
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:59 评论:0
比特币历史价格图:揭秘比特币与法定货币的跌宕起伏Bitcoin’s Historical Price Chart: Discovering the Falling of Bitcoin and Legal Currency作为一名资深小编,...



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Bitcoin’s Historical Price Chart: Discovering the Falling of Bitcoin and Legal Currency


As a senior editor-in-chief, today I have decided to explore in depth the peculiarities of the virtual currency of Bitcoin, using a wonderful historical price map to reveal the hate between it and the legal currency.


Before embarking on this exciting journey, let us look into the five crucial questions surrounding the relationship between bitcoin and the legal currency:

比特币于 2009 年由一位化名中本聪的人创造。

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a man named Bennett in an alias.


It is a decentralised digital currency that is not regulated by any government or financial institution.


The birth of Bitcoin marked the beginning of the monetary revolution, as it challenged our understanding of traditional currencies.

亲爱的读者们,欢迎来到比特币颠覆性世界的幕后故事!比特币诞生于 2009 年金融危机的阴霾之中,当时人们对传统金融体系的信任濒临崩塌。在这个背景下,神秘的中本聪推出了一种全新的货币概念:比特币。

Dear readers, welcome to the background story of the subversive world of Bitcoin! Bitcoin was born in the shadow of the 2009 financial crisis, when trust in the traditional financial system was on the verge of collapse. Against this background, Mystery Bennett introduced a completely new monetary concept: Bitcoin.


Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency, which means that it is not controlled by any central authority. It operates on the basis of a technology called block chain, which is essentially an indeterminable ledger of transaction records. This guarantees the anonymity and security of bitcoin transactions and destabilizes our perception of traditional currencies.


The birth of Bitcoin, it can be said, was like a stone thrown into a calm dam in the financial world, triggering a currency revolution. It challenged the government and central bank’s monopoly on money supply and opened a new era in financial science and technology.

比特币的价格经历了巨大的波动,从早期几乎不值钱到 2021 年达到历史高点 69,000 美元。

Bitcoin prices have experienced huge fluctuations, ranging from an early period of little value to an all-time high of $69,000 in 2021.


The journey was full of excitement, prosperity and depression.


Price volatility in Bitcoin is influenced by a variety of factors, including supply and demand, regulation and media campaigning.

朋友们,系好安全带,让我们踏上比特币价格过山车的惊险之旅!从最初的默默无闻到 2017 年的首次炒作浪潮,再到 2021 年的冲天高涨,比特币的价格走势简直就是一场财富升级的冒险。

Friends, fasten your seatbelts and put us on a dangerous journey over a bitcoin! From the initial invisibility of the first boom in 2017 to the surge in 2021, the price of bitcoin is a risk of an escalation of wealth.

2010 年左右,一个比特币的价格仅为 0.003 美元,简直就是零花钱,几个比萨饼就能搞定。但随着时间的推移,比特币开始了其势不可挡的崛起,于 2017 年达到了第一个峰值,突破了 2,000 美元大关。

Around 2010, a bitcoin cost just 0.003 dollars, that's pocket money, a few pizzas. But with the passage of time, Bitcoin started its unstoppable rise, reaching its first peak in 2017, breaking the 2,000 dollar mark.

比特币的世界里没有什么是绝对稳定的,2018 年迎来了残酷的熊市,比特币的价格暴跌至 3,000 美元以下。但这只是下一场高潮前的阵痛,在 2021 年,比特币再现辉煌,触及了令人瞠目的 69,000 美元。

There's nothing in Bitcoin that's absolutely stable, and there was a brutal bear market in 2018, and bitcoin prices fell to less than US$ 3,000. But it's just a precipitous throes before the next orgasm, and in 2021, bitcoin regenerated, touching an amazing 69,000 dollars.


Both the supply-demand relationship, regulatory policy changes, and the media campaigning constantly affect its price. Some are rich, others are productive, and bitcoin price fluctuations are like a ruthless game, testing investors’ courage and wisdom.


The relationship between bitcoin and statutory currency has been complex.


The legal currency is issued by the Government and regulated, while Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority.


This game has given rise to profound debate about the nature and role of money.


This is a good play, ladies and gentlemen! The game between Bitcoin and the legal currency is a power race, on the one hand a traditional currency supported by government authority and, on the other, a decentralized, unsupervised, encrypted currency.


Legal currencies, such as the United States dollar, the euro, and the renminbi, are the ones that we know in our daily lives. They are issued by central banks or governments, regulated, and protected by law.


Bitcoin’s advocates argue that it represents a genuine freedom from government control and inflation. Proponents of the legal currency emphasize the importance of government regulation for financial stability and the fight against crime.


The game is still going on, and the final outcome is not yet known. But it is certain that Bitcoin has challenged the dominance of the legal currency, forcing us to rethink the future of the currency.


Bitcoin regulation has been a challenge for Governments.


Some States have taken a liberal approach, while others have taken a strict stance.


The future of Bitcoin’s regulation remains uncertain.


Hey, let's talk about the law. Bitcoin's regulatory landscape is like an abstract painting, vague and complex. The way governments handle this new asset correctly is still in the making.


Some have adopted a liberal approach, arguing that the centralization of Bitcoin makes it impossible for them to regulate. Others have taken a tough approach by enacting laws that prohibit or restrict bitcoin transactions.

中国就是监管态度发生重大转变的一个典型例子。曾经一度对比特币持开放态度,但后来出于金融稳定考虑,于 2021 年全面禁止了比特币交易和挖矿。

China is a typical example of a major shift in regulatory attitudes. For one time, Bitcoin was open-minded, but subsequently, for reasons of financial stability, a complete ban on bitcoin trading and mining was imposed in 2021.


The future of Bitcoin regulation remains uncertain, but it is bound to have a significant impact on its development and diffusion. Earlier this year, the United States Congress held hearings on Bitcoin regulation, suggesting that regulators are exploring possibilities.


The future of Bitcoin is full of uncertainty.


Some experts believe that it will become a global currency, while others believe that it will ultimately fail.


The success or failure of Bitcoin will depend on a number of factors, including the regulatory environment and technological innovation.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are close to the end of this exciting journey, and it is time to look ahead to the cloudy and lost bitcoin! Its future is full of uncertainty, with unlimited possibilities and hidden risks of bubble collapse.


Some experts are convinced that Bitcoin will evolve into a global currency because it can cross national borders and not be controlled by any single government. Others believe that it is too volatile and may become obsolete with new technological innovations.


The success or failure of Bitcoin will depend on a number of factors. The regulatory environment is crucial because it will affect the legitimacy and adoption rate of Bitcoin.


Dear readers, the future of Bitcoin is in our hands. By engaging in discussions, investing in it, or simply focusing on its development, we can shape the fate of this number currency.


My friends, thank you for joining me on this exciting journey. I have an indisputable interest in the love of Bitcoin with the legal currency, and I eagerly look forward to an excellent discussion with you in the comment area.


Perhaps you also have your own opinions, or one of the moments in the history of Bitcoin, impressed. Come and share your views or ask your questions, and let us explore the charismatic world of Bitcoin together.




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