区块链技术推动国内版权保护 腾讯打造“至信链”平台

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:56 评论:0
来源:时刻头条Source: Time Headlines  在数字中国、建设知识产权强国战略的引领下,中国数字内容产业蓬勃发展,尤其是以新闻出版、广播影视、软件设计、动漫游戏等为代表的核心版权产业增长迅速。近年来,腾讯积极探索“创新技术+...



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Source: Time Headlines


under the leadership of the digital China and the strategy to build a strong intellectual property power, China’s digital content industry has flourished rapidly, especially in the core copyright industry, which is represented by news publishing, broadcast video, software design, mobile games, etc. In recent years, it has actively explored the deep convergence of “innovation technologies + copyright protection” and has continued to drive the process of formalizing the digital content industry; based on block-chain technology, a copyright protection platform for “to-letter chains” has been built.


26 April 2021, the twenty-first World Intellectual Property Day. The intellectual property theme issued this year by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is “Intellectual property and small and medium-sized enterprises: moving ideas to the market”.


is a new, new and dynamic technology, represented by information technology and network technology, and intellectual creation plays a growing role in material and cultural production. China’s digital content industry thrives under the leadership of digital China and the strategy of building intellectual property powers.


, an Internet-based technology and culture company, has always valued and respected intellectual property rights, encouraged scientific and technological innovation, and built up a well-developed intellectual property protection system. After 23 years of development, it has accumulated a great deal of intellectual property rights in the areas of trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc. .


by the end of 2020, the number of patent applications from major countries and territories worldwide was over 43,000 and the number of valid authorizations exceeded 17,000; the number of applications and authorizations from major countries worldwide ranked second among Internet companies. A number of high-quality, high-value patents were produced in the areas of SNS, cloud technology, artificial intelligence, security, block chains and smart hardware.


especially in recent years, as the Internet and computer technology have developed, the use of data generated by web applications as electronic evidence in disputes or litigation has become more common and plays an increasingly important role. Unlike traditional physical evidence, electronic evidence is typically stored through electronic media, and there is a risk of modification in the process of taking evidence, storing certificates, and finding, so how the credibility of electronic evidence can be enhanced is a matter of immediate concern.


, while safeguarding their rights to copyright on data content, Steam actively explores the deep convergence of “innovation technologies + copyright protection” using science and technology such as big data analysis, cloud computing, block chains, etc., to create a new model for copyright protection. Nearly 100 patents related to copyright protection technologies have been distributed, mainly audio-visual fingerprinting technology, block chain recording technology, multiple channels, full-scale security partners and third-party copyright rights, constantly promoting the process of formalizing the digital content industry and cleaning up the digital content development web environment.


, actively exploring a technical program for the record-keeping management of original web pages based on block chains, in which authorized patents for page certificates are presented, mainly through a web-based snapshot based on the original link address in the evidence environment of the server that has passed the security clearance, the creation of a full snapshot of the page and the extraction of a snapshot of the data summary and the chaining of the data summaries leading to the creation of a chain certificate. The certificate displays data summaries of the block-link transaction address and documents, with features such as integrity, distributional storage and centralization, and users can verify original evidence-based data on content based on a web-based snapshot file.


  构建“至信链”版权保护平台 重塑数字版权价值链

Constructing the “to-letter chain” copyright protection platformreshaping the digital copyright value chain


According to data from the National Copyright Office, our online copyright industry is already over $1 trillion, and intellectual property is increasingly becoming a strategic resource for national development and a central element of international competitiveness.


, in recent years, torts in the field of intellectual property protection, including copying, copy-washing, etc. We have set up a three-sided third-party intellectual property protection program that provides original statements, reprinting authorizations, tort complaints, etc. for the original creators.


, a web-wide tort-detection-line and-electronic solidity- real-time interception-assisted disposal platform, is integrated to provide a set of real-time and accurate disposal options for network tort monitoring and full-processing.


, based on block-chain technology, builds a “to-letter chain” copyright protection platform, builds a copyright protection programme throughout its life cycle, focuses on addressing problematic rights holders, monitoring challenges, evidentiary difficulties, rights challenges in the mobile Internet age, and provides experience in the integrated management of the digital cultural content ecology.


enables fast registration of copyrights through “to the chain of letters” to prevent fraudulent retroactivity of digital copyright content and to prevent torts; solidification of evidence on torts and effective reduction of evidentiary costs; and access to copyright defence litigation, electronic evidence and the judicial system, user evidentiary rights and the verification of evidence by judges are easy and expeditious, and judicial efficiency is improved.


currently, “to the chain of letters” connects with the Penguin to enhance the protection of original content; works with the original museum to construct photographic works to protect the ecology; works with the Southern Cultural Property Exchange to establish copyright protection service ecology; works with the Sichuan High People's Court to create the Sichuan Judicial Zone Chain Eco-Collage to provide a full-time residual capability for court trial enforcement, litigation services and judicial supervision; provides a system of information-sharing based on the block chain for case processing; and provides a user-friendly and practical block chain documentation service for the population and a first-class judicial block chain platform.

  “创新技术+版权保护”融合 净化数字内容发展环境

“Innovative technologies + copyright protection" merges decontaminating digital content development environment


The digital content industry wants long-term, stable and sustainable development without copyright protection, while the depth of “innovation technology plus copyright protection” plays an increasingly important role.



June 2018, the Penguin upgraded the copyright protection system by introducing the first industry “one-key rights” system and connecting the Penguin “one-key rights” system with the “to-letter” system, providing one-stop copyright protection for the original creators of the platform through the issuance of certificates, copyright partners, 7* 24-hour tort monitoring, tort proof, litigation and combating five major ways.


The author can also use the copyright monitoring service provided by the “to the chain of letters” to monitor copyright works on a full-time basis and, in the event of a violation, use the copyright evidentiary capacity provided by the “to the chain of letters” to fix the content of the infringement.


When the author resorts to legal defence, fixed tenure information and torts can be submitted directly to the court as evidence through channels such as the “mobile micro-court” mini-procedure, and the court can verify the authenticity of evidence online through an evidence platform such as the “micro-court”.




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