比特币半个月大涨62% 区块链产业链望再升温

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:105 评论:0
原标题:比特币半个月大涨62% 区块链产业链望再升温   近期,受外围市场汇率波动、自身稀缺性等因素影响,比特币再度上演了一波价格疯涨行情,各方买家对虚拟货币的炒作热情重新点燃。相关交易平台数据显示,...



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原标题:比特币半个月大涨62% 区块链产业链望再升温


Recently, as a result of factors such as exchange rate fluctuations in peripheral markets and their own scarcity, Bitcoin has re-emerged with a wave of price booms, and buyers have rekindled their enthusiasm for virtual currency booms. According to trade platform data, the price of Bitcoin rose by 62.8% between the end of May and mid-June, with prices starting to drop sharply in recent days, with the volume of transactions increasing by about five times in June.


This cycle of virtual currency booms, driven by bitcoins, is closely linked to the complex investment ecological chain behind it. As a result of the introduction of leverage mechanisms, some virtual currency booms have become a pseudo-Ponzi scheme by pseudo-Internet financial platforms, which has cast a shadow over the development prospects of virtual money.


However, the block chain concept is receiving increasing attention from financial institutions as a basic technology to support virtual money. In capital markets, listed companies have started to break down technology-related projects in the gold-buying zone block chain, and the associated concept plates for block-chain technology are well received.



Between 2013 and 2015, a virtual currency campaign – represented by bitcoin – went through a dispute over the mountain, where prices fell sharply from RMB 8,000 to within RMB 1,000, evaporating by more than 90%. In just one year after the bubble burst, the madness of virtual currency seems to have resurfaced.


The quotations from a domestic Bitcoin trading platform, the currency network, show that the Bitcoin campaign started on 27 May, when the price was close to $3,000, with only 22 transactions rising by 62.8 per cent a day, and that the price of Bitcoin has risen by 78 per cent since this year, up from the lowest 900 in January last year, by up to 445.6 per cent.


Another Bitcoin trading platform, the OKCoin data analysis, reported that on 20 June, the Bitcoin price plate was up to US$767.08, breaking 5,000 yuan, which had been high since the beginning of 2014. But prices fell sharply in the following days.


Under the influence of Bitcoin, its derivative market has also begun to grow rapidly, with other virtual currencies like Bitcoin forming a highly competitive river, and the frenzy continues to warm up with the heat of the market. It is known that Leitco, Etek, Quarco, Zetaco, among others, are now the more popular virtual currencies in the web platform, with a certain number of buyers and followers, and market value fluctuations are frequent.


As to the reasons for the boom in Bitcoin, the head of the above-mentioned trading platform, Xu Star, explained that financial institutions are exploring the application of block-chain technology as a result of the widespread interest in the technology of the pre-bitcoin and the block chain behind it around the world, giving Bitcoin a growing interest in the world. “More players are now expected to halve bitcoin by half, leading to a sharp increase in bitcoin prices.


According to marketers, the current state of the financial markets is influenced by risk event factors such as slow global economic growth, exchange rate fluctuations in the renminbi and the dollar. Most institutions are actively looking for safe assets other than traditional investment items such as equities, bonds, real estate, etc. The emergence of virtual currency practices such as Bitcoin also provides an investment path for some high-risk preferences, which ignites virtual currency designs as fast as a spark.


high and high risk of falling


In both the past and the present, virtual currency booms have been driven by investors who are more diverse and complex than the virtual currency market, which in 2013 was represented by bitcoin.


According to industry sources, Chinese investors favor a virtual currency market that has a clear “rich effect” as national wealth increases and asset investment targets grow. The data show that, by the end of 2013, the renminbi trade had rapidly accounted for more than 67% of the entire Bitcoin market, and that this round of renminbi transactions had amounted to more than 90%.


In the light of market dynamics, it appears that more than 60% of the profits from the piping of bitcoins have been realized in the recent 20 short trading days, and that virtual currency markets are more attractive for investors than for investors, for real estate markets with huge investment volumes and volatile stock markets. People familiar with virtual money markets have analysed that the price of bitcoins, currently denominated in renminbi, has been higher than in overseas markets, implying that Chinese buyers have a strong demand for bitcoins, and that China’s price of bitcoins has a premium of at least 10%.


From the perspective of virtual money’s investor ecology, there are programmer players who get bitcoin exclusively through “mining” technology, as well as peddlers from which to make deals, and ordinary investors who have invested in large waves. An investor who has been involved in virtual money speculation has said that he is not familiar with the principles of the bitcoin transaction itself and the technological risks involved.


In addition to Bitcoin, a number of other types of virtual currency have also received widespread attention and have become hot on various civil platforms. A third-party virtual currency trading platform analysis, influenced by bitcoin dynamics, has led to a marked increase in the volume of transactions in some other currencies.


A senior player in Bitcoin has revealed that every round of business is dynamic without leverage, and that a number of domestic Bitcoin trading platforms provide leverage for participating investors. Under the leverage, the speed of the campaign is accelerating, and it is likely that Bitcoin’s price booms and drops will follow.


At the same time, in the absence of regulation and legitimacy, there are pseudo-trading platforms for illegal distribution under the guise of “virtual money-management” and the emergence of illegal capital-gathering, which allows a number of non-jurisdictional investors to enter and lose their personal property, which also leads to virtual currency peddling in the grey area of regulation. Moreover, the security of virtual money-trading platforms has been tortured, and once the firewall of the platform’s trading system has been hacked by hackers, large amounts of money retained on the platform will be lost, and virtual currency prices will fluctuate, with worrying risk factors.


block chain concept is being followed


As the head of a virtual money-trading platform has said, this upturn is directly related to the re-recognition of the concept of block-chain technology that underpins Bitcoin. Recently, a number of international commercial banks and financial institutions have also begun to study in depth the commercialization of block-chain applications, which has raised the status of virtual money.


It has been pointed out that, with block chain technology, many financial operations will be “decentralized” and real-time digitized transactions, such as point-to-point transactions in securities transactions, cross-border payments settlements, etc. The application of block chain technology in B2B cross-border payments and settlement operations worldwide will reduce the cost of each transaction by about 40%, as measured by McKinsey.


On the capital market, which benefited from the hotness of the block chain concept, a number of innovative and private equity capital began to look at the block chain market, thereby giving rise to a group of enterprises that were applying technology around the block chain. On June 22, it was reported that 100-degree, light, etc. had invested $60 million in a bitcoin start-up company in the United States.


Previously, a listed company in Shandong had issued a reorganisation bill stating that a company that intended to buy a major business by issuing shares and paying a cash combination to manufacture chips for a bitcoin “miner” at a price of $3.06 billion. A voucher dealer had published a study stating that, if the merger and reorganization programme were successfully adopted, the listed company would become the first stock in the “block chain plus artificial intelligence” of the A-share market and would become the leader in the block chain concept.


Since mid-May, the “block chain” concept in the secondary market has been launched as a result of the warming of virtual currency and the capital-to-block concept. The sector chain concept has grown exponentially since mid-May, as evidenced by news of the purchase of bitcoin by upper-market companies.


Gold bonds (600109, stock bar) indicate that they provide a good direction for the development of value Internet, while providing a bottom-of-the-line system of secure storage of block chains for various applications. With demand driven in various areas of value Internet, bottom protocol performance will gradually be optimized, and more bottom-of-the-chain platforms and applications are expected to emerge in the future, and the process of industrial development will be far ahead of market expectations.


However, it has also been suggested by industry that the technology development of the block chain is not as expected, or that the process of extension of the block chain application is not expected to be a matter that requires close attention in capital markets. Investors are advised to understand the technological development of the block chain before “entering.” Investment risk cannot be ignored if there is no more comprehensive understanding of the digital currency, and if the price increase of the conceptual unit is simply followed.






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