Rationale: Encryption and declassification data use the same key and are suitable for decrypting large amounts of data
Security : The key is saved, the key is leaked by either encrypted or decrypted
symmetrical algorithms commonly used for passwords:
**移位和循环移位 **
**Modition and circulation
The move is to move a number to the left or to the right as a whole according to the prescribed number of digits. The right move in the circle is to move the last position of the number to the front of the number when it moves right, and the left move in the reverse direction. For example, the right move in the decimal number of 12345678 is 81234567, while the left move in the circle is 23456781.
**置换 **
**Replace & nbsp; & nbsp;**
That's to replace a value in a number with another, based on the replacement table. It's not as neat as the move, it looks messy. That's what encryption requires, and it's often applied.
**扩展 **
**Extensions & nbsp; & nbsp;**
It is to expand a number into a number that is longer than the original number. There are a number of ways to expand it, for example, by replacing it with a table that defines the replacement value for each of the expanded numbers.
**压缩 **
** Compressed & nbsp; & nbsp;**
It is to compress a number into a number that is shorter than the original number. There are a number of methods of compression, for example, replacement methods that can be used to define the replacement value of each compressed number in a table.
**异或 **
** Different or & nbsp; & nbsp;**
这是一种二进制布尔代数运算。异或的数学符号为⊕ ,它的运算法则如下:
This is a binary Boolean Algebra operation. A different or mathematical symbol is a titanium, and its algorithm is as follows:
1⊕1=0 0⊕0=0 1⊕0=1 0⊕1=1
It can also simply be understood that if the two digits involved are equal, the result will be zero, which will vary from one.
**迭代 **
**External & nbsp; & nbsp;**
Interlacing is the repeated repetition of the same calculations, which is often used in cryptographic algorithms to make it more difficult to decipher messages.
Asymmetric cryptography requires two keys: a public key (publickey) and a private key (privatekey). A public key is a pair of private keys, and if a public key is used to encrypt data, only the corresponding private key is used to decrypt it; if a private key is used to encrypt the data, then only the corresponding public key is used to decrypt it.
**Safety: **Pkeys can be known by anyone, but leaking a private key leads to a leak of information.
Application scene:
A digital signature, a private key owner encrypts the information, and the recipient uses a public key to decrypt the sender's identity.
key length:
Usually 1024, 2048, etc.. The key length has doubled, the time it takes to operate a public key has increased about fourfold, the time it takes to operate a private key has increased about eightfold, and the time it takes to generate a public key is about 16 times.
Encryption length:
加密的明文长度不能超过RSA密钥的长度减去11byte,比如密钥长度是1024位的,1024位=1024bit=128byte,128-11=117byte,所以明文长度不能超过117byte,如果长度超过该值将会抛出异常。加密后密文的长度为密钥的长度,如密钥长度为1024bit(128Byte),最后生成的密文固定为 1024bit(128Byte)
The explicit length of encryption cannot exceed the length of RSA keys minus 11byte, e.g. the length of the key is 1024, 1024 = 1024bit = 128byte, 128-11 = 117byte, so the explicit length cannot exceed 117 byte, and if the length exceeds that value, it will be abnormal. The length of the message after encryption is the length of the key, e.g. the length of the key is 1024bit (128Byte), and the resulting message is fixed at 1024bit (128Byte).
** Representing algorithms: **DES, 3DES, Blowfish, IDA, RC4, RC5, RC6, AES, etc.
Using some kind of hash function, you enter a specific text for different lengths, you get a code for the same length, and a simple change in the code can cause a huge change in the code. In fact, the Hashish algorithm is not really encrypted, but rather generates the corresponding print information, which is used to verify the integrity of the data.
**Safety: ** Can't be inverted through classified text, usually as a data integrity check
**Application scene 1: ** Generate information summaries to validate information integrity
**Application scene 2:** No explicit storage of user passwords, such as md5(md5(user password)+salt) to store passwords and authenticate passwords to prevent attackers from using rainbow forms
** Representing algorithms: **MD2, MD4, MD5, PANAMA, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, etc.
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