
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:126 评论:0
全景网4月7日讯 4月7日,人民币对美元中间价调升165个基点,报7.0939,上一交易日中间价7.1104。(全景网)...



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全景网4月7日讯 4月7日,人民币对美元中间价调升165个基点,报7.0939,上一交易日中间价7.1104。(全景网)

On 7 April, the renminbi increased its median price to 165 basis points against the United States dollar by 7.0939, with a median price of 7.1104 on the previous trading day.



On 17 January, the American Institute of Research announced an increase in the target price from $145 to $165.


According to the U.S.S. Research Institute, as of 17 January 2020, the U.S. shares were closed at $139.49 per cent, with a total market value of $48,333.1 million.


Source: U.S.S.A. Research Society, designed to help Chinese investors understand the world, focus on the U.S. Science and Technology Unit and the China Central Unit, and focus on our friends who are interested in the U.S. Unit.



Source: Financial Community Website

金融界美股讯 波音股价在周四上午一度上涨近8%,此前这家航空航天巨头被加拿大皇家银行资本(RBC Capital)称为“跑赢大盘”。今年到目前为止,波音股价已经下跌了一半以上,但加拿大皇家银行的迈克尔·艾森(Michael Eisen)却依旧认为,随着飞机出行需求的反弹,波音股价的反弹会“相对较快”。

The US share in the financial world rose by almost 8 per cent on Thursday morning, when the giant aerospace giant was described by the capital of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Capital) as “run-win-win.” So far this year, Boeing’s share price has fallen by more than half, but Michael Eisen of the Royal Bank of Canada continues to believe that the return of Boeing’s share price will be “relatively fast” as the demand of the aircraft has rebounded.


It is well known that Boeing was hit hard by the coronary virus pandemic, forcing it to suspend dividends, cancel CEO payments, extend stock buybacks for longer periods, suspend some of its operations, and cause its clients to cease expansion (a fleet) programs. Today, American airlines’ travel requirements have been reduced to near zero, resulting in a significant reduction in their flights and a massive halt to flights.

但加拿大皇家银行的艾森看好全球商业客运量的复苏,他表示“这将引发多年的、达到两位数的需求上升,这会推动波音股价走高”。他还认为,目前遭遇全球停飞的737 MAX将像波音预测的那样,在第三季度重新获得适航认证,这将有助于波音遏制现金消耗速度。

But the Royal Bank of Canada, Eisen, looks at the recovery in global commercial passenger traffic, saying that “this will trigger years of double-digit demand, which will drive Boeing stock prices up.” He also believes that the 737 MAX, which is currently facing a global flight halt, will be reseaworthy in the third quarter, as Boeing predicted, which will help to contain the rate of cash consumption.


The target price set by Eisen for Boeing stocks was $165, which meant that the Unit still had 15 per cent of the up-front space, even after the increase on Thursday.

对此,美国媒体The Motley Fool财经博主卢·怀特曼(Lou Whiteman)表示,“考虑到该股已经下跌的深度,我不怀疑波音股票的长期价值,及其相对健康的流动性状况。该股很有可能已经触底,走上了复苏之路。如果要说我不完全同意艾森观点的地方,那就是关于波音复苏的速度”。

In response, the American media director The Motley Fool, Lou Whiteman, said, “I have no doubt about the long-term value of Boeing stocks, given the depth of the unit's decline, and its relatively healthy liquidity. The unit is likely to have reached the bottom of the road to recovery. If I do not fully agree with Eisen, it is about the pace of Boeing recovery”.


Boeing itself indicated that it would take several years for the anticipated passenger traffic to recover, and the CEO of Boeing stated earlier this month that he believed that a major airline might collapse this year.


Chief Executive Officer Boeing Carl Horn said earlier at the company’s annual shareholders meeting: “We are in an unpredictable and rapidly changing environment, and it is difficult to predict when the situation will stabilize. By that time, the commercial market will become smaller, and the needs of our clients will be different.”


I do not share this conclusion, and the company itself seems to have taken a conservative position with regard to the future needs of the industry.


The fact is that, even if air operations did resume in the second half of 2020, and maintained an accelerated recovery posture until 2021, airlines that incurred billions of dollars in additional debt to survive this new crown crisis are more likely to choose to bring grounded aircraft back to service than to actively procure new ones. This means that suppliers that are more open to post-sale markets or spare parts operations will recover faster than Boeing.

在另一方面,自波音737 MAX型客机于2018年起接连发生两起致命事故,导致346人丧生以来,737 MAX飞机在全球遭遇停飞,给波音公司带来严重的资金问题。当前,受新冠疫情影响,全球客运需求不足、大多数飞机停飞,波音的客户正在取消和推迟签约飞机订单,这进一步加剧了波音的财务压力。

On the other hand, since 2018, when the Boeing 737 MAX passenger plane was killed by two fatal accidents, the 737 MAX aircraft have been grounded worldwide, posing a serious financial problem for Boeing. Currently, owing to the impact of the new crown epidemic, insufficient global passenger demand, most of the aircraft are grounded, and Boeing’s clients are cancelling and delaying the signing of aircraft orders, further exacerbating the financial pressure on Boeing.


Thus, even though Boeing's share price is rebounding, I am still seeing better opportunities for purchase in the aerospace field.


8、金凤凰蛋糕 阿联酋迪拜可以说是一个创造“奇迹”的城市, 这里不仅有世界第一高楼,如今又开始出售世界最昂贵的杯子蛋糕。这个杯形蛋糕名为“金凤凰”,这款蛋糕放在Villari 24K黄金蛋糕架上,上面覆盖着巧克力和食用金。配方中的香草豆是乌干达最好的,售价1000美元。

The United Arab Emirates, Dubai, can be described as a city that has created a “miraculous” not only the world's first tallest building, but now sells the world's most expensive cupcakes. The cupcake is called the Golden Phoenix, and it's on the Villari 24K gold cake shelf, with chocolate and food gold on it. The recipe is the best vanilla beans in Uganda for $1,000.

7、Chocopologie 世界上最昂贵的松露,每磅2600美元。使用70%的Valrhona cacao,然后将其与松露油混合成奶油甘蓝,将甜点小心地用内部的黑松露手工卷制,然后撒上可可粉。并且这款甜点只能预定。

Chocopologie is the most expensive truffle in the world, at $2,600 per pound. Using 70% of the Valrhona cacao, then blending it with truffle cream into creamed glycerine, carefully rolling the dessert with internal black truffles, and then pouring cocoa powder. And this dessert can only be ordered.

6、皇家婚礼蛋糕 威廉王子婚宴会上的皇家婚礼蛋糕总共有8层,上面有900朵奶油花、常春藤树叶、蕾丝等装饰。按照新娘凯特·米德尔顿的要求,在婚礼蛋糕的上面还有专属于新婚夫妇的暗号。婚礼蛋糕层层都不同,点缀的花朵、叶子造型繁复,看上去非常精致和美丽。婚礼蛋糕由英国蛋糕师Fiona Cairns设计。这个蛋糕在拍卖会上以4,160美元的价格成交。

The royal wedding cakes of Prince William's wedding are eight floors, with 900 butterflakes, Ivy League leaves, laces, and so on. At the request of the bride Kate Middleton, the wedding cakes are coded for newlyweds. The wedding cakes are all different layers, with fancy flowers, leaves, and they look very fine and beautiful. The wedding cakes are designed by British caker Fiona Cairns. The cakes are sold at the auction at a price of $4,160.

5、Frrrozen高级巧克力 2007年,著名的纽约甜点联合Serendipity创造了一款价值25,000美元的热巧克力冰淇淋圣代。这款甜点使用了28种不同的可可,其中14种恰好是世界上最贵的。这款圣代冰淇淋配上23克拉的食用金,搭配一个用可食用的金子装饰的高脚杯。高脚杯还拥有18K黄金手链和白色钻石。Serendipity甚至提供一个镶嵌钻石的金色勺子。

In 2007, the famous New York Desserts Union created a hot chocolate ice cream sundae worth $25,000. This dessert uses 28 different kinds of cocoa, 14 of which happen to be the most expensive in the world. This sundae is accompanied by 23 carats of food and a high-legged cup of gold decorated with edible gold. The high-foot cup also has 18K gold bracelets and white diamonds.

4、荒诞圣代 在加利福尼亚州纳帕的三双冰淇淋店,可以吃到价值6万美元的冰淇淋圣代,其中包括非洲之旅!在乞力马扎罗山最高峰享用冰淇淋圣代是不够的,这种甜点包括前往坦桑尼亚的头等舱机票,五星级酒店,带导游的登山车和纪念品T恤。两份冰淇淋圣代价格为85000美元。

The absurd sundae, three pairs of ice cream shops in Napa, California, can eat $60,000 worth of ice cream sundaes, including African trips! It's not enough to enjoy ice cream sundaes at the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, which includes first-class air tickets to Tanzania, five-star hotels, and mountain climbers and souvenir T-shirts with guides. Two ice cream sundaes cost $85,000.

3、铂金蛋糕 由日本糕点大师Nobue Ikara设计制作的铂金蛋糕“仅仅”价值130,000美金,这一款点心可以说是圆了铂金狂热者的梦。

Three, platinum cakes, designed by Japanese pastry master Nobue Ikara, are only $130,000 worth of platinum cakes, a snack that can be said to be the dream of platinum fanatics.

2、草莓Arnaud 这个价值140万美元的甜点可以在新奥尔良法国区的Arnaud's找到,那里的草莓在最好的港口腌制,配上薄荷和奶油,但真正的主角是一颗4.7克拉的粉红色钻戒!

2, Strawberry Arnaud, a $1.4 million dessert, can be found in Arnaud's, in the French section of New Orleans, where strawberries are made in the best ports with mints and butter, but the real hero is a 4.7-carat pink diamond ring!

1、钻石水果蛋糕 2005年,钻石水果蛋糕以165万美元的价格售出。最贵蛋糕出自日本糕点厨师之手,制作蛋糕花了六个月的时间。关于制作方法一直保密,但蛋糕上覆盖着223颗钻石。这价格堪比钻石了。

1 Diamond fruit cakes were sold in 2005 at a price of $1.65 million. The most expensive cake came from the hand of the Japanese pastry chef and it took six months to make the cake. The method of production was kept secret, but the cake covered 223 diamonds.



Despite the airing of the pieces after the launch, apple stock prices rose for two consecutive days, and the market value broke the trillion-dollar mark again. On September 13th, at 20 p.m., iPhone 11 pre-sales, and the night green is a breakout!


It is worth mentioning, however, that on the following two trading days, apple stock prices fell by 1.94 per cent on Friday, with a market value of $19.6 billion (approximately $130 billion) evaporated, with a total market value of $988.5 billion and the loss of a trillion-dollar niche.

据悉,高盛(Goldman Sachs)将苹果12个月的目标价格从187美元下调至165美元,并预计该公司股价将下跌26%,股票评级调整为“中性”。高盛指出,苹果处理Apple TV+试用的会计方法,将对其毛利率、平均销售价格以及每股收益产生“重大负面影响”。

Goldman Sachs was informed that the target price for apples for 12 months had been reduced from $187 to $165 and that the company's share price was expected to decline by 26 per cent, with the stock rating being adjusted to “neutral.” According to Goldman Sachs, the accounting method tested for Apple treatment of Apple TV+ would have a “significant negative impact” on its Māori ratio, average sales price and per share earnings.


Apple, on the other hand, rejected Goldman Sachs and responded by stating that “there will be no significant impact on our financial performance”.


But in addition to Goldman Sachs, a number of investors after the launch reiterated their “buy-in” ratings for apples. Among them, banks in the United States raised the target price of apples from $240 to $250.


Prior to the Apple launch, Skywind International analyst Guo Ming-ho said that, due to the lack of innovative outlets, the volume of deliveries for the second half of the three new iPhones was expected to drop by 5 to 10 per cent per year.

去年开始,苹果不再公布硬件销售量,还将重心转移到了服务领域,比如Apple TV+、Apple Arcade等。据Gartner最新发布的报告,苹果第二季度的iPhone销量略高于3800万部,同比下降了13.8%。

Starting last year, Apple stopped publishing hardware sales and shifted its focus to services such as Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and so on. According to Gartner’s latest report, iPhone sales in the second quarter of Apple were slightly higher than 38 million copies, a 13.8 per cent decrease over the same period.

来源: 前瞻网

Source: Foresight Network



On 20 January, the American Institute of Research reported that a well-known investment agency had announced that Caterpillar would be rated up to a “win-win-win” target of $165.


According to the U.S.S. Research Agency, the United States stock closing on 17 January to the east of the United States rose by 0.64 per cent to the price of the Caterpillar stock at $147,780.


Source: U.S.S.A. Research Society, designed to help Chinese investors understand the world, focus on the U.S. Science and Technology Unit and the China Central Unit, and focus on our friends who are interested in the U.S. Unit.


E3 2020会藉由转型方式吸引更多人进场参观,例如以前仅限游戏业界相关人士、媒体或分析师进场参观的情况,今年则是规划6月10日到11日之间开放一般玩家购买165美元门票入场参观,而其他时间则仅限游戏业界相关人士,或是购买995美元门票进场参观。

E3 2020 will attract more visitors in a transformative manner, such as those previously restricted to players in the game industry, media or analysts, and this year plans to open up regular players for $165 tickets between 10 and 11 June, while the rest will be limited to players in the game industry or $995 tickets for visitors.

就在MWC 2020展会活动因为新型冠状病毒疫情影响而取消,同时今年上半年也有不少地区展会活动跟进取消或延后,而预计在今年6月举办的E3 2020目前依然会如期举办。在稍早确定预计于美国西岸时间2月15日上午11点开放注册之后,E3 2020主办单位ESA(美国娱乐软件协会)也公布确定参展厂商名单,其中包含微软、任天堂、Ubisoft、Take Two在内重点游戏厂商。

Just as the MWC 2020 exhibition was cancelled due to the impact of the new coronary virus epidemic, and several regional events were followed up or postponed in the first half of the year, E3 2020, scheduled for June of this year, is still on schedule. After early confirmation of the expected opening of registration in the West Bank on February 15th, at 11 a.m., the E3 2020 host, ESA (the American Entertainment Software Association), also published a list of identified exhibitors, including Microsoft, Neptune, Ubisoft, and Take Two.

依照ESA公布消息,包含微软、任天堂、Ubisoft、Take Two、Bethesda、SEGA、CAPCOM、Square Enix、BANDAI NAMCO、华纳兄弟游戏、Activision、亚马逊游戏工作室、Epic Games、腾讯、THQ Nordic在内游戏厂商都会参与此次E3 2020。

According to ESA reports, the players in the games, including Microsoft, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Take Two, Bethesda, SEGA, CAPCOM, Square Enix, BANDAI NAMCO, Warner Brothers Game, Activision, Amazon Games Studio, Epic Games, Quest, THQ Nordic, will be involved in E3-2020.


However, the PlayStation under Sony’s banner confirmed earlier that it would not participate in the exhibition, while EA confirmed that it would also not participate in this year’s E3 because it believed that the new dynamics of the game of communication with players, partners and practitioners by means of large-scale exhibitions were no longer in line with the current mode of dissemination of information quickly transmitted by the network, and therefore looked forward to attracting more attention through stand-alone activities, as well as more direct interaction with players.


As a result, Nintendo communicates new games with players through routine live webcasts, and displays focused games in conjunction with large exhibitions. Sony also follows up with players via live webcasts, but expects more to interact with players through independent forms of events, while also bringing together new and more complete concerns.

目前E3 2020尚未受到新型冠状病毒疫情影响,但从近期美国地区也开始出现少数感染病例,或许接下来也会让主办单位ESA对于此次展会活动的防疫准备格外重视。

The E3 2020 epidemic has not yet been affected by the new coronary virus, but a small number of cases of infection have started in the United States in recent times, and perhaps will be followed by a special focus by the host, ESA, on the prevention of the event.


With regard to the opt-out of fairs by some indicator game manufacturers, the ESA has also recently emphasized the need to attract more visitors by means of a transition, such as in the past, where only interested persons, media or analysts from the game industry have been allowed to visit. This year, general players are planned to buy $165 for tickets between 10 and 11 June, while others are restricted to players from the game industry or $995 for tickets to visit.


高盛预计苹果(AAPL.US)公司股价将下跌26%,将苹果12个月的目标价格从187美元下调至165美元,对Apple的股票持中立评级。高盛表示,捆绑Apple TV+会致硬件利润率下滑。

Goldman Sachs predicts that Apple (AAPL.US) shares will fall by 26%, that the target price for Apples for 12 months will be reduced from $187 to $165, and that Apple shares will be rated neutral.

9月15日,iPhone 11 发布后苹果股价连续两日上涨,市值再次突破万亿美元大关。但是高盛预计苹果公司股价将下跌26%,将苹果12个月的目标价格从187美元下调至165美元,对Apple的股票持中立评级。

On September 15, iPhone 11 posted two consecutive days of price increases for apples, breaking once more the trillion dollar mark. But Goldman Sachs expects Apple’s share price to fall by 26%, lowering its 12-month target price from $187 to $165, with a neutral rating of Apple’s stock.


As a result, apple stock prices fell by almost 2 per cent, the market value evaporated by $19.6 billion and the total value of apples fell again by $988.6 billion, amounting to a trillion dollars.

此前苹果宣布Apple TV +服务将于11月1日上线,每月4.99美元。而购买新的iPhone,iPad,Apple TV都将会赠送1年的Apple TV+服务。

Apple announced that Apple TV+ services will be online on November 1 at $4.99 a month. The new iPhone, iPad, Apple TV will all be awarded one year of Apple TV+ services.

高盛指出,苹果处理Apple TV+试用的会计方法,将对苹果的利润产生“重大负面影响”。因为捆绑Apple TV+,对于用户支付给苹果iPhone的费用,苹果的会计方法将收入从硬件部分转移到服务,即使客户并不认为自己要为电视+付费。对于即将到来的2020年第一财季,苹果的服务收入线来说是件好事,但苹果硬件的平均售价和利润率将受到下滑影响。

Goldman Sachs pointed out that the Apple treatment Apple TV+ pilot accounting method would have a “significant negative impact on Apple profits.” Because of the bundled Apple TV+, the Apple accounting method shifts income from hardware to service, even if clients do not consider themselves to pay for TV+. Apple’s service revenue line is a good thing for the upcoming first financial season of 2020, but the average sale price and profitability of Apple hardware will be affected by a decline.


However, with respect to the Goldman Sachs report, Apple responded that the introduction of Apple TV+, including the accounting treatment of the service, was not expected to have a significant impact on the financial performance of the company.


(Source of article: Jinx data)



Oppenheimer: Increase the target price from $145 to $165.

来源: 同花顺金融研究中心

Source: Centre for the Study of the Financing of the Same Flowers.



Yesterday, we discussed the possibility of an increase in prices to more than $180 in Etheria. Ether prices did go up and traded above the resistance of $180 and $182. There was a sharp move up, but the price failed to break the resistance area of $185. A pattern of rejection was created near the last 61.8 per cent of the Faiporachi retreat, from a swing of $188 to a low of $174. So the price began to fall significantly below $182 and $180.


More importantly, this key upward trend line was broken at US$ 178 on the Etherno’s hour map. The currency skyrocketed even below US$ 174, forming a new low of US$ 170.06. Recently, it recovered several points above US$ 173, as well as 23.6% of the recent drop from a high of US$ 185 to a low of US$ 170.


In addition, 50% of the recent drop from a high of $185 to a low of $170 is a drag. It currently looks less than $178 and $180. As a result, it is likely to lose more at levels below $174 and $172. Prices may re-examine the level of $170 or expand the loss to less than $170.


There is therefore a risk of falling to the $170 support position. Nevertheless, many headlines may present solid buy-in opportunities in the vicinity of $165. On the contrary, if we fall to the 165 support position, prices may return to the 156-dollar support area.




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    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
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    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...