
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:55 评论:0
3.3万美元突然成为阻力位,没有突破的迹象,由于比特币价格疲软,山寨币交易大多持平。The $33,000 suddenly became a resistance position, wi...



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The $33,000 suddenly became a resistance position, with no signs of a breakthrough, and most of the transactions in the mountain currency remained flat owing to the weak price of the bitcoin.


On 9 July, Bitcoin (BTC) fell through the $33,000 mark, and the new price decline ended its strength.


BTC's price dropped by $33,000.

来自Cointelegraph Markets Pro和TradingView的数据显示,BTC/USD在进入周五后延续了在之前的支撑位以下波动。

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView indicate that BTC/USD continued to fluctuate below its previous support position after entering Friday.


Earlier in the week, $33,000 had been tested several times, but it was only Thursday that it was turned into a resistance position as a support position.


In the short term, $33,000 went from support to resistance, and Bitcoin was unable to stand and make a breakthrough of $33,000; on the contrary, it was rejected every time an attempt was made to rebound.


At the time of writing, the transaction price in Bitcoin was approximately $3.27 million, and $32,000 was the lowest price and fluctuated within narrow zones.

对于受欢迎的交易员Crypto Ed来说,现在是关注宏观趋势的时候了,可以了解比特币接下来会发生什么。

For the popular trader Crypto Ed, it is time to focus on macro-trends and understand what will happen to Bitcoin.


In particular, the upward trend of the United States dollar currency index (DXY), which currently stands at 92.4, should be reversed in order to provide a breathing space for the crypto-currency market.

他在当天评论道:“仍要关注DXY对加密货币的影响...... 我认为在DXY达到红框(94美元)、逆转并继续其下降趋势之前不会(对加密货币造成什么影响)。”

He commented on the same day: “It is still important to focus on the impact of DXY on encrypted money... I do not think that DXY will be able to reach the red box (US$ 94), reverse and continue its downward trend (what will be the impact on encrypted money”).


As Cointeelegraph has often reported, DXY moves are often accompanied by increased price pressure on bitcoin, and vice versa. However, this inverse correlation is not unmistakable, and there have been many exceptions to this pattern over the past year.


Bitcoin is down and the mountaincoins are still stagnating.


At the same time, the rise in bountiful coins was weakened by the fall in bitcoin.


Compared with the previous strong position, the top 50 classified currencies with market value fell slightly overnight.


The Etherkom (ETH) is the largest bouncing currency and, although its forthcoming hard fork in London continues to make progress, it is also subject to lateral fluctuations.

然而,正如交易员和分析师Rekt Capital所指出的,以太坊价格仍然可能跌破2000美元,并在2021年与总体上行趋势保持“一致”。

However, as the trader and analyst Rekt Capital pointed out, it is still possible that the price of the taupulega will fall by $2,000 and “consistency” with the overall trend in 2021.

他补充道:“很多人一致支持以太坊的价格保持在1850- 2000美元区间。”

He added: “A lot of people are unanimous in favour of keeping the cost of Tai Ho at US$ 1850-2000.”

在本周即将结束时,ETH/BTC试图触及0.070 BTC也同样以失败告终,这本身就离0.075 BTC左右的主要阻力位很近。

At the end of the week, ETH/BTC also failed in its attempt to reach 0.070 BTC, which in itself was close to the main resistance position around 0.075 BTC.


AGS Quantified Robots, say goodbye to the stakeout, save your time and your energy.

据TheBlock消息,巴拉圭一位对比特币友好的立法者卡利托斯·雷哈拉 (Carlitos Rejala) 称将在下周出台以监管为重点的立法。

According to TheBlock, a Paraguayan friendly legislator, Carlitos Rejala, said that legislation focusing on regulation would be introduced next week.

以色列投资基金集团(Israel Investment Fund Group)近日发推表示,作为投资组合多元化政策的一部分,我们已向比特币投资了 23 亿美元,这是引领以色列走向货币未来的全球战略的一部分。

The Israel Investment Fund Group has recently advanced that, as part of its portfolio diversification policy, we have invested $2.3 billion in Bitcoin as part of a global strategy leading Israel towards a monetary future.


AGS Quantified Robots, say goodbye to the stakeout, save your time and your energy.

新的监管文件显示,天桥资本(SkyBridge Capital)的以太坊基金已正式启动,一个单独的投资者在第一周就向该基金承诺了570万美元。

New regulatory documents indicate that the Skybridge Capital Fund has been officially launched and that a single investor pledged $5.7 million to the Fund in the first week.

这是该投资公司提供的第二只特定于加密货币的私募基金。该公司的另一个比特币工具也在周五披露,已从170名投资者处获得了4670万美元。此前消息,天桥资本创始人Anthony Scaramucci表示,还将申请推出以太坊ETF

Another of the company’s bitcoin tools was disclosed on Friday, receiving $46.7 million from 170 investors. Earlier, Anthony Scaramucci, founder of Skybridge Capital, said that he would apply for the launch of ETF in Taiyo.

苏富比在香港拍卖的可接受比特币支付的天价钻石于今日以 9513.5 万港元(约 7935.1 万人民币)成交,匿名买家以法币支付。

Sufubi auctioned in Hong Kong, the acceptable daily value of the diamonds paid in bitcoin is today paid in Hong Kong in HK$ 95,135 million (approximately RMB 79,351,000), and anonymous buyers pay in French.

该钻石为「101.38 克拉梨形无瑕钻石」被称为「The Key 10138」,是有史以来拍卖的十颗超过 100 克拉的钻石中仅有的两颗梨型钻石之一,也是苏富比首次在如此高价值的实物拍卖中接受加密货币支付。

The diamond, known as " 101.38 Crabella impeccable diamonds " The Key 10138, is one of the only two pears of 10 diamonds ever sold for more than 100 carats, and is the first time that Sufobi has been paid in encrypted currency in a physical auction of such high value.


The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), under the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, expressed concern about El Salvador's decision to accept Bitcoin (BTC) as the legal currency.

ECLAC执行秘书Alicia Bárcena警告说,萨尔瓦多的比特币举措带来了许多系统性风险以及与洗钱相关的风险。Bárcena强调,目前还没有调查萨尔瓦多接受BTC作为法币的潜在风险或好处的研究。她表示相信萨尔瓦多可能会面临来自金融行动特别工作组(FATF)的审查和风险。

Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, warned that El Salvador’s Bitcoin initiative posed many systemic risks, as well as risks associated with money-laundering. Bárcena stressed that El Salvador’s potential risks or benefits of accepting BTC as a French currency had not yet been investigated. She expressed confidence that El Salvador might face reviews and risks from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).


The official added that Bitcoin did not have some of the basic functions of the currency and was vulnerable to extreme fluctuations, which could pose a “multiple systemic risk” to the dollarized economy.


On July 9, Beijing time, at 2200 hours, the Etheraya core developer conference was hosted by the Tai shop developer Tim Beiko. The meeting discussed hard fork in London, pressure testing for testing networks and the impact of London time and difficulty bombs.

如无意外,主网将在以太坊区块高度12965000(大约是北京时间8月5日7点27分)部署。伦敦升级后将把网络上的区块大小增加一倍,这将在分叉块上自动发生。在此之后,矿工需要调整他们的目标 gas 限制。会议还谈论了其他技术细节,具体内容可以参考TimBeiko推特:

If there is no accident, the main network will be deployed at an altitude of 12965,000 (about 7.27 p.m. on 5 August Beijing time). Upgraded in London will double the size of the blocks on the network, which will automatically occur on the forks. After that, miners will have to adjust their targets gas limits. The meeting also discussed other technical details, which can be consulted from TimBeiko Twitter:


AGS Quantified Robots, say goodbye to the stakeout, save your time and your energy.




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