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( 2023—2025 年)


The meta-cosmos is a immersed interconnection space for digital and physical worlds, a new generation of information technology-integrated innovation and applications for the future, an advanced form of digital and real-economy integration, and it is hoped that the next generation of Internet development will lead to accelerated manufacturing high-end, intelligent, and green-up, supporting the construction of modern industrial systems. At present, the global meta-cosm industry has accelerated, leading to high-quality, healthy and safe development of the meta-cosm industry in order to seize opportunities, providing strong support for the building of power, network and cultural power, and developing this plan of action.




Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist philosophy of China's identity in the new era, he fully implemented the Party's 20 main spirits, implemented the new development philosophy in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, accelerated the construction of new development patterns, integrated the implementation of an expanded domestic demand strategy with structural changes on the supply side, with the main objective of building the industrial universe and enabling the manufacturing industry, driven by a new generation of information technology for the integration of innovation, guided by the need for artificial applications, with the aim of nurturing new technologies, new products, new models, combined efforts for government and efficient markets, integrated development and security, systematic planning, engineering advancement and industrialization, with a view to promoting high-quality development in the meta-cosm industry.




Keeping up with the drivers of innovation. Unleashing the energy of the meta-cosm to integrate innovation, leading to the cross-border integration of relevant technologies. Keeping up with short and long panels, accelerating the breakthrough of the key core technologies of the meta-cosmos and accelerating industrial progress towards high-end convergence.


Keeping the scenes drawn. By opening up the meta-cosm applications, the scenes will lead to the deployment of meta-cosm technologies and products, creating a high level of demand-driven supply and demand-creating development.


Sticking to integration and mutuality. Taking on the virtual mapping of the physical world, building on the virtual convergence of the meta-cosmos, stimulating digital technology to empower, add up, multiply and increase the productivity of the digital space and the physical world.


Integrated development and security, enhanced policy guidance and standard guidance, contributed to the development of the meta-cosmos governance system.


Deepening international exchange and cooperation, engaging proactively in international governance, and achieving mutual benefits and benefits. Strengthening productive research and research collaboration, effectively allocating resources, and promoting deeper convergence in the capital chain of the innovation chain.




By 2025, breakthroughs in meta-cosm technology, industry, applications, governance, etc. had become important growth poles in the digital economy, with industries growing in size, well-structured technological systems, and industrial technological infrastructure becoming more robust, with combined strength at the world’s highest levels. 3&mdash was cultivated; 5 eco-enterprises with global influence and a group of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises built 3— and 5 industrial development clusters.


In the long term, the key core technology of the meta-cosmos has made a major breakthrough in shaping the world’s leading meta-cosmos industry ecosystem. Create a mature industrial universe, opening up a new model of productive growth that is artificial and mutually reinforcing.




(i) Building advanced meta-cosm technologies and industrial systems


1. To strengthen innovation in the integration of key technologies. To strengthen the integration breakthroughs of new-generation information technologies in the metacosystem, such as artificial intelligence, block chains, cloud computing, virtual reality, and to promote the deployment of key meta-cosm technologies such as smart generation algorithms, distributional identifications, data asset flows, etc., in major technological projects in the country. To develop key basic software, develop operating systems and intermediates for the meta-cosmos, break through modelling software, drawing engines, physical simulation engines, immersion audio decoding engines, and build a one-stop meta-cosm development platform. To break through high-end electronic components and accelerate innovation in the development of basic hardware such as graphic computing chips, high-end sensors, acoustic components, optical displays, etc.



Data flow technology. Continuously closing block chains, privacy calculations, etc., exploring value discovery, warrant protection, authorized circulation of data assets, advancing data governance at the core of block chains and cross-platform flow technology systems for data assets, transforming data flows to value flows, and building a meta-cosm trust infrastructure.




networks and computing techniques. > > > networks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


2. Innovative digital people, virtual space development tool components, and the promotion of digital people to produce fast, fine, intelligent products such as virtual conference rooms, exhibition halls, business halls, social spaces, etc. Development of smart content-generation products such as writing, painting, and composing. Development of all-day real-time communications, 3D view maps, etc.


3. Build synergies in the development of industrial ecology. Investing in the development of semi-cosmos leading enterprises and specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, building industrial innovation clusters, and building eco-systems in which large and medium-sized enterprises can integrate development, industrial chains and synergies. Encouraging local integration into the industrial base, building pilot areas for the application of meta-cosm innovations, science parks, industrial parks, and a distinctive conglomerates of meta-cosmos industries. Supporting the creation of eco-cosm open-source communities, encouraging users to participate actively in meta-cosm technological innovation and content production, and creating new mechanisms, models, and new practices for the sound flow of digital content.



develops the meta-cosmos & ldquo; Famous & rdquo;


breeds the meta-cosmos & ldquao; celebrity & rdquao; >. Creates an escalator library of meta-coastal enterprises and fosters the selection of new and specialized & & ldquao; small giants & rdquao; individual champions and pilot companies.


creates a metacosystem & ldquo; name district & rdquo; >.


/span < to build the meta-cosmos & ldquo; celebrity & rdquo; > > >. Grow a group of well-known digital figures, build digital iconic products and brands. Develop innovative meta-cosm entrepreneurs, develop an enabling team of leading technologists and great creators. Create a Centennial Cosmos Industry 100 to build a meta-cosm industry exchange platform to bring together high-end wisdom for industrial development.


(ii) Development of a three-dimensional interactive industrial universe


4. Explore the geocosmization of key industrial processes. Build a database of basic models for the industrial meta-cosmos and create high-precision and interactive virtual industrial mapping spaces. Build an industrial meta-cosm simulation design and validation platform, layout production chain applications, and upgrade the effectiveness and efficiency of the design phase. Explore new models for production lines based on the meta-cosm, product detection, enhanced predictive maintenance, and improved efficiency and quality of transport detection services. Create marketing platforms and virtual training systems based on the industrial meta-cosm to provide a immersive marketing and training environment.


5. Speed up the industrial meta-cosm layout of key industries. For decentralized manufacturing industries such as domestic electricity, automobiles, ships, aerospace, major technology equipment, electronic information manufacturing, and so forth, accelerate the achievement of inter-industry synergies based on the industrial meta-cosm. Build a matrix of industrial mechanics and develop individualized life-cycle management systems for different products. For process manufacturing such as steel, textiles, electricity, etc., promote the application of the industrial meta-cosm in key scenarios such as optimized material formulations, process simulations, and enhance the ability of predictive services such as process-handling products, material computing, material tracking, etc.


6. Explore innovative applications of the industrial meta-cosm. Build a platform for digital identity management of the industrial meta-cosm to build a credible identification service system across the entire chain. Accelerate the promotion of the assetization of industrial data elements, the development of an industrial data asset service platform, and the exploration of industrial data validation, pricing, trading and circulation mechanisms. Explore supply chain financial application models and supply chain financial services around asset equipment, order data, etc.



Industrial meta-cosm+production lines: To facilitate the integration of key elements such as humans, machines, data, and the construction of artificially integrated production-line digital twins. To build virtual assembly spaces in the industrial meta-cosmos, and to promote spare parts support assembly. To enrich non-contact detection methods, using virtual simulation devices to automate three-dimensional, intelligent quality checks. To build a library of process simulation models, to guide the operation of standard production lines, and to provide remote, coordinated expert guidance.


Industrial meta-cosmies+plants: layout of plant-level meta-cosmos platforms to build digital twin systems for low-time, high-fiscal, intelligent decision-making. Promote integration of multiple types of industrial software and the integration of logistics, financial flows and information flows. Widely use interactive equipment to achieve plant smart inspection, remote collaboration and other applications, to build production operations monitoring systems and to achieve comprehensive knowledge and real-time feedback on plant production operations.


Industrial meta-cosmos+parks: break traditional space and space limitations, promote virtual space gathering, develop new models for building parks with virtual integration, and upgrade industrial park industrial planning and layout capabilities. Explore the virtual operating model of industrial parks, optimizing the co-service capabilities of park space layouts, facilities and resource allocation. Create science, technology innovation and investment platforms based on the industrial meta-cosmos, innovative park service models.


(iii) Building immersion in interactive digital life applications


7. Promote interactive life-consumption scenarios. Build a three-dimensional model of commodities, digital guides, virtual shopping malls, and enhance immersion shopping experiences. Accelerate the use of the meta-cosmos in wide television viewing, promoting the development of a programming system in meta-cosm patterns, creating virtual production, virtual integration kits and public service platforms, promoting the accumulation of tools and innovations for programme production, building new models for future television, enhancing the capacity of media services and enriching the people's spiritual world.


8. To create a virtual integrated public service landscape. To accelerate the use of digital passenger services, landscape navigation, etc., in government services, and to build an integrated, multi-cosm government service system for the general public. To promote the use of digital twin technologies in the electricity sector, the construction of full-time digital grids, the transformation of electricity enterprises in meta-codification, and the upgrading of electricity services. To advance the construction of educational and pedagogical environments such as virtual classrooms, virtual laboratories, and encourage the sharing of virtual simulation empirical resources through platforms, to increase the coverage of quality education resources. To actively and securely promote clinical research on technologies such as digital twins, and to support greater research and development cooperation between meta-cosm enterprises and medical institutions.


9. Emergency safety and security scenarios. Promote innovative integration in emergency management areas such as warning of the meta-coastal and natural disasters, regulatory enforcement of high-risk enterprise parks, disaster accident forecasting and emergency rescue management, and explore the development of virtual digital flood zones, virtual endangered parks, digital mines, disaster accident simulations, etc., to support accurate monitoring, smart warning, precision control, scientific rescue. Build real-time monitoring, immersed smart cities, equipped with priority scenarios such as safety preparedness, network diagnostics, etc., to enhance the effectiveness of urban governance.


(iv) Systems development industry support


10. Improving the system of industrial standards. Conducting research on the regulatory framework for meta-cosmos standardization, building a regulatory system for meta-cosmos industry, overhauling the requirements for standardization of meta-cosmos industrial chains, and stratification to facilitate the development of standard norms. Organizing national, industry-based and group-based standard-setting and research around basic commonality, connectivity, security credibility, privacy protection and industry applications. Encouraging application industries to advance work on standard-setting in the area of disaggregation. In-depth dissemination of standards and promotion of standard-setting. Promoting the development of meta-cosm standardization organizations and encouraging industry to participate actively in international standardization.


11. Enhancing innovation support capabilities. Supporting the construction of vehicles such as eco-cosmos focus laboratories, manufacturing innovation centres, content production bases, etc., strengthening basic technological research and accelerating common technological breakthroughs. Building a pilot platform in the meta-cosm to enhance the validation of new technology products, and accelerating the industrialization of good results. Building a meta-cosmos product assessment system to improve the quality of meta-cosm products and services.


12. Building a first-class infrastructure. Building new networks, such as 5G-A/6G, gigawatt/megagram networks, FTTR, satellite Internet, to meet the application needs of the meta-cosmos high-speed, low-time delay, and global stereo coverage. Building new computing capabilities for cloud-side integration, computing network integration, intelligent dispatch, green low-carbons to provide arithmetic security for hyper-intelligence and real-time interactive freedom of the meta-cosmos. Developing a meta-cosm trust infrastructure, piloting a centralization site application, to support the credible storage needs of the meta-cosm. Building an integrated meta-cosm infrastructure platform for integrated management of computing, storage and communication capabilities, and enhancing operational efficiency and reliability.



Enhanced standards lead. Establishment of a meta-cosmos standards working committee to accelerate focused and much-needed standard-setting to promote interconnectivity among different meta-cosm systems. Enhanced standards application to encourage group standard setting, selection of mature industries and regions for experimental development and pilot promotion.


Builds a property rights system. Supports a priority review of the knowledge industry in the meta-cosm industry, implements patent navigational services and encourages enterprises to strengthen intellectual property cooperation. Accelerates the study of property ownership in emerging areas such as digital assets, digital people, digital content, etc.


accelerates the transformation of results. Builds a public service platform for industrializing the fruits of meta-cosm innovation, builds centres for incubating the results of meta-cosm, supports the construction of a high-level pilot industrial base in the meta-cosmos, accelerates the transfer and diffusion of common technology. Organizes an ad hoc docking event, focuses on new technologies, new products and products, and improves the rate of meta-cosm engineering.


Strengthen financial support. Direct investment funds such as the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund to support the development of the meso-cosmos industry, improve the management system of the funds, and improve the market-based operating mechanisms of the funds. Lead to the creation of the Meso-Cosmos Industry Fund, using national production as a platform to reduce the cost of financing and support businesses to do their best.


(v) Development of a secure and credible industrial governance system


13. Improving the regulatory mechanisms of the meta-cosm. Continuously improving the regulatory framework of the meta-cosmos, strengthening the monitoring of the risks of the meta-cosmos, and creating a system of governance in which the sector works together and in which society participates. Clarifying the role of the regulatory body of the meta-cosmos, improving the regulatory process of content review, risk management, and non-compliance.


14. Enhancing security and safety capacity-building. Enhancing technology research on meta-cosm safety, normalizing safety risk assessments and establishing mechanisms for the management of safety risk incidents. Providing guidance to the Mescos enterprise on strengthening information security management, establishing sound mechanisms for monitoring, identifying and disposing of information in violation of the law, curbing the dissemination of false and harmful information and effectively preventing illegal activities such as cyber-fraud. Establishing a framework for meta-cosm data governance, strengthening data security and exit management, regulating the collection, storage and use of user information, and improving data security governance capabilities and the level of protection of personal information.


V. Safeguards


(i) Enhanced coherence and coordination. Integrating the various sectors, strengthening policy synergies among industry, innovation, finance, finance, and the region, and promoting the development of meta-cosm technologies, standards-setting, governance systems, etc. Deepening collaboration and encouraging local integration in the practical design of targeted and actionable policy measures, optimizing the industrial landscape and promoting technological innovation and industrial development in the meta-cosm.


(ii) Optimization of talent development. Supports institutions of higher learning in strengthening the development of specialists in subjects related to the meta-cosmos, in-depth research and development cooperation in the production fields, and encourages companies to join universities and scientific institutions in developing talent, supporting the building of a training base of skilled people in the meta-cosmos and enhancing the supply of high-level talent. Strengthening the new generation of information technologies, such as artificial intelligence, block chains, virtual reality, and integrating innovative and high-level inflows of talent from abroad. Selection and support of high-level managerial, technical and skilled personnel in areas related to the meta-cosmos, and enhancing the ability of enterprises to pool their talent.


(iii) Deepening international cooperation. Deeply involved in the development of rules and standards for the international governance of the meta-cosmos, in conjunction with the idea of our network, to promote the establishment of a multilateral, democratic and transparent system of international meta-cosmos governance.




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