欧链Oracle Chain老狼:专心做技术 看好预言机数据服务的未来 | 链茶访 链茶访是链茶馆新开辟的区块链项目报道专栏,每周会对一个项目团队进行专访,链茶馆将挖掘不同项目的闪光点,讲述区块链开发

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:64 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 链茶馆,(https://xueqiu.com/1903522932/115203191)链茶访是链茶馆新开辟的区块链项目报道专栏,每周会对一个项目团队进行专访,链茶馆将挖掘不同项目的闪光点,讲述区块链开发者的创业...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 链茶馆,(https://xueqiu.com/1903522932/115203191)


chain tea visits >b> are part of the story of the newly opened block chain project at the chain teahouse, where a weekly visit will be made to a project team. The chain teahouse will tap into flashpoints for different projects, tell business stories of the developers of the block chain, and provide updated project information and industry developments for each block chain peer.

今天,链茶馆专访了欧链Oracle Chain的创始人老狼,这是一个专注于智能合约生态内现实数据上链服务的项目。在熊市之下,还能踏实做底层技术支持的项目真的不多了,那欧链提供的预言机服务具体是怎样的呢,未来的盈利模式找到了吗?本期链茶访,将为大家一一解答。

Today, the chain teahouse visited Oracle Chain’s founder, the wolf, a project that focuses on the eco-real data chain service of smart contracts. Under Bear City, there are really few projects to do bottom-level technical support. What exactly is the premonition machine service that the chain provides?

创业不为赚快钱 申请了46项目区块链技术专利

In order not to make quick money, applied for a patent for 46 project block chain technology .


The old wolf, skinny and tall, with a briefcase, first made it look like a senior veteran in the IT industry, had a light glasses, and the whole of the man was very human. After an introduction to each other, the old wolf boasted: "It's really not easy for someone to be in the press under the Bear City." The teahouse feels that it is precisely because of Bear City, where everyone is eager to see the future of the industry, that we in the media should be able to report on excellent projects, so that our members of the chain can learn from each other.


The old wolf invited us for vanilla coffee, dry and depressed in Beijing in the fall, and a warm cup of coffee was refreshing, and our interview began. The old wolf told us that there were currently 33 members of the Eurolink team, that the company was founded in Beijing in June of last year, and that all three partners were technical experts in the sector chain, all of whom had previously served in the same company, and that the three had provided an opportunity to create the Eurolink company.


The old wolf's home is Chengdu, he graduated from the University of Electronic Technology, and our chain tea house is Chengdu. He returned home eight years after studying and working in Singapore, with another partner, Qinghua, a Ph.D. in Information Security, who worked for many years at the Central Bank of Agriculture in China. The third partner is the Big North Mathematics Doctor, who has been doing research and research at the University, so the three partners have enormous technical skills and technical resources.


The old wolf is a very careful interviewer who, in order for us to get a better idea of the Eurolinks, has a laptop and a finger PPT to explain to us. He believes that the team comes from technology, it needs to be technical, they're not in the cattle market, so they're not ready to make quick money, and they want to improve the entire smart contract ecology and do a long-line project through the Predictor Information Technology.


Since the creation of Eurolink, one very different thing from other projects is to apply for a 46-year chain technology patent. The old wolf is proud to say that our patents can be compared to some of the big factories, because even the big ones are responsible for the technology, and not much less so in terms of technology patents.


In the name of the company, EULEX is involved in the development of ICT block chain standards. EULEX is divided into four main sectors: R & D, products, operations, and commerce, and is currently in the process of closing discussions in Beijing to develop some of its own DApp projects in the future.


Why does the block chain need a prophecy service?


Essentially, the chain is not a chain, nor is it a DAPP, but a service provider that provides a realistic data upper chain for intelligent contract ecology, i.e., a prophesy machine service. And does the block chain really need a prophesy machine service?

老狼给我们举了一个随机数抽奖的实例,他们日前推出了自己代币OCT的随机抽奖系统,邀请了46名对于预言机服务感兴趣的志愿者提供随机数。这46位志愿者即是随机数服务中的Data Feeder(数据提供者),OracleChain 引入了声望(Reputation)的奖惩机制、风险金(Deposit)的惩罚机制和 Oracle 费用的奖励机制来完成 data feed 过程,最终回答 Oracle 答案。

The old wolf gave us an example of a random number of prizes that they had recently launched their own currency, OCT, inviting 46 volunteers interested in prophesy services to provide random numbers. The 46 volunteers were the Data Feeder (data provider) in random numbers, and Oracle Chain introduced Reputation, Deposit and Oracle fees incentives to complete the data feed process and ultimately answer Oracle answers.

欧链通过一系列比较复杂的算法(因为算法过于复杂,采访中没有过多询问),可以将多名Data Feeder的数据生成随机数,确保整个抽奖流程的公平公正。老狼谈到,通过欧链的数据处理,只要这众多参与者中可以保证至少1人不作恶,最终的数据就是完全公平公正的,这是由技术来控制的。

Through a series of more complex algorithms (because of the complexity of the algorithms and the lack of queries in the interviews), the chain can generate random numbers from many Data Feeder data and ensure fairness and fairness in the entire drawing process. The old wolf talks about processing data through the chain, so long as at least one of the many players is safe, the final data is completely fair and just, which is controlled by technology.


In the context of the practical application of the block chain DAPP, the old wolf talks about the most appropriate projects for prediction and guessing at the moment. Because these smart contracts do not create the credibility of the data results, users question in the contest, and by intervening in third-party data collection and availability through the Eurolinker service, full fairness is assured.


The old wolf said that he was thirsty and had some coffee and continued to say that the entire block chain ecology was currently less demanding for prophetic data, which they had foreseen at the beginning of the Eurolink project. Because centralized data transfers were also fully functional, so that the so-called fairness could be relative, rather than absolute.


Why is the EOS supernode?


The chain teahouse has learned that the Eurolink is a supernode on EOS, and that it also contributes significantly to the EOS open-source community, and now provides 25 open-source codes. So why does the chain look so good to EOS? The old wolf turned the PPT to a very public relations page with the oraclegogogo top 40th of the EOS Supernode, accompanied by a plaque. In his view, Taipan's smart contract was too poor, and after comparing several of the more well-known public chains last June, he chose EOS, which was not considered to be the ecological starting point of the EOS chain.


The old wolf said that at least there are thousands of data interactions per second on EOS, and only a few dozen on Ether, when he opened up the EOS digital wallet that they made, with dozens of DAPPs on it, and he said, frankly, that dozens of DAPPs could shut Ether down. As providers of smart contract data interactive services, of course, they have to choose a lower-level public chain of performance.


And why does the chain become the EOS supernode? The old wolf turned the appt to the page of the open source of their contribution to EOS, with 25 technical, developmental, tool code clearly visible. He was proud to say that some of the university’s block-link technology development courses had led teachers to download their tools directly for teaching. “We made a remarkable contribution to the EOS open-source community, which was already the supernode, and, without much publicity, the chain itself was selected by the community as the 40th supernomere before.” He said.


Predictors serve smart contract ecology, and the smart contract ecology, Dapp, is not prosperous enough. The old wolf believes that the chain can use its own EOS supernode powers and influence to drive ecological development, and they are now seeking active cooperation with a number of block-link games. The EOS block chain game is intended to operate under a chain that allows users to directly convert assets that can be used in the EOS eco-coastal chain through their own credits. And, as a profitable project, it is the top 70 EOS supernodees that can get some return benefits from EOS, which will also enjoy more community resources.


What's the profit model for the chain? What's the status?


The Eurolink is a project focused on bottom technology, and the profit point must be based on the need for smart contract ecology for the prophecy service, but the current reality is that most projects do not have too much demand for the prophesy information service, which will limit its profitability. How does the wolf see this situation?


The old wolf said that the Eurolink project, from the very beginning of its creation, determined the future profit model, which had to be realized through the Predictorial Data Service. It had issued 200 million copies of the OCT, but that did not prove that the project was profiting from the value added of the OCT, which, in his view, merely allowed the Prophecy Service to run its entire business line in a tranco-economy environment, creating an economic closure, while the real profit point was still dependent on the data service itself.


The old wolf is a very sincere man, who claims that the European chain is currently less profitable than spending, and that the team does have profitable pressures, but because it is an eco-friendly long-line technology project, supported by investors, there is no unprecedented pressure for profitability. The team has already completed its collaboration with the Predictorial Data Service on random drawings, and has worked on a fee-paying project, with tens of thousands of registered users in the EOS digital wallets produced by the team, and some of the infrastructure that requires the Predictorial Services.


The price of the OCT, token in the Eurolink foreword service, was also fairly stable, with 10 million OCTs on the market recovered and permanently destroyed after last year's 94th year, and the market value of the OCT has not yet broken.


The optimist developer of technology development


During the interview, the chain teahouse also raised the real issue of the current low demand for the foreword machine service and the increased cost of the European chain data service, and the old wolf was very optimistic: “The current existence of these problems is only temporary, and with the steady development of the industry, which of the future block chains does not require a just off-link data service?” He laughed, and since the chain had chosen hard-core technology, there was always a time to make money.


The old wolf said that, at the end of May this year, 360 co-developed the EOS supernode security program with the European chain, and proudly found a microblogging by Zhou Hung to show us photos of the cooperation agreement with his friends. In research projects with relevant government departments, the old coyote also gave us a number of examples (due to the detailed work of the relevant sector, which is not appropriate in the articles), and that cooperation in these infrastructure directions, while not making a profit for the European chain, could build up technical experience and social resources for the European chain’s predictive data services.


Community maintenance in Europe and abroad has also been successful, with 150,000 fan-sized cables abroad, and Turkish tech journalists have visited old wolves, with 13 micro-messages in the country, bringing together a group of people interested in predictive technology. The old wolves are also very optimistic about the current bear city, with no excessive capital bubbles, and are proving a suitable path for technological research.


Partners in the block chain industry who want to share their team development stories and share their experience of development and operation can scan two-dimensional micro-codes of the chain tea visit column below.




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