比特币简史:2022 年你需要知道的一切

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:62 评论:0
区块链和加密货币是增长最快的领域之一。在这项技术诞生后的短短十年内,它已经发展成为价值数百万美元的巨大产业,仅次于互联网的发展。 在本文中,我们将告诉您比特币是如何以及何时出现的,它诞生之前存在哪些先决条件,BTC 汇率如何随时间变化,以...



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区块链和加密货币是增长最快的领域之一。在这项技术诞生后的短短十年内,它已经发展成为价值数百万美元的巨大产业,仅次于互联网的发展。 在本文中,我们将告诉您比特币是如何以及何时出现的,它诞生之前存在哪些先决条件,BTC 汇率如何随时间变化,以及专家认为未来等待它的是什么。让我们开始吧!

In this paper, we will tell you how and when Bitcoin appeared, what preconditions existed before it was born, how the BTC exchange rate changed over time, and what experts thought was waiting for it in the future. Let’s begin!


比特币 (BTC) 是如何诞生的?

bitcoin(BTC) was born?

比特币根本不是一夜之间出现的。它的诞生之前经历了 40 年的技术革新和发明。让我们考虑所有主要步骤,没有这些步骤,加密货币将永远不会出现:

Bitcoin didn't come overnight at all. It was born after 40 years of technological innovation and invention. Let's think about all the major steps without which encrypted money would never appear:

TCP/IP 协议(1974)。现在大多数互联网都由它提供支持。该协议为无需中央服务器或权威机构的全球节点通信奠定了基础。

TCP/IP Protocol (1974). Most of the Internet is now supported by it. The agreement provides the basis for global node communications without a central server or authority.

公钥密码学(1976 年)。首次提出了公钥加密和数字签名的概念,它们构成了当今 Internet 上常用安全协议的基础。直到 1976 年,传统的密码学都假定数据交换需要一个安全的通道来传输密钥。

Public key cryptography (1976). The concepts of public key encryption and digital signatures were first introduced, forming the basis for the security protocols that are commonly used on the Internet today. Until 1976, traditional cryptography assumed that data exchange needed a secure channel to transmit keys.

RSA 算法 (1978)。这是第一个真正的公钥加密系统,公开披露加密密钥不会泄露相应的解密密钥。习惯到今天。

RSA (1978). This is the first real public key encryption system in which public disclosure of encryption keys does not disclose the corresponding decryption keys.

货币非国有化:弗里德里希·哈耶克 (Friedrich Hayek) (1978) 提炼的论点。事实上,这本书表明了比特币哲学的基础知识。主要论点是各国最终会统一一种货币标准,而不是使用无限多种货币,私营企业也应该发行各种形式的货币。

Indeed, the book demonstrates the basic knowledge of the Bitcoin philosophy. The main argument is that countries will eventually harmonize a monetary standard, rather than using an unlimited number of currencies, and that private enterprises should issue various forms of currency.

默克尔树(1980)。它是哈希函数的改进概念。散列函数获取数据并将其转换为称为散列的固定数字。这个函数的主要特性是,如果你改变至少 1 位数据,结果将被改变得面目全非。但是哈希函数有弱点,默克尔树技术消除了它们,降低了哈希欺骗的风险。在计算每个块中的哈希值时使用它。

Merkel Tree (1980). It's an improved concept for the Hashi function. The hash function takes data and converts them to a fixed number called a hash. The main feature of this function is that if you change at least 1 bit of data, the result will be changed. But the Hashi function has a weakness, and the Merkel tree technology eliminates them and reduces the risk of Hashi cheating. Use it when calculating the Hashi value in each block.



默里·罗斯巴德 (Murray Rothbard) (1982) 的《自由伦理》。这是一个激进的理论,反对国家作为主体的存在,拥有侵犯私有财产的垄断特权。这本书极大地影响了货币与国家分离的哲学,这是比特币思想的核心。

Murray Rothbard (1982). This is a radical theory that opposes the existence of the state as the subject and has monopoly privileges that infringe on private property. The book greatly influences the philosophy of the separation of money from the state, which is at the heart of the Bitcoin ideology.

无法追踪的付款的盲签名 (1983)。David Chaum 将首创的加密货币定义为具有三个主要属性的技术:第三方无法确定收款人或有关付款的其他数据;个人提供付款证明的能力;停止使用被识别为被盗的支付方式的能力。

Blind signature of untraceable payments (1983). David Chaum defined the first encoded currency as a technology with three main attributes: the inability of a third party to identify the payee or other data relating to the payment; the ability of an individual to provide proof of payment; and the ability to stop using the form of payment identified as stolen.

无法追踪的电子邮件、回信地址和数字假名 (1984)。这篇 David Chaum 的文章奠定了匿名通信研究的基础。

Untraceable e-mails, reply addresses, and digital pseudonyms (1984). This article by David Chaum provides the basis for anonymous communications research.

椭圆曲线密码学 (1985)。当今的技术允许您对 Internet 上的消息进行加密,其安全性取决于椭圆曲线的大小。

Ellipse cryptography (1985). Today's technology allows you to encrypt messages on the Internet, whose security depends on the size of the elliptical curve.

FLP 不可能 (1985)以 Fisher、Lynch 和 Patterson 的名字命名。比特币交易通过在网络参与者之间达成共识来确认。1985年之前,分布式系统的开发者声称异步系统具有绝对的可靠性,但事实证明,在他们之间达成共识是不可能的。通过证明这一点,科学家们获得了 Dijkstra 奖,并为分布式共识开辟了道路。

FLP (1985) cannot be named after Fisher, Lynch, and Patterson. Bitcoin transactions are confirmed by consensus among network participants. Prior to 1985, developers of distributed systems claimed absolute reliability, but it proved impossible to reach consensus among them.

加密无政府主义者宣言 (1988)。加密无政府状态是一种强调政治和经济自由以及隐私保护的意识形态。加密无政府主义者在计算机网络上发送和接收信息时使用加密软件。

Encryption Anarchists' Declaration (1988). Encryption Anarchists are an ideology that emphasizes political and economic freedom and privacy protection. Encryption Anarchists use encryption software when sending and receiving information on computer networks.

数字现金(1989)。这是第一个真正的电子货币。它是由已经提到的 David Chaum 创建的。该项目运行了大约 10 年,由于银行的反对和经营失误而被关闭。然而,这是一个重要的推动力。

Digital cash (1989). This is the first real electronic currency. It was created by David Chaum, already mentioned. The project ran for about 10 years and was shut down because of bank objections and business failures. This, however, is an important driving force.





work certificate

比特黄金 (1998)。这是比特币架构的直接前身 Nick Szabo 提出的一种机制,但并未实施。同年,工程师戴伟提出了类似的b-money机制。

Bit Gold (1998). This is a mechanism proposed by Nick Szabo, a direct predecessor of the Bitcoin structure, but not implemented. Engineer Dave proposed a similar b-money mechanism the same year.

纳普斯特 (1999)。它是第一个P2P 文件共享软件。然后,在 2001 年,出现了 BitTorrent 通信协议。

Napster (1999). It was the first P2P file-sharing software. Then, in 2001, a BitTorrent communication protocol emerged.

可重复使用的工作量证明 (2004)。RPOW 是由 Hal Finney 发明的,他想制作一个数字货币系统的原型并解决双重支出问题。

Reusable workload certification (2004). RPOW was invented by Hal Finney, who wanted to create a prototype of a digital currency system and solve the problem of double expenditure.

大危机和中本聪 (2008)。这一切都是关于许多大型金融公司的倒闭、货币贬值和大规模失业。2008 年 10 月 31 日,中本聪发布了比特币白皮书。

This is all about the collapse of many large financial companies, currency devaluations, and massive unemployment. On October 31, 2008, China’s White Paper on Bitcoin was released.

Nakamoto 开发了 BTC 的参考实现并参与开发直到 2010 年 12 月,之后他没有透露自己的身份就离开了公共空间。

Nakamoto developed the BTC reference realization and participated in the development until December 2010, after which he left the public space without disclosing his identity.


Thus, Bitcoin is not a spontaneous invention, but the result of years of effort by cryptographers, code punks and many engineers.


who's the middle-brain of Bitcoin creator?

中本聪在 BitcoinTalk 专题论坛上的最后一条消息是在 2010 年 12 月发布的。尽管曾多次尝试解密开发者的身份,但事实证明中本聪相当隐秘。已经提出了几个候选人,但他们中的任何一个都不太可能是中本聪:

The last news from the BitcoinTalk thematic forum was released in December 2010. Despite several attempts to decipher the identity of developers, it turns out to be rather secretive. Several candidates have been put forward, but none of them is likely to be such:

来自加利福尼亚的 Dorian Nakamoto。日裔美国人毕业于加州理工学院物理系,曾参与国防项目。多里安本人否认参与了比特币的创造。

Dorian Nakamoto from California. Japanese-Americans graduate from the Physics Department of California Polytechnic and have been involved in defense projects. Dorian himself denies being involved in the creation of Bitcoin.


Craig Wright is a scientist from Australia, and instead he claims to be a medium-breathing. This claim is quickly questioned. Even the self-restrainted founder of the Tails, Vitalick Butterlin, has publicly called Wright a liar. The scientist was involved in several lawsuits and lost.

Nick Szabo就是我们前面提到的工程师和律师,他在 1997 年写了一篇关于智能合约的文章,然后描述了 BitGold 协议。Bitcoin: The Future of Money 的作者 Dominic Frisbee 总结说,Szabo 的写作风格与 Satoshi 相似。此外,两者都参考了经济学家卡尔·门格尔的著作。

Nick Szabo, the engineer and lawyer we mentioned earlier, wrote an article in 1997 on smart contracts and then described the BitGold agreement. The author of Bitcoin: The Future of Money, Dominic Frisbee, concluded that Szabo's writing style was similar to that of Satoshi.


There are many theories about who Nakamoto really is, but there are no clear answers and it is not clear whether there will be.


By the way, China has used the adjective “we” in the White Paper, and perhaps even the entire team has been involved in the development of the concept.


how did Bitcoin get popular?

2009 年 1 月 3 日发布的白皮书稍晚推出了区块链。然后开采了第一个区块(称为创世区块),并于 2009 年 1 月 12 日进行了第一次测试交易。比特币创世区块的哈希值包含英国版《泰晤士报》的文章标题“财政大臣即将对银行进行第二次救助”。前几个月可以归因于验证阶段,当时只有有限的矿工圈子使用该网络。当时比特币没有真正的货币价值。

The White Paper released on January 3, 2009 introduced the block chain later. The first block (known as the Genesis Block) was mined, and the first test deal was made on January 12, 2009. The Hashi value of Bitcoin’s creative block included the English version of The Times’ article entitled “Minister of Finance is about to rescue banks for a second time.” The previous few months could be attributed to the validation phase, when only a limited ring of miners used the network. At that time, Bitcoin had no real monetary value.



一年多后,即 2010 年 5 月 22 日,发生了第一笔经济交易:一名佛罗里达州居民同意以 10,000 BTC 的价格交付两个价值 25 美元的棒约翰披萨。因此,4 BTC 的价值可能为 1 美分。从那以后,加密货币爱好者一直将 5 月 22 日定为比特币披萨日。

More than a year later, on May 22, 2010, the first economic deal occurred: a Florida resident agreed to deliver two great Johns pizzas worth $25 at a price of 10,000 BTC. Thus, the value of 4 BTCs could be 1 cent. Since then, encoded money fans have designated May 22 as Bitcoin Pizza Day.

还没有加密交换。最初的交易是在互联网论坛上进行的,人们用 BTC 交换商品和服务,汇率完全是任意的。

There is no encrypted exchange. The initial transaction took place in an Internet forum, where people exchanged goods and services with BTC, and the exchange rate was completely arbitrary.

2011 年,第一个山寨币的创建开始,改进了比特币代码,使其适用于各种目的。这吸引了更多的加密爱好者,并增加了区块链的感知价值。

In 2011, the creation of the first bouncing coin began, improving the bitcoin code to apply to a variety of purposes. This attracts more encryption fans and increases the perceived value of the block chain.

比特币于 2010 年在交易所上市后,买卖变得更加容易,而且由于交易所的存在,比特币最终兑美元获得了价格。今天,比特币甚至在萨尔瓦多被正式接受为法定货币。

After Bitcoin was listed on the exchange in 2010, it became easier to buy and sell, and because of the existence of the exchange, Bitcoin eventually received the price against the United States dollar. Today, Bitcoin is officially accepted as a legal currency even in El Salvador.

如果您有兴趣购买 BTC,您绝对应该考虑在Switchere购买。在我们的平台上,您有机会使用信用卡以最快、最方便的方式购买 BTC。此外,我们还提供一些令人惊喜的奖励!我们平台的用户享受首单0%的服务费。

If you are interested in buying BTC, you should definitely consider buying at Switchere.

BTC 汇率记录






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