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As an important technological innovation in the field of financial science and technology, block chains are considered a central and key technology for building the future of the Internet, enabling the upgrading of the Internet from information interconnection to value interconnection. In fact, block chains are a core technology that uses consensus mechanisms, decentralized, distributed shared books or databases, ensuring full web-based, transparent consistency of the book or database through cryptographic encryption techniques, distributed web-based approaches and encrypted, non-revocable and tampering features, which guarantee a point-to-point approach to rapid transmission and trading of encrypted information. While block-chain technologies are still at an early stage of development, as a platform for decentralizing accounts, sector chains are considered to have wide application prospects in a wide range of areas such as finance, letters, teaching, medical, network of matter, economic trade, smart equipment, etc. .


block chain infrastructure and key technology


block chains are based on cryptography and not on credit, allowing for direct payment by the parties to any agreed transaction on the Internet and thus do not require the involvement of third-party credit intermediaries. In essence, block chains are a distributed account, a technical programme for collective maintenance of a reliable database through decentralization and detrust, and are new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc..



The blocks chain can be broadly distinguished from the public, union and private chains depending on the scope of the object involved. The criteria for classification are not the number of participating nodes, but rather the threshold for recording nodes and the dispersion of rights of account in the system as a whole.

  (二)区块链的核心和关键技术。1.共识机制。机器共识机制即区块链节点就区块信息达成全网一致共识的机制,是区块链的核心理论和技术。FLP不可能定理已经证明,在存在故障进程的异步系统中不存在有限时间内达成“共识”理论解。这也意味着,理论上,在存在“女巫”节点的异步网络环境中,不可能在有限时间内有达成一致共识的精确算法,因而必须寻找其可行的“工程解”,而目前出现的在特定环境中的各类共识机制就是求解“工程解”具体算法。区块链常用的共识机制主要包括:PoW(Proof of Work,工作量证明)、PoS(Proof of Stake,权益证明)、DPoS(Delegate Proof of Stake,股份授权证明)等。

(ii) core and key technologies of the block chain. 1. Consensus mechanisms. The mechanism of machine consensus, i.e. block chain nodes, is the core theory and technology of block chains. The FLP cannot dictate that there is no “consensual” theoretical solution within the time frame of the hesitant system. This also means that, theoretically, in the context of the hesitant network where the “witch” nodes exist, it is not possible to have a precise algorithm for reaching consensus within a limited time, and therefore it is necessary to find a viable “engineering decalation” of the block information.


Usually, block-chain applications need to select different consensus mechanisms based on different scenarios, such as whether the regulatory aspects of compliance support super-competence nodes for the regulation of full network nodes and data, the proven performance efficiency of the transaction, the cost of consensus-building and computer resources such as network input output and storage, and the ability to protect against fraud. In fact, differences in mechanisms do not change the essence of the block chain as long as appropriate mechanisms guarantee reliable traceability of records and relative equality of rights of different nodes. It can be said that innovation in consensus algorithms will be an important force for the industrialization of the block chain.


2. In block chain technology, data are stored permanently in blocks. Blocks are created and linked in chronological order. Each block records all transactions that occurred during their creation. Block data structures are generally divided into blockheads (header) and block blocks (body).


3. Network protocol. Block-link network protocols generally use P2P protocols to ensure that each computer in the same network is reciprocal. Each node provides network services together. There are no "special" nodes. Different block-chain systems develop separate P2P network protocols as needed, such as Bitcoin has a bitcoin network protocol, and Taiku has its own network protocol.


4. The hash algorithm is also called a data digest or a Hashi algorithm, whose rationale is to convert a message into a string with a fixed length and the following characteristics: if one or two paragraphs of information are the same, the characters are the same; even if the two paragraphs are very similar, the string will be very confusingly random and completely unconnected with the two strings. In essence, the hash algorithm is not intended to be an “encrypted” but to extract “data characteristics” but, of course, the hash value given to the given data can also be understood as “print information” for that data. The typical hash algorithms include MD5, SHA1/SHA256 and SM3, of which the two algorithms are fairly efficient and safe and are broadly applied .






The financial field is an important application of block-chain technology. The block-chain is essentially a decentralised ledger, equivalent to a participatory accounting approach, which in the present era of science and technology-driven financial development is the latest science and technology-driven force. The block-chain technology addresses trust issues in economic and financial areas by providing low-level support technologies with high reliability, simplified processes, transaction traceability, cost savings, reduction of errors, and improved data quality that make it possible to re-establish the basic framework of the global financial industry, particularly credit transfer mechanisms, and to accelerate financial innovation and product rotation and significantly improve financial efficiency. The key applications of the block-chain in the financial field include the following:


(i) digital currency. Digital currency, represented by bitcoin, is the most extensive and successful application of block-chain technology. The issuance of digital currency can effectively reduce the cost of issuing and circulating money and enhance the ease and transparency of economic transactions compared to traditional banknotes.




(iv) payment settlement. The chain-based accounting technology effectively expands modern payment clearing mechanisms, leading to significant reductions in the management costs of institutions such as banks, exchanges, etc., and to significant improvements in the efficiency of payment liquidations. Currently, commercial trade, settlement of securities transactions generally need to be done through banks, with traditional modes of dealing through the depositary, counterparty, internal liquidation organizations, the International Organization for Settlements, offshore banks, etc., in which each institution has its own accounting system and requires inter-agency correspondent relationships and mutual credit lines. At the same time, each transaction requires a bank-to-bank record-keeping and reconciliation with counterpartys, resulting in slow and high costs, compared to the traditional payment system, payment through block-to-chain technology is done directly by the parties, not involving intermediary institutions, internal liquidation organizations, the International Organization for Settlements and offshore closure of parts of the network will not affect the entire system.


(v) customer identification. Global financial institutions are subject to strict government regulation, the most important of which is that financial institutions must fulfil their customer identification (KYC) responsibilities when providing services to customers. KYC is a time-consuming process in the traditional way, and lacks the technology to automatically authenticate consumers, which makes it impossible to work efficiently. In the traditional financial system, user identification information and transaction records between different agencies are not consistently and efficiently tracked, making it difficult for regulators to get their work done.


trends and prospects

  目前,区块链在理论研究和应用实践上还是两张皮。如果将实现比特币理念的技术——去信任环境下通过机器实现共识(即拜占庭容错共识)作为区块链技术核心,则区块链在技术和理论上还远未达到大规模应用阶段。如果将添加哈希(hash)值字段的分布式账本技术(DLT)(非拜占庭容错共识环境)称为区块链,则这种上世纪90年代就已出现的技术也谈不上什么高新和神秘,只能说是新瓶装旧酒。另外,区块链也并非仅仅只是“区块+链”的数据结构。随着区块链技术的发展,特别是数据层的技术和底层拓扑结构的不断创新,当前,已经涌现出诸如有向无环图(Directed acyclic graph)和哈希图(Hash  Graph)等新兴的区块“链”数据结构,这些新数据结构将以单一链条为基础的区块链技术的范畴拓展为基于图结构的区块“链”或分布式账本。

At present, the block chain is still two skins in theoretical research and application practice. If the technology to achieve the Bitcoin concept — to achieve consensus through machine (i.e., the Byzantine Conversation) is used as the technical core of the block chain, the block chain is far from being used at a large scale in technology and theory. If the distributed account technology (DLT) (an unbelieving consensus environment) is called a block chain, the technology that has emerged in the 1990s is not much new and mysterious, but only a new bottle of wine. Moreover, the block chain is not merely a “block + chain” data structure.


block chain technology is still in its early stages of development, and there are many difficulties in applying it to industries, particularly in the financial field. First, there are no uniform technical standards. The bottom-level technology of the block chain is not mature and uniform. Most platforms are not yet sufficiently secure. Second, there is a lack of reliable examples of practice. Although the largest sector-chain application — bitcoin is currently worth more than $300 billion, large-scale transactions amounting to trillion dollars per day will require further testing of block-chain technology.



信用中国 | 2021-08-16




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