华为设备接口管理(华为 设备管理)

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:66 评论:0
华为设备接口管理(华为 设备管理)Fahrenheit equipment interface management (Fahrenheit equipment management)[Huawei]int MEth 0/0/1? //进入...



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华为设备接口管理(华为 设备管理)

Fahrenheit equipment interface management (Fahrenheit equipment management)

[Huawei]int MEth 0/0/1? //进入MEth管理接口视图

[Huawai]int Math 0/0/1? // Access to Math Management Interface View

[Huawei-MEth0/0/1]undo negotiation auto //配置MEth管理接口工作在非自协商模式

[Huawei-Meth0/1] undo management auto/ configure the Meth management interface in a non-self-negotiated mode

[Huawei-MEth0/0/1]speed 100 //配置MEth管理接口的接口速率,缺省为100Mbit/s

[Huawei-Meth0/1] spoke 100/configuration of the MEth management interface with 100 Mbit/s default

[Huawei-MEth0/0/1]duplex full //配置MEth管理接口的双工模式,缺省为全双工

[Huawei-Meth0/1] duplex full//configuration of the MEth management interface double-working mode, default being full-time

[Huawei]port-group group-member g0/0/1 to g0/0/3? //创建并进入临时端口组视图

[Huawai]port-group group-member g0/0/1 to g0/0/3? / Create and enter temporary port group view

[Huawei]port-group a1 //创建并进入永久端口组视图

[Huawai]port-group a1/ / Create and enter the permanent port group view

[Huawei-port-group-a1]group-member g0/0/1 to g0/0/3 //将以太网接口添加到指定永久端口组中

[Huawei-port-group-a1] group-member g0/0/1 to g0/0/3// will be added to the specified permanent port group with the Tainet interface

[Huawei]display port-group //查看永久端口组的成员接口信息

[Huawaei] Display port-group/ / View member interface information for the permanent port group

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5]combo-port fiber //配置Combo接口工作模式为光口,缺省为auto

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] combo-port fiber// Configure Combo interface working mode in light, default in autu

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5]combo-port copper //配置Combo接口工作模式为电口

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] combo-port copper/ / Configure Combo interface working mode as a portal

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/6]negotiation auto //配置以太网接口工作在自协商模式,缺省为自协商模式

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/6] Negotiation auto/ configuration of self-negotiated models working on the Tainet interface, default being self-negotiated models

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/6]auto speed 100? //自协商模式下配置以太网接口的接口速率,缺省是和对端接口协商得到的

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/6] auto spoke 100?//Configured under the consultation model with the interface speed of the Tainet interface, defaults were negotiated with the end interface

[Huawei]set ethernet speed down-grade? //自协商模式下使能接口自动降速协商功能,缺省未使能

[Huawaei] set Ethernet spoke down-grade?// Auto-delayed consultation function for the interface under the consultation mode, default did not make it possible

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]undo negotiation auto ?//配置以太网接口工作在非自协商模式

[Huawei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/7] undo network auto?/ Configure Ether interface work in non-self-negotiated mode

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]speed 100? //配置以太网接口的接口速率

[Huawai-GigabitEthernet0/0/7] spoke 100? / / configured with the interface speed of the Tainet interface

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]negotiation auto

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]auto duplex full? //,配置以太网接口的双工模式

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/7] auto duplex full? / / Configure double-working mode with the Tainet interface

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]undo negotiation auto

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]duplex full

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/8]undo portswitch //配置接口切换到三层模式

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/8]undo portswitch/ / configure interface to 3-storey mode

[Huawei]undo portswitch batch GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 //配置接口批量切换到三层模式

[Huawaei] undo portswitch catch GigabitEthernet 0/ 0/1/ Configure interface batch to 3-storey mode

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]flow-control? //配置流量控制, 缺省未配置

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]low-control?/configuration flow control, default not configured

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]flow-control negotiation? //配置接口的流量控制自协商功能, 缺省未配置

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9] flow-control network?/configuration interface flow control function from consultation function, default not configured

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]carrier up-hold-time 2000? //配置接口上报状态变化延时时间,缺省上报Up事件延时时间为2000毫秒,上报Down事件延时时间为0毫秒

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1] Carrier up-hold-time 2000? / Configure interface delay in reporting Up incident delay of 2,000 milliseconds and Down incident delay of 0 milliseconds

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]carrier down-hold-time 10

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap protection enable? //使能接口的链路振荡保护功能

[Huawai-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap protection enable?/link oscillation protection to enable interfaces

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap interval 10? //配置接口的链路振荡时间间隔,缺省为10秒

[Huawai-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap interval10?/link time interval for configuration interfaces, defaulting 10 seconds

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap threshold 5? //配置接口的链路振荡次数,缺省为5次

[Huawai-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port link-flap

[Huawei]display error-down recovery? //查看处于Error-down状态的接口的相关信息

[Huawaei] Displayer-down report? // View information about interfaces in Error-town state

[Huawei]error-down auto-recovery cause link-flap interval 30? //使能接口状态自动恢复为Up的功能,并设置接口自动恢复为Up的延时时间,当接口Error-down后,经过指定延时时间后能够自动恢复

[Huawaei]error-down auto-recovery cause link-flap interval 30? / Auto-restore to Up and set a time delay for auto-resuming the interface to Up, and when the interface is Error-down, it can be restored automatically after the specified time delay.

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]trap-threshold error-statistics 3 interval 10? //配置错误报文告警阈值和错误报文告警时间间隔,缺省错误报文告警阈值为3个,错误报文告警时间间隔为10秒

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1] trap-threshold error-statistics 3 interval 10?/configures the gap between the warning threshold for false reporting and the warning time for false reporting, which is three, and the alarm time for false reporting is 10 seconds

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]error-statistics threshold-event trigger error-down? //配置接口由于接收到的错误报文超过阈值而触发Error-down功能,缺省未配置

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1] Error-statistics threshold-event trigger error-down?/ Configure interface triggers Error-down because the error message received exceeds the threshold, default is not configured

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]error-down-threshold error-statistics 3 interval 10? //配置触发Error-Down的错误报文数的阈值和触发Error-down的单位时间间隔,缺省触发Error-down的错误报文数的阈值为3个,触发Error-down的单位时间间隔为10秒

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1] Error-down-threshold error-statistics 3 interval 10? // Configure the threshold for triggering Error-Down errors and the unit time interval for triggering Error-Down, default triggering Error-Down errors at 3 thresholds and triggering Error-Down at 10 seconds

[Huawei]error-down auto-recovery cause error-statistics interval 10? //使能接口状态自动恢复为Up的功能,并设置接口自动恢复为Up的延时时间,当接口Error-down后,经过指定延时时间后能够自动恢复

[Huawaei] Error-down auto-recovery cause error-statistics interval10? // Automatically restores the interface state to Up and sets the time delay for the interface to return to Up, and when the interface is Error-down, it is automatically restored after the specified time delay.

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]jumboframe enable 9216? //配置接口允许通过的最大帧长,缺省为9216字节

[Huawei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/1] Jumboframe enable 9216?/configuration interface maximum frame length allowed through default 9216 bytes

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]log-threshold input-rate 80 resume-rate 1? //配置接口的出、入带宽利用率日志阈值,缺省接口出、入带宽利用率的日志阈值是80

[Huawai-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] log-threshold input-rate 80 resume-rate 1?//Cutting interface log threshold for bandwidth utilization, default interface log threshold for bandwidth utilization 80

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]log-threshold output-rate 80 resume-rate 1

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]trap-threshold input-rate 80 resume-rate 1 //配置接口的出、入带宽利用率告警阈值,缺省带宽利用率的告警阈值是80

[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1] trip-threshold input-rate 80 resume-rate 1/configuration interface warning threshold for bandwidth utilization, with default bandwidth utilization threshold 80

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]trap-threshold output-rate 80 resume-rate 1

[Huawei- XGigabitEthernet0/0/1]single-fiber enable? //配置单纤单向通信

[Huawai-XGigabitEthernet0/0/1] Single-fiberable? // Configure one-way communication

[Huawei-XGigabitEthernet0/0/1]transceiver power low trigger error-down? //设置接口由于光功率低触发Error-down功能

[Huawai-XGigabitEthernet0/0/1]Transeiver power low trigger error-down?/ Set interface triggers Error-down function due to low light power

[Huawei]display error-down recovery? //查看处于Error-down状态的接口的相关信息

[Huawaei] Displayer-down report? // View information about interfaces in Error-town state

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]mdi across? //配置以太网接口MDI类型,缺省为auto,即自动识别所连接网线的类型

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] mdi across? // configured with the Tainet interface MDI type, default auto, which automatically recognizes the type of network connected

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]virtual-cable-test? //配置电缆检测

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] virtual-cable-test? / Configure cable detection

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]loopback internal? //配置以太网接口的内环回检测功能, 缺省处于关闭, 其会影响其他功能使用,测试完毕后,请及时关闭

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] Loopback internal?//configuration of the inner loop detection function of the Ethernet interface, default is closed, which affects the use of other functions, after testing has been completed, please close in time. ]

reset counters interface g0/0/1? //清除指定接口的统计信息

reset accounts interface g0/0/1?/ / Clear statistical information from the specified interface

reset counters if-mib interface g0/0/1? //清除网管的接口流量统计信息

reset accounts if-mib interface g0/0/1?/ / Clear interface traffic statistics for network tubes

reset statistics-peak? interface g0/0/1? //清除接口的速率峰值记录

reset states-peak? interface g0/0/1?/ / Clear interface peaks

reset virtual-cable-test all? //清除接口的电缆检测结果

reset virtual-table-test all? // Clear interface cable detection results

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]combo-port copper? //配置Combo接口强制工作在电口模式

[Huawaei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] combo-port copper? / Configure Combo interfaces to work in the vent mode

[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]port-isolate enable group 2? //配置端口隔离功能,使同vlan中的端口相互隔离

[Huawei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/1]port-isolate inclusive group 2?/configuration port isolation function to separate from the port in vlan

[Huawei]undo portswitch batch GigabitEthernet 0/0/2 to 0/0/5? //配置以太网接口批量切换到三层模式

[Huawaei] undo portswitch catch GigabitEthernet 0/0/2 to 0/0/5? /Change batch to 3-storey mode with Tainet interface


Eth-Trunk interface: Logical interfaces with two- and three-storey properties that logically equate multiple Ethernet interfaces to a logical interface with greater bandwidth and reliability than the Ethernet interface.


Tennel interface: a three-storey logical interface where equipment at both ends of the tunnel uses the Tennel interface to send messages, identify and process messages from the tunnel


VLANIF interfaces: Logical interfaces with three layers of characteristics, which allow not only the exchange of VLAN visits but also the deployment of three layers of operations through the configuration of the IP address of the VLANIF interface.

子接口:在一个主接口上配置出来的多个逻辑上的虚拟接口,主要用于实现与多个远端进行通信。子接口共用主接口的物理层参数,又可以分别配置各自的链路层和网络层参数。用户可以禁用或者激活子接口,这不会对主接口产生影响;但主接口状态的变化会对子接口产生影响,只有主接口处于连通状态时子接口才能正常工作。在子接口上关联VLAN后,可以实现VLAN间通信,主要应用于Dot1q终结、QinQ终结等场景。设备支持在以太网接口和Eth-Trunk接口下创建子接口。根据是否配置IP地址,子接口可以分为二层子接口和三层子接口,二层子接口未配置IP地址,工作在数据链路层,可用于同一网段VLAN内跨隧道的报文转发,例如L2VPN;三层子接口配置IP地址,工作在网络层,用于不同网段的报文转发,例如L3VPN。仅hybrid和trunk类型接口支持配置子接口。对于上述形态设备的二层接口,执行命令undo portswitch切换为三层接口后,支持配置子接口。接口加入Eth-Trunk后,该成员接口上不能配置子接口。VCMP的角色是Client时,不能配置VLAN终结子接口。

Subinterface: After connecting to VLAN, the VLAN message can be forwarded mainly to the Dot1q end, QinQ end site, etc. The device supports the creation of subinterfaces under the Tainet interface and the Eth-Trunk interface separately. Depending on whether the IP address is configured, the subinterface can be divided into two subinterfaces and three layer interfaces, but the two-storey interface does not have an IP address, working on the data link level, which can be used for cross-tunnel transmission in the same section of VLAN, such as the L2VPN end; the three-storey interface is equipped with an IP address in the network.


Loopback Interface: When a user needs an IP address for an interface state that will always be a Up interface, it is possible to select the IP address for the Loopback interface. Once created, the physical state and the chain protocol status will always be Up, with a 32-bit mask IP address that can be configured to save address space, cannot encapsulate any chain-level protocol, not a local IP address, for which the interface is a message for the local Loopback interface, and the device can throw it away directly. The IP address for the Loopback interface is designated as the source address for the submission and can improve network reliability; information can be made simple based on information such as the IP address control access interface and filter logs for the Loopback interface.


InLoopback0 interface: The system automatically creates an InLoopback0 interface, which is a special and fixed Loopback interface that receives all the data packages sent to this aircraft using the ring address The IP address on the interface is not subject to change and is not released by route agreement.


NULL interface: Any network data message sent to the interface will be discarded, mainly for routing, etc.

[Huawei]int Vlanif 10

-ip add 24

- [Huawei-Vlanif10]damping time 1? //配置延迟VLANIF接口状态变为Down的时间,缺省为0秒

- [Huawaei-Vlanif10] Damping time 1?//Configure delay of VLANIF interface status to Down, default of 0 seconds

- [Huawei-Vlanif10]mtu 1500 ?//配置VLANIF接口的MTU,缺省为1500字节

- [Huawaei-Vlanif10] mtu 1500?/ Configure MTU of VLANIF interfaces with 1,500 bytes default

[Huawei]int g0/0/1.1? //进入指定的子接口视图

[Huawaei]int g0/0/1.1? // Enter the specified subinterface view

- [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1.1]dot1q termination vid 10? //配置子接口对一层Tag报文的终结功能

- [Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1.1]dot1q termination vid 10?//Configure sub-interface end function for one layer of Tag reports

-[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1.1]qinq termination pe-vid 10 ce-vid 10? //配置子接口对两层Tag报文的终结功能

-[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1.1] qinq termination p-vid 10 ce-vid 10?/Configure sub-interface end function for two layers of Tag

-[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1.1]arp broadcast enable? //使能子接口的ARP广播功能

-[Huawaei-Gigabit Ethernet0/0/1.1] arp widecast energy?//ARP broadcast function with energy sub interfaces

[Huawei]display dot1q information termination //查看配置了dotlq终结的所有接口的名称以及终结子接口对用户报文终结的规则数量

[Huawaei] Display dot1q information terrorism/ / Viewing the names of all the interfaces that have been configured to end dotlq and the number of rules that end subinterface to end user messages

[Huawei]display qinq information termination //查看配置了QinQ终结的所有接口的名称以及终结子接口对用户报文终结的规则数量

[Huawaei] Display qinq information campaign / / Viewing the names of all interfaces that have been configured to end QinQ and the number of rules that end subinterfaces have to end user messages

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