
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:109 评论:0
关键词:区块链;应用前景;金融业;发展分析Keywords: block chains; application prospects; financial industry; d...



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Keywords: block chains; application prospects; financial industry; development analysis

中图分类号: F831 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673-1069(2017)02-167-2

Central Chart Classification Number: F831 Bibliographic ID Code: A Article No: 1673-1069 (2017) 02-167-2

1 区块链的产生及其运行机制

1. Generation of block chains and mechanisms for their operation


On November 1, 2008, Bintco published " Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point ", which led to the birth of Bitcoin. On January 3, 2009, the first serial number zero was born, followed by a block number one six days later, which formed a chain structure linked to the creation block number zero, and the chain was officially born.


In essence, block chain technology is a technology that stores, authenticates, transmits and communicates network data without relying on third parties and through their own distributed nodes. In simple terms, block chains are equivalent to a large database, which is considered to be an account book for which the fastest person to record will be found over a period of time and the information will then be sent to the owners of the system, who will maintain the same account book, a typical method of distributed sharing.

2 金融行业区块链技术应用的可行性分析

2 Feasibility analysis of technology applications for block chains in the financial sector

2.1 去中心化

2.1 Decentralization


In traditional transactions, we often do business through third-party intermediaries, such as consumer and merchant transactions dependent on bank payments. Block-chain technology believes that the existence of a third-party trust centre not only results in a lack of trust between the parties, the disclosure of information between the parties, but also increases transaction costs, thereby introducing a point-to-point approach to direct transactions.

2.2 匿名化

2.2 Anonymousization


Since computer algorithms have achieved a direct point-to-point transaction mode of trust, there is no need for disclosure of identity between nodes, and both parties to the transaction transmit information through public addresses. While all data on the block chain are open and transparent and shared by all, data are not specifically tied to each individual, thus effectively achieving anonymity and protecting the privacy of the individual.

2.3 信息安全性

2.3 Information security


All transaction records within the block chain system are automatically stored in the corresponding data blocks, in conjunction with the time-stamping technique, that is, the time and sequence of the records on each block, which allows tracking of each transaction record, and if an individual wishes to tamper with it, it must be accepted by 51 per cent or more, which is almost impossible to achieve under the most realistic conditions of data and user availability, so that post-trading disputes can be effectively resolved.

2.4 开放性

2.4 Openness


The block chain data system is open to all and, with the exception of the private information of each trader being encrypted, everyone can search for block chain data through public interfaces, so the system as a whole is highly transparent and the parties to the transaction have easier access to information.

3 区块链技术在金融业的主要应用

3. Key applications of block chain technology in the financial sector


The development of “Internet+finance” has led to changes in the business model of traditional finance worldwide, and the development of block-chain technology has had a profound impact on the development of the social financial system, with its current development of direct-selling banks, Internet voucher dealers, etc., focusing on changes in business models, while the development of block-chain technology will bring the financial sector closer to its essence - credit.

3.1 数字货币

3.1 Digital currency


At present, digital currency, represented by bitcoin, is the most extensive and successful application of block-chain technology. On the basis of bitcoin, a series of competing currencies, such as Letco, Dogcoin, and Ripcoin, are derived.


Digital currencies, by virtue of their relative frequency of decentralization and transactions, have relatively high transaction value and are able to maintain relative stability, and the digital currency will be used more widely in the future once a global block-chain credit system is formed. In the traditional international monetary payment settlement system, the dollar has an absolute advantage, and the renminbi does not have sufficient power to compete directly with the dollar, but it may then be internationalized with the development of digital money.

3.2 支付、转账与清算

3.2 Payments, transfers and liquidation


Under the current conditions of development, payment and liquidation of commercial trade are all dependent on the traditional banking system, whereby transfers are settled over long periods of time and at high cost through the involvement of multiple organizations, such as open-account banks, counterparty banks, liquidating organizations, offshore banks, and very cumbersome and complex processes. By contrast, block-chain technology creates direct payment processes between the parties to the transaction, thus avoiding cumbersome processes, allows users to make payments across borders and in real-time payments in any currency, at low prices and quickly without any processing fees.


In the area of cross-border payments, the Ripple payment system has begun to be applied experimentally as the first international network payer in the world, connecting isolated networks using a common global infrastructure, providing software access to the Ripple network for different member banks to enable real-time settlements in distributed accounts, while bank transaction payment information is concealed through cryptographic algorithms and only the bank's own system can trace and search, ensuring the safety and privacy of transactions and improving financial settlement efficiency.

3.3 金融基础设施

3.3 Financial infrastructure


The technologically unique decentralization of the block chain can make a significant difference in the traditional financial infrastructure characterized by centralization. First, the traditional way in which assets such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc. are registered and kept in the appropriate trust institutions, the block chain technology can record, preserve, manage data in a completely new distributed account, make it impossible to tamper with and enhance the transparency and reliability of market information; and secondly, the development of smart contract functions allows money to be programmed and paid under certain conditions. For example, central banks issue a specific digital currency and formulate a policy that can be paid in that digital currency only if the conditions are met.

3.4 银行征信管理

3.4 Bank letter management


At present, the most basic consideration for commercial banks in the conduct of credit operations for all credit subjects, including businesses and individuals, is that of the borrower’s own financial credit. Commercial banks upload the credit information of each subject to the central bank’s credit system and, when required, obtain a client’s authorization before downloading it from the credit collection centre. In such cases, problems of incomplete information, high cost of use, and inaccuracy of data cannot be avoided.

4 区块链技术应用的主要困难

4 Main difficulties in the application of block chain technology


In terms of progress in current practice, block-chain technology applications in the financial sector are mostly at the testing and conceptual stages, with many challenges ahead of its widespread application in society.

4.1 技术问题

4.1 Technical issues


The development of block chain technology is still at an early stage, and its wide application still faces many technical problems:


1 There are no mature intuitive products available. Block chain applications are still under development, compared to Internet browsers and various clients to access, transmit, and apply information.


2 The flexibility is poor. The information in the block chain cannot be changed after writing, which prevents the transaction from retreating.


Question of the capacity of the block chain. The information of the block chain is a process of increasing accumulation. The next block information will be larger than that of the previous block. Over time, the amount of information on the block has increased and the amount of space occupied by the storage space has increased, resulting in problems of information validation, storage and capacity that need to be resolved.


The security of the block chain network is based on a large number of credible nodes, and ensuring that credible nodes are not attacked is a very important challenge, while also ensuring the security of the user’s private key and preventing hackers from attacking and stealing information. In addition, there are a number of issues, such as excessive delays in transactions and confirmation processes.

4.2 监管问题

4.2 Regulatory issues


In addition, the development of block-chain technology is still at an early stage, and the lack of a well-developed system, even for well-developed bitcoin and different countries, has led to a cautious approach. These problems have led to a possible lack of the necessary regulations and constraints in the development of economic activities in the block chain, increasing the risks faced by market players.

4.3 竞争压力

4.3 Competition pressures


The development of human society is incalculable, although current block-chain technology is favoured, if more efficient and rational technologies are available, one immediately chooses another. For example, block-chain technology is extremely secure in the transmission of information, only individuals can open information through private keys, and quantum communication technology can also achieve security through quantum entanglement, as well as long-term development of quantum technology.

5 区块链技术的应用措施

5 Measures for the application of block chain technology

5.1 关注技术发展动向,加强对技术的研究

5.1 Focus on technological developments and enhance research on technology


Block chain technology is still in its initial stages of development, and future technological developments will require continuous research and exploration.


To this end, first of all, the development of foreign technology has accelerated, and we should pay close attention to the progress of research by foreign banks and institutions on block chains, in particular the breakthroughs in the bottlenecks faced by block chains, through continuous application assessments, enhanced external cooperation and communication, and through active participation in the development of international standards and international rules for block chain development, joint research into industry standards and the acquisition of ownership and voice;


Second, making full use of the policy support of the national innovation-driven strategy, promoting a combination of research and production, setting the direction of research with a professional research team, simulating the creation of a number of block chains and exploring new technological standards through continuous testing and analysis of different application scenarios;


Thirdly, there is increased policy support for the study of the civil block chain, encouraging participation and the establishment of a block chain project investment fund.

5.2 完善对技术的监管体系

5.2 Improving the regulatory system for technology


The attitude of national regulators towards the development of the block chain and the level of regulation are essential to the development of the industry.


First, there is some contradiction between the development of the block chain and our traditional approach to financial regulation. It is important to strengthen communication and communication with the regulatory authorities and to seek recognition and support while meeting the needs of the regulatory sector, while at the same time complementing the development of regulatory instruments and modalities with the technical approach of the block chain;


Secondly, the establishment of specialized research groups to strengthen legislative research in the technical field of block chains, to strengthen international exchange of new technology laws and regulations and to introduce industry norms and standards, thereby limiting investment activities in the market, safeguarding the interests of the participants and reducing the risk of financial innovation;


Thirdly, a clear direction for the reform of the new regulatory regime could be drawn from the hybrid model of regulation, starting with the block-link technology sector, with a gradual transition from industry-based regulation to mixed-sector regulation.

6 结语

6 Concluding remarks


In February 2016, Governor Zhou Xiaochuan proposed that “block chain technology is an alternative technology, and the People’s Bank has deployed an important force to study block chain applications.” While the development of block chain technology is still at an early stage, the degree of acceptance of block chain development in countries around the world remains to be seen, and the development of block chains still faces many challenges, the advantages of block chain development have been highlighted, there is much room for development, and models for financial industry development based on block chain technology are being innovative, and it is believed that financial science and technology innovation, represented by block chain technology, will have a profound impact on future life.

参 考 文 献


[1] 程华,杨云志.区块链发展趋势与商业银行应对策略研究[J].金融监管研究,2016(6):73-91.

[1] Xinghua, Yang Yunzhi. Trends in Block Chain Development and Commercial Bank Response Strategies Study [J]. Financial Regulation Study, 2016 (6):73-91.

[2] 谌麒艳.区块链:金融业即将面临的一场革命[J].银行家,2016(7).

[2] Blossoms. Block chains: a revolution to be faced by the financial sector [J]. Bankers, 2016 (7).



狭义上的区块链技术是基于密码学中椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)实现去中心化的数据库技术,将区块以链的方式组合在一起形成数据结构,以参与者共识为基础存储有先后关系的、能在系统内验证的数据。广义的区块链技术则是利用加密链式区块结构来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法来生成和更新数据、利用自动化脚本代码(智能合约)来编程和操作数据的一种全新的去中心化基础架构与分布式计算范式(Kavanagh D,2015)。区块链的概念首次由Satoshi Nakamoto(2009)在论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》中提出。O’Dwyer(2014)提出应用区块链技术来保护敏感数据、个人隐私等。Kishigami J(2015)等提出将区块链应用到数字内容版权的保护上,改变传统的CAS和DRM模式。R.Dennis(2015)提出了一种基于区块链的声誉系统。国内对区块链技术研究刚刚起步,相关著作较少。从实际应用来看,除个别应用开始小范围推广外,绝大部分运用仍未走出实验室。

The narrow block chain technology is based on a new decentralized database technology based on the cryptographic elliptical digital signature algorithm (EDCSA), which combines blocks into a data structure in a chain-based way, storing sequentially validated data based on the consensus of the participants. The broad block chain technology is the use of an encrypted chain block structure to validate and store data, the use of distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, the use of automated script code (intellectual contract) programming and operation data (Kavanagh D, 2015). For the first time, the concept of a block chain was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto (2009) in Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system. O'Dwyer (2014) proposes the application of block chain technology to protect sensitive data, personal privacy, etc. Kishigami J (2015) proposes to apply to digital copyright protection and change the traditional CAS and DRM model.


In an era of economic and financial globalization, the strengthening of the application of block-chain technologies in the financial field is an important theoretical and practical tool for exploring innovation and development of our financial operations.




Block chains, as new technologies with enormous application potential, are bound to revolutionize the global financial sector. How to play a role in innovative development of financial operations, the global financial community is engaged in a series of explorations in various forms (see tables 1, 2).


III. The main potential impact of block chain technology on innovation in financial operations


(i) Impacting the platform function of existing payment institutions and changing payment systems and structures


Block chain technology has a flexible structure that may reshape credit formation mechanisms, in particular the decentralized mechanism of the block chain, whereby third-party payment control functions can be automatically replaced by “intelligent contracts”, which can hit the foundation of third-party payments, effectively enhance the operational efficiency and reduce the cost of systems while ensuring information security, and significantly increase the utilization of funds (Hoxun and Zhao Fei, 2015). The block chain will gradually marginalize third-party payments and now has multiple payment-related liquidation applications, such as Ripple and Circle, in particular R3CEV Union institutions, impacting the platform functions of existing institutions, such as payment of treasures, and will potentially alter the transaction, liquidation and settlement processes in the existing financial system (see figure 1). McKenzie predicts that if B2B cross-border payments and settlement operations are implemented with the application of block chain technology on a global scale, the cost of each transaction can be reduced from approximately $26 to $15.


(ii) Data information cannot be tampered with to compensate for deficiencies in the functionality of existing financial services


Block chain systems handle transactions through encryption and decryption of public and private keys, the subject and the contents of the transaction are recorded on the block chain, and any transaction is traceable and searchable, data information cannot be tampered with and is more credible. Drawing on block chains and encryption techniques, external data sources are verified, specific trigger conditions are confirmed, contracts are activated and enforced, coordination between different systems is promoted, and data exchange efficiency is enhanced (see figure 2). In late 2015, NASDAQ completed and recorded for the first time a private securities transaction using block chain technology, three days from the standard settlement time in the stock exchange market, application of block chain technology reduced transaction time from 3 days to 10 minutes, settlement risk was reduced by 99 per cent, thereby effectively reducing the financial costs and systemic risks.


(iii) Optimization of consensus mechanisms to enhance system security and privacy


High-security smart contracts can be programmed to achieve either active or passive processing of data, acceptance, storage and transmission of value, as well as functions such as control and management of smart assets in various chains, i.e. block chains using hash algorithms plus time stamping, both to guarantee the authenticity, independence and confidentiality of transaction information and to provide proof of time for transactions. Automatic payments in supply chain finance using the “smart contract” function of block chain technology can significantly reduce labour costs and reduce the likelihood of errors due to manual transactions, leading to significant efficiency and security gains. McKinsey calculates that, globally, the widespread application of block chain technology in supply chain finance operations can reduce banks' risk costs by $1.1 to $1.6 billion a year.


(iv) Significant changes in credit risk management models with the potential to innovate in a wide range of financial operations


Block chain technology, which uses new encryption authentication techniques and decentralised mechanisms, significantly alters credit risk management models, reduces transaction risks and costs, and optimizes the allocation of financial resources through new credit creation. In terms of technical characteristics, block chains have both strong links and significant differences with traditional databases (see table 3), providing new technological options for industry development involving database applications, and the organic integration of the two is bound to have a strong integration effect, leading to a new development model with extensive potential in such areas as master data management and complex asset transactions management.


(v) Reducing the difficulty and cost of financial regulation and regulating market behaviour and order


The block chain distribution system is transparent, open, non-manufactured, etc., allowing real-time reconciliation, avoidance of ex post audits, reduction of enterprise costs, reduction of settlement and payment error rates, real-time monitoring of the flow of each sum of money, applicable to the areas of compliance, auditing and wind control, thus providing transparency of data for audit and regulatory units. The banking sector is based on block-chain technology to monitor, analyse, identify unusual transactions, detect and effectively prevent crimes such as fraud and money-laundering in a timely manner.


IV. Difficulties and challenges in innovative financial operations in our block chains


(i) Relative delays in the development of relevant laws and regulations


The first is the decentralization of the block chain, which affects the existing national regulatory system and challenges the existing business regulatory system. The cost of integrating the technology into the existing banking system is high. When the size of the data increases, inefficient search and excavation analysis will make their data transparent advantages redundant, and the direct recording of chain data structures and large amounts of content will make it impossible for regulators with anti-money-laundering functions to interpret the data within an acceptable time frame. The second is the relative delay in the development of institutional norms, laws and regulations related to the block chain, leading to an increase in the intangible risk associated with market-related activities.


(ii) The vast majority of applications remain outside the laboratory, and the establishment of well-established block chain applications continues to face numerous technical challenges


Much of this is still in the process of conceptualization and testing, and there are difficulties in obtaining the approval of markets and regulators. First, large-scale trading and block chain expansion disposal problems. Because of the distributional storage of block chains, the use of large storage space and decentralized confirmation mechanisms, the length of transactions is long, leading to a low volume of transactions in practical applications and a poor resilience to the expansion of storage space. Second, the circular implementation and flexibility of smart contracts. Smart contracts have self-cycle enforcement characteristics, similar to high-frequency transactions, leading to a significant increase in price volatility; and, once they are written, unmanageable, transactional and less flexible, they require an exceptional recourse mechanism. Third, there is a competitive technological challenge. For example, the application of block-chain technologies in the area of communications, the safety of information transmission can be greatly enhanced.


(iii) Unharmonized regulatory standards for block chain technologies and fragile ecosystems


The block chain lacks an ecological system. There are currently a wide range of technical options for the block chain. There is also a lack of a uniform system of technical standards for large projects such as superbooks and e-Taiwan, all of which are in a state of “divisionalism and fratricidal domination”, even the management of decentralized storage agreements and network security management associated with the block chain has not yet been developed, many of which lack reliable practical data testing, and the ecological systems of the entire block chain are fragile and need to be further improved.


2. Block chain development techniques and regulatory standards are not uniform. The R3 Block Chain Alliance, a consortium of Citibanks, Swiss banks, etc., seeks to develop uniform standards in the area of block chain technology suitable for use in the global financial sector, and to strengthen its leading position in the global financial sector. Financial institutions such as Chain and First Capital, Citigroup, etc., issued open standards on block chains in May 2016.


(iv) Risk prevention mechanisms have yet to be studied and designed in greater depth


1. In terms of the current computing power of the Tien River II, it would take approximately 248 years for a Hash collision to produce the Bitcoin SHA256 Hashi algorithm, but with the rapid development of new computing techniques such as quantum and various types of anti-anonymization screening techniques, future asymmetric encryption algorithms have some potential to decipher and therefore need to be studied and designed for a more secure and effective consensus mechanism.

2. 我国大量在实际中应用的密码学产品都来自欧美国家。区块链技术的核心基础掌握在欧美国家手中,若关乎国家命脉的核心系统构筑在区块链技术之上,则存在着潜在安全风险。如去中心化的运作机制一定程度上削弱了中央政府对金融的控制,有可能危及国家的金融安全。由于区块链的运行节点位于公开网络上,面向所有参与者,传统防范网络攻击的物理隔离策略已不再适用,对网络安全防范也必将提出更高的技术处理要求。如2016年6月DAO遭遇黑客攻击,黑客正常解读DAO智能合约代码,利用其中一个递归调用函数盗取用户资金,累计损失360万个以太币,近6000万美元。

2. A large number of the cryptographic products used in practice in our country come from countries in Europe and the United States. The core foundation of block-chain technology is in the hands of European and American countries, and there are potential security risks if core systems related to the lifeline of the country are built on block-chain technology. Decentralized operating mechanisms, for example, reduce central government control over finance to a certain extent, potentially endangering the financial security of the country. Since the sector-chain operates on an open network and is open to all participants, the traditional strategy of physical isolation against cyberattacks is no longer applicable.


(v) Subversive substitution remains costly and limited


1. Subversive substitution still has high costs and limitations. The relationship between the cost of inputs and the benefits is unknown in the initial application of block-chain technology, which uses smart contract platforms in the block chain for modern finance; the decentralised, self-managed, collective maintenance character of block-chains destabilizes people's current productive lifestyle, undermines existing legal arrangements and has a process of friction with existing operating and management models. For example, the block-chain network as a decentralized distributed system, where nodes inevitably have competitive and cooperative relationships in the interaction process.


2. Smart contract codes are open to all participants, affecting the interests of participants. For many forms of financial transactions, network players may use smart contracts to hoard or sell smart assets in their financial transactions to the detriment of participants. How to design compatible consensus mechanisms that increase the cost of irrational behaviour within the system to contain security attacks and threats is an important issue that needs to be addressed. At the same time, there is a shortage of cross-border talent.


V. Policy recommendations


(i) Strengthened peer-to-peer cooperation and active participation in forward-looking innovation and international standard-setting


1. Active participation in the development of standards. Block chain technology is still new and requires regulatory leadership, enhanced cooperation between financial institutions and Internet enterprises, research on the application of block chain technology in the financial field, and the possibility for individual financial enterprises with more advanced technological conditions to combine experimental applications and build up a pool of relevant technical research. At the same time, it actively participates in research exchanges and standard rules discussions organized by international block chain organizations, seeking to participate in the development of industry standards for block chains, exploring application scenarios, and developing standards for the application of block chains for their own development.


2. Taking advantage of opportunities, investment cooperation. Great attention is paid to international block chain development and innovation, adapting development strategies in a timely manner, and seeking to join the research and development of international block chain series products. In parallel with the development of standards, the Alliance has set up relatively independent block chain innovation laboratories, such as a research and development laboratory in cooperation with the Financial Science and Technology Corporation, focusing on the use of block chain; and it has the option of actively engaging with more mature block chain companies to promote technology exchange and cooperation in the area of financial cooperation.


(ii) (c) Up-to-date ways and means of improving the regulation of the financial sector?


The first is active legislative research on the application of block-chain technologies in the financial field. International exchanges and research on new technologies and financial innovations should be strengthened, standards and operational norms should be developed, commercial banks, non-banking institutions and financial institutions should be encouraged to undertake joint technical cooperation studies on block-chain-related technologies, explore the application of block-chain applications and develop industry-related standards for block-chain technologies. The second is to avoid excessive regulation.


(iii) Explore and refine the block chain technology programme to advance innovation in financial operations


Pay close attention to and assess the maturity, security, timeliness, etc. of block chain technology applications, in conjunction with the development of block chain application structures such as block chain technology exploration to facilitate scenario simulations of instruments, stocks, etc., to enhance the safety and efficiency of paper and securities transactions. Further exploration and refinement of various technology programmes, application scenarios and business models, exploration of financial innovation business applications based on block chain technology, selection of simple trade linkages, high business maturity, and application scenarios with high efficiency in technology application, as entry points, to develop, as soon as possible, a block chain technology programme tailored to the characteristics of our financial system.


(iv) Refinement of the corresponding safeguards system to provide reliable support for innovation in financial operations


1. Technical overview of block chains


The block chain concept was first introduced in 2008 as an innovative portfolio innovation with existing technology, with core technologies such as P2P network technology, asymmetric encryption, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, etc. Block chain technology is particularly suitable for scenarios characterized by multiple collaborations, nodes, transparency of credit, and naturally has the advantages of reducing trust costs, achieving data sovereignty, and improving efficiency. Industry and academia are constantly researching and exploring block chain technology, but there are still a number of challenges to the development of the block chain, focusing on technology, scenes, and top-level design.


2. Status of development of the internal and external sector chains


1) Governments attach great importance to the development of the block chain, successively adopting a series of policies


Starting in 2016, governments have focused on the value of block chains, accelerating the deployment of Asian countries in 2017, moving to a high-speed phase of development in 2018, and deploying technology for block chains in various countries. The United States, the United Kingdom, and China have done so earlier and have developed rich applications in such sectors as finance, supply chains, etc. Singapore, Japan, and South Korea have become more focused and policy-open in their application. In terms of financial support, the United States Government has directly provided research and research to researchers and sector chain companies, with the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea mainly focusing on investment block chain projects.


2. The development of technology and applications is being promoted by large domestic and international players in the cluster chain industry


In 2015 large domestic and foreign firms began to focus on block chain technology, with more attention to technology research and conceptual validation, some of them began to move into the military block chain industry in 2106, with more frequent domestic and foreign firms moving in 2017, beginning to apply and explore local applications, and a large number of block chain solutions and applications emerged in 2018. Domestic and foreign Internet enterprises focused heavily on the development of block chain bottom platforms, the launch of sector chains as services (BaaS) platforms, and the active exploration of applications such as supply chain finance, traceability, digital copyright, logistics tracking.


3) Open source is an important way to facilitate the technological development of the block chain, with active communities abroad


Open source is an important way to facilitate the technological development of block chains. A series of open-source platforms, such as Ether, Superbooks, DFINITY, BCOS, Ensemble Clouds, DNA, etc., have emerged. The active exploration by open-source communities, businesses, universities and universities of a range of key technologies in the direction of smart contracts, segment storage, network optimization, cross-chain interaction, etc. However, platforms such as Etheria have experienced a number of crowding events, security events, so performance, capacity, and safety optimization are the focus of the various platforms.


4. Talent development is the key to the innovation of the block chain, the positive layout of national and international institutions of higher learning


A total of 29 higher education institutions worldwide have offered courses and training in block-linking and have made great efforts to train professionals in block-linking. A total of 10 higher education institutions have launched a talent-training course, which is at the top of the world. This shows that China is one of the world’s leading institutions in terms of awareness-raising, including four in Shanghai, accounting for nearly half of the total number of Chinese higher education institutions, three of which are located in Yangpo District.


3. Overview of the development of technology and applications in the Shanghai block chain


1) Shanghai has a well-established block chain industry ecology, with the bottom platform leading the country


Shanghai has now developed an integrated ecological system from theoretical technological research to bottom-level research and development to industrial innovation. Higher educational institutions, such as the Instituto Nacional de Estudios estatos estatisticos, Convergence and Finance, are carrying out research and skills development in block-chain technologies. There are a large number of enterprises in the areas of finance, supply chains, shipping logistics, trade unions, research institutions, etc. that have been established to promote the development of block-chain industries.


2) Shanghai has put in place a series of policies to promote block chain technology and applications in collaboration between universities and the Alliance


Since 2016, Shanghai has been promoting the development and application of block chain technologies. The following chart shows the timing of policies related to the Shanghai urban block chain. To date, almost 10 relevant policies and recommendations have been put in place by various Shanghai government departments.


Since April 2016 in Shanghai, business institutions have set up a series of coalition institutions to promote joint research and development and application of block chain technologies. The following chart shows the time when the alliance has been formed. To date, at least seven business, institutional and university union bodies have been working on block chain research.


Starting in February 2016, the Shanghai University of Higher Education began to promote technological research and human resource development in block chains. Research institutes, joint laboratories, etc., have been set up at the University of Gangdan, the University of Shanghai Transport, the University of Shanghai Accounting and Finance, the University of Shanghai, the University of Technology in China and the University of Finance and Economics in Shanghai.


3) Shanghai has developed a number of technological innovation enterprises with a certain technological advantage


According to the White Paper on the sector chain industry issued by the Information Centre of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, at the end of March 2018 there were 456 block-chain enterprises in the country, and 95 block-chain enterprises in Shanghai are currently the second largest in the country; in view of the geographical distribution of the financing of the sector chain in Shanghai, there are 73 rounds in Shanghai, ranked second in the country, and there are some fundamental advantages in the development of the sector chain. According to the list of companies in Shanghai, the number of new districts in Pudong is 27, and the areas of Yangpu, Songjiang, Hyun-hyun, Bosan, Rainbow Dok, Huang-ho, etc., are also well-registered in the chain.


According to the patent data of the National Intellectual Property Office, the number of patent applications in the chain of blocks that have been made public has reached 2,077. The number of applications in Shanghai is 170, representing a certain gap between Beijing, Guangdong, and Zhejiang. At present, technology patents in the chain of blocks are concentrated on data technology, encryption, consensus technology, smart contracts, and the application of the chain of blocks. More than 700 patents have been applied in the chain of blocks.


After more than two years of exploration, Shanghai has piloted applications in the areas of supply chain finance, insurance, electronic record-keeping, etc., and has developed a set of typical cases that have served as a good model for the application and promotion of block chains. Through research and in-depth analysis of nearly 100 sector chain enterprises in Shanghai, the team has collected one-hand materials and typical cases, among which are the following: 10,000 block-to-block + supply chain financial services platforms based on core enterprise data for the auto industry, credit endorsements for small and medium-sized enterprise suppliers, development of “long-tail customers” in the supply chain, mitigation of multi-level supplier financing difficulties and high cost of financing; 21.27 million block-to-chain storage of health insurance electronic insurance policies dealing with insurance coverage, involving 37.36 million yuan in premium revenues; and the creation of “step chickens” for the scientific and technological production of the first global block-to-chain project, which has received a second Chinese segment prize for the development of the Chinese sector chain, organized by the Forum on Technology and Industrial Development of the Chinese District Chains; and electronic data storage products-to-legal chains have been used to provide electronic contracts to partners such as France.


4) Shanghai block chain technology has some advantages, but there are gaps in subsequent development


Shanghai has some advantages in the development of the block chain, such as the existence of a number of technology research and development enterprises in block chains, such as 10,000-way block chains, crowd security, distribution technology, and gold mound technology, and the national leadership of bottom platform technology; the natural application of the block chain to multiple collaborations, confidence-building mechanisms among multi-trust players, and many potential applications such as finance, shipping and supply chains in Shanghai; and the formation of sector chain research institutes in Shanghai universities and universities to provide sector chain education and training, with a certain pool of personnel.


There are, however, a number of shortcomings in Shanghai, where it is clear from the preceding analysis that block chain technology originates from abroad, is not yet well developed at the domestic level in terms of core technology, and many bottom platforms are dependent on open-source projects abroad. In terms of industrial applications, the role played by coalition organizations has yet to be excavated and further strengthened and needs to be promoted in collaboration with industry authorities. Shanghai block chain enterprises are still fragmented, it is difficult for industry to forge synergies, there is a need to create specialized clusters, and the ease of planning at the top needs to be further strengthened.


4. Recommendations for technological and industrial development of the Shanghai block chain


The development of technology and industry in the Shanghai block chain will be closely centred on the overall strategy of building the Shanghai “five centres”, seizing the opportunity to upgrade the “information Internet” to the “value Internet”, nurturing a platform economy of global scale and impact, a global scale and competitiveness of industry giants, constantly innovating new models, exploring new industrial practices, and serving the city of innovation in Shanghai, the city of humanity, and the city of ecology.


Shanghai has a certain advantage over other parts of the country in terms of research and development of the platform at the bottom of the block chain, and, in the light of current trends in block chain technology, we propose inputs and layouts in three areas: basic theory, technology platforms, and common technologies. Fundamental theory: since block chains are an integrated and innovative technology, their core technologies, such as current encryption, consensus algorithms, etc., need to be actively explored and innovative. In order to advance the technological excellence of the chain in the Shanghai sector, we need to start to develop from basic research, focusing on sector chain consensus algorithms, intelligent contract formalization, counterweight privacy protection, cross-chain interaction, etc.; technological platform: addressing the problems faced in the practical application of current block chain technology, we focus on performance optimization and security control of the technology platform in the sector; and common services: we recommend that emphasis be placed on promoting sector chain functions, performance, safety, testing, etc., certification service environment, etc., to help enterprises reduce the difficulties and costs of application.


Keywords: block chain technology; food safety audit; informationization; framework construction


This phase of food security in the country continues to be characterized by more pronounced risks, such as complexity, variation in the identification and control of food safety risks, and greater difficulties in the management of food safety. As an important means of risk prevention and control, food safety audits have developed rapidly in recent years, but there are more problems in terms of information technology levels, process systems and data integrity, particularly with regard to the authenticity and completeness of data acquisition. The role of the sector in the food industry, such as in the safeguarding of food safety, the use of its smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, non-symmetrical encryption, technology in the audit zone, the certification of certain food safety and quality standards, the conditions of the research block in the evaluation of technology, the legal compliance of the audit chain, etc.


Logical application of block chain technology in food safety audits


Principles of operation of the 1.1 block chain


The block chain is a network structure based on the idea of a distributed system, in which the information storage chain consists mainly of the following processes: when new data information is entered at a node, the node will broadcast the information network, the rest of the node will be tested for authenticity, integrity and reliability of its contents after receiving the information, and the information will then be stored in a block, which will be derived from random Hash algorithms, which can be seen as a one-way encryption tool that not only converts complex unchallenged data information into a character code of fixed length, but the difficulty in deciphering it also ensures the irreprocability of the data. At this point, the whole network will review the data within the block on the basis of a consensus mechanism, the data will then be formally placed through the block in the chain of the block, and the corresponding data will also be time stamped and updated for preservation to each section [17], as shown in figure 1.


1.2 Logical application of block chain technology in food safety audits


As a subversive technology, the block chain is applied in an accelerated manner in a variety of areas. In the audit of the block chain, the model is referred to as the block chain audit. In the definition of the block chain audit, the broad and narrow distinction is given to the application of block chain technology in the audit area, while in the narrow sense it is included in the audit of the block chain audit and the audit of the audit block chain, there is a fundamental difference between the audit subjects. In the audit of the block chain, the auditors test the general control and the application of the technology control, the model is referred to as the block chain audit. In the case of the block chain audit, it is used to test the general control and the technical control of the application of the block, it is defined as the technology of the block that enables the automated audit of the operation of the block and the continuous audit of the network [19], it is possible to perform an audit of the authenticity of the data in the area of data, the availability of the information in the sector, the availability of the information in the market chain, the use of the information in the market, the information in the market chain [20], the fact that the chain can be divided into three layers of the chain of the chain, the information in order of the information in which is used, and the information in order of the information in order of which is used in order of the information, the information, the information, the chain of which is used, the chain of which is used, the information, the information, the information, the information of which is used.


1.3 Strengths of block chain technology applied in food safety audits


For the food industry, the building of confidence mechanisms is essential for the creation of brand images, which directly affect the survival of enterprises and even the growth of industries, through audits to identify problems, solve problems, and achieve openness, transparency, and traceability of information. The advantages of block-chain technologies applied in audits will contribute effectively to the formation of trust mechanisms. First, the advantages of decentralization make it possible for all enterprises throughout the food supply chain to act as a node, the application of distributed data storage technologies, which will enable many enterprises to monitor each other on recording and storage of information, to exploit each other, and will directly affect the viability of the technology of the firms involved, with more secure, faster and more transparent access to the information technology of the firms involved. At the same time, the quality of each audit project will be subject to audit by a designated audit team, which will be equivalent to an audit of the infrastructure of the sector, the use of common food products, such as a distributed node of goods, the availability of which is more extensive, the availability of reliable information, the effectiveness of which will be more comprehensive and specific.


Process for auditing food safety under sector 2 chain technology


The food safety audit process under block chain technology is based on the traditional audit process, which is reconfigured through the integration of block chain technology to ensure that the audit process remains unchanged, i.e., the audit preparation phase, the audit implementation phase and the audit report phase, but the details are more optimized and efficient, as shown in figure 3.


2.1 Preparation for audit


In the lead-up to the audit, pre-processing of audit information and data, etc., is required to achieve data authenticity, integrity and consistency through the collection, transmission and storage of data, using a mechanism of consensus reached at the various nodes in the block chain. In this process, the relevant access to information is updated through an understanding of the relevant standards in the audited food industry, the selection of business accounting standards, the nature of the enterprise and the regulatory environment, and time stamp technology is used, which is equivalent to a continuous numbering mechanism in the accounting accounts, marking the newly generated blocks in time, providing sufficient assurance that the data are traceable, verifiable and complete over time.


2.2 Audit implementation


During the implementation phase of the audit, in the face of the diversity and complexity of the food supply chain itself, the block-chain application platform conducts timely information checks and validations to enterprises, account-to-account banks and other relevant parties at all nodes, and provides real-time feedback on the results. After a review of a production, processing or transaction, the issue points are aggregated and analysed. During the audit process, there is also a need for technical support, such as data cleansing, data mining, visualization operations, real-time processing, risk identification and assessment, and determination of the level of importance.


2.3 Audit reports


At the closing stage of the traditional audit process, the working papers and evidentiary information recorded throughout the audit process need to be collated and aggregated and the final audit report and audit opinion issued. Under the application of block chain technology, auditors undertake an intelligent, autonomous analysis of the systematic modelling of data information and are able to perform real-time recording of the audit results, monitor the audited enterprises at any time and place, and produce customized audit reports at any time, depending on the subject of the audit and changes in audit requirements, significantly increasing the quality of the audit results and the level of responsiveness to the needs.


Problems faced by block chain technology in food safety audit applications


3.1 Technical issues


At this stage, the level and quality of audits are increasingly demanding, whether at the national, social or specific level. Monitoring goes to the disclosure of the financial results of listed companies, with the Branch becoming involved in audits. Audits are also gradually playing a role in a growing number of areas, such as financial responsibility audits for leading cadres, natural resource asset audits, information technology audits, and food safety audits, as discussed in this paper. Any minor risks to food security cannot be ignored. This poses a significant challenge to the implementation of audits. While block chain technology contributes significantly to food safety audits in terms of efficiency and quality, the complexity of block chains is rapidly increasing in the face of big information, both hardware and software, with increasing demands on computer computing processing capacity, storage capacity, and hardware configuration.


3.2 Security issues


Block chain technology, while supported by Hash asymmetric algorithms, timetamps, etc., continues to be a critical issue in the development of block chain technology. As hacker technology evolves, 51% of past attack costs are no longer very restrictive, which is a significant potential threat to audit.


3.3 Regulatory issues


In fact, while distributed data storage techniques in block chain technologies make data recording, storage, and access easier and safer, they weaken the state’s monitoring of transactions and have some impact on the existing regulatory system. Block chain technologies are still maturing, their application in the area of food safety auditing will be at an ever-explored stage, and regulatory laws and regulations will need to be further refined and clarified. If regulatory gaps do occur, they will inevitably affect the health, stability and well-being of the technology.


4 Concluding remarks


The simple four words are strong.


Today, an exclusive interview with VP Jung Yong-yuan, the KOKLink product of the Chinese Information Weekly, was a review of his work, summing up four words. Jung Yong-yu has been working on the block chain since joining the OKCion in 2014. He is deeply impressed by the chain of blocks.


In 2016, the block chain concept was repeatedly mentioned. Indeed, depending on block chain technology, different industries can combine and dig deeper.


According to Jung Young-joo, building on block chain technology can lead to different financial scenarios, while the OKCion coins were put into block chain operations as early as 2013, and have been very productive in terms of payments, transactions, etc.


It's about trust.


Since the creation block was introduced in 2008, the block chain has gradually moved into the horizon. Jung Yong-ju believes that the hotness of Bitcoin in 2015 contributed to the development of the block chain. The technical concept of the block chain was consistently mentioned in 2016, with increasing impact.


Some are familiar with, and some are unfamiliar with, block chains. Perhaps “cloud computing, big data, object networking” is the new technology that we know, and journalists ask about the link and distinction between block chains, saying: “The heat of emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, and object networking, contributes to the development of block chain technologies, which affect their development in terms of the form of data organization.” However, the block chain is clearly different from these technologies, and the “block chain is the bottom of Bitcoin, an open, non-forgerable database book that records all transactions. It is a new way of organizing data. Decentralization, openness, non-frozenness, etc., are unique features of the block chain.” Between words, it is not difficult to hear his praise of the block chain, and in his eyes, openness and non-frozen features have become the greatest value of the chain, which he continues to mention and pursue.


In the interview, Jung Yong-yoo also referred to the word “trust” on several occasions, stating: “The block chain solves an important problem - that is, trust.” In a deal, trust is the most fundamental.


Traditional cross-border payments often require remittance companies to make substantial advances to partners, which do not guarantee the financial security and use of money by remittance companies. Or they need to interact with banks and banks across the globe, such as SWIFT, with long, inefficient, and costly processes.

基于此,OKCion币行开发了OKLink。据介绍,区块链汇款网络OKLink通过发行数字货币OK Dollar 作为传输结算介质,主要面向各国持牌的支付和汇款公司提供2B的服务,加入OKLink网络的金融机构可以向联盟中成员实现点对点的货币支付和兑换。OK Dollar的发行是基于美元的,其币值也和美元严格挂钩,OKLink通过海外信托机构设立了一个信托账户,联盟成员通过向该账户存入美元来获取相应的OK Dollar。同时OKLink还设计了一个类似支付宝的机制,由下游收款机构先兑付给收款人,再通过多重签名的技术,获得来自上游汇款机构汇出的资金。最重要的是运用了区块链技术,将所有交易都实时记录在全球共享的信息平台上,交易即结算。

Based on this, OKCion’s money bank developed OKLink. It was described that the block chain remittance network OKLink provides 2B services through the issuance of digital currency OK Dollar as a transmission medium, mainly for national licensed pay and remittance companies, and that financial institutions participating in the OKLink network can make point-to-point payments and convert to members of the union. OK Dollar was issued on the basis of the United States dollar, its value was strongly linked to that of the dollar. OKLink established a trust account through the Overseas Trust Agency, and its members obtained the corresponding OK Dollar by depositing the account into the United States dollar.


In addition, the centralization of the block chain, the integrability of information, and its traceability have enhanced the security, transparency, and low risk of small cross-border payments. OKLink has achieved better layout and development in the international area of small payments, covering dozens of countries and regions.


It's difficult, it's challenging.


As a platform for value technology, the decentralised character of the block chain has been placed in the hope of a profound transformation of industrial development, but, back to the current stage of development, the application of the block chain is still a long way from realizing this vision. In the view of Bubi (Beijing) Network Technology Ltd. (hereinafter Bubi) and CEO Jianghai, this ideal and reality are separated from the “application scene.”


Lock block chain application service


For the first time, block-chain technology has enabled us to build decentralized trust at the technical level, to improve efficiency, and to expand operational boundaries, which are considered to be the core of the most destabilizing technologies in the area of financial science and technology today, and are therefore highly appreciated by financial and investment institutions. The main reason for this is that, in Chianghai’s view, “this distributed book technology is capable of building trustable multi-centre w systems, with the potential to bring the Internet today from a new level of transmission of information to a higher level of value, making it the most important financial infrastructure in the future.”


The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Calculator, has been leading a dozen teams since 2014, concentrating almost all of his energy over the next three or so years on the bottom of the chain and acquiring dozens of core proprietary technologies.


According to Chiang Hai, block chain technology is ultimately a service for building the financial services ecology: “The pain of block chain technology is primarily to improve the efficiency of trust transmission in financial services and to reduce transaction costs. Using block chains, it is possible to separate separate individual centres, upgrade them into integrated multi-participating centres, connect financial services up and down, and promote the virtuous ecology of financial services.”


As a result, as a result of the breakthrough in bottom-level technology development, Chiang Hai and his team eventually targeted the adaptation, optimization/innovation application of the block chain, starting with the upper-level application of the block chain, to develop a high-extensible high-performance block chain platform. Bubi was established in Beijing in March 2015 to officially move forward with the commercial application of the exploration block chain. In December 2015, Bubi launched the country's first block chain commercial application case on its block-chain platform.


To "get to the ground" block chain technology


The block chain, a bottom-of-bitcoin technology, was not a whole new technology that began to be studied in 2000 or so, but why did it become a common concern in almost a year or two? According to Chiang Hai, “the technological system, the block chain dates back to the year 2000 or so, when a wave of digital money research was initiated in the cryptology community, and eCash was typical, but it took a turn on the technology route. Bitcoin was born in 2009, and its technology was also dependent on the results of industry exploration up to 2009. Bitcoin's successful operation gave the industry a new understanding of block chain technology and an example.” Chiang Hai said.


However, in Chianghai's view, the future success of the block chain must be a new model that is different from the traditional one and requires further exploration of the ways in which technology and industry can be integrated into changing service models.


A study by KPMG noted that in 2017, investors would return to rationality in the area of block chains, and that the primary task for the industry as a whole would be to stop the conceptual validation tests, recognize the capabilities currently achieved in block chains, develop programmes that could be deployed to the production environment, and enhance the maturity of block chain solutions.


“As far as development prospects are concerned, the block chain will have the potential to profoundly affect the infrastructure of financial services. Bubi will work with partners to build a new generation of value-flowing networks through deep industry, with a view to solving real problems for clients.” Chiang Hai said. In the follow-up development, Bubi is also considering the integration of big data and cloud computing techniques based on block chain technology. “Most important data technologies are used to solve large-scale data storage and analysis in block chain applications, and cloud computing techniques are used to solve deployments and transports in block chain applications.” Chiang Hai said.


Everything's ready. Let's get back to the scene.


But there is no major practical difficulty in moving forward. “Objectively, the block chain itself is just a new technology that does not constitute an industry, and whether it can drive industrial development or generate new business models depends entirely on the application landscape.” As Chianghai notes, “financial institutions are positive in their approach to the application of the block chain, but they need to find the right business scene when it comes to the motivation to use these block chain technologies.”


As an early domestic enterprise engaged in block chain application research, Bubi has made bold explorations and attempts. According to Chiang Hai, Bubi block chains have been applied to digital assets, trade finance, equity bonds, supply chain traceability, joint mail, publicity, data security. “Bubi has been working to enhance the technical productization of block chains. In 2016, Bubi launched an open block chain service - the Bumbing Digital Asset Network, a major innovation in the block chain application model.


Chiang Hai told journalists that, in the future, Bubi would promote the application of block chain technology in a variety of scenarios in six major areas:


First, fast-track construction, multi-modal account structure and business models facilitate fast-building applications.


Second, large-scale user support, efficient transaction validation and synchronization support large-scale application scenarios.


Third, visualization of transport management, which provides visualized operational management at the network, system and operational levels.


Fourth, the privacy rights strategy, the rich competency strategy configuration, and the protection of privacy based on application needs.


What's a block chain?


A decentralised distributed account database, with no centre, every node in the data store is synchronized to copy the entire account, and information transparency is difficult to tamper with.


In recent years, more and more institutions have focused on and participated in the development of block chains. From the initial bitcoin, Ether, to the various types of block chain start-ups, venture capital funds, financial institutions, labeled “block chains” and “gold flashes” immediately.


So, what the hell is a block chain?


The Chinese White Paper on Block Chain Technology and Applied Development 2016, published under the direction of the Ministry of Information and Communications, explains that block chain technology is, broadly speaking, a completely new distributed infrastructure and computational paradigm for programming and operating data using a block-chain data structure to validate and store data, using distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, using cryptography to secure data transmission and access, and using smart contracts made up of automated script codes.


The Senior Researcher at the Center for Financial Studies of Transport Banks explained in general terms: “Simply put, the block chain is a decentralised distributed book database.” Decentralized, unlike the traditional centralization, where there is no centre, or where everyone is central; distributed book database, which means that not only does the account data be stored in each node, but the data for copying the entire account are shared simultaneously at each node. At the same time, the block chain has the characteristics of deintermediary, transparency of information, etc.


“The block chain technology is essentially a database technology, specifically an account technology. The book records the movements of assets and transactions in one or more accounts, and is in fact the simplest of a database, and the flowbooks and bank statements that we usually record in the small book are typical of the accounts.” Wang Jing, Chief Researcher of the Tseng Financial Science and Technology think tank, said that security is a major feature of the block chain technology, mainly in two ways: a distributed storage structure, with more nodes and more security of data storage; and its subtle design of tampering and decentralization, which makes it difficult for anyone to change data without following the rules.


In the case of network purchase transactions, for example, the traditional model is that the buyer buys the goods and then calls the money to the intermediary platform of the third-party paying agency, waiting for the seller to send the goods and the buyer to confirm their receipt before the buyer informs the paying agency to call the money into the seller’s account. The pattern of transactions supported by block chain technology is different, so that buyers and sellers can deal directly without any intermediary platform.


When it comes to block chains, many associate them with bitcoin, and many equate them with bitcoin. How do you say that bitcoin is a way of presenting the bitcoin chain, but the block chain does not amount to bitcoin? The block chain is the bottom technology and infrastructure of bitcoin, while bitcoin is the successful application of bitcoin, but it does not mean that the block chain can only be applied to bitcoins.


What's the use of block chains?


It's a bit difficult to deal with many areas, such as finance, public goods, regulation, counterfeiting, but there are a lot of applicable conditions.


Financial services are the first area of application of block chain technology. The use of block chain technology can address pain points in a number of areas, such as payments, asset management, securities, etc.


In the area of payments, for example, the high cost of reconciliation, liquidation, and settlement between financial institutions, especially cross-border financial institutions, involves a number of manual processes, which not only result in high costs for users and financial institutions’ back-office operations, but also make small payment operations difficult. The application of block-chain technologies helps to reduce the cost of reconciliation and dispute resolution between financial institutions and significantly improves the processing efficiency of payment operations. Moreover, block-chain technologies bring costs and efficiency advantages to the area of payments, enable financial institutions to better deal with small cross-border payments that were previously considered unrealistic because of excessive costs, and help to achieve inclusive finance.


For example, in August 2016, Microbanks, in conjunction with the Shanghai-Warish Bank, launched an inter-agency platform for bank reconciliations, the country’s first banking union application operating in a productive environment. The chief architect of the chain of microbanks opened up the argument that the traditional “volume document reconciliation” model had not been able to solve the high cost problem for a long time.


In the area of public goods, there is much to be gained from block-chain technology. The first application of an ant gold suit involving a block chain is a public good, helping a group of children with hearing impairments to receive a sum of money, and then using block-chain technology to promote greater openness and transparency in the public good. Hu Thanqing, a senior product expert at the ants gold-suit technical laboratory, said, "The block-chain public-service platform is like a post office that we have built on the Internet for mailing money. Every money donated by a user, we wrap it in a package that passes through a block-chain platform, and every time we pass through a node, we put a stamp on it and finally deliver it to the donor. This ensures that every money donated by a user is transparent, traceable and difficult to tamper with."


In the case of commodity counterfeiting, block chain technology can be highly visible. Hutting described the use of block chain technology in ants. So far, some of Australia's and New Zealand's nectar products, such as milk powder, have been cleaned up with payment treasures. “Contrary to previous merchants' self-recording of commodity information, block chains allow multiple `bookkeepers' to do their books fairly, independently and irrevocably.”

对于金融监管,区块链技术也能发挥一技之长。2017年金融区块链合作联盟(深圳)发布的《金融区块链底层平台FISCO BCOS白皮书》认为,区块链为金融监管机构提供了一致且易于审计的数据,通过对机构间区块链的数据分析,能够比传统审计流程更快更精确地监管金融业务。例如,在反洗钱场景中,每个账号的余额和交易记录都是可追踪的,任意一笔交易的任何一个环节都不会脱离监管视线,这将极大提高反洗钱的力度。

In financial regulation, block chain technology can also be of great use. The 2017 White Paper on FISCO BCOS, published by the Coalition for Financial Block Chain Cooperation (Shen Shenzhen), found that block chains provide consistent and easily auditable data for financial regulators and, through data analysis of inter-agency block chains, can regulate financial operations faster and more precisely than traditional audit processes. For example, in the anti-money-laundering scenario, the balances and transaction records of each account number are traceable and no link in any single transaction is out of control, which will greatly enhance the anti-money-laundering effort.


According to some insiders, block chain 1.0 is primarily for digital currency; block chain 2.0 is for smart contracts and can be applied in financial markets; block chain 3.0 will be more likely to apply and even create an “age of block chain”.


He believed that the block chain could indeed solve the pain in many areas, but that the block chain was not all-embracing and that there were many conditions for its application.


For example, block chain technologies are not suitable for high-frequency transactions because of the need to check each node.


For example, block chains emphasize openness and transparency and are not suitable for scenarios where data privacy is particularly demanding.


Does the block chain turn into a new wind?


The technology is not yet mature, and beware of the concept, especially whether it is technological or financial innovation, and not for the sake of the chain of blocks.


Is the block chain concept so hot that it'll become another Internet+ in the future?


In recent years, the development ecology of the block chain has been gradually improved and enriched.


“Although the chain of blocks is hot right now, we still believe that it is at a very early stage.” Hutting says that the block chain concept is currently in a state of inflammation, not of technology to solve real problems, but of fund-raising circles, of valuation, and especially of the vast majority of the so-called ICOs (first issue of tokens), which are innovation in fund-raising tools and have nothing to do with technological innovation.


Block chain technology can indeed create a great deal of value, but some risks cannot be ignored.


“Technology of block chains is not yet mature and can be applied in a more limited way, and the concept of capital markets should be more vigilant.” He said that behind the hot tide of block chains there would be companies that wanted to speculate, and that they did not really do business, but simply attempted to make a profit in the capital market, lest the resulting “deportation of good currency by bad currency” lead to the withdrawal of institutions that really wanted to do business from the market and influence the application of block chain technology.


Hutting suggested that, for the current block chain heat, regulators should be more proactive in distinguishing between technological innovation and financing innovation, encouraging government organizations, credible experts and industry participants to work together to help the public identify and fully curb fund-raising innovation in the name of the block chain, and holding the ICO effectively in control of fund-raising activities accountable. “It is clear whether technological innovation or fund-raising innovation is based on trust and whether it creates real value by addressing trust issues.”


Better diffusion and use of block chain technology in the future will require continued improvement of infrastructure, strengthening of relevant legal policy formulation, etc.


Wang Xing believes that there is room for optimization and refinement of the core technology of block chains, such as consensus algorithms; on the other hand, the efficiency of block chains is difficult to cope with some of the high-frequency applications in reality. The current mainstream block chain technology platform is foreign in origin, and the country’s block chain technical service providers are patient in starting from the bottom, making technology self-control and seeking to lead the global block chain technological development.

1 区块链的产生及其运行机制

1. Generation of block chains and mechanisms for their operation


On November 1, 2008, Bintco published " Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point ", which led to the birth of Bitcoin. On January 3, 2009, the first serial number zero was born, followed by a block number one six days later, which formed a chain structure linked to the creation block number zero, and the chain was officially born.


In essence, block chain technology is a technology that stores, authenticates, transmits and communicates network data without relying on third parties and through their own distributed nodes. In simple terms, block chains are equivalent to a large database, which is considered to be an account book for which the fastest person to record will be found over a period of time and the information will then be sent to the owners of the system, who will maintain the same account book, a typical method of distributed sharing.

2 金融行业区块链技术应用的可行性分析

2 Feasibility analysis of technology applications for block chains in the financial sector

2.1 去中心化

2.1 Decentralization


In traditional transactions, we often do business through third-party intermediaries, such as consumer and merchant transactions dependent on bank payments. Block-chain technology believes that the existence of a third-party trust centre not only results in a lack of trust between the parties, the disclosure of information between the parties, but also increases transaction costs, thereby introducing a point-to-point approach to direct transactions.

2.2 匿名化

2.2 Anonymousization


Since computer algorithms have achieved a direct point-to-point transaction mode of trust, there is no need for disclosure of identity between nodes, and both parties to the transaction transmit information through public addresses. While all data on the block chain are open and transparent and shared by all, data are not specifically tied to each individual, thus effectively achieving anonymity and protecting the privacy of the individual.

2.3 信息安全性

2.3 Information security


All transaction records within the block chain system are automatically stored in the corresponding data blocks, in conjunction with the time-stamping technique, that is, the time and sequence of the records on each block, which allows tracking of each transaction record, and if an individual wishes to tamper with it, it must be accepted by 51 per cent or more, which is almost impossible to achieve under the most realistic conditions of data and user availability, so that post-trading disputes can be effectively resolved.

2.4 开放性

2.4 Openness


The block chain data system is open to all and, with the exception of the private information of each trader being encrypted, everyone can search for block chain data through public interfaces, so the system as a whole is highly transparent and the parties to the transaction have easier access to information.

3 区块链技术在金融业的主要应用

3. Key applications of block chain technology in the financial sector


The development of “Internet+finance” has led to changes in the business model of traditional finance worldwide, and the development of block-chain technology has had a profound impact on the development of the social financial system, with its current development of direct-selling banks, Internet voucher dealers, etc., focusing on changes in business models, while the development of block-chain technology will bring the financial sector closer to its essence - credit.

3.1 数字货币

3.1 Digital currency


At present, digital currency, represented by bitcoin, is the most extensive and successful application of block-chain technology. On the basis of bitcoin, a series of competing currencies, such as Letco, Dogcoin, and Ripcoin, are derived.


Digital currencies, by virtue of their relative frequency of decentralization and transactions, have relatively high transaction value and are able to maintain relative stability, and the digital currency will be used more widely in the future once a global block-chain credit system is formed. In the traditional international monetary payment settlement system, the dollar has an absolute advantage, and the renminbi does not have sufficient power to compete directly with the dollar, but it may then be internationalized with the development of digital money.

3.2 支付、转账与清算

3.2 Payments, transfers and liquidation


Under the current conditions of development, payment and liquidation of commercial trade are all dependent on the traditional banking system, whereby transfers are settled over long periods of time and at high cost through the involvement of multiple organizations, such as open-account banks, counterparty banks, liquidating organizations, offshore banks, and very cumbersome and complex processes. By contrast, block-chain technology creates direct payment processes between the parties to the transaction, thus avoiding cumbersome processes, allows users to make payments across borders and in real-time payments in any currency, at low prices and quickly without any processing fees.


In the area of cross-border payments, the Ripple payment system has begun to be applied experimentally as the first international network payer in the world, connecting isolated networks using a common global infrastructure, providing software access to the Ripple network for different member banks to enable real-time settlements in distributed accounts, while bank transaction payment information is concealed through cryptographic algorithms and only the bank's own system can trace and search, ensuring the safety and privacy of transactions and improving financial settlement efficiency.

3.3 金融基础设施

3.3 Financial infrastructure


The technologically unique decentralization of the block chain can make a significant difference in the traditional financial infrastructure characterized by centralization. First, the traditional way in which assets such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc. are registered and kept in the appropriate trust institutions, the block chain technology can record, preserve, manage data in a completely new distributed account, make it impossible to tamper with and enhance the transparency and reliability of market information; and secondly, the development of smart contract functions allows money to be programmed and paid under certain conditions. For example, central banks issue a specific digital currency and formulate a policy that can be paid in that digital currency only if the conditions are met.

3.4 银行征信管理

3.4 Bank letter management


At present, the most basic consideration for commercial banks in the conduct of credit operations for all credit subjects, including businesses and individuals, is that of the borrower’s own financial credit. Commercial banks upload the credit information of each subject to the central bank’s credit system and, when required, obtain a client’s authorization before downloading it from the credit collection centre. In such cases, problems of incomplete information, high cost of use, and inaccuracy of data cannot be avoided.

4 区块链技术应用的主要困难

4 Main difficulties in the application of block chain technology


In terms of progress in current practice, block-chain technology applications in the financial sector are mostly at the testing and conceptual stages, with many challenges ahead of its widespread application in society.

4.1 技术问题

4.1 Technical issues


The development of block chain technology is still at an early stage, and its wide application still faces many technical problems:


1 There are no mature intuitive products available. Block chain applications are still under development, compared to Internet browsers and various clients to access, transmit, and apply information.


2 The flexibility is poor. The information in the block chain cannot be changed after writing, which prevents the transaction from retreating.


Question of the capacity of the block chain. The information of the block chain is a process of increasing accumulation. The next block information will be larger than that of the previous block. Over time, the amount of information on the block has increased and the amount of space occupied by the storage space has increased, resulting in problems of information validation, storage and capacity that need to be resolved.


The security of the block chain network is based on a large number of credible nodes, and ensuring that credible nodes are not attacked is a very important challenge, while also ensuring the security of the user’s private key and preventing hackers from attacking and stealing information. In addition, there are a number of issues, such as excessive delays in transactions and confirmation processes.

4.2 监管问题

4.2 Regulatory issues


In addition, the development of block-chain technology is still at an early stage, and the lack of a well-developed system, even for well-developed bitcoin and different countries, has led to a cautious approach. These problems have led to a possible lack of the necessary regulations and constraints in the development of economic activities in the block chain, increasing the risks faced by market players.

4.3 竞争压力

4.3 Competition pressures


The development of human society is incalculable, although current block-chain technology is favoured, if more efficient and rational technologies are available, one immediately chooses another. For example, block-chain technology is extremely secure in the transmission of information, only individuals can open information through private keys, and quantum communication technology can also achieve security through quantum entanglement, as well as long-term development of quantum technology.

5 区块链技术的应用措施

5 Measures for the application of block chain technology

5.1 关注技术发展动向,加强对技术的研究

5.1 Focus on technological developments and enhance research on technology


Block chain technology is still in its initial stages of development, and future technological developments will require continuous research and exploration.


To this end, first of all, the development of foreign technology has accelerated, and we should pay close attention to the progress of research by foreign banks and institutions on block chains, in particular the breakthroughs in the bottlenecks faced by block chains, through continuous application assessments, enhanced external cooperation and communication, and through active participation in the development of international standards and international rules for block chain development, joint research into industry standards and the acquisition of ownership and voice;


Second, making full use of the policy support of the national innovation-driven strategy, promoting a combination of research and production, setting the direction of research with a professional research team, simulating the creation of a number of block chains and exploring new technological standards through continuous testing and analysis of different application scenarios;


Thirdly, there is increased policy support for the study of the civil block chain, encouraging participation and the establishment of a block chain project investment fund.

5.2 完善对技术的监管体系

5.2 Improving the regulatory system for technology


The attitude of national regulators towards the development of the block chain and the level of regulation are essential to the development of the industry.


First, there is some contradiction between the development of the block chain and our traditional approach to financial regulation. It is important to strengthen communication and communication with the regulatory authorities and to seek recognition and support while meeting the needs of the regulatory sector, while at the same time complementing the development of regulatory instruments and modalities with the technical approach of the block chain;


Secondly, the establishment of specialized research groups to strengthen legislative research in the technical field of block chains, to strengthen international exchange of new technology laws and regulations and to introduce industry norms and standards, thereby limiting investment activities in the market, safeguarding the interests of the participants and reducing the risk of financial innovation;


Thirdly, a clear direction for the reform of the new regulatory regime could be drawn from the hybrid model of regulation, starting with the block-link technology sector, with a gradual transition from industry-based regulation to mixed-sector regulation.




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