On the eve of 520, the encryption market experienced unprecedented bloodshed. Almost all mainstream currencies, including
Last year, market panic caused by “312” was often ridiculed by insiders, but after last night's “519,” there would be no stories of “312”.
Free and liquidated wealth at
BTC dropped to $29,000
At 2100 hours on 19 May, bitcoin took the lead in breaking the 30,000-dollar threshold, at one point reaching $29,000;
同时,21时20分左右,以太坊GAS FEE快速上涨,确认GAS FEE高达2000GWEI。比特币的暴跌直接导致了一系列主流货币和山寨货币的瀑布式下跌。前段时间,按订单订购的马斯克的狗币在24小时内下跌了50%。 At the same time, at about 21.20 p.m., the rapid rise of the Tai family GAS FEE confirmed that GAS FEE was as high as 2000GWEI. bit was directly responsible for the fall in the waterfall of a series of mainstream and mountain currencies.
面对这场大崩盘,任何货币都无法生存。火灾发生前,DeFi、layer 2、NFT和各种动物货币的跌幅均超过50%。随后,“币圈撞车”一文曾提到微博热搜排名第三,而在发布前排名已降至第八。 Before the fire, , player 2, NFT and various animal currencies fell by more than 50 per cent. Subsequently, referred to the third microblogging ranking, which fell to eight before the publication.
印钞机定义 Bankmark Definition
新闻发布前Coinmarketcap NFT Before the press release Coinmarketcap NFT 519夜直接蒸发加密货币市值近2万亿元,总市值缩水至11.62万亿元。5月12日以来,全网数十万人爆仓,500多亿资金化为乌有。 The market value of the encrypted currency evaporated directly on the night of 519 is close to $2 trillion, and the total market value is down to $11.62 trillion. Since May 12, more than 500 billion of the money has been destroyed by the network's hundreds of thousands of people . 根据bybt的最新数据,在过去的24小时内,大约775700人成为仓库爆炸的受害者。最大的一次仓库爆炸发生在火币BTC,爆炸价值高达6700万美元。 According to the latest data from bybt, approximately 775,700 people have been victims of a warehouse explosion in the last 24 hours. The biggest warehouse explosion occurred at 本次破发以多头为主,达到49.4亿美元,占比85%。Cryptoquant数据显示,交易所长达一小时的结算量达到10525btc,创下历史新高。 Cryptoquant data show that the exchange reached a record high of 10525btc for an hour. 据debank数据显示,全网DeFi总锁量从5月11日的最高点1319.8亿美元下降了近500亿美元,降幅达37%。截至记者发稿,全网DeFi总锁定量约748.26亿美元。 According to debank data, the total lockage of the Web-wide DeFi dropped by nearly $50 billion, or 37 per cent, from its peak of $131.98 billion on 11 May. As journalists write, the total lockdown of the Web-wide DeFi is about $74.826 billion. 由于ETH价格的剧烈波动,DeFi协议中有大量头寸被清仓。根据debank的数据,除了Venus,主流的DeFi协议已经在24小时内以2.65亿美元的价格获得批准。其中,AAVE V2清算金额1.18亿美元,复利1.15亿美元,AAVE V1清算金额2161万美元。 Due to the volatility in the prices of ETH, a large number of positions were cleared in the DeFi agreement. According to Debank, apart from Venus, the mainstream DeFi agreement was approved at a price of $265 million within 24 hours. Of this amount, AAVE V2 was liquidated at $118 million, compound interest at $115 million, AAVE V1 was liquidated at $2161 million. 清算套利加剧了以太坊链上的拥塞。汽油费飙升,速度模式的汽油费超过2000千兆瓦。一度有近两万笔交易等待确认。微博“大V”邱祥宇说:“ETH2.0一天不可用,DeFi大楼一天不稳定。” The settlement arbitrage has increased the congestion of the Etherm chain. Gas prices have soared, and the speed pattern of gasoline exceeds 2,000 gigawatts. There were almost 20,000 transactions waiting to be confirmed at one time. Weibo, "Big V" Xiangyu, says: "
菲利普·卡斯通圭(Philippe Castonguay)在推特上说,贷款平台liquityprotocol花了大约两分钟时间清算了sun的606000 以太坊,但随后sun偿还了3亿美元,使得清算无法进行。
Philippe Castonguay on Twitter said that the loan platform, Liquityprotocol, had spent about two minutes liquidating Sun's 606,000 Etheria, but that sun had subsequently repaid $300 million, making liquidation impossible.
According to Kang Treir, the essence of DeFi is unregulated and completely free finance, with various ecological layers embedded in one another, and countless crazy high leverages. Thus, the abuse of leverage is bound to occur repeatedly.
In addition, the science and technology unit was hit. On the evening of May 19, Beijing time, the United States stock market opened, . Among these, the marathon patent fell by 15%, Riot
“机构投资者似乎在抛售比特币,转向传统黄金,因为他们看到比特币前两个季度上升趋势的结束,因此寻求传统黄金的稳定。”摩根大通。当日现货金报1880美元/盎司,创下1月8日以来的新高。 “Institutional investors seem to be reselling bit to traditional gold because they see the end of the upward trend in Bitcoin in the first two quarters and therefore seek stability in traditional gold.” Chase Morgan. 在黑市下,主流交易所再次出现卡和停机 In the black market, the mainstream exchange reappears with cards and shut-downs. 随着比特币等加密货币价格的下跌,全球主流交易所出现不同程度的停机,当晚CoinBase、火币、币安、okex等交易平台网站暂时无法登录。 With the decline in the price of encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, there were varying degrees of downtime on the global mainstream exchange, and the website of the trading platform, such as "https://www.btchangeqing.cn/bian", CoinBase在一份声明中说:“我们发现CoinBase和CoinBase pro存在一些问题,有些功能可能无法正常工作。”。我们目前正在调查这些问题,并将尽快提供更新。” CoinBase said in a statement: “We find that CoinBase and CoinBase pro have problems, some of which may not work properly.” We are currently investigating these issues and will provide updates as soon as possible.” 一些用户在twitter上抱怨CoinBase网站和应用程序的宕机,因为他们想趁数字加密货币价格暴跌之际趁机购买。受此影响,CoinBase股价今日早盘下跌10%。 Some users complain about CoinBase’s website and applications on twitter because they want to buy it at a time when the price of digital encryption money is falling. As a result, CoinBase’s share price fell by 10% earlier today. 币安宣布,除btcup、btcdown、ETHup、ETHup、bnbup和bnbdown外,暂停所有杠杆代币的交易,并暂停所有杠杆代币的认购和赎回功能。交易、申购、赎回的恢复时间另行通知, In addition to btcup, btcdown, ETHup, ETHup, USDT
The fall in the market also directly contributed to the rise in prices of
The recent downturn in encrypted currencies, such as bitcoin, is due, on the one hand, to regulatory and, on the other hand, to market factors.
On 18 May, three associations, such as the China Internet Finance Association, jointly issued the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Speculation in Virtual Currency Transactions (hereinafter referred to as the Circular).
According to the bulletin, virtual currencies are not supported by real value and their prices are easily manipulated. There are multiple risks associated with speculation, such as false asset risk, business failure risk, investment speculative risk, etc.
At the same time, it is recommended that consumers at large raise their awareness of risk, develop sound investment concepts, do not engage in speculative activities in virtual currency transactions, and guard against the erosion of personal property and rights. It is important to note that announcements are essentially industry self-regulatory rules, not laws and regulations, or even sectoral regulations.
The effect of the bulletin on virtual currency transactions is yet to be further observed.
On the same day, the Department of Resource Savings and Environmental Protection of the Inner Mongolia Development Commission issued a circular on the reception of reports from virtual money mining enterprises, which states that the Autonomous Community Energy Explosion Double Control Emergency Command Office has set up a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform and has fully cleared off the virtual currency “mining” project.
However, this information is not the only negative factor in the recent market. Last week, Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, released several tweets that allowed currency rings to blow for a while.
In response, Economic Report the 21st Century stated in Weibo that “the fall in various currencies was due mainly to the vagueness of Mask, who had previously tried to call for a single currency, to the virtual currency, which dominated the emptiness of the currency circle”.
On May 17, Musk suggested on Twitter that Tesla might have sold all or part of Bitcoin’s position. The news was that Bitcoin’s price had fallen to $45,000 for the first time in three months, and that other currencies had fallen sharply, making the market red.
Mask then clarified that Tesla had not sold any bitcoin and that Bitcoin had rebounded over 2000 points in a short period of time, but that it had not saved the depressed market.
12日,特斯拉宣布将停止使用比特币购车。加密货币概念股盘后也相继下跌,CoinBase global跌幅超过1%。比特币指数跳水约1970美元,狗币当天跌幅超过12%。
On 12th, Tesla announced that it would stop using bitcoin for the purchase of cars. The encrypted currency concept shares also fell, with CoinBase global falling by more than 1%. The Bitcoin Index jumped by about US$ 1970, and the dog's currency fell by more than 12% the same day.
加密市场的崩盘让很多用户感叹牛市已经过去,熊市即将来临。但真的是这样吗?比特资产管理公司(bitwise asset management)首席投资官马特?豪根(Matt Hougan)表示,我们今天看到的下跌是由恐慌性抛售和强制去杠杆推动的,主要来自海外市场的散户投资者。
The collapse of the encrypted market has caused many users to wonder that the city of cattle is over and that it is coming. But is that true? The chief investment officer of Bitwise asset management, Matt Hougan, says that the decline we see today is driven by panic selling and forced leveraging, mainly by dispersed investors from overseas markets.
Tesla refused to accept Bitcoin, China reiterated its anti-encryption position, and the Monetary Supervisory Authority (OCC) decided to review the regulation of digital assets. These messages caused panic, but did not “reverse the long-term movement of Bitcoin”.
He argued that, after deleveraging itself, it would enter a stronger base. This is the other side of the market. Even after today's adjustment, growth has remained at over 300 per cent over the past year.
The encryption analyst Li Xiao believes that this is a cow-market inertia. Every time the bull market accelerates, the market faces a 50-per-cent drop. Historically, today’s adjustment suggests that bitcoin will reach new heights in the next six months.
在加密货币中,回调是一种正常现象。coinshares首席策略官Meltem demirors表示,市场上的一些杠杆在4月份被挤出,但仍有许多杠杆,因此加密货币调整是健康的。
In crypto-currency, echoing is normal. Coinshares Chief Strategy Officer Meltem demirors states that some of the leverage in the market was squeezed out in April, but there is still a lot of leverage, so the encrypt currency adjustment is healthy.
Market panic is still ongoing, and the entire encryption market is in turmoil. Whether this blood wash is the beginning of a new cycle of cattle or the arrival of a bear, we cannot judge the current situation positively, and the relevant information chain will continue to follow.
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