bitcoinday price: $42,367.50
24H最高: 43,404.6 | 24H最低: 41,939.2 | 历史最高: 69,273.1 | 历史最低: 0.0495 |
24H成交量: 24.04万 | 24H成交额: 102.7亿 | 发行总量: 2100万 | 市值: 8303亿 |
24H换手率: 1.24% | 24H波幅: 3.49% | 流通数量: 1957万 | 市值占比: 52.58% |
昨开: 41,331.3 | 昨收: -- | 流通率: 93.17% | 完全稀释后市值 8912亿 |
比特币当前价格为 $42,367.50。比特币的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了 1.59%。目前,比特币市值排名为第 1 名,实时市值为 $8,295.19亿,流通供应量为 1,957.52万 BTC,最大供应量为 2,100.00万 BTC。我们会实时更新 Bitcoin/USD 的价格。
Bitcoin's current price is $42,367.50. Bitcoin's price has fallen by 1.59% in the last 24 hours. Currently, Bitcoin's market value is ranked 1st, real-time market value is $829.519 billion, and circulation supply is $19.575 million, with a maximum supply of 210.00 million BTC. We will update the price of Bitcoin/USD in real time.
时间范围 | 涨跌额 | 涨跌幅 |
今日 | -$711.70 | -1.65% |
7 天 | $1,356.30 | 3.31% |
30 天 | $5,057.40 | 13.56% |
3 个月 | $15,365.50 | 56.93% |
2010 - 2011: Genesis to the first exchange to set up
Bitcoin was created in 2009, but did not attract much attention in the first two years. Until May 22, 2010, Bitcoin made its first deal in history, and a programmer bought two pizzas in 10,000 bitcoins.
同年7月,第一个比特币交易所Mt. Gox正式上线。此时,比特币的价格为0.05美元。在7月至11月期间,比特币价格稳步上涨,最高达到0.39美元。
In July of the same year, the first Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, was officially launched. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was US$ 0.05. The price of Bitcoin rose steadily between July and November, reaching a maximum of US$ 0.39.
2012 - 2013: Bitcoin price surged for the first time
In 2012, Bitcoin experienced a wave of small fluctuations, with prices in the range of $2-13. But in early 2013, Bitcoin prices began to surge sharply, rising from $13 at the end of January to an all-time high of $266 on 10 April.
随着价格大幅度上涨,比特币市场变得越来越热门,新的数字货币交易所也相继建立。在5月14日,比特币交易平台Mt. Gox在一天内交易量达到巨额1亿美元。
As prices rose sharply, the Bitcoin market became more popular, and new digital money exchanges were established. On May 14, the Bitcoin trading platform, Mt. Gox, reached a huge $100 million in trading in one day.
But with the price of bitcoin booming, the state and positive wealth began to oversee it. At the end of 2013, the People’s Bank of China issued its first Bitcoin warning, calling it &ldquao; illegal trade & rdquao;
2014-2015: Bitcoin price falls
2014年初,比特币价格已经下跌到800美元以下。10月份,Mt. Gox宣布破产倒闭,导致比特币价格再次下跌,最低降至200美元以下。此次Mt. Gox交易所的倒闭给比特币市场带来了极大的震荡和不安。不过,在2015年,比特币价格虽经历了多个小波动,但总体走势呈现出缓慢反弹的趋势,价格在200-300美元之间波动。
By the beginning of 2014, Bitcoin prices had fallen below $800. In October, Mt. Gox declared bankruptcy, causing Bitcoin prices to fall again, down to below $200. The collapse of the Mt. Gox Exchange caused great shock and anxiety in the Bitcoin market.
In 2016 and 2017, the Bitcoin market experienced a wave of dramatic growth. Of these, 2017 was the most exciting year in the history of bitcoin price development.
However, in December, Bitcoin prices began to fall rapidly, falling by more than 80%. The cycle lasted for about a year, until early 2019, when Bitcoin prices fell below US$ 3,500.
The price of Bitcoin has been volatile since 2018, with little volatility. Although by the end of 2019 the price of Bitcoin was once over $10,000, it quickly fell sharply.
However, after 2020, bitcoin prices began to rebound. At the beginning of 2021, bitcoin prices rose rapidly, reaching more than $60,000.
1. OKEx Exchange (a href="https://static.jbzj.com/qkl/ok/zhuce.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" ): Currency Circle & ldquao; Larger & rdquao; Largest Exchange
: currency circle&ldquao; amplifier” largest exchange(s)
Coinbase (United States): The most international exchange
4. BitMEX (Hong Kong, China)
5. Chinese currency (ZB)
6 、Bitfinex
9. MXC tea exchange
Network A (AOFEX)
These are the details of the analysis of Bitcoin's current prices in United States dollars today - December 20, Bitcoin's latest trends, and more information about Bitcoin, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!
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