空气虚拟货币有哪些是什么概念意思 央视揭“空气币”真相

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:76 评论:0



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On 4 September last year, the Central Bank issued a document explicitly calling for the suspension of money-distribution finance — — or ICO ban. This financing subject raised from investors , called “ virtual currency & rdquao; acts that are explicitly prohibited at home.


More than six months have passed now, and these are &ldquao; block chain technology & & rdquao; & & & & & & rdquao; what about the market? A survey of financial journalists.

空气虚拟货币什么概念意思 央视揭“空气币”真相

What's the concept of air virtual currency


Fireflakes still unstoppable


Yang was a virtual money investor who, in January of this year, saw the price of bitcoin rise and made investments, but lost millions in just two months.


Virtual money investor Yang said that Bitcoin bought at a price of $100,000, buying at that price about two million and three million bitcoins. After that, the price of this bitcoin started to fall, fell, and then fell by 10%, and then bought the spot again.


Indeed, this is not the first time that Yang has paid off. He has lost more than 2 million people before the money-issuing financing and trading platform was banned.


Virtual money investors like me, Yeung-hyun, say, are not in the minority, and the whole group is close to seven hundred people, several groups. At least it's lost a hundred thousand.


Yang's investment in virtual currency stems mainly from the sharp rise in prices. Like Bitcoins, which emerged in 2009, with less than a cent per bitcoin, and a price that was once over 120,000 yuan in less than a decade, could attract a large number of investors in such a ravaging mood.


After 95, 1,000 bitcoins, which is the symbol of Chung's promotion in “ the currency circle & rdquao;. He turned 140,000 principals into hundreds of millions in a year, with more than 50 different tokens in his hand. But professional investors like Jung's promotion are not always winners.

  虚拟货币投资者郑皓升对记者说, 前两天直接亏损了200个比特币,价值一千万,间接亏损大概有三千万左右。有多少人挣就有多少人亏,更多的人是在亏损的,盲目地入场,80%都在亏。

The virtual money investor, Jung Lian, told reporters that the previous two days had seen a direct loss of 200 bits worth $10 million and an indirect loss of about $30 million. As many people earn, many more are losing, blindly entering, 80% are losing.

  数据显示,目前,全球活跃的虚拟货币约有1600种。每天的累计交易额超过了100亿美元。其中,仅比特币一天的交易额就在60亿美元左右。 而国内投资者是全球“虚拟货币”大买家。

The data show that there are about 1,600 active virtual currencies around the world today. Cumulative transactions exceed $10 billion a day. Of these, Bitcoins alone account for about $6 billion a day.


According to Mao Hong Liang, head of the block chain research unit of the National Committee of Experts on Internet Financial Security, for example, one of the largest international platforms. From 2018 to the present, digital currency and renminbi exchange transactions are estimated at 1.3 billion yuan, accounting for about 13% of the total.


“ air currency & rdquo; more than 30 times the increase in the number of newly issued tokens


The central bank explicitly stated that: “ it is essentially an unauthorized act of illegal public financing, but journalists find that many businesses are still issuing, and why is the token so hot?


The head of the section chain research unit of the National Committee of Experts on Internet Financial Security said that domestic trading platforms, especially the main trading platforms, were relatively few, and were now much richer than they had been before, for example, the coins and the OKEX, which were already in excess of 100. Until September 2017, they were basically three, Bitcoin, Letco and Etheria.


Investors' enthusiasm has continued, and the market has become apparent in the eyes of professional investors behind the proliferation of money-for-money finance.


Virtual money investors, Li laughter, said it was clear that there was a bubble and there was always a bubble, but the exact extent of the bubble was unknown.


Industry sources tell journalists that the most dangerous thing in the bubble is , which is completely unsupported by physical projects.

  2018年1月15日,号称全球首个支持数字加密货币的博彩游戏平台英雄链,上线即“破发”,由发行价0.6元跌至0.05元。3月14日,被公安机关以涉嫌诈骗立案调查; 2018年1月,主打“放卫星”和打造太空操作系统概念的太空链进行ICO,1月10日向私募投资人发行代币SPC,仅一天便募集近10亿元,3月28日,太空链项目及相关代投涉嫌诈骗已被扬州市公安局开发区分局立案。像类似的现象,在虚拟货币行业屡见不鲜。

On 15 January 2018, the first global hero of the Gambling Platform, known as “ Broken & rdquo; dropped from the circulation price of 0.6 to 0.05. On 14 March, the public security authorities opened an investigation into the alleged fraud; in January 2018, the main striker & ldquo; the launch of the satellite & rdquo; and the launch of the ICO with the space chain to build the concept of the space operating system, distributed on 10 January to private investors token SPC, which raised nearly 1 billion yuan a day. On 28 March, the Space Chain Project and the related intergenerational fraud were developed by the Public Security Agency of the city of Yang.

  IT社区和服务平台CSDN副总裁孟岩介绍, 这种可以比较有把握地称之为空气币,占比很难说,但是在泡沫之下,这个比例是不小的,有可能会超过50%、60%甚至70%。

The presentation by the Vice-President of the IT community and service platform CSDN, Monwa, is more certain to call it air currency, which is difficult to say, but under the bubble, this proportion is not small, and may be more than 50 per cent, 60 per cent or even 70 per cent.


“ Airnotes & rdquo; unlike other financing projects, the issuer does not need to be a real company, a temporary & & & & & & & & & & ; it can become a funder. After the central bank banned the issuance of funds in the currency, chose to relocate servers, the owner’s place of registration, and so forth.


The Director of the Block Chain Research Unit of the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security, Mao Hong Liang, introduced the fact that many of the subjects of the ICO are only a team and many are not registered at the company level, so it is difficult to say that there is a subject of a company or a subject of an enterprise.


overlooking value capital


Normally, each currency is based on a block chain technology or an applied & & & & & & & & & ;. Watch this currency, watch the block chain technology behind it. But, in a boom-and-bust round, some of the air currency will be accepted by the market.


For ordinary investors, in the current virtual currency pricing, it is difficult to base prices on the valuation of a real project by reference to an IPO project, even if it is supported by a real entity project. In the absence of any transparency in the information, the price of a virtual currency depends entirely on the project’s packaging, or even on who stands for the project.


Virtual money investors, Li laughter, said that 99.99 per cent of cases were & ldquo; platform & & rdquo; and that those who were anxious to make money were afraid to miss the opportunity and could not judge, so it was up to the people on the platform, and perhaps the people on the platform had influence, which meant that it was seen well and might have influence in the future.


Experts say that prices are likely to rise significantly, as long as capital is willing, even if there is no air currency behind it. Because of the lack of effective regulation, capital can easily run away from small investors through up-and-down games.


A virtual currency investor, Jung Yong-jung, said, "Why do you have to raise the currency?" That's a lot of money. For example, 100 bitcoins, 100 bitcoins are now 6 million, and selling 100 bitcoins doesn't have any impact on this big plate, but buying the six million is a small coin, which is likely to rise a lot.


Non-publicity, non-transparentness, uncertainty about the value of the project, and investor expectations of abundance have magnified the risks of & ldquao; virtual currency & & rdquao; and the market.


Liu Xiaoree, Director of the Block Chain Laboratory, Department of Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, introduced you as worthless, but you can still play very well.




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