萬通發展計劃收購索爾思光電股權、華為雲盤古大模型發佈建築設計領域應用、迪拜區塊鏈房產交易平臺Directly.xyz種子輪融資| PropTech周刊

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:56 评论:0
《PropTech周刊》 是36氪未來城市頻道的原創欄目。聚焦改變地產行業的科技及創新力量,不僅僅是圍繞住宅和商業地產,還包括廣義的基於空間和不動產的科技、服務創新。PropTech is an original column o...



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《PropTech周刊》 是36氪未來城市頻道的原創欄目。聚焦改變地產行業的科技及創新力量,不僅僅是圍繞住宅和商業地產,還包括廣義的基於空間和不動產的科技、服務創新。

PropTech is an original column on 36 kryptons of future city channels. Focusing on technological and creative forces to change the real estate industry, it is not only about housing and commercial properties, but also about broad-based technologies and services based on space and non-motivated production.

我們匯總了近期發生的海內外最新投融資、市場及政策動態。 如果你對本文提到的公司、機構、產品、賽道感興趣,或者正在從事相關的創業創新,想要尋求報道或合作,歡迎與我們取得聯繫:發送郵件至 hifuturecity@36kr.com 或在文章底部加作者微信。

If you are interested in the company, institution, product, track, or in the creation of the business in question, or if you are in the process of doing so, you are welcome to contact us: send an email to hifuture@36kr.com, or send a letter to the author at the bottom of the article.

36氪首發 |庭宇科技完成數億元B輪融資

"Strong" 36 kryptonium at the start, and "Standing" technology completes hundreds of millions of B rounds of financing.

大公司動態|萬通發展啟動重組 擬3.24億美元收購索爾思光電60.16%股權

"Strong" big company's dynamic development start-up recommences $324 million to buy Thorse PV 60.16% of the stock


Directly.xyz complete seed rotations & nbsp;


National Development Council for Industrial Policy: Deepen the development of smart cities and move towards a digital urban-wide transformation


"Strong"Technology completes hundreds of millions of dollars of B-contributions


In recent days, the interactive edge cloud service provider "Technology" announced the completion of multi-billion-dollar B rounds of investment by investing in the national sea, resurfacing the stars, building on the foundations of Sino-Sinoe, Sichuan, Sichuan, 37 entertainment, craft investment, etc. In 2019, the core product was developed as a self-researched, hands-on, side-by-side, edge-counting cloud. By integrating the nation's heterogeneous edge server, the company has built a margin-based computing pool for real-time entertainment, state-of-the-art, AGI's three major industries, providing high-performance, high-reliability, high-strike, low-cost cloud computing, and helping clients to improve their interactive experiences in using the process.


During a real-time public event, court technology uses real-time interactive technology to launch high-performance cloud desktop products and to combine them into a whole solution of 100-degree clouds, moving clouds, volcanic engines, etc., and to create a new generation of digital office space for park, education, public prosecution, research institutes, graphic design and rendering clients.

萬通發展啟動重組 擬3.24億美元收購索爾思光電60.16%股權

"Strong Development Activate Reassemble."

6月23日,北京萬通新發展集團股份有限公司發佈重大資產購買報告書(草案),宣佈計劃通過現金收購方式購買Source Photonics Holdings (Cayman) Limited(簡稱「索爾思光電」)60.16%的股份,成為其控股股東。此次交易作價預計為3.24億美元,基於每股2.6179美元的定價。標的公司索爾思光電主營光芯片、光器件及光模塊產品的研發、生產與銷售,屬於計算機、通信和其他電子設備製造業。市場法評估顯示,標的公司股東全部權益價值為41.25億元人民幣,增值率高達592.00%。

On June 23, Beijing's Mantung New Development Corporation, Inc., issued a report (draft) on major purchases, announcing plans to purchase 60.16% of the shares of Source Portonics Holdings (Cayman) Limited (simply known as Solth Photo) as its holding shareholder through cash purchases. The trading was estimated at $324 million, based on a price of $26,179 per share. The label company Solth Light had research, production and sale of optical chips, optical devices and photo-model products, which belonged to computing machines, communications and other electronics. The market-based evaluation showed that the total equity gain of the company was $4,125 million yuan, with a higher value-added rate of 592.00 per cent.


In recent years, listed companies have continued to move forward in the direction of digital science and technology-driven strategies, guided by the industrial and technological plans of several scientists at the University of Communication, bringing together technological know-how and industrial capabilities in the same time as important resources.

華為雲發佈盤古大模型5.0 張平安展示在建築設計等領域的創新應用

has launched an ancient model of 5.0 for clouds.

華為開發者大會(HDC 2024)上,華為常務董事、華為雲CEO張平安重磅發佈了盤古大模型5.0。該版本在全系列、多模態、強思維三個方面進行了全新升級。同時,張平安還展示了盤古大模型在工業設計、建築設計等領域的豐富創新應用和落地實踐。

At the CD 2024 meeting, China launched an ancient model of 5.0 for the Board of Governors and the Board of Governors and the Board of Governors. The version has been completely updated in three areas: full series, multi-model, and critical thinking. At the same time, Zhang also showcased the rich new applications and landings of the ancient model in the fields of industrial design, construction, etc.


In the construction design field, the controlled generation capacity of the large-scale model is based on the design of a black and white sketch to generate a colour-coloured and textual architecture of 360 degrees of view video; it is based on the reconstruction capacity of the 3D building, and it is possible to construct a 3D model with a high degree of realism that allows the concept of complex architecture to be designed over a period of several weeks to tens of minutes in order to help build a better construction.

美科安防終止創業板IPO 原擬募資3.92億元

US$392 million originally raised by the USCCP IPO.

6月24日,深交所網站昨日發佈關於終止對廈門美科安防科技股份有限公司(簡稱「美科科技」)首次公開發行股票並在創業板上市審覈的決定。 美科科技是一家專業從事精密金屬及塑膠結構件的研發、生產和銷售的高新技術企業。公司精密金屬結構件產品主要包括各類工業鎖具和通訊服務器構配件,廣泛運用於智能自助終端、通訊服務器、個人計算機、交通工具等領域;精密塑膠結構件產品主要包括DIY全塑儲物櫃和移動環衞設施,廣泛運用於學校、醫院、工礦企業、體育場館、户外活動場所等。

The company’s sophisticated metal component products include, inter alia, locks and accessories for various industries, general use in intelligent self-service end, communications servers, personal computing machines, transportation, etc., and sophisticated plastics products, mainly in schools, hospitals, industrial industries, gyms, outdoors, etc.


UST is an industrial lock-in developer that covers smart electronic locks, switch locks, auto-seller locks, deposit locks, fingerprint locks and sophisticated hardware accessories, mainly in the areas of rail traffic, communications cabinets, machinery, financial terminal, self-help endpoints and smart homes.


Directly.xyz completes seed rotations

近日,V3V Ventures宣佈完成對迪拜區塊鏈房地產交易平臺Directly.xyz的種子輪融資。Directly.xyz通過運用區塊鏈技術,在提高迪拜房地產市場的效率、透明度以及安全性方面取得了顯著成果。該平臺不僅支持加密貨幣交易,還為投資者提供了有吸引力的投資機會。

Recently, V3V Ventures announced the completion of seed rotations for Dubai chain property trading platform Directly.xyz. Directly.xyz has achieved remarkable results in improving efficiency, transparency, and security in Dubai’s real estate market through the use of block chain technology. The platform not only supports encrypted currency transactions, but also provides an attractive investment opportunity for investors.

Directly.xyz自成立以來,一直致力於將區塊鏈技術引入房地產交易領域。通過去中心化的交易機制,Directly.xyz能夠降低交易成本,縮短交易時間,並確保交易數據的安全性和不可篡改性。此外,該平臺還通過智能合約技術,為投資者和房地產開發商提供了更多元化的合作模式和投資選擇。V3V Ventures表示,Directly.xyz在區塊鏈房地產領域的創新和潛力引起了他們的關注。此次融資將助力Directly.xyz進一步擴大市場份額,加速技術創新,為迪拜乃至全球的房地產投資者提供更優質的服務。 

Directly.xyz has been working since its inception to introduce sector chain technology into real estate trading. Through a decentralised trading system, Directly.xyz can reduce transaction costs, shorten transaction times, and ensure that transaction data are secure and non-distortable. In addition, the platform provides a more diversified model of cooperation and investment options for investors and property developers through smart contract techniques.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}ZenCity gets $40 million for C Wheels {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} and nbsp;

ZenCity是一家數據分析服務提供商,通過整合數十萬條城市居民公共互動的數據,這些反饋和評論可以來源於社交媒體,新聞網站,城市熱線等多個渠道,並應用人工智能(AI)幫助為城市規劃者和管理者提取有意義的「結構化」數據,得出他們所在地區的居民最關心的問題和趨勢。近日,ZenCity獲得4000萬美元C輪融資,StepStone Group、TLV Partners投資。

ZenCity is a data analysis service provider that, by consolidating data on public interactions among hundreds of thousands of urban residents, can be derived from social media, news sites, urban hot lines, etc., and by using artificial intelligence (AI) to help extract meaningful "structured" data for city planners and managers, the most important concerns and trends of the residents in their area. In recent days, ZenCity has received $40 million in C swaps and investments from Stepstone Group, TLV Partners.


National Development Council: Deepen the development of intelligent cities and move into a digital urban-wide transformation

近日,國家發展改革委、國家數據局、財政部、自然資源部出臺 《關於深化智慧城市發展 推進城市全域數字化轉型的指導意見》 (以下簡稱 《指導意見》)。推進城市數字化轉型、智慧化發展,是構築城市競爭新優勢和推動城市治理體系和治理能力現代化的要求。早在2014年,《關於促進智慧城市健康發展的指導意見》出臺,智慧城市有了頂層設計和統籌規劃。10年之后,智慧城市建設又一重磅文件出臺,這意味着智慧城市建設將再次迎來重要升級。 

Recently, the National Development Reform Commission, the National Data Agency, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Natural Resources have launched the Guidance for Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting City-wide Digital Transformations (hereinafter referred to as " Guidance " ). In 10 years, the creation of a city with digital transformation and intellectual development is a requirement for the construction of cities to compete for new advantages and to promote a modern system of urban governance and governance. As early as 2014, the Guidance for the Development of Smart Cities had been launched, and intelligent cities had top-level design and strategic planning.


Of note, Guidance points to the need for data integration, development, and digital transformation across the city. In the context of digital infrastructure implementation, Guidance proposes the creation of a network of city computing capabilities to match urban computing needs with the efficient supply of and demand for national New York-based computing resources, effectively reducing the cost of computing.

36氪作者 | 宋虹姍





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