The general elections in the United States are expected to take place in November of this year, and Biden has gradually changed his attitude as Trump has frequently released news of support in the area of encryption, and both sides have sought support in the area of encryption.
而今日特朗普在生日特别演讲中再度喊出口号:“我会结束乔·拜登对加密货币的战争,并确保加密货币的未来和比特币的未来将在美国制造(Madein USA)。”
And today Trump called out the exit sign in his birthday special address: & ldquo; I will end Joe & Middot; Biden's war on encrypted money and ensure that the future of encrypted money and the future of Bitquín will be made in the United States.
就在本周稍早,特朗普也在自家社群媒体平台Truth Social发文表示,比特币挖矿可能是对抗“央行数字货币(CBDC)”的最后防线:“投票给特朗普!比特币挖矿可能是我们对抗中央银行数字货币(CBDC)的最后防线。拜登对比特币的仇恨只会帮助中国、俄罗斯和激进的共产左派。我们希望所有剩余的比特币都能在美国制造!!!这将帮助我们成为能源主导!!!”
Earlier this week, Trump also wrote on his own social media platform, Truth Social, that bitcoin mining could be counter-productive & ldquo; central bank digital currency (CBDC) & rdquo; last line of defense: & & ldquo; vote for Trump! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against central bank digital currency (CBDC). Bidenbitco's hatred will only help China, Russia, and radical communist left. We hope that all remaining bitcoins will be made in the United States! This will help us become energy masters!
特朗普对比特币矿企的友善态度很明显,本月他与《Bitcoin Magazine》执行长David Bailey、美国比特币矿企代表会晤,承诺如果当选,会在华府和全球层面上支持加密货币挖矿业务。 The friendly attitude of Trumpbitco, who met this month with David Bailey, Executive Director of Bitcoin Magazine, and representatives of the United States company Bitcoin, promised to support encrypted money mining operations at both the Washington and global levels if elected. 与会者中,有多位领先比特币矿企的代表,包括CleanSpark、Riot Platforms、Marathon Digital等知名挖矿公司。以及其他知名的加密货币产业参与者,包括CleanSpark执行董事长Matthew Schultz、Riot Platforms执行长Jason Les、Riot Platforms政策主管Brian Morgenstern、Marathon Digital财务长SalmanK han、Fabiano Consulting创办人Amanda Fabiano,Amanda Fabiano曾任Galaxy挖矿主管和Fidelity比特币挖矿总监。 Among the participants were representatives of several leading Bitcoin mining companies, including CleanSpark, Riot Platforms, Marathon Digital, and other prominent participants in the crypto-currency industry, including Matthew Schultz, Executive Director of CleanSpark, Jason Les, Executive Director of Riot Platforms, Brian Morgenstern, Policy Manager of Riot Platforms, Salman Khan, Financial Director of Marathon Digital, Amanda Fabiano Consulting, Amanda Fabiano, former Director of Galaxy Mining and Director General of Fidelity Bitco. 自2021年中国政府实施挖矿禁令后,美国已取代中国,成为比特币挖矿中心,据BanklessTimes.com年初统计,美国目前在比特币挖矿总量中占比38%,位居第一,其次才是中国的21%、哈萨克的13%。 Since the Chinese Government imposed a mining ban in 2021, the United States has replaced China as a bitcoin mining centre. According to Bankless Times.com, at the beginning of the year, the United States now accounts for 38 per cent of the total amount of mining in bitcoin, ranking first, followed by 21 per cent in China and 13 per cent in Kazakhstan.
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