
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:98 评论:0
比特币原理深入˂strong}bitcoin is deep 区块链技术 block chain technology本文图片均来自“读库”微信公众号到此为止,我们去中心化账本的理想只实现了一半,并没完全实现,为什么呢?因为还有两个重大的问...



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block chain technology




第一个区块当然是由区块链的发明人中本聪亲自创建的,那是北京时间2009年1月4日,在芬兰赫尔辛基的一台小型服务器上,第一个区块诞生了,这也被称作“创世区块”(genesis block)。在这个区块上,包含的主要信息是:

The first block was created, of course, by Ben-Sung, the inventor of the block chain. On 4 January 2009, Beijing time, the first block was born on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, also known as the Genesis Block.


Block height: 0

The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brinkof second bailout for banks


(translation: The Times, headline article of 3 January 2009: The Minister of Finance faces the second emergency relief for banks)


"Some account" gets 50 bits in reward


The middle phrase is a memorial to the first block, starting with the second block, where each block must be created in strict compliance with the rules of the Bitcoin system. The rules for the block include (at least) the following information:




Fixed information



Record of transactions received





The Chinese hearing rule is that the first 72 digital fingerprints of this new block (a 256-digit binary number) must be all zero.


Recall the knowledge of digital fingerprints that we have described earlier. Because the fingerprints calculated by the SHA are an irregular set of numbers, the only way to satisfy this sick rule is to try it on the basis of luck, starting from zero until it meets the requirements. It's a matter of pure probability. Let's figure out what the probability of meeting that requirement is.


Because there are only two possibilities for each binary number, zero or one, the possibility of a single number is one in 72 of two, namely:



That's about one-quarter of a quarter of a billion. In other words, it takes an average of 4.7 trillion times for a number to be reached, which can be seen as the gold of every number.


The most subtle thing is that the number is not the solution of a particular equation and that one less is solved because each block has a different string, so that every search for the number of the number starts at zero, and any number can become a new number, totally irregular.


Once a number is found, you get the power to book a new block on the book. So, why take the time to find the number and get the book to account for it? Because the benefits are too great.


The Bitcoin system provides that, for each successful addition of a block, the billing computer (which is actually an account number) will receive 12.5 bitcoins of rewards (the amount of awards up to the time of writing), as well as fees for all transactions in this block, depending on the frequency of transactions (an average of about 2 bitcoins on average). In this way, the equivalent of 14.5 bitcoins of incentives will be available for every number of votes found, and the price of the bitcoins at the time of writing is US$ 120,000. Such a rich reward will naturally attract a large number of computers to seize the right to account.


The search for the number is for the right to account, and the right to account is for bitcoin.


So the search for the number is also visualized as “mining”. The mining computer is called a miner. A room filled with a miner can certainly be called a miner. The mine owner is a miner, and they are tidal in the Lake Bitcoin.


But I need to explain to you how difficult it is to dig. Personal computers run about 600,000 times a second, which means that it takes 10 million years on average for a personal computer to come up with an oscillation. Of course, it's a probability that I can't theoretically exclude someone from a supernova explosion, and it's a one-in-a-one-in-a-one-in-one prize of 4.7 trillion billion. But I'm still trying to persuade you not to believe that you have that life.


Let me show you what a professional mine is like:



However, I find the data in this report to be contradictory and look at the market price of Bitcoin at about $2,500 each and the exchange rate of the dollar against the renminbi at about 6.8, so the income is about 850,000 yuan a day, about $310 million a year, the cost of a mine machine is between $10,000 and $20,000, and the total cost of a miner is between $50 million and $100 million, even if the cost of electricity, etc., is at least $200 million a year.


So, either the journalist made a mistake or the interviewer bragging about the draft. Because of the volatility of Bitcoin’s prices and full-network computing, investing in Bitcoin mines is difficult to predict over the long term, and there are too many uncertainties.


According to the bitcoin knowledge we have before, 50 bitcoins, equivalent to four numerals, have been found, and four counts have been seized. At present, all of the machines of the entire bitcoin network, combined with the total capacity, can be found at an average of about 10 minutes, which means that a new block can be created at an average of 10 minutes. Of course, this 10 minute is an average. Three or four minutes faster, generating a block at a slower rate of about 15 minutes.


Just because the number is too hard to find, each block takes an average of 10 minutes to generate one, so it basically solves the first question raised at the beginning of this section, “How to synchronize books”, with only three or four minutes to synchronize all online computers to this block, and those unconnected computers or those that run their client for the first time have to do one thing on the line, which is to get an up-to-date account book from a neighbouring node.


Note that I use the word “fundamental resolution” to mean that the problem of “book synchronization” is not entirely solved. This is because there is always a very small probability that the two miners will be able to find the number simultaneously (as long as all online nodes on the web do not complete the synchronization of the block chain) and at the same time the right to account is seized. Because there are too many machines, and such a small probability event will happen every once in a while, and a mine that has the right to account will be able to broadcast the new blocks that it has created into the Bitcoin network.


What about the bitcoin system?


In this case, the other nodes equivalent to the network receive two new legal blocks, because the geographical distribution of the network nodes makes the order of receipt of the two new blocks different. At this point, all nodes will retain two new blocks for the time being and make a temporary segmentation of the block chain, as shown in the figure below:




You might wonder, if a small probability event happens again, and two new blocks have been created at the same time after the first break of the block chain, and when two new blocks have been created on two different branches, what happens when the other nodes receive a chain of blocks of the same length? Good, or the same rule, as long as the branch is as long as the branch is, is temporarily retained, until two branches appear for a different period, and the longer part is abandoned. All transactions and the bitcoin reward in the abandoned branch will be deemed null and void.


Because of this temporary fork rule, a bitcoin player, once a deal has been completed, cannot be considered successful, may be cancelled, and must wait until a certain number of new blocks have been created, if the transaction has not yet been cancelled, to feel confident that the deal has succeeded. How many new blocks have to be created before it can be reassured?


In probability, three new blocks are sufficient for small transactions, but in order to be more secure, it is generally considered reassuring to wait until six new blocks are created. As stated earlier, the average time for each block is 10 minutes, which means that a large transaction takes about an hour to confirm the success of the transaction.


But small transactions tend to take longer, even longer days. You may be confused to hear this. Didn't you just say that small transactions usually take only three new blocks to produce?




Fixed information



Record of transactions received





Yes, no packing is allowed. The reason is not that the miners do not want to make money, but “force majeure.” The key issue is the limited amount of data that each block is allowed to store. At the time of the design of the Bitcoin system, it was specified that each block should have a maximum of 1 MB and a transaction record of about 0.25 KB, so that a block could store more than 4,000 transaction records, and if more than 4,000 transaction requests were made during the creation of a new block, there would certainly be no savings.


We can calculate that this amount is probably a transaction frequency, with each block generating an average of 10 minutes, which means that, if the average number of transactions per second exceeds seven, there must be a record of transactions in queues waiting to be packed. The frequency of the transaction is very low, knowing that the payment of the treasure for one second is about tens of thousands of transactions.


In general, the larger the transaction, the higher the transaction costs in small transactions, the more the transaction costs in small transactions, the more the packagers have some autonomy. The more complex the rules for bitcoin transactions, the different miners are paid different fees, and it is not clear, but one thing might surprise you that the smaller the transaction, the smaller the transaction costs, the higher the rate.


It is now very common for Bitcoin to remain in business, and many small transactions cannot be identified for even a few days, so many people have to attach high transaction fees to allow miners to pack for them in advance.


When we get here, the core principles of the block chain are over, and it is important to remember that the idea of decentralizing the books was finally realized, thanks to the use of block chain technology by Nakamoto and the clever resolution of the question of the synchronization of the books and the non-recording of information.


I think the best way to learn is to learn with problems, to learn the backbone of the knowledge, and if you're interested, to learn about the branches. The first of these three sections is to bring you the questions, the second and third sections are the backbone of the bitcoin and block chain, and if you digest it, you can continue to read the next section and learn about the branches.


Knowledge Point on Bitcoin


. How do you ensure that bitcoin output is about constant?


The speed of Bitcoin’s output is essentially the speed of searching for an ocular number, which is now required to be zero for all of the top 72 and, if changed to 73, the difficulty of finding an oligarchy will be doubled immediately and, similarly, halved if reduced from 72 to 71. Thus, the system would simply need to adjust the oligarchic number to a full web-wide average.


>. Why is the cap of 21 million bitcoins?


The upper limit of this sum is artificial. The rules for the design of the Chinese Hsing are as follows: for every 210,000 blocks added, the monetary reward is halved, and the initial value of the reward is 50 bits, so the first creation created by Ben Hsien himself on 4 January 2009 was rewarded with 50 bits. At the output rate of an average of 10 minutes per block, it is roughly halved every four years.


The first half occurred on 29 November 2012 at 7.24 p.m. Beijing time, with 210,000 blocks born, and a reduction of the Bitcoin prize to 25. Beijing time on 10 July 2016, at 0:46 a.m., with 420,000 blocks born, is about three years and seven months apart, and the Bitcoin incentive is again halved to its current level of 12.5.


Knowing this rule, it is easy to calculate the amount of bitcoins that have been excavated from the current block height, which, as of the time of writing, is about 16,87 million bitcoins. At this half-life, by 2140, bitcoins would be zero, with a ceiling of 21 million, which is practically impossible to reach 21 million. Bitcoins are allowed to trade with a minimum of 0.000001 (108) bitcoins, which is also called “one hearing”, determined by the smallest digital precision supported by script language, so that bitcoins would be capped at 21 billion.


Why should Nakamoto set an artificial ceiling? His ideal is to create a currency that is indiscreet, and thus, theoretically, to shut down the hyperbolic inflation. As to whether this ideal can be achieved by imposing a cap, it is an economic question, and I cannot talk more about it, just knowing that inflation and deflation are equally terrible in economics.


You may soon think of another question: Who's going to dig if Bitcoin is no longer rewarded? Don't forget, there is a reward for transaction fees, which are decreasing, but the reward for transaction fees is increasing, and there will be a willingness to dig.


Future prospects for



At the macro level, it is still primarily an investment attribute, with only Australia and Sweden as the countries that recognize monetary attributes.


But the future of the block chain is certainly bright, and this is the next innovation of the Internet concept. What other scenes of everyday life can be applied to block chain technology?


On the basis of block chain technology, a “smart contract” has been developed, which is one of the greatest applications of block chain technology in the future. Smart contracts do not require intermediaries to guarantee that they can be done automatically and without fear of default.


For example, I bought a car that drove from the factory to my house, and I used fingerprints or brushed my face to drive, and the contract was executed, and the digital money was paid to the car factory, which was the real "no middleman for the difference." With autopilot and smart contracts, did you need a drop-and-drop car? No, the car and the customer could automatically match up with software based on block chain technology.


In the future, block-chain technology is likely to play a significant role in all areas of human society, as described in Global Science, February 2018:


Financial institutions: Global banks and investment institutions are studying and promoting block chain projects. Since its establishment in 2012, Ripple, the block chain system for interbank international transactions, has been well developed.


Government: The states of Delaware and Illinois in the United States issue birth certificates in distributed books, while a Vermont law allows the use of block chain technology to verify the authenticity of legal documents. Dubai integrates block chains into a number of administrative services, such as licensing. In 2016, Tunisia began issuing an electronic legal currency called eDinar through block chains.


Science & Technology Entrepreneurs: The Ethernonet is like an application shop for start-ups in block chains, which is designed to support new applications, unlike Bitcoin, which is just an electronic cash ecosystem. There are now hundreds of projects and businesses operating on this network. One of its famous projects, WePower, is dedicated to enabling households to directly buy and sell renewable energy sources (e.g. electricity generated by solar panels on roofs).

版权所有者与知识产权所有者:英国音乐人伊莫珍·希普(Imogen Heap)创立了Mycelia科技孵化器,追踪与创意作品有关的元数据,省去了iTunes这样的中间商。

Copyright owners and intellectual property owners: British musician Imogen Heap created Mycelia's technology incubator to track metadata related to creative works and save intermediaries like iTunes.

非营利组织和援助组织:点滴捐赠基金会(BitGive Foundation)正在用区块链技术加强慈善捐赠问责。联合国世界粮食计划署正在用区块链技术精简对约旦、叙利亚难民提供援助的追踪和交付过程。

Non-profit and aid organizations: BitGive Foundation is using block chain technology to strengthen the accountability of charitable donations. The World Food Programme is using block chain technology to streamline the tracking and delivery of assistance to refugees in Jordan and Syria.


Academic institutions: Forget about paper diplomas, the Block Certificate project aims to improve the credibility and sharing of diplomas and professional certifications.


Asset Management Company: Everledger, a London-based block chain, targets the diamond industry and records the properties and origins of each diamond with a block chain.


Journalists: To combat false news, Civil (decentralized news market) provides journalists with a platform for creating non-advertising, non-changeable news that is not influenced by external interests (e.g. Russia, Facebook) and is supported by readers.


General population: For migrant workers who send money to their families, the cost of using bitcoin remittances is lower than the cost of Western Union remittances. It is for this reason that 20% of international remittances between South Korea and the Philippines are now roughly estimated to be dependent on bitcoins.


According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, 77 per cent of global financial services will use block chains as part of production systems or processes by 2020.


According to a survey conducted by the World Economic Forum in 2015, 10 per cent of world GDP is expected to be stored in sector-based technologies by 2025.


concluding remarks


Since 1973, when the Apa network, formerly affiliated with the United States military, was opened to the world, the international Internet was born, and today it is the artery of human society.


In 1991, the first web page was born at the European Centre for Nuclear Research, the founding moment of Internet life, and today it is difficult to find people and units that are not affected by it.

2008年11月1日,中本聪发表论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System),区块链技术(理念)宣告诞生。2008年会不会成为人类历史上与1973年和1991年同样重要的年份,现在还无法下定论,但可能性非常大。

On November 1, 2008, China’s paper, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, was launched. Whether 2008 will become the same year in human history as 1973 and 1991 is not yet conclusive, but very likely.


No one can predict the future accurately, and it is to be hoped that this paper will provide a little insight and inspiration for today's strategists, entrepreneurs, students and students.


(Special thanks go to Mr. Feng Dae-fui's reviser.


(The author is a scientific writer, originally published in Recueil 1802, which was sent to the public under the public number “Read Library” (ID:dukubook) and is authorized to transmit the news.




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