
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:58 评论:0
区块链将如何演绎“新基建”角色?How will the & ldquao; new capital & rdquao; role? 我个人理解区块链是绘制新基建一个非常重要的基础部分,也是未来数字经济一个标志性的...



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How will the & ldquao; new capital & rdquao; role?


My personal understanding of the block chain is a very important building block in the mapping of new infrastructure and a landmark invention of the future digital economy.

到现在为止,我们一般意义上认为经历了三次工业革命。 第一次工业革命主要以蒸汽机的出现为标志,是蒸汽和机械的革命;第二次工业革命是以电子电气的出现为标志;第三次工业革命主要指计算机、网络和原子能的发明。为什么要谈这个? 因为之前在高山大学上课的过程中,我听到一个对我来说很震惊的数据。人类发展几千年的历史上,实际上在工业革命之前,无论统治者是明君还是昏君,无论身处古罗马原始民主制度还是中国封建王朝制度。实际上各个国家、朝代人均 GDP 是高度相似的。战乱年代除外,和平正常年代最低也就两三百美金,太平盛世最高也超不过六百美金一年,所以实际上人类的发展是非常缓慢的。生在那个年代,你出生时和你离开时,整个世界没什么变化,村庄还是那个村庄。但是有了技术革命之后,我们人类的经济发展才有了巨大的变化。

The first industrial revolution was marked by the appearance of steam machines and by steam and mechanical revolutions; the second industrial revolution was marked by the appearance of electro-electrics; the third industrial revolution was mainly about the inventions of computers, networks and atomic energy. Why talk about this? Because in the course of my previous courses at the University of Highland, I heard one of the most shocking data for me. After thousands of years of human development, in fact before the industrial revolution, whether it was the ruler or the late king, whether it was the original Roman democracy or China’s feudal system.


If we want to break it down, I think there are two main directions in the industrial revolution:


One is the energy revolution. Steam is an energy source, electronics is an energy source, and atomic energy is an energy source. There may be a higher energy revolution in the future, such as nuclear fusion.


I often wonder whether, in a digital economy, there is also a signature technology like a steam engine that paves the way for the digital economy. I think that a block chain is one of those. The emergence of a block chain solves questions about the credibility, certainty, flow, pricing of data in the digital economy and makes it possible to connect the scattered subjects of the world through a grid of blocks, creating a huge network of economic credibility.

今天我们国家所提倡的新基建,我认为就是在为未来的数字经济夯实基础设施建设。这里面当然包括了 5G、IoT、人工智能等技术,这些都是解决如何算得更快,如何获得更多数据,如何理解更广泛。至于这些数据怎样可信地被呈现出来?怎样可信地被交易协作?这是区块链要解决的问题。”

The new infrastructure that our country is promoting today, I think, is building up the infrastructure for the future digital economy. This includes, of course, technologies such as 5G, Iot, artificial intelligence, which solves the problem of how to calculate faster, how to get more data, how to understand it more widely. How can these data be credibly presented? How can they be credibly traded?


Cross-chain Interoperable Protocol is & ldquao; next-generation Internet & rdquao;

“下一代互联网”是重要的技术与经济概念,我认为今天的互联网实际上是在横向水平上有很多隔阂的网络。比如我们在微信上的信息无法跟 WhatsApp 之间进行通讯;再比如我们在微信里的余额无法直接充值到支付宝,而是要通过银行系统走一道。实际上这是今天互联网底层“瘦”协议的前提下,如 TCP/IP 协议,而自然演化出来一个竞争的模式。每个平台互相有各自完整的账户体系与支付体系,每个互联网底层都成了一个又一个数据孤岛。

& ldquo; the next generation of the Internet & rdquao; important technology and economic concepts, I think today’s Internet is actually a network with many barriers at the horizontal level. For example, we cannot communicate with whatsApp on micro-letters; for example, our balances in micro-mails cannot be charged directly to payment treasures, but we have to go through the banking system. This is actually the bottom of the Internet today & ldquo; thin & rdquo; subject to protocols, such as TCP/IP protocols, which naturally evolve a competitive model. Each platform has its own complete system of accounts and payment systems, and each bottom of the Internet becomes an island of data.

区块链出现后,我们发现类似于 TCP/IP 这样的底层协议可以变得更“胖”,它可以承载一些非常通用的业务逻辑。像比特币这样的协议,它可能本身就是资产传输的标准。像 Filecoin 或者 IPFS,它本身可能变成数据传输和交换的协议标准。当一个又一个的协议把它们互动地连接在一起的时候,我们就能看到一种新形态的互联网。

When the block chain emerges, we find that bottom protocols like TCP/IP can be made more & ldquo; fat & rdquo; it can carry some very common business logic. Agreements like Bitcoin, it may itself be the standard for asset transmission. Like Filecoin or IPFS, it may itself become the protocol for data transmission and exchange. When one agreement and another connects them interactively, we can see a new form of Internet.

在这个互联网里,这些底层协议,各司其职,负责基础的基建性质的功能。比如有一些协议会专注在数字资产这方面,有些协议会专注在分布式存储方面,有些协议用于如何连接现实身份和链上身份这方面。如何把这些不同的协议连接起来?这时候我们需要一个跨链互操作的协议,把这些协议之间的交互连接起来。这样的跨链互操作本身不仅仅是资产的转移,更多的是如何在链跟链之间实现原子性的互相调用。我在 A 链上的智能合约对 B 链上的合约进行调用,并且一定要是 B 链成功之后,A 链上相应的操作才会发生。当我们把实现各个功能、能力的协议通过跨链组合在一起的时候,我觉得它实际上是下一代互联网的雏形。这里面不仅仅存在区块链,像这样的跨链协议实际上还可以和传统中心化系统、联盟链系统之间进行连接,这样就能打造全球都可以加入的,甚至某种程度上不需要许可的网络。这是我对下一代互联网的理解。”

In this Internet, these bottom protocols, each of which is responsible for basic infrastructure functions. Some agreements, for example, focus on digital assets, some on distributional storage, and others on how to connect real and chain identities. How to connect these different protocols? At this point we need a cross-link interface, linking these protocols to each other. This kind of interlinkage is not merely a transfer of assets, but more about how to connect atoms between chains and chains.


three main advantages of Chinese block chain technology


In a global context of global information connectivity, China’s development of block-chain technology is also a hot spot for discussion in the industry. China’s technological development of block-chains is leading, but it does not open a clear gap with other countries.


However, the technological development of the Chinese block chain continues to have unique advantages, in three broad ways:


(i) China has great market potential. China has the most populous country in the world and is one of the largest economies in the world. This is the stage that we can test and explore, and our stage is bigger than anyone else.


In Europe, for example, the protection of data and privacy is a very important topic, so many start-ups have a heavy burden. In the United States, if you want to do any business related to payment, it is actually difficult for you to apply for a license plate in each state, a bank license, or a trust licence.


(iii) China has a large number of excellent engineers. Our engineers are more committed and diligent than those in the United States and Europe, making our work faster or even better.


(Distribution of technology authority, first treasury)






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