
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:57 评论:0
前言:寻找写作灵感?中文期刊网用心挑选的区块链技术解析与应用,希望能为您的阅读和创作带来灵感,欢迎大家阅读并分享。 摘要:区块链技术与传统的IT技术在架构上、体系上、具体特征上的一些不同特点,使区块链具有了传统IT技术不具备的新的应用领...



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Abstract: District


Keywords: block chain; technical architecture; radio and television


1 Foreword


The concept of block chains, in terms of technological dimensions, is a decentralised shared book or database, stored in multiple data backups adapted to the uniform consensus rules through multiple nodes distributed around the globe. The application dimension is a new model of confidence-building, technological systems and infrastructure that relies on machines and algorithms, and that, under this new model of trust, can rebuild many social activities that previously depend on human beings. The goal of block-chain reform is the current large Internet economy, making it possible to reconstruct the emerging ecological aspects of the Internet. The sector’s functioning is based entirely on computers and algorithms, free from the consciousness and emotional influence of people with unstable characteristics, is a technology based on high confidence, a technology based on technology, a technology based on technology that provides a technology for intelligent social relations, provides a new model of confidence-building: no longer on people, but on computers and algorithms to build confidence.


Structure of the 2-block chain system


Block chain technology and some of the different structural, systemic, and specific features of traditional IT technology have given the block chain new applications and characteristics that traditional IT technology does not possess. Previously, cloud computing has led to a greater concentration of data and applications, further exacerbating the oligopoly of the Internet.


2.1 P2P+ stratification network architecture


The technical structure of the block chain can be described briefly as a combination of the P2P+ technology architecture. The data of the block chain are stored and processed together by all nodes of the network with reciprocal relationships, and the processing logic of all nodes is identical. There is no single computer or group of computers in the block chain (as long as it does not exceed 50 per cent of the computing power of the whole network) with independent control over data processing of the entire network. A prominent advantage of the P2P structure is that it is high safety. Under the traditional central model, by attacking the single mainframe of the network, data from the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node can be stored or treated together with the no such risk. The no significant network security event has occurred under each no single node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node of the node.


2.2 Technical evolution of the block chain


For decentralized applications, the centralization of core data (e.g., asset data) is generally required not only to be centralized, but also to be decentralised. For such applications, bitcoin represents the block chain 1.0 technique, which is used in conjunction with IPFS. Bitcoin is used as a digital currency application, whereas it is a bottom network structure and operating network that can support different decentralized block chain applications (e.g., data on WEB pages, pictures, videos, etc.). IPFS, as a standard for distributional document storage and transmission agreements, is designed to replace HTTP with a fully centralized application using the block chain and IPFS.


Type of block chain


Depending on the consensual scope and openness of the block chain, the block chain can be divided into three types: the public chain, the union chain, and the private chain. Bitcoin, the Etherm, is a typical public chain application; the union chain generally requires permission to participate and is not open to the public, many of which are constructed using super-account Fabric technology, which is generally used for data-sharing in inter-firm union organizations; the private sector chain is generally used for testing and intra-firm data-sharing and is not open to the outside world. The public chain has the greatest impact and receives the most attention and research because of its large number of participants and its many breakthroughs in traditional thinking.


2.4 Key issues in the block chain


At present, block chain technology is still in its infancy and is not very well developed. (1) The security problem RSA faces a threat of quantum computing, account theft, P2P daily feeding attacks, etc. (2) The high-synchronous problem is a problem of limited number per second, as in the case of Bitcoin TPS, only 2 to 3 seconds per second, and in the case of the Teeth master network, only 10 to 15 seconds. (3) The consensus mechanisms for consensus innovation have corresponding advantages and disadvantages, such as Pow time and electricity, and the need for POS to diversify. (4) The central issue exchange is a very central area of block chain technology and one where security risks are most concentrated. (5) The technical mechanism for universalization of the block chain is complex, difficult to understand, operational difficulties, and insufficient mobile support.


3 Concluding remarks


Block chains are a new type of software development architecture, characterized by a P2P network architecture plus a layered software architecture. The layered architecture includes the base layer, contract layer, application layer, access layer. The complete block chain technical architecture includes the data layer, network layer, consensus layer, incentive layer, contract layer, application layer. The network type of the block chain includes the three types of public chain, coalition chain and private chain, with the public chain receiving the most attention and the broadest influence, with new and emerging technological features not previously available in IT, but the block chain technology is still at an early stage of development and faces a number of technical challenges. In general, the block chain technology itself addresses a number of issues, such as data sharing and high credibility in the application of the block chain, and the transformation of multiple operations in the area of radio and television, while at the same time addressing the existing data reliability problems. With regard to the administrative operational nature of the radio and television industry, the issue of user incentives can be considered in a way that addresses the problems of the use of the block chain, requiring the design of complete solutions applicable to broadcasting and television operations.




[1] Long-term, Han Fung. Block chains: from digital money to credit society [M]. Beijing: China News Press, 2016.


[2] Yang Bohua. Principles, Design and Application of Block Chains [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industries Press, 2017.


[3] Jang Yuan Lin, Chen Seng, Zhao Xi, chain of blocks and the opening of a new age of intelligence [M]. Beijing: People's Post and Telecommunications Press, 2018.

作者:李杨 单位:国家广播电视总局监管中心

Author: Li Yang Unit: Control Centre of the General Directorate of National Radio and Television




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