V 神以太坊 2.0 最新观点的 5 个关键总结 本文要点:最新研究表明,在以太坊2.0 正式发布的数月(或几年)后,将以太币从新链(以太坊 2.0)向旧链(以太坊1....

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:94 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: DeepTech深科技,(https://xueqiu.com/5983518614/134666810)本文要点: Highlights: 最新研究表明,在以太坊2.0 正式发布的数月(或几年)后,将以太币从新...



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来源:雪球App,作者: DeepTech深科技,(https://xueqiu.com/5983518614/134666810)



最新研究表明,在以太坊2.0 正式发布的数月(或几年)后,将以太币从新链(以太坊 2.0)向旧链(以太坊1.0)转移成为可能;

Recent studies show that after months (or years) of being officially released in Etheria 2.0, it will be possible to transfer the tusk from the new (Ether 2.0) to the old (Ether 1.0) chain;


As a result of changes in data storage structures, it will become more expensive to call data on new networks to applications;


This will change the way developers and traders manage their decentralised applications?

以太坊 2.0 的能达到的吞吐量可能只有最初设想的一半。

It's probably half as much as half of what was originally envisaged.

以太坊 2.0 项目在加速开发中。

The ETA 2.0 project is in the process of accelerated development.

为了让更多的受众了解 2.0 计划中的变化,创始人维塔利克?布特林(Vitalik Buterin)在以太坊开发者大会 Devcon 的平台上发表了四篇关于其以太坊 2.0 发布的文章。

In order to inform a wider audience about the changes in the 2.0 project, the founder Vitalik Buterin published four articles on the Etheric 2.0 project on the platform of Devcon.

以太坊 2.0 初步计划于 2020 年第一季度推出,交易验证将从工作量证明(PoW)转向权益证明(PoS)。

Etheria 2.0 Initial planned roll-out in the first quarter of 2020, transaction certification will move from workload certification (PoW) to certificate of interest (PoS).


It is widely felt that the use of a network of block chains with proven entitlements is more scalable and less energy-consuming than the use of a network of blocks with proven workloads.

为准备历史性的升级,布特林的博文正在向用户和开发人员介绍 2020 年及以后的发展规划。

In preparation for a historic upgrade, Bowen in Butrin is briefing users and developers on development planning for 2020 and beyond.

加上布特林写于 Devcon 大会前不久的另一篇文章,布特林的五篇关于以太坊 2.0 网络的顾虑和不确定性的文章,已在加密货币社区内广为流传。

Adding to another article written by Butrin in Devcon shortly before the Congress, five articles on the concerns and uncertainties of the Etherbe 2.0 network have been widely disseminated in the encrypt currency community.

10 月10 日,区块链顾问泰勒·史密斯(Tyler Smith)在推特上写道:“这太不可思议了。当我们大多数人缓缓进入 Devcon 会议的最后一天时…维塔利克正在试图解决以太坊生态中面临的最大的障碍。令人印象十分深刻。”还有人开玩笑说,布特林已经进入“野兽模式”。

On October 10, Tyler Smith, block chain consultant, wrote on Twitter: "This is amazing. As most of us slowly entered the last day of Devcon's meeting, Vitalik was trying to address the biggest obstacle facing the Etherm ecology. It was impressive.


The following five summaries are available for those who, like me, do not have time for a careful reading of an article in Butrin.

? 短期内,将以太币从以太坊 2.0 区块链转移到旧的以太坊网络再次成为可能

? In the short term, it will again become possible to transfer the Tainote from the Ether 2.0 block chain to the old Etherpan network

按当前以太坊 2.0 的设计,可能还需要数年,因为需要以旧的以太坊工作量证明链完全合并到新的权益证明网络中为前提(见下文)。

The current design in Taicha 2.0 may take a few more years, as the old Taiyea documentation chain needs to be fully integrated into the new certificate of interest network (see below).


At the same time, transmission between the two chains in Ether currency will be shut down.

以太坊 2.0 开发人员普雷斯顿·范·隆(Preston Van Loon)表示,这是因为创建双向桥的复杂性给两个链带来了“安全风险”。

According to the developer Preston Van Loon, this is because the complexity of creating two-way bridges poses a “security risk” to both chains.

Prysmatic Labs 团队负责人范·隆说:“我们可能会预见这样一个情景,一条区块链被另一条链打乱,我们不得不进行硬分叉来收回资金,或者留下一个可以令某些人谋利的缺陷。”

The head of the Prysmatic Labs team, Van Long, said: “We may have foreseen a scenario where a chain of blocks is broken by another chain, and we have to make a hard break to recover the money, or leave behind a flaw that could benefit some.”


There is therefore a need for a secure way to ensure that proves that network-to-equity transactions are true and credible.

以太坊创业公司 Consensys 的区块链协议工程师本·埃德金顿(Ben Edgington)说:“假设在以太坊 2.0 链发布最初的几个月,它仅拥有数量有限的交易验证器[可称之为‘Stakers’],因此可能导致以太坊 2.0 比以太坊 1.0 链的安全性更低。”

Ben Edginton, an engineer in the block chain agreement with the Ether Business Company Consensys, said: “Assuming that in the first months of the Ether 2.0 chain, it had only a limited number of transaction certifications [which could be called `Stakers'], it could result in Ether 2.0 being less secure than Ether 1.0.”

埃德金顿说:“这就提供了一个潜在的攻击目标。如果有人想在以太坊 1.0 链上凭空产生钱,他们可以尝试攻击以太坊 2.0 的链,然后令以太坊 1.0 链相信 2.0 链上的假钱是真的。”

Edkinton said, "This is a potential target. If someone wants to generate money from the Ether Room 1.0 chain, they can try to attack the Etherium 2.0 chain, and then the Etherium 1.0 chain believes that the money from the 2.0 chain is real."

在最近的博文中,布特林提出了可在两个区块链之间创建双向桥的两种方法。他指出,“如果以太坊 2.0 遭到破坏,这两项建议都需要在以太坊 1.0 链上采取紧急补救措施。”

In a recent Boeing, Botlin suggested two ways in which a two-way bridge could be created between the two block chains. He noted that “If the two proposals are destroyed by the Tai Chamber 2.0, both proposals will require urgent remedial action in the Etai Chamber 1.0 chain.”

为降低此类风险,布特林建议在投票期间采取“人为干预”,以撤销从以太坊 1.0 网络发起的转移。

In order to mitigate such risks, Butellin proposes “human intervention” during the voting period to remove the transfer initiated from the Etherno 1.0 network.

这些建议目前还都只是建议。其他以太坊 2.0 的研究人员,如丹尼·瑞恩(Danny Ryan),也提出了类似的在两个网络之间建立一个双向桥的解决方案,。

Other researchers like Danny Ryan have proposed similar solutions for building a two-way bridge between the two networks.

截至到目前,该小组尚未在以太坊 2.0 的技术规划图中添加双向桥设计。

To date, the team has not added a two-way bridge design to the technical plan of Ether 2.0.

丹尼·瑞恩提议比以前计划更快地在以太坊 1.0 和以太坊 2.0 之间添加双向桥梁.

Danny Ryan proposed to add a two-way bridge between Etheria 1.0 and Etheria 2.0 faster than previously planned.

? 在两条链完全合并之前,以太坊 2.0 可能会与以太坊 1.0 共存多年

? Etheria 2.0 may coexist with Etheria 1.0 for years before the two chains are fully merged

信标链是新权益证明网络的“核心”。该区块链将充当中央指挥中心,以接收以太坊 2.0 网络中所有其他迷你区块链(也称为分片)的交易确认数据。

The beacon chain is the “core” of the new certificate of interest network. The block chain will serve as the central command centre to receive data from all other mini-block chains (also referred to as fractions) in the Etherko 2.0 network.


In the first phase, a segment is linked to the existing beacon chain. In the second phase, developers will provide an implementation environment for each segment for different types of decentralised applications.

此后,将配置以太坊 2.0 的完整基础架构,以便可以将当前的以太坊主网安全可靠地完全合并到新网络中。

This will be followed by the configuration of the complete base structure of the Tai Pa 2.0, which will allow for the complete and safe integration of the current network of the Atai Pa Pasha into the new network.


Edkinton surmises that it may take three to four years to complete the transfer to phase II.

“只要我们愿意,以太坊 1.0 和以太坊 2.0 可以彼此并存的持续运行下去,这不是时间问题。”

"It's not a matter of time before we can go on running side by side, as long as we want to, Etheria 1.0 and Ether 2.0."


What is crucial is the security of the assets in the current Ethionet chain.

区块链研究员米海洛·比耶利奇(Mihailo Bjelic)表示,在开发人员确定其安全可靠之前,以太坊 2.0 这样的复杂系统不应取代当前的以太坊主网。

Mihailo Bjelic, a block chain researcher, said that a complex system such as should not replace the current Ethionet until the developers had determined that it was safe and reliable.

他说:“如果以太坊 2.0 没有达到足够的安全性,就最好不要发布。如果不能确保系统的安全性,那么负责任的决定就是丢弃它。”

He said, "If Ether 2.0 does not achieve sufficient safety, it is better not to publish it. If the system is not safe, then responsible decision is to discard it."


In his second post, Botlin expressed the hope that this transition, when it happens, would be smooth.


Butrin says, "If you are an application developer or user, there are actually very few changes and different situations that you encounter. Existing applications will continue to operate without change."

? 在以太坊区块链上调用数据将比以前更加昂贵

? Calling data on the Etheraya block chain will be more expensive than before


Decentralised application developers will face increased transaction costs by calling and accessing data from the new Ethernom network., however, Bootlin provides suggestions to limit these increases.

布特林指出,“开发人员可以通过主动确保不编写的过大的见证数据,来最大程度地避免 Gas 成本变化造成的干扰。即,测量一次交易中访问所需的合约和合约代码总的存储容量不要太高。”

Butrin points out that “developing people can minimize disruptions caused by changes in Gas costs by taking the initiative to ensure that they do not produce excessive witness data. That is, the overall storage capacity of contracts and contract codes needed to measure access in a transaction is not too high.”


The increase in costs is due to a change in the status of the Tails, i.e. all transaction records and accounts on the chain are stored in the certificate of interest network.

埃德金顿说:“以太坊 2.0 中的存储方式完全改变了。今天如果我在以太坊上运行合约,则合约状态会写在我的硬盘上或在与我通信的节点硬盘上。”

Edkinton said, "The way you store it in Taiwan 2.0 has changed completely. If I run the contract today in Etheria, the contract status will be written on my hard drive or on my node with me."

埃德金顿同时补充,在以太坊 2.0 中,一切都是无状态的。我可以在本地存储我感兴趣的状态信息,或者会有像 Infura 这样的提供者专门提供状态信息。这个想法的关键在于只要人们想替他人存储数据,就有交易存在的理由。

Edkinton adds that in Etheria 2.0, everything is in a stateless state. I can store information about the state of interest locally, or there are providers like Infoura that provide information about the state. The key to this idea is that if people want to store data for others, they have a reason for the transaction.


Perhaps the most important issue for decentralised application developers is that the next major update will undermine the capacity of the Itheria atom trade, i.e., to complete all transactions at once.


Developers will be able to execute transactions between different applications, assuming that one transaction fails, and the entire series can be restarted immediately. This will be possible only at the Etherm, because all decentralized applications are independent and have the same network of blocks.

以太坊 2.0 会将交易分解到不同的区域。从理论上讲,创建新的以太坊交易的去中心化应用程序同样会分散并托管在不同的分片网络中。这为以太坊区块链上的交易执行引入了一种新的动态机制,即一个分片网络无法了解另一个分片网络的完整状态。

In theory, the creation of new decentralized applications for e-team trading is also dispersed and hosted in different sub-networks. This introduces a new dynamic mechanism for the implementation of transactions in the e-team chain, where one network is unable to understand the integrity of another network.

埃德金顿说:“如果我在分片 1 上进行交易,然后想在分片 2 上进行交易,那么在分片 2 知道分片 1 发生了什么事情之前,这需要完整的区块的信息”。

Edkinton said, "If I'm trading on break one, then I want to do it on break two, then this requires complete block information before break two knows what's going on in break one."

根据埃德金顿的说法,这为去中心化应用编程引入了复杂性(a layer of complexity),而这并不是传统计算机学界所熟悉的。

According to Edkinton, this introduced complexity for programming decentralised applications, which is not familiar to the traditional .


Ed Kington said, "The database has always done so. There's a locking mechanism so that I can lock in the resources I'm interested in for a while and release it when I'm sure everything has happened."


Mihailo Bieleć stated that the lock mechanism was an industry standard for “asynchronous communications” when using the database.


According to Bieleć, “any possible attack point or defect in the code can be easily reasoned and simulated, but decentralised application developers will need time to adapt, and each time a new development model is introduced, there will be a learning curve, and developers do not like it.”


In fact, the concern of some in the community that such a change would have a negative impact on the collusiveness of decentralised applications or, as Bootlin described in his article, “it would provide the ability to communicate easily between different applications”.

以太坊代币交易平台 Kyber Network 的首席执行官卢伊(Loi Luu)在回复布特林的博文时写道:“(失去)原子性将抑制许多此类活动,并使吸引(加密货币)交易员变得更加困难。”

Loi Luu, Chief Executive Officer of Kyber Network, in response to Boeing in Butrin, wrote: “The (lost) atomism will inhibit many of these activities and make it more difficult to attract (encrypted currency) traders.”

完全同意。关于 ETH 2.0 / sharding 的主要和关键关注点是 Dapp /用户的可分解性和碎片化。没有简单的解决方案,每个项目都应该为变化做好准备!-卢伊(@Loi_Luu)2019 年 10 月 10 日

Full agreement. The main and key focus on ETH 2.0/sharding is the decomposition and fragmentation of Dapp/user. Without a simple solution, each project should be ready for change! October 10, 2019!

区块链游戏初创公司(也是 Crypto Kitties 的创建者)Dapper Labs 的首席技术官迪特·雪莉(Dieter Shirley)说,需要多个分片容量的大型去中心化应用程序将变得难以管理。

The Chief Technical Officer, Dieter Shirley, of Cropto Kitties, the first creator of block chain games, said that it would be difficult to manage large decentralized applications requiring multiple fractional capacity.

他说:“在分片之间移动令牌是没有问题的。…但是,当我们考虑使用CryptoKitties 之类的东西时,那就不能仅限于某些令牌。”

He said, "There's no problem moving the medals between the pieces, but when we think about using things like CryptoKittys, it's not just some tokens."


"Simple technology doesn't make everything possible. It only makes things easier."

? 以太坊 2.0 的交易吞吐量相比原构想减半

? Halved the intended amount of transactional throughput in Taiwan 2.0

布特林关于以太坊 2.0 的第五篇文章建议在发布时大幅减少分片总数。

Butrin’s fifth article on Ether 2.0 recommended a significant reduction in the total number of pieces at the time of publication.

最初设想新的网络大约有 1024 个分片,但是布特林最近提出了 64 个分片的计划。他说,减少分片的主要好处是能令以太坊 2.0 中的分片之间的通信更快,更简单。

The original idea was that the new network would be about 1024 pieces, but Butrin had recently proposed 64 pieces. He said that the main benefit of reducing the fractions would be to make communication between the sub-sections in Ethio 2.0 faster and simpler.

布特林在博文中写道:“64 个分片提供了足够的功能……允许用户将代币存放在分片上,使用这些代币来发送交易费用,并在分片之间移动这些代币,分片间的代币移动就像在一个分片内移动一样容易。”

In Boeing, Bootlin wrote: “64 sub-discreets provide sufficient functionality... allow the user to store the coins on the sub-discrete, to use them to send transaction costs, and to move the coins between them as easily as moving within a fragment.”


According to Edkinton, this would ease the cross-sectional communication burden of decentralised application developers.

埃德金顿说:“在之前的以太坊 2.0 设计中,如果分片 1 想知道分片 2 的状态,它必须等待 64 个时隙,大约需要六分半钟。在这种新设计下,分片可以在一个大约 6 秒的时隙(one slot)了解到其他分片的另一种状态。”

Edkinton said, "In the previous Etheria 2.0 design, if split 1 wants to know the status of partition 2, it has to wait for 64 hours, about six and a half minutes. Under this new design, fragments can learn about another state of the other fragments at a time gap of about six seconds."

根据比耶利奇的说法,这还将减少整个以太坊 2.0 网络的复杂性。

According to Bielec, this will also reduce the complexity of the entire Ethio 2.0 network.

比耶利奇说:“与承担未经过实战检验的 1024 个分片的风险相比,64 个分片直观上更容易,因为跨链传输的交叉数据较少。”

According to Bjélix, “64 are easier intuitively than taking on the risk of 1024 fragments that have not been tested on the ground, because there is less cross-transmission of data across the chain”.

但是,以太坊 2.0 网络的整体容量将大大降低。

However, the total capacity of the Etheraya 2.0 network will be significantly reduced.


Ed Kington said, "We're aiming for about half of the originally designed trade throughput."

范·隆表示,提高跨分片通信速度的好处是完全值得的,尽管:“我们现在不需要 1024 倍以太坊的容量。64 倍就已经是一个巨大的增长了,如果分片之间的交叉链接能达到更快速度,这样的妥协就是值得的。未来我们会增大这个倍数的。”

Van Long says that the benefits of increasing the speed of cross-discreet communications are entirely worthwhile, although: "We don't need 1024 times the capacity of the talismans now. 64 times is already a huge increase, and if the cross-links between the pieces reach faster speed, such a compromise is worth it. We'll increase that number in the future."

? 以太坊 2.0 正在进行时

? to Taiga 2.0.

总而言之,以太坊 2.0 仍在开发中,维塔利克·布特林的话也不是铁律。

In short, Etheria 2.0 is still under development and Vitalik Butrin's words are not iron law.

?“仅仅因为维塔利克发布了某些内容,并不意味着它是一成不变的。此问题的全部原因是为了鼓励与社区的讨论。”区块链初创公司 Whiteblock 的创始人兼首席执行官扎克·科尔(Zak Cole)说。他的公司正在协助以太坊 2.0 协议的开发。它有助于使每个人都了解并准确了解正在发生的事情。”

♪ "Just because Vitalik published something, it doesn't mean it's static. The whole reason for the problem is to encourage discussion with the community." Zach Cole, founder and CEO of Whiteblock, the first company in the block chain, says. His company is assisting in the development of the Etheria 2.0 agreement. It helps everyone to know what's going on and to know what's going on."


Cole expressed reservations about the recent proposals put forward by Butrin, including the idea of establishing a two-way bridge between the chain of proof and proof of interests in the courthouse.

科尔说:“这对我来说很冒险。这将需要对以太坊 1.0 链进行额外的更改。……我不认为我们应该去更改以太坊 1.0 链。”

Cole said, "This is risky for me. This will require additional changes to the Etherium 1.0 chain. I don't think we should change the Etherium 1.0 chain."


Bieleć is not worried about the differences and changing directions among researchers. The normality of any complex software is constantly escalating.


He said, "No software will have a final version and will always be upgraded."


However, Cole considered that it was still important to have a general understanding of what the future would look like.


“No skyscraper building can be built without blueprints. Only the upper floors can be identified to begin building the foundations.” He said .


Van Long believes that successful public-chain development requires good communication between researchers and decentralised application developers.

“不确定性助长恐惧。”隆说 “维塔利克在 Devcon 上学习到,我们应该更频繁和更有一致性地将想法都用文字表达出来。”

"The uncertainty fuels fear." He said, "Vitalik learned on Devcon that we should express ideas in words more often and more consistently."


This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Elections 2011.


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    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
  • 5.14加密货币价格:BTC突破6.2万美元以太坊和山寨币反映市场情绪

    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...