
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:57 评论:0
本文约2800+字,预计阅读时间5分钟! This text is about 2800+ with an estimated reading time of 5 minutes! 真正的强者,是在最孤立无援的时刻,...



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This text is about 2800+ with an estimated reading time of 5 minutes!


The real strong are at the most isolated moment, and they're still going through it.



Double-killing of market currency


There's a cold storm all over the Shenzhou land, and many places are so cold that the clothes can resist it, but the cold of the stock market and the currency ring is a direct blow to the heart. Under the two bears of the stock market, how many people can walk away? Now on the search engine, the search market and the currency ring are full of blizzards...


(Figures retrieved by the author)

无论是美国华尔街的证劵(Security,还是最近方兴未艾的币圈STO(Security Token Offer)。都是指是一种表示财产权的有价凭证(通证),人们在交易这种通证,使之流通起来并有价格的波动。但证劵并不是近代才出来的,在我国宋朝时期,类似证劵的产品已经出来,而且北宋的朝廷的手法也是高明之极,可以说是当时世界上的顶端玩家,玩转“证劵交易”。

Whether it is the certificate of the American Wall Street (Security) or the recently unbridled STO (Security Token Offer) is a price certificate (passport) of property rights, which people are trading in to make it flow and price fluctuations. But it is not a recent generation, and the products of the certificate have come out during our Song dynasty, and the court of the North is also brilliant, and it can be said that it was the top player in the world at the time, turning the certificate transaction.



"Certificate of Song Dynasty"


The Song dynasty was one of China’s favorites, with a low level of discrimination and a more liberal business environment. At the beginning of his founding, Song dynasty enacted a series of decrees to encourage commercial and business interests. Tai Xing Dynasty, with the exception of Sudong Po, Ouyang-shiu, Fan Jung-hoon, Yue-Fu, and other historical celebrities, said that Song dynasty was one of China’s most prosperous times in economic, cultural, and educational history, and reached the peak of feudal society.


In some historical novels, many of the protagonists who travel through the Song dynasty even accumulated the first barrel of gold from the then "Certificate Exchange." That is how Song dynasty is commercially developed.



What's with the testimony?


At the time of the boom, their money could reach millions, so there were millions of coupons on the market. Then again, look at the narrative of Neptune of the South Koreans: “Tokyo Street, from the south of the Qing River to the north, which is known as the ‘Tribunal North’.” Before China, it is called the ‘Five Flowers Centre’. From the north of the five buildings to the south of the city, more than two lines are headed to the capital, with gold and silver being traded in only over a hundred houses.


"The prosperity of the Song dynasty can be seen from Chiang Ming


In fact, the introduction of transactions has led to the creation of a developed securities market and the creation of efficient capital turnover: attracted by attractive banknotes, traders and natives actively traffic in military supplies to the border counties in order to trade in goods in their hands for a “rigid” banknote. The certificate deal in the big city is “very well developed,” the Chief Executive says that some natives in the counties “have to be drawn, to the capital of the state”, and that there are “leading shops” in the capitals. Hangzhou is the financial centre of the South Song, with hundreds of “leading shops” in the north alone.



How do ancient evidences play?


So some of Song's “financial crocodiles” use their money to manipulate the market, lower the price of the market, and buy it. For example, during the year of the Emperor, “Stands to the Master of North Song, under the control of the Southern Trader, stop selling three hundred thousand per direct tea, and the rich take advantage of it.” The “Standover” purchases are usually not used directly for the delivery of goods, but instead are sold to tea salt dealers: “Stale them, turn them over to teats and teats.”



"Playing" at the national level


The transaction is legal and protected by the law at the time. In this respect, the Song dynasty was relatively open and confronted with the manipulation of the market by large-scale dealers, and did not resort to coercive intervention. One official, Fan Xiang, said in his "Access Book" by Wang Xiang, “Fenxy notes, 5 million dollars in stock, no easy use.

宋朝政府还曾进行”战争融资“,通过发行钞引(公债),在缺少现钱的情况下,运用信用资本调集巨额的军需物资,完成”战争融资“的同时,还拨动了资本与商品的流转,促进了长途贸易的发展,带动了沿途的经济发展。从“使商贾之业得通于道途,必兼并之家不拥其财币,则市井繁富,泉货通流,交易贸迁,各得其所” 中就可见一斑。

The Song dynasty government has also been engaged in “war finance” by issuing banknotes (public debt), using credit capital to mobilize huge amounts of military supplies and complete “war finance” in the absence of cash, while also channelling capital and commodities, facilitating long-distance trade and stimulating economic development along the way. This is evident from “the success of the trade in business, which must be accompanied by no money, and the wealth of the market, the flow of springs, and the trade and trades of each.”


The Song Dynasty was weak and failed after decades of war, owing to the loss of productive land and the Great Wall. The two sides agreed on a “waring alliance” between the two sides. According to the pact, the Song dynasty gave a sum of 100,000 yuan and 200,000 silver dollars a year, amounting to 300,000 silver dollars. After the alliance, the Song dynasty called for peace, and the two sides maintained peace for hundreds of years. The main reason for the long-term peace between the two countries was that both sides were very satisfied with the pact.


"The Confederate of the Honolulu"


The Song dynasty has given so much money to the Liao Empire that it will not be necessary to rob it. For Song Dynasty, it will not be easy to bully. The Song dynasty is not only well-equipped and defensive, and the cost of the Liao dynasty is so high that it may not be too much to rob, but it will not be too much to lose.


The key is that the 300,000 yen is actually gold. The Song dynasty traded 300,000 vouchers for peaceful trade in the Liao countries, not only to fight the Liao countries, but also to cut the wool of the Liao countries, which buys more than 10 million goods each year from Song Dynasty, which earns millions or even tens of millions of surpluses from trade between the two sides. The trade between the two countries is only like a 90% discount on Song dynasty.



in the final words

总之在宋朝时,证劵曾盛行一时。古代的一张小小的钞引,将整个市场都搅动起来。这非常不简单。那么如今的TOKEN,会不会无视国界将整个世界的经济市场搅动起来? 如果可以,那需要多长时间呢?

At the time of the Song dynasty, the certificate was popular for a while. An ancient one of the small banknotes, which stirs up the entire market. It's not easy. Now, Token, is it possible to ignore borders to stir up the world’s economic markets?


Launch: Monetary investment



Author of this paper: Monetary investment in the North.............................................................................................................



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