
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:64 评论:0
21世纪经济报道记者吴斌 上海报道21st Century Economic Reporter U Bin, Shanghai 在3月早些时候连创历史新高后,比特币遭遇“惊魂一日”。In the wake of the historic...



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21世纪经济报道记者吴斌 上海报道

21st Century Economic Reporter U Bin, Shanghai


In the wake of the historic rise in early March, Bitcoin was “a day of shock”.


On 19 March, the Bitcoin plate fell by about 8% all day, from its historical heights to over $10,000, and even an exchange currency “spill” by $9,000. Last week, investors’ enthusiasm pushed Bitcoin prices up to almost $74,000, but some early buyers now seem to be trying to profit from the knots and the sacks.


CoinGlass shows that during the 24 hours of the night of 19th, the virtual currency market had at one time a peak of over 240,000 people, with a total value of $664 million (approximately RMB 4.8 billion).


But, with the adoption of the Bitcoin spot ETF, a growing group of traditional institutional investors is participating in it, and the net inflows and outflows of ETF funds are becoming an important factor affecting the movement of Bitcoin and the entire encrypted market.

3 月20日,HODL15Capital 数据显示,19日比特币现货ETF净流出3.26亿美元,其中,灰度GBTC流出4.435亿美元,贝莱德IBIT流入7440万美元,富达FBTC流入3960万美元,BITB流入250万美元,其余6支比特币现货ETF几无变动。

On 20 March, HODL15Capital data showed a net outflow of $326 million from spot ETFs in Bitcoin on 19th, of which $443.5 million was released from GBTC, $74.4 million from Belede IBIT, $39.6 million from FBTC, $2.5 million from BITB and little change from the remaining six.

此外,赵伟还表示,随着美联储议息会议临近、美国证券交易委员会(SEC)推迟对Hashdex与Ark 21Shares以太坊现货ETF申请做出决定,这些因素可能增加了市场走势的不确定性,导致一些投资者的高预期有所降温。

In addition, Zhao Wei also indicated that, as the United States Federal Reserve Conference approached, and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) delayed its decision on Hashdex and Ark 21Shares' spot ETF applications, these factors could increase uncertainty about market trends and cause some investors' high expectations to cool down.


After the experience of the “cruise”, where will the future of Bitcoin go?


The currency fell down $9,000 at a time.


At a time when bitcoin prices were falling sharply, some platforms even experienced price “spills”.


The 19-day digital currency exchange BitMEX’s Bitcoin transaction was anomalous, with prices collapsing by $9,000, with a minimum price of approximately $8,900. At the same time, other exchanges’ Bitcoin prices remained above $66,000.


The anonymous crypto-community syq blew up on social media, selling more than 400 bits of bitcoins in BitMEX at the size of 10-50 bitcoins in just two hours in the evening of 19 days, resulting in more than 30% of the bitcoins traded on BitMEX, with investors losing at least $4 million.


BitMEX then states that this unusual transaction is being investigated and that a few accounts are being sold aggressively beyond the expected market. However, BitMEX continues to emphasize that the system works well and that all user funds remain secure.


Although the fall in the currency price of $9,000 was an extraordinary event, it already reflected a cooling of market sentiment. Some investors were making a profit after the price of bitcoin had been updated several times earlier in March.

比特币现货ETF产品18日出现了自1月获批成立以来最大规模的资金净流出,其中规模最大的灰度ETF产品GBTC流出规模尤其惊人。根据BitMEX Research的数据,18日GBTC创下了6.425亿美元的单日资金净流出纪录,10日又流出了逾4亿美元。

Bitcoin's spot ETF products showed the largest net outflow of funds since their launch in January, with the largest-scale ETF products, GBTC, in particular on an alarming scale. According to BitMEX  Research, GBTC recorded $642.5 million in single-day net outflows on 18 and more than $400 million on 10 days.

对此,市场分析公司VettaFi研究主管Todd Rosenbluth表示,作为当前规模最大、价格最高的比特币ETF产品,GBTC出现大量获利了结和赎回是可以理解的。资金不会日复一日地涌入这些ETF,人们在价格走高后获利了结是合理的。

In response, Todd Rosenbluth, the research director of the market analysis firm VettaFi, said that, as the largest and highest-priced bitcoin ETF product at present, it was understandable that the GBTC had made substantial profits and redeemed them. The funds would not flow into these ETFs day after day, and it would be reasonable for people to profit from higher prices.


According to Zhao Wei’s analysis of journalists, in the short term, the financial outflows of the spot ETF in Bitcoin will have a greater impact on the prices of the currency and the cryptomarket. In the long run, the large-scale introduction of bitcoin and cryptophone money will also require science, technology, and innovation to enable it to link to more real-life scenes, which could unleash more dynamism.


Can institutional needs sustain Bitcoin?


The recent combination of encoded currency market benefits and altruistic factors, the slowdown in capital inflows to the spot ETF in Bitcoin, and even the outflow of GBTC have increased the acceptance of the institution bitcoin or will provide some support for bitcoin prices.


On March 19, the Japanese Government’s Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) announced that it would explore the possibility of diversifying some of its portfolio into the area of Bitcoin. The GPF now manages more than $1.5 trillion in assets. As part of its diversification efforts, the GPF will gather information on non-liquid alternative assets, such as Bitcoin, gold, forests, and agricultural land.


In addition, the British Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FCA) indicated on March 11 that it would allow an accredited investment exchange to launch an encrypted currency-backed exchange transaction note (ETN). Such products are intended only for professional investors, such as investment companies and credit institutions licensed to operate in financial markets, and will not, for the time being, allow bulk investors to purchase related products.


According to Cao Cao, Vice-President of the Financial Institute of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, economic reporting for the twenty-first century, Bitcoin is becoming a market dominated by institutional investors, and the entry of institutional investors means that more types of related financial products will emerge after the ETF, that price fluctuations in Bitcoin will level off, and that the costs of risk control will be further reduced, leading to the maturity of the Bitcoin market.


Overall, Bitcoin’s asset attributes have been recognized to some extent, and future or more institutional investors are involved in Bitcoin transactions, but the extent to which they can enter the portfolio remains uncertain. Zhao Wei said to journalists that, for institutional investors, the allocation of funds takes into account a number of factors, such as global monetary policy and the economic cycle, that do not prejudge future investment movements.

在一些合理的配置需求之外,另一些拥抱比特币行为的背后更多的是无奈或投机。在本国货币难以为继的背景下,少数不走寻常路的国家已经接受比特币。中美洲国家萨尔瓦多总统纳伊布·布克勒(Nayib Bukele)3月14日表示,萨尔瓦多将把相当大的一部分比特币资产转移到一个离线设备上。2021年,萨尔瓦多成为世界上第一个将比特币作为法定货币的国家,作为首个“吃螃蟹”的国家,萨尔瓦多一度招致铺天盖地的质疑和担忧。

On 14 March, the Central American President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, said that El Salvador would transfer a significant portion of its assets to an offline facility. In 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to use Bitcoin as a legal currency and the first to “eat crabs” to be questioned and worried.


Also known as Bitcoin’s MicroStrategy, which, according to SEC documents, purchased an additional 9245 bitcoins at a price of $623 million between 11 March and 18 March, holding a total of 214,246 bitcoins, representing more than 1 per cent of the approximately 1.7 million bitcoins that have been mined globally to date.


MicroStrategy doubled its share price in February alone, with a record high of $1815 per share in March. But the good news is not too long, with Bitcoin prices high, MicroStrategy fell by 16% on 18 March, more than 10 times the same time. On 19 March, MicroStrategy’s share price fell again by 5.7%, with MicroStrategy falling by 20% in the two days before this week, the largest two days since 2022.


Where's the back of the mountain truck?


After a new high of Bitcoin prices and a substantial rebound, the agency was rife with a wide divergence of views on the next move.


In April, “50 per cent” of Bitcoin received much attention, and would there be a “buy-as-you-go” deal? Morgan Chase warned that, once optimism subsided, the price of Bitcoin could fall to $42,000 after the April halving event.

乐观者则持不同看法,美国知名投资管理和研究公司伯恩斯坦分析师Gautam Chhugani预计,2024年比特币市场将流入100亿美元,2025年再流入600亿美元。比特币价格将在4月“减半”后爆发,预计到明年年中能涨至15万美元。

The optimists disagree, with Gautam Chugani, a leading American investment management and research firm, predicting that the Bitcoin market will flow into $10 billion in 2024 and another $60 billion in 2025. Bitcoin prices are expected to break out after “50 by half” in April, and are expected to rise to $150,000 by the middle of next year.

在瑞士私人银行瑞士宝盛分析师Manuel Villegas看来,过去六个月大约80%的比特币供应没有转手,交易所可供出售的比特币库存有限,再加上ETF需求,这“可能会加剧供应紧张”。

According to Manuel Villegas, a Swiss treasurer analyst at a private bank in Switzerland, about 80 per cent of the Bitcoins supply has not been transferred over the past six months, limited stock of bitcoins available for sale on the exchange, together with ETF demand, “may increase supply tensions”.


Over the past few months, a strong rise in global stock markets, debt markets, and encrypted currencies has been driven by investors’ bets on the Fed to relax monetary policy. However, as more and more data show rising inflationary pressure in the US, the Fed is expected to cool down, and the rate of return on US debt and the United States dollar have been held back, or against the currency.

摩根大通策略师Marko Kolanovic表示,鉴于比特币价格整体强势,再加上美国股市一度创下历史新高,可能使利率在更长时间内保持高位,因为过早降息可能会进一步推高资产价格,或导致通胀再次上升。

According to Morgan Chase strategist Marko Kolanovic, given the overall strength of Bitcoin prices, combined with a once-high record in the United States stock market, interest rates may remain high for a longer period of time, as premature interest cuts may further push asset prices or lead to renewed inflation.


In the medium-to-long term, it is only a matter of time before the Fed reduces its interest rates and slows down its contractions, and the ECB and the British Central Bank are likely to cut interest rates this year. When interest rates fall, investors may seek higher-risk assets for higher returns, and the dollar’s depreciation may make bitcoins denominated in dollars more attractive.


In addition, the attitude of future regulation will determine the degree of coolness in the market. Early this year, the SEC approved the spot bitcoin ETF, and the exchange began to apply for options for listing the Bitcoin Fund, introducing a bitcoin ETF up and down in order to provide investors with more options for the inherent volatility of hedged encrypted currencies.


Later in March, the SEC announced that it would postpone its consideration of the option to allow the exchange to be listed on the spot. In order to take full account of the proposed changes in the rules, the Commission considered it necessary to extend its consideration.

在比特币3月早些时候飙升至历史新高之际,SEC主席根斯勒(Gary Gensler)再度发出警告:整个加密货币领域仍充斥着滥用和欺诈行为,投资者应该意识到,比特币是一种“高度投机、不稳定的资产”。

At the height of Bitcoin's history earlier in March, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler again warned that the entire area of cryptographic currency was still full of abuse and fraud, and investors should realize that Bitcoin was a “highly speculative and unstable asset”.


At a time when many factors are intertwined, the Bitcoin front is still unclear, and investors still need to remain cautious. It is not difficult to see from the regulatory voice that bitcoin may still have a long way to go from its full “acceptance” to its full “acceptance.”

(作者:吴斌 编辑:李莹亮)

(author: U Bin, editor: Lee Xiaoqing)




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