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students in the learning area need to have some basic computer knowledge, such as operating systems, databases, network security, etc.. Specialized courses should also include modern computer network technology, such as the Internet, data communications and multimedia, as well as the theoretical, algorithms and tools involved in today's satellite learning courses and their foundations.



The block chain engineering profession is an emerging discipline that focuses on the rationale and advanced application of the block chain technology as a distributed account technology, which can be traded safely and transparently without intermediaries. The main elements include computer science cryptography , philosophy, economics , information security, etc., and also involve smart contracts , technology for centralization < strong > applications, consensus algorithms , and technology for financial/strong, medical supply chain, etc.


cryptography is the key to ensuring the technical security of the block engineering profession, including mainly data and computing processing and control, including courses on data analysis, computer architecture , computer networks and operating systems. cryptography is the key to ensuring the technical safety of the block technical security, mainly in areas such as time optimization and risk assessment. economics courses are designed to inform students of the key elements of decision-making, specifically the relationship of the block with the economic system financial transactions involving multiple participants >, the key elements of the safety and security system, and the key features of the security chain >, the key features of the security and the security sector.


decentralisation applications are one of the key components of the block chain project. These applications aim to achieve a more decentralized structure by decentralizing the management and control of the application to all members of the community. decentralization applications enable each participant to participate in and share power and interests. smart contracts are network agreements that allow for centralization in the automatic implementation of contracts . Students in the engineering sector are learning how to design and implement smart contracts < / strong >, which are conditionally executed when certain conditions are met. smart contracts can be used to automate processes, such as the supply chain , financial transactions < strong > >, etc.


The block chain project is a fast-growing area that provides many jobs. With the increasing spread of encrypted and the application of the block chain technology, the demand for block professionals has increased significantly. Graduates can play a variety of roles, such as block developers, smart developers, block developers, block architects, etc. They can also work in various industries, such as finance /strong >, health care, logistics, etc. Future demand for block professionals is expected to continue to grow.


The area of finance is one of the first to adopt the block chain technology to enhance speed, security and transparency of transactions. The block chain technology to enhance speed, safety and transparency. The finance /strang > technology allows for faster and safer processing of transactions while making transparency more transparent and even more time- and cost-effective. In addition, the block chain technology is widely used in the supply chain management. It makes collaboration between producers and consumers more transparent, reduces production costs, and effectively prevents counterfeits and frauds because each link is unmanageable. In the logistics and transport industry, the block chain can be used for logistics information tracking and supply chain management.


According to the report by Glasdoo of the remuneration platform, the average annual salary of developers is approximately $100,000 to $200,000, and the average annual salary of smart developers developers > is approximately $120,000 to $180,000. Graduates of the block chain engineering professions can play a variety of roles, such as block chain engineers, development staff smart contract developers, block structurers, etc.


In the case of block chain engineers, who are primarily responsible for the development and maintenance of the block chain system. A high-quality block chain requires good code design, engineers. The


With the spread of encrypted and the further application of the block chain technology, the block chain has been growing at a high pace in recent years. While there are still a number of issues to be addressed by the block chain technology, such as performance, security and expansion , these issues will be addressed gradually as technology continues to evolve. The need for professional block chains is expected to continue to grow in the future and it is highly worthwhile to consider this area as a future career development orientation.


The future block chain technology is expected to play a more important role in areas such as voting systems and digital identity. The voting system is based solely on the block chain technology operating in the form of to centralize , allowing all participants to vote anonymously, allowing reliable data exchange even in different locations. In addition, we can create digital identities using the block chain technology, thereby enabling online identification and ensuring the security and privacy of identity information. As the block chain moves to centralize , digital identity will provide a secure and credible identity for the public and save many problems that traditional identification methods cannot solve.


The most important of these are the high performances, which, as social media, online payments and other Internet services continue to grow, make the existing `strong' block chain technology difficult to cope with. In the past few years, technological innovations, such as improvements in the consensus `strong' algorithm and tiered infrastructure, have made progress in increasing the expansion technology.


The block chain project is a fast-growing area in which students should consider learning the basics of the field for future career paths and better preparation for their future lives. The block chain technology has a wide range of applications, its increasing applications and its potential for the future. Graduates of the block engineering profession can find employment in various fields, from finance to logistics, health care, etc.




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