With the spread of digital currency bitcoin, people begin to compare bitcoin with renminbi. Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency, which is the legal currency issued by the Central Bank.
For example, in China, the exchange rate of the renminbi against the United States dollar is as follows: “How much is the currency of one yuan to the United States dollar”.
There are three main determinants of exchange rates: currency demand, money supply, and balance of payments.
Monetary demand (or demand for money) refers to the amount of money that people buy. For example, a country’s commodities are popular on the world market, which leads other countries to buy that country’s currency because they have to pay the country’s currency in which the goods are sold.
Monetary supply (money supply) refers to the amount of money available in the currency market. If a government issues more currencies, the supply of money increases, thereby reducing the value and exchange rate of that currency.
The balance of payments refers to a country’s import-export transactions, including goods, services, capital and international transfers. If a country imports more than exports, the country has to pay foreign currency to purchase goods, resulting in an increase in the country’s currency demand and a decline in the exchange rate.
Bitcoin, as a digital currency, has no central bank control, nor is it an international exchange-rate regime, whose exchange rate is largely determined by market supply and demand. The renminbi, as a legal currency, is largely controlled by policies implemented by the Central Bank of China, including exchange-rate intervention policies and monetary policy.
In addition, the renminbi is a formal currency in compliance with the law and regulations, while Bitcoin is illegal in many countries, which also influences the currency exchange rate.
In summary, Bitcoins and renminbis are two different currencies, with different determinants and fluctuations in exchange rates. However, with the spread and application of Bitcoins, their exchange rates have become increasingly important.
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