agency to the financial expert, as well as giving Bitcoin a mysterious ring of light.


According to foreign media reports, the computer scientist Ted Nelson posted a video on the Internet on Sunday, stating that he had identified Bitcoin’s founder as Shinichi Mochizuki, a math professor at Kyoto University. Bitcoin’s founder has been using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, and the Internet has been making a lot of speculation about his true identity. Nelson released a video stating that he had identified the new moon as the true founder of Bitcoin.[9]


He was in high school at Philip Eksett College, one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States, and graduated only two years later. At the age of 16, he left university at the age of 22 as a doctor, and became a professor at the age of 33, so young that it was extremely rare to get a full professor’s title in the academic world.


On March 7, 2014, when the founder of Bitcoin, Dorian P. Nakamoto, was found, he quickly became the most attractive news on the Internet.


According to the 1973 file of the United States District Court of Los Angeles, when he graduated from California State Polytechnic University at the age of 23, his name was changed to Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then, he has no longer used the name "Hear" and used it as a signature.[9]

产生原理 听语音

Generating principles, listening to voice.

从比特币的本质说起,比特币的本质其实就是一堆复杂算法所生成的特解。特解是指方程组所能得到无限个(其实比特币是有限个)解中的一组。而每一个特解都能解开方程并且是唯一的。[10]以人民币来比喻的话,比特币就是人民币的序列号,你知道了某张钞票上的序列号,你就拥有了这张钞票。而挖矿的过程就是通过庞大的计算量不断的去寻求这个方程组的特解,这个方程组被设计成了只有 2100 万个特解,所以比特币的上限就是 2100 万。[10]

In the essence of Bitcoin, the essence of Bitcoin is actually a conundrum of complex algorithms. The special solution is an infinite set of equations (which in fact are limited in bitcoins) that can be obtained by the equation team. Each solution can solve the equation and is the only one. [10] In the sense of the renminbi, Bitcoin is the serial number of the renminbi, and you know the serial number on a banknote, and you own it. The process of mining is to search for the formula of the equation group through an enormous amount of calculations, which is designed to be only 21 million special interpretations, so the upper limit of the bitcoin is 21 million.[10]


It's crazy up there.


To dig for bitcoin to download a dedicated bitcoin operating tool, register various cooperative websites, fill registered user names and passwords in the computation process, and click on the calculation. [11] After completing the installation of the Bitcoin client, you can get a Bitcoin address directly, and when someone else pays for it, you just have to post it to someone else, and you can pay it through the same client. Once the Bitcoin client is installed, it will allocate a private key and a public key. The need to back up your wallet containing the private key will ensure that the property is not lost.

货币特征 听语音

Currency features. Listen to the voice.

去中心化:比特币是第一种分布式的虚拟货币,整个网络由用户构成,没有中央银行。去中心化是比特币安全与自由的保证 。

Decentralization: Bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, and the entire network is made up of users without a central bank. Decentralization is a guarantee of bitcoin security and freedom.


Worldwide circulation: Bitcoin can be managed on any computer that has access to the Internet. No matter where it is, anyone can dig, buy, sell, or collect bitcoin.


Exclusive ownership: Controlling Bitcoin requires a private key that can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can access it except the user itself.


Low transaction costs: Bitcoin can be transferred free of charge, but eventually approximately 1 bit per transaction fee will be charged for each transaction to ensure faster execution of the transaction.


There are no hidden costs: Bitcoin does not have onerous limits and formalities as a means of payment from A to B. Know the other person’s Bitcoin address can be paid for.


Cross-platform excavation: Users can tap into the computing capabilities of different hardware on numerous platforms.




The distribution and circulation are done through open-source p2p algorithms.


Anonymous, tax exemption, exemption from supervision.


Bitcoin is completely dependent on the p2p network, with no distribution centre, so it cannot be shut off externally. Bitcoin prices may fluctuate, collapse, and multinational governments may declare it illegal, but the huge p2p network of Bitcoin and Bitcoin will not disappear.


Cross-border, cross-border, cross-border, cross-border, foreign exchange control agencies, and multiple records of transactions. If a bitcoin transaction is used, a digital address is entered directly, a mouse is clicked, and a p2p network confirms the transaction, a large amount of money passes.


As the bitcoin algorithm is fully open, anyone can download to the source code, modify parameters, and redraw it, and create a new p2p currency. These bounties are fragile, and are highly vulnerable to 51% of attacks. Any person or organization that controls 51% of a p2p money network can manipulate transactions and currency values at will, and this will have a devastating impact on p2p currency.




The Bitcoin network is robust, but the Bitcoin trading platform is fragile. The trading platform is usually a website that is hacked or shut down by the authorities.

交易确认时间长。比特币钱包初次安装时,会消耗大量时间下载 历史 交易数据块。而比特币交易时,为了确认数据准确性,会消耗一些时间,与p2p网络进行交互,得到全网确认后,交易才算完成。

The transaction is confirmed over a long period of time. When the Bitcoin wallet is first installed, it takes a lot of time to download the historical transaction block. When the Bitcoin transaction takes place, it takes some time to confirm the accuracy of the data, to interact with the p2p network and to obtain a full web confirmation before the transaction is completed.


Prices are highly volatile. The price of bitcoin for cash – like a roller coaster – fluctuates as a result of massive family involvement. Bitcoin is better suited for speculation than for anonymous transactions.


But the public does not understand that many people cannot even distinguish between bitcoins and Queens. The “no issuer” is the advantage of bitcoins, but, in the view of traditional finance practitioners, the “no issuer” currency has no value.[12]

货币交易 听语音

Money transactions. Listen to the voice.


Method of purchase


Users can buy bitcoin, while computers can “exploit” bitcoin by algorithm. When users “exploit” bitcoin, they need computers to search for 64 figures, and then compete with other gold-diggers to provide the number needed for the bitcoin network, and if the user’s computer succeeds in creating a set of numbers, 25 bitcoins will be obtained.


Because of the decentralized programming of the bitcoin system, only 25 bitcoins are available every 10 minutes, and by 2140 the cap of the bitcoin in circulation will reach 21 million. In other words, the bitcoin system is self-sufficient, resistant to inflation through codes, and prevents others from destroying them.


Mode of transaction


Bitcoin is e-cash, e-mail-like, and both parties need an e-mail-like “bitcoin wallet” and an e-mail-like “bitcoin address”. As with e-mails, senders pay bitcoin directly to each other by computer or smartphone, depending on the recipient's address. The following table lists some websites that download bitcoin wallets and addresses free of charge.

比特币地址是大约33位长的、由字母和数字构成的一串字符,总是由1或者3开头,例如"1DwunA9otZZQyhkVvkLJ8DV1tuSwMF7r3v"。比特币软件可以自动生成地址,生成地址时也不需要联网交换信息,可以离线进行[2]。可用的比特币地址超过2个。形象地说,全世界约有2粒沙, 如果每一粒沙中有一个地球,那么比特币地址总数远远超过所有这些“地球”上的所有的沙子的数量。

Bitcoin is a string of about 33 long letters and numbers, always starting with one or three characters, such as "1 DwunA9otZZQyhkVvkLJ8DV1tuSwMF7r3v". Bitcoin software generates the address automatically, does not need to network to exchange information and can move offline[2]. It has more than two bitcoin addresses available. Imageically, there are about two sands in the world, and if there is one Earth in each grain of sand, the total number of bitcoin addresses is far larger than the number of sands on all these "Earths".


The bitcoin address and the private key appear in pairs, and their relationship is like a bank card number and a password. The bitcoin address is like a bank card number to record how much bitcoin you have on that address. You can generate bitcoin address at will to store bitcoin. Every bitcoin address is created with a private key corresponding to that address. This private key can prove your ownership of bitcoin on that address. We can simply interpret the bitcoin address as a bank card number, and the private key of that address as a password to the corresponding bank card number. You can only use the money on the bank card number if you know the bank code. So save your address and the private key when you use the bitcoin wallet.

比特币的交易数据被打包到一个“数据块”或“区块”(block)中后,交易就算初步确认了。当区块链接到前一个区块之后,交易会得到进一步的确认。在连续得到6个区块确认之后,这笔交易基本上就不可逆转地得到确认了。比特币对等网络将所有的交易 历史 都储存在“区块链”(blockchain)中。区块链在持续延长,而且新区块一旦加入到区块链中,就不会再被移走。区块链实际上是一群分散的用户端节点,并由所有参与者组成的分布式数据库,是对所有比特币交易 历史 的记录 。 中本聪预计,当数据量增大之后,用户端希望这些数据并不全部储存自己的节点中。为了实现这一目标,他采用引入散列函数机制。这样用户端将能够自动剔除掉那些自己永远用不到的部分,比方说极为早期的一些比特币交易记录。

Bitcoin’s transaction data are packaged into a “data block” or “block” (block) where the transaction is initially confirmed. When the block is linked to the previous block, the transaction is further confirmed. After six consecutive blocks have been confirmed, the transaction is largely irreversibly confirmed.


Consumption patterns

许多面向 科技 玩家的网站,已经开始接受比特币交易。包括Mtgox,BTCChina之类的网站,以及淘宝某些商店,甚至能接受比特币兑换美元、欧元等服务。毫无疑问,比特币已经成为真正的流通货币,而非腾讯Q币那样的虚拟货币。国外已经有专门的比特币第三方支付公司,类似国内的支付宝,可以提供API接口服务。

Many web sites for technology players have started to accept bitcoin transactions. These include websites such as Mtgox, BTC China, and some shops where treasures are stolen, and even services such as bitcoin for dollars, euros, etc. There is no doubt that bitcoin has become a real currency in circulation, rather than a virtual currency like the Queen. There are specialized Bitcoin third-party payment companies abroad, similar to domestic payment treasures, that can provide API interface services.


The money can be used to buy bitcoins, or when the miners “exploit” them using computers to search for 64 figures. The numbers needed for the bitcoins network can be provided by computer decrypting, competing with other gold-diggers. If the computer succeeds in creating a set of numbers, 25 bitcoins will be obtained. Bitcoins are decentralized, requiring the creation of a fixed amount of bitcoins every 10 minutes of calculation. By 2140, the cap on the bitcoins in circulation will reach 21 million. In other words, the bitcoins system is self-sufficient, translated into codes to protect against inflation and prevent others from damaging.


Payment cases


Bitcoin has been accepted by individual businesses while being pursued by investors. A Beijing restaurant has opened up a bitcoin payment. The restaurant in Yoo-yang Dae-jung reported that it had been paid by bitcoin since the end of November 2013. At the end of the meal, consumers transfer a certain amount of bitcoin to the shop’s account, and the process has been similar to a bank transfer. The restaurant settled a $650 meal fee in 0.13 bitcoin.[13]


In January 2014, Overstock began accepting Bitcoin as the first large network retailer to accept Bitcoin.[14]


Bitcoin was created (almost certainly) by a sham, and so far no one has been able to link bitcoin with a real person or group of people. By disappearing from the Internet in 2011, there is hardly any clue as to who they might be. Over the years, many have publicly claimed that they are Satoshi, but none of them have supported this claim with incontrovertible facts.


At an early Bitcoin forum, Satoshi said that they had started to study bitcoin in 2007, two years before the first block was mined. On 3 January 2009, the first block of the Bitcoin block chain — the Genesis block — was mined. Benz was the miner of the Genesis block and received the first 50 bitcoins in circulation. However, the first square was unaffordable because it was a strange expression in the code. BitMEX research published an analysis of the early exploitation of bitcoins and concluded that “some people” had mined 700,000 bitcoins.


One can only imagine what reputation Central Hsien will gain if their identities are exposed, let alone the enormous wealth they will collect (though Sato does not seem to have spent any coins they should have mined). Over time, many people have claimed that they are Satoshi, while others have been imposed.


Fake claim


One of the most well-known examples of claiming to be Satoshi is Craig Wright, an Australian scholar. As early as 2015, Leiter tried to show the public the indisputable evidence that he was a bitcoin inventor, but to this day he failed. In fact, his “evidence” proved to be false.


Why must Satoshi be anonymous?


After creating an agreement that does not have a central point of failure, he may have realized that keeping anonymous might eliminate the last point of failure that Bitcoin might have: the person who created it. Removing a single identity that might be linked to the emergence of bitcoin would remove any single face that might affect the politics, rules or decision-making of the Bitcoin community.


Whoever Satoshi is, they are undoubtedly the geniuses of our time. The Bitcoin agreement provides economic incentives in all the right places, offering a special solution to the problem of General Byzantine.

比特币的发明者是一位日本人,名叫中本聪,在2009年1月3日,世界上第一批比特币诞生, 数字货币也正式诞生,数字货币直到2013年年底价格才飞速上涨,从前期的10美元左右一下涨高到九百多美元,在2016年,比特币热度才真正起来,价格一路飙升,被称为“数字黄金”。 比特币为什么这么值钱呢?

Bitcoin was invented by a Japanese man named Nakamoto. On 3 January 2009, the first bitcoin in the world was born, and digital money was officially born. The price of the number money rose only so fast until the end of 2013, and the previous $10 or so suddenly went up to more than $900. In 2016, Bitcoin’s heat really rose, and prices soared as “digit gold.” Why is Bitcoin so valuable?


The difficulty of mining, the need for specific calculations for bitcoin mining, the cost of timing and the material inputs in the prior period are also very high.


2. Bitcoin has monetary attributes and is trusted by the market, and its encryption algorithm is difficult to crack and guarantees its uniqueness.


3. The Bitcoin trading market is transparent and market prices are open and transparent, and it is easy to circulate and trade in virtual digital goods.


There is no doubt that some of the policies introduced by the digital currency, which is recognized by some countries as a national bitcoin, will stimulate price increases in bitcoin.


The scarcity of goods, the rarer bitcoin, the current difficulty of comparing currency extraction, the impact of the supply-demand relationship, the undersupply of the market, and so on have undoubtedly had a great impact on price increases. Caution is needed for friends who buy bitcoin at trading platforms to earn a price difference.


Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system. In 2009, Benz proposed the concept of bitcoin among the Japanese. Bitcoin is an incredibly high price from its inception to its present, and why is it so valuable?


Let me get this straight.


By operating a special procedure, a bitcoin miner can be rewarded for similar tasks. Bitcoin production is now very low, producing about 3,600 new coins per day, with a limited amount; bitcoin digs are priced at a high price. Since Bitcoin heat, specialized mine diggers now cost more than US$ 10,000 from a low price, more than 300,000 dollars, and prior-stage equipment is needed; mining time is long, and Bitcoin digs are subject to certain complex calculations and are consumed for a very long time; Bitcoin digs are consumed, in addition to their own losses, at a high level of electricity consumption, at 188 million kilowatts per day, equivalent to one per cent of China’s daily electricity production. Bitcoins are still increasing, with institutional assessments that in 2019 they will consume more than America’s electricity.


The price of bitcoin has always been media-related, and this reminds you that the price of bitcoin is going up fast, it's going down fast, it's high risk, and your friends who want to buy bitcoin for money must be careful to join.

沉寂多日的比特币借“勒索”病毒卷土重来,并开启似曾相识的暴走模式。这种被称作“数字黄金”的虚拟货币,8年间暴涨300万倍,连中国大妈都进场了。有人认为这是一个击鼓传花式的 游戏 ,有人坚信比特币会成为稀缺资产,更有人说它会是在 历史 长河中闪光的一个节点,而多数人不求甚解,只是惊叹于又一轮的财富大爆发。

The silent bitcoin re-emerges in the form of “extortion” viruses and opens up a familiar pattern. This virtual currency, known as “digital gold”, has risen 3 million times in eight years, with even China’s great-grandmother coming in. Some believe that it is a game of scuffle, some believe that bitcoin will become a scarce asset, and others say that it will be a node in history, while most people do not seek a solution, but rather wonder at another wave of wealth.

爱必投认为究竟是谁创造了比特币?关于比特币的发明者一直没有定论,普遍的说法是日本人“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)。2009年1月3日,世界上第一批比特币被“挖”出,这种由一个代号为“中本聪”的人设计的数字货币正式诞生,而自那一刻起已有15个人先后被怀疑是“中本聪”。2014年美国权威媒体揭露,本名为“中本聪”的日裔美国物理学家,就是传说的“比特币之父”,但这位老教授坚决否认。图为罕见现身的中本聪被媒体围攻,不断遮挡镜头,并否认与比特币存在任何联系。

On 3 January 2009, the world's first bitcoin was “drawn” out of a digital currency designed by a person called “medium bellicose”, and since that time, 15 individuals have been suspected of being “medium bellicose.” In 2014, the authoritative American media revealed that the Japanese physicist, known as “medium bellicose”, was the legendary “father of Bitcoin”, but the old professor categorically denied that the middle bellow, which is a rare figure, had been surrounded by the media, kept out of sight and denied any connection with Bitcoin.

2016年5月,澳大利亚工程师、企业家克雷格·怀特(Craig Wright)公开表明他就是比特币的创造者——中本聪。但仅过了几天,怀特本人就“投降”了,发表道歉信称“拿不出关键证据”证明自己。尽管中本聪被提名为2016年诺贝尔经济学奖候选人,但他的真实面纱还未被完全揭开。图片:BBC (来自:腾讯图片)

In May 2016, the Australian engineer and entrepreneur Craig Wright publicly stated that he was the creator of Bitcoin – Chinese Bennett. In just a few days, however, White himself “surrendered” and issued an apology letter stating that he could not prove himself. Despite his nomination as a nominee for the 2016 Nobel Prize for Economics, his true veil has not yet been fully removed.


According to media reports, the mysterious figure, Bint Bint Bint, held more than 1 million bitcoins in his hand, at a current value of more than RMB 15 billion per RMB 15,000. According to the original strict design, the total number of Bitcoin was limited to 21 million, and about 14 million have been extracted.


Nakamoto, I don't know who he is.

比特币最开始起源于互联网的一篇文章《比特币:一种点对点的电子货币体系》。在2008年正值全球经济危机的时刻,美国的次贷危机席卷全球,导致全球的经济衰退。在同年11月,在互联网上一个匿名为中本聪的人发表了他对于电子货币的构想,并首次提出比特币这个概念,试图通过借助于区块链技术构建一个支付网络,以期实现支付去中心化的功能。基于中本聪的理念,在2009 年 1 月 3 日,比特币创世区块正式诞生。

Bitcoin began with an article on the Internet, Bitcoin: an electronic money-to-point system. In 2008, at a time of global economic crisis, the US subprime mortgage crisis engulfed the world, leading to a global recession.

比特币属于一种虚拟加密数字币,根据中本聪对于比特币的设计理念,在最初的时候,“矿工”每挖出一个创世区块就可以得到 50 个比特币的奖励。但是奖励的比特币数量并不是恒定的,中本聪在设计的比特币的时候还规定了:每隔四年每区块产生的比特币奖励将会减半。也就是说根据他设计机制,比特币的数量是恒定的。

Bitcoin is a virtual crypto-digital currency that, according to his design for bitcoin, in the early days the Miner would be rewarded with 50 bitcoins for each creation. But the amount of bitcoins is not constant, and it is also stipulated in the design of bitcoins that the bitcoins are halved every four years. That is, according to his design mechanism, the number of bitcoins is constant.


Regardless of how the “miners” dig, there are only 21 million bitcoins in the world at the most. The number of bitcoins that have been excavated around the world is about 10 million, and in 2140, bitcoins will peak, and there will be no more bitcoins since then.


In addition to that, Bitcoin has an important attribute: decentralization. Decentralization, for example, is like a micro-payment, and every payment you make through a micro-mail sweep looks like going directly from your account to the payee's account, but every transaction actually involves a change in your deposit with the payee and a transfer in the market of the value that you pay. In the course of the transaction, it is equivalent to an intermediary assisting you to complete the transaction, which is called “centralization”.


The so-called decentralization is that there is no third party in the entire process of currency transactions, from the issuance of the currency to its circulation in the market, and that direct point-to-point transmission, i.e. the payer's money, directly to the recipient's transaction process, completely circumvents the supervision of the relevant government department.


比特币是由澳大利亚企业家科雷格赖特创造出来的,而且他还提供了技术证据,比特币就是一种P 2 P形式的数字货币,不依靠特定货币机构发行是根据特定算法通过大量的计算产生,使用整个P2 P网络中众多节点构成的分步式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为。

bitcoin was created by Australian entrepreneur Corregret, and he also provided technical evidence that Bitcoin was a digital currency in the form of P2P, generated by a large number of calculations on the basis of a specific algorithm, using a step-by-step database consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions.


When it comes to bitcoin, which I believe most people are not strangers, the concept of bitcoin was first introduced by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008 and was officially launched on 3 January 2009. Bitcoin was not of high value when it was first issued, but by now its value has increased many times. On 13 March 2021, Bitcoin broke by $60,000, with some countries already treating bitcoin as a national legal currency, but most countries do not recognize its existence.


Bitcoin is very different as a currency and other currencies. Bitcoin does not have a specific money issuer, it comes through a particular algorithm, and Bitcoin’s biggest breakthrough is decentralization, and it is anonymous at the time of circulation, and it can increase indefinitely, unlike other currencies, the total number of bitcoins is limited and scarce, so the bitcoin value is increasing, and because of the lack of regulation of bitcoin, there are a large number of people who make coins, causing great fluctuations in bitcoins.


Each country has its own specific issuing currency, which, although decentralized, is still not accepted by most countries, but it cannot be denied that bitcoin has its particular value. Because of the anonymity of bitcoin, many outlaws make transactions and transfers through bitcoin and even some corrupt officials transfer their own property through bitcoin, and therefore transactions in bitcoin are strictly prohibited in China and Russia, for example.


Since the value of bitcoin has risen so rapidly that those who did not buy bitcoin regret it, I think that bitcoin may not have to be endorsed by a large country, that currency is extremely dangerous, that once Governments have joined forces to resist it, the value of bitcoin will fall, while the number of people who invest bitcoin is not small and the loss of a family is widespread, so when investing in bitcoin, it is important that it be done rationally, and do not waste money at will, not only for money, but also for blood.

比特币的发明者住在美国加州中本聪,许多媒体封锁了他在中本聪的家,但他否认与比特币有任何关系。2011年4月26日,比特币的创始人中本聪向其他开发者发送了最后一封邮件。在邮件中,他明确表示他已经“转移到其他项目”,并交出了他用来发送全网警报的加密密钥。快进到2021年,从许多方面来看,比特币的故事才刚刚开始。随着比特币价格突破6万美元新高,中本聪发明了一种不受任何中央政党或政府控制的数字货币,其必要性越来越被人们所认识。 信息:比特币是一种电子加密货币,是基于区块链的支付技术。它是去中心化的、全球化的,不需要第三方机构或个人。基于无边界对等网络,由共识倡议开源软件发明创造的比特币(化名)是加密货币和区块链的始祖,也是目前最流行的加密货币。每个人都可以参与比特币的活动,它可以通过一种叫做“挖矿”的电脑操作进行分配。为避免通货膨胀,比特币协议数量上限为2100万。使用比特币作为数字签名的私钥,可以让个人直接向他人支付,而不需要经过第三方机构,如银行、清算中心、证券公司等。,从而避免高昂的手续费、繁琐的手续和监管问题。 多年来,人们多次试图将中本聪重塑为只对扰乱银行或支付业务感兴趣的人。大多数人对印在比特币区块链第一版上的新闻有自己的解读。但即使不直接看代码,中本聪最初的一些公开信息也直接涉及到货币发行的问题。 2009年2月,他在P2P基金会论坛上写道:“传统货币的根本问题在于让它运转所需的所有信任。人们必须相信央行不会让货币贬值,但法定货币的历史充满了违背这种信任的案例。我们不得不信任银行保管我们的钱,并以电子方式转移,但他们在信贷泡沫的浪潮中放贷,他们的储备非常少。” 他在另一个最早的回复中这样描述:“对于安全电子支付协议的问题,没有人能真正充当央行或美联储,随着用户数量的增长调整货币供应量。”

The inventor of Bitcoin lives in California, and in many ways the story of Bitcoin has only just begun. As the price of Bitcoin has passed over $60,000, he denies any connection with Bitcoin. On April 26, 2011, the founder of Bitcoin sent his last e-mail to other developers. In his mail, he made it clear that he had “diversion to other projects” and handed over the cryptic key he used to send the full net alert. The story of Bitcoin, in many ways, has just begun. As the price of Bitcoin has passed through the new height of $60,000, they have invented a digital currency that is not controlled by any central party or government.

比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生 。

The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008 and was officially launched on 3 January 2009.


Unlike most currencies, the monetary authorities are not dependent on specific monetary issues and, based on specific algorithms, use the monetary economy, through a large number of calculations, to identify and record all transactions using distributed databases in the P2P network, which consists of many nodes, and to use cryptographic secure currencies to guarantee each link of design.


The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that such currencies are not artificially manipulated through the production of large amounts of bitcoins. The cryptography-based design allows Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of money ownership and circulation transactions. The amount of bitcoins is very limited and scarce.


Method of purchase:


Users can buy bitcoins and then use computers for “mining”, which are calculated by algorithms. For “mining” bitcoins, users need to use computers to search 64 figures, then compete with other explorers to solve puzzles and provide the numbers needed for the Bitcoins network. If a user's computer succeeds in creating a set of numbers, they receive 25 bitcoins.


As a result of the system's decentralised programming, only 25 bitcoins per 10 minutes will be available, with a ceiling of 21 million bitcoins in circulation by 2140. In other words, the Bitcoins system is self-sustaining, coded against inflation and prevents others from destroying the code.


The above-mentioned article is about the answers that were originally produced in bitcoins, which were organized by Max Finance, and by bitcoins in 10 minutes, and hopefully will help you. If you want to learn more about financial information, remember to keep an eye on the site.

标签: 比特币最初




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