
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:59 评论:0
华夏时报(公众号:chinatimes)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道Reporter Jo Hu Jinhua, Shanghai.在去年全线崩盘后,加密货币价格持续低迷,加密矿企的日子也愈发艰难。After the collapse o...



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华夏时报(公众号:chinatimes)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter Jo Hu Jinhua, Shanghai.


After the collapse of the entire line last year, the price of encrypted money continued to be depressed and the days of the encrypted mining companies became more difficult.


Today, Nasdaq:EBON announced its performance for the first six months of 2023. The data show that in the first half of the year, more than $4.09 million was achieved in the first half of the year, a decrease of 83.69 per cent from $25.6 million in the same period in 2022; a gross profit of $9.9 million, compared to $14.24 million in the same period in 2022; a net loss of $8.38 million, compared with a net loss of $10.92 million in the same period in 2022.


In response to the sharp decline in performance, a number of calls and letters were sent by the Washington Times (public number: Chinatimes), but no response had been received as of the date of the submission.


“The first half of 2023 was a challenging period. Industry fluctuations and macroeconomic impacts have not yet led to qualitative improvements in our performance, and our encrypted currency exchange operations and cross-border payments and foreign exchange operations have been steadily developing.”


Encrypted Mining Enterprises perform less or less


Billions of States International attributed the decline in revenue to a decrease in product sales. According to the financial statements, $1.1464 million was generated internationally from product sales in billion States, a decrease of 95.24 per cent compared with $25.596 million in the same period last year.


At a time when product sales have declined and performance has been unsatisfactory, Billion States are trying to contain costs. The financial statements show income costs for the first six months of 2023 to be $3.09 million, down 71.40 per cent from $10.82 million in the same period in 2022.


In addition, Billion States International spent $750,000 on sales in the first six months of 2023, compared to $1.69 million in the same period in 2022. It stated that the decline in sales costs was mainly due to the introduction of precision advertising and other marketing methods related to corporate financial science and technology in the first six months of 2023, resulting in lower general advertising and marketing costs.


“We have confidence in the company's long-term prospects.” Hutton said, “Looking ahead, we will continue to expand our operations in selected regulated markets, insisting on technological innovation as the central driving force, and developing and implementing new business strategies to achieve sustained growth and embrace opportunities while addressing the challenges of the future”.


According to public sources, Billion States International was founded in 2010 and was formerly known as Zhejiang Billion States Communications Technology Limited.


In 2014, Billion States International became involved in block-chain computing equipment and joined the Bitcoin Mine Mechanism. In 2015, Billion States International was listed as the first miner to be marketed.


On 26 June 2020, GBI landed in Nasdak and became the second global market manufacturer of mine machines after KANO.


In October 2020, Billion States International announced the acquisition of a local financial company for financial intermediation, wealth management services in New Zealand to set up a local digital asset financial services platform. Since then, it has also established a fully-owned subsidiary in Australia, and has indicated that it will build a digital asset financial services platform in preparation as part of a billion-state international growth strategy.


On April 5, 2021, Billion States International issued an announcement that the encrypted currency exchange, EBONEX, was officially launched, allowing eligible investors to register and trade. On the day EBONEX came online, Hudón stated that the launch of the encrypted currency exchange operation would not only expand the company’s source of revenue for the encrypted money business, but also optimize the development of the block chain of industries.


In fact, more than a billion states worldwide, as the encryption market moves from cattle to bear markets, the days of encryption mining companies are not easy. The semi-annual financial reports released by the US encryption mine company Argo prior to now show that business revenues in the first half of the year amounted to $24 million, down 31% from the same period last year.


According to data published by the Central General Unit for the second quarter of 2023 for the same period, its revenues amounted to $74.1 million, a significant decrease of $121.4 million compared with $196 million for the same period in 2022, a 62.1 per cent decrease compared with the same period, which explained in its financial statements that the prices of encrypted currency assets fell in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the overall prices in the second quarter of 2022, resulting in a larger decline in corporate revenues on a year-on-year basis.


In addition, by virtue of the continuing low stock prices, the Bit Mining Company faced a withdrawal warning. On 8 July, the Bit Mining Company issued an announcement stating that the company had been notified on 9 June 2023 because, as at 8 June 2023, the company's average total market value and equity standard was less than $50 million for 30 consecutive trading days, or that, as at 31 March 2023, the last disclosed shareholder interest was less than $50 million, which did not meet the applicable market value and equity standards in the New York Stock Exchange's continuous listing criteria. This was the second time that the company had received a withdrawal warning after the Bit Mines transition.


In response, the co-sponsor and permanent vice-president of the China National Association's Web 3.0 Commission, Wu Goobin, told the Washington Times (public: chinatimes), first of all, that the spread of industrial bear city sentiment had led to high expectations of peripheral capital and a decline in investor confidence in Bitcoin, which in turn had an impact on demand for mineral products and market activity. Second, the slow pace of global mining and volatile energy prices had caused considerable problems in the mining industry.


According to Goobin, in the future, the trend in mineral products will move towards higher numeracy, efficiency and lower cost to meet the demand for efficient and low-cost equipment in the mining industry.


The senior researcher of the International Block Chain and Digital Monetary Association, Takasawa, also told the Washington Times (public: chinatimes) that the mining-related industry is currently stagnating because of the long period of low currency prices, the market for bears, and the high level of competitiveness. On the other hand, this may raise the industry’s threshold and act as a “dissuasion” or “shuffle”.


How long will the encrypted mining winter last?

在寒冬之下,矿企上游的芯片企业也熬不住了。半导体大厂英特尔此前表示,其专用于加密货币挖矿的产品线Blockscale ASIC芯片系列将停止生产。该公司预计将在今年10月20日之前停止接受该系列的订单,并在明年4月20日之前停止发货。

Intel, the semiconductor major factory, has previously indicated that the Blockscale ASIC chip series, which is used to encrypt currency mining, will cease production. The company is expected to stop accepting orders from the series by 20 October this year, and to stop deliveries by 20 April next year.

此前加密货币挖矿掀起了一番热潮,矿工纷纷抢购游戏显卡,为抢占先机,英特尔于2022年6月推出了旗下第一款挖矿专用Blockscale 1000 ASIC芯片。但2022年随着加密市场的崩塌,许多矿机因代币价格的大幅下跌而被迫“关机”。

In June 2022, in Intel launched the Blockscale 1000 ASIC chip specializing in mining under the first flag. But, with the collapse of the encryption market in 2022, many miners were forced to “cut off” due to a sharp fall in the price of their tokens.

据悉,英特尔Blockscale 1000 ASIC芯片的客户包括挖矿公司Argo Blockchain、GRIID Infrastructure、金融服务科技公司Block Inc和区块链技术公司Hive Blockchain Technologies。

According to the information received, clients of the Intel Blockscale 1000 ASIC chip include the mining company Argo Blockchai, GRIID Infrastructure, the financial services technology company Block Inc. and the block chain technology company Live Blockchain Technologies.


The mid-year report of the Bitcoin Mining Year, released by Galaxy, shows that despite a reversal of trends in several key areas of mining, the alarming growth in network computing during the first half of this year offset many of the positive factors, leading to a historic increase in the difficulty of mining.


On or about 30 April 2024, Bitcoin is about to be halved for the fourth time, and miners are already moved to do so. Will another halving of Bitcoin lead the encryption industry out of the winter?


The headmaster of UWEB and the co-chair of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association (CCIA) stated to the Washington Times (public: Chinatimes) journalist that, from a historical point of view, the halving of Bitcoin had indeed served as a catalyst in triggering a new round of cattle on several occasions, but it was also important to note that the context of each reduction was different from that of the global economy, so it might not be accurate simply to apply the past to the present or the future. Adding to the fact that encryption markets were more mature and complex than before, other factors, such as macroeconomic conditions, policy adjustments and technological advances, could also have a greater impact on prices.


“As far as cryptography is concerned, halving it will undoubtedly put greater pressure on already operational mines and incoming new players, especially when electricity prices are high and the money chain tight. But, similarly, if Bitcoin prices rise, more efficient, low-cost mining machines and mines will have a greater market competitive advantage, which could drive the entire mining industry to accelerate technological innovation and optimize operations.


In Janin’s view, the shift to compliance, cleaning, scalability, specialization, and globalization in encryption is the result of a combination of energy consumption costs and world currents. Clean energy, such as wind, solar, hydropower, and tidal energy, will in the future become the dominant source of energy for arithmetic industries.


Wu Goobin also said that halving Bitcoin would be a matter of great concern as to whether it would lead to the development of mining-related industries. Halving Bitcoin would mean halving its production, which could lead to an increase in bitcoin prices, thereby increasing mining revenues.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳




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