Web 3.0·元宇宙·区块链·NFT,2021年的这些热词到底什么意思?让我们为你一一解读|Enjoy元宇宙

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:133 评论:0
在互联网时代的高速发展趋势下,每年都能跳出不少新概念,或是一些老概念因为新话题的出现而再次进入公众的视野。反观2021年互联网上最热的“新概念”,莫非于元宇宙、Web3.0、区块链之下的NFT等相关词汇。In the context of...



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In the context of the rapid development of the Internet age, a number of new concepts can emerge every year, or old ones can be brought back into the public’s eyes because of the emergence of new topics. In contrast to the hottest “new concepts” on the Internet in 2021, it is possible to look at terms such as the meta-cosm, Web3.0, and NFTs in the chain of blocks.


These hot words and the concept behind them emerged earlier than in 2021, but with the official change of the name of Facebook to Meta, the concept of the metaspace became the new meat on the capital hotpot.


In the midst of wolves who seek new ways to break through hunger, the concepts associated with the chain of blocks on the edge of the meta-cosmos are also concocted, creating a mass stew that is present in front of users. Faced with this bowl, many users are left out of their minds, and even some practitioners can easily confuse some of the meanings behind it.


So, in order to make the soup a little more clear and lower some entry thresholds, we would like to elaborate on these concepts for your friends who first came into contact with such “frontlines”.

这篇文章主要将对Web 3.0、元宇宙与区块链三大主要概念进行介绍,其中区块链方面会引出一些近期比较热门的GameFi以及NFT等衍生概念。

The article will focus on the three main concepts of Web 3.0, the meta-cosm and the block chain, in which some of the more popular recent GameFi and NFT derivatives are generated in the area of the block chain.


In order of age and age and the breadth of the content covered:

Web 3.0 > 元宇宙 > 区块链(NFT, GameFi)

Web 3.0 > Metaspace > Block Chain (NFT, GameFi)



surfing onlineyds

在2021年跳出的热词之中,Web 3.0可以说是最为古老的概念,即便是放到互联网发展的短暂历史中来看,Web 3.0也可以算是几乎与Web 2.0同时出现,前后相差没有几年。基本上,当用版本号来定义互联网不同时代趋势进入网络讨论语境时,就顺其自然的出现了“下一代”的概念,于是应对Web 2.0的提出,几年之后便出现了Web 3.0的概念。

Among the hot words that came out in 2021, Web 3.0 can be said to be the oldest concept, and even in the brief history of Internet development, Web 3.0 can appear almost simultaneously with Web 2.0, with few years apart. Basically, when version numbers are used to define Internet trends in different times into the context of Internet discussions, the concept of the “next generation” emerges naturally, and the concept of Web 3.0 emerges a few years later.

但是,正如当下元宇宙所遭遇的情景一样,Web 3.0也是概念乱炖的受害者之一,只要是与当前语境中Web 2.0有所不同的概念,不管是前进还是后退,都会被套入到3.0之中。

However, as in the case of the current meta-cosmos, Web 3.0 is also one of the victims of the concept of mass stew, and any concept that is different from that of Web 2.0 in the current context, whether forward or backward, will be inserted into 3.0.

也正因此,Web 3.0一直没有一个准确的定义,它一直扮演着“对外来发展趋势做出预测”的角色,很多现在已经实现的技术与内容都曾经被定义为Web 3.0,但是现在依然在讨论着“即将”进入的Web 3.0。

As a result, there has been no precise definition of Web 3.0; it has been playing the role of “predicting external trends” and many of the technologies and content that have been achieved have been defined as Web 3.0 but are still being discussed as “on-going” Web 3.0.

其实举着元宇宙大喊Web 3.0到来这种事情,中国互联网的老前辈早已做过了。

In fact, the old Chinese Internet used to do something like this with the Yuan cosmos calling out for Web 3.0.


On the occasion of the World's 500-Power CEO and China's Top Business Leaders Forum, held in 2002 in the People's Hall, Wang Zhidong, who had just left Xinhua to create the Beijing Click on Science and Technology Ltd., once returned to the software industry, had boldly asserted in his speech that “the third generation of the Internet age has come”.


In that year's speech, Wang Chidong argued that “the beginning of the third-generation Internet era, based on and marked by “applications as kings,” centred on a greater emphasis on the power of software, on the integration of software and the Internet, on the integration of software, the Internet and specific applications, and on the integration of users, and because he was able to bring into it new business models and new experiences brought about by the Internet era”.

“应用为王”这个近20年前的互联网概念,到现在已经很少有人提及,毕竟这已经算是基础认知的一部分,但是王志东认为的Web 3.0却依然在地平线上即将升起。

The concept of “applying to the king” — the Internet concept of almost 20 years ago — has been hardly mentioned, after all, as part of the basic understanding, but the Web 3.0 that Wang Chidong believes is still rising on the horizon.

同样的,2007年出现在《网络传播》杂志上的一篇名为《Web3.0猜想:即将到来的时代》文章中,也为Web 3.0做出了一些有意思的“定义”:

Similarly, an article entitled "Web 3.0 Conjecture: The Towards an Era" appeared in "Web 3.0" magazine in 2007 and provided some interesting “definitions” for Web 3.0:

三方平台信息整合,基于浏览器的网络应用,不同网站的用户数据互通,这些概念在当下早已不是什么新鲜事物,但是Web 3.0依然走在行业前沿,不断吸收更新的概念改变进化着。

Trilateral platform information integration, web application based on browsers and interconnection of user data across different websites are not new concepts at the moment, but Web 3.0 is still at the forefront of the industry, absorbing the evolution of the updated concept.

所以当更加新颖的概念,如元宇宙、区块链出现时,对于Web 3.0的展望又更新了版本,这一次加入了新的未来趋势,又离真正的进入远了一步。

So when newer concepts, such as metacosystems and block chains, emerged, the vision of Web 3.0 was updated and new future trends were added this time, one step further from the real one.

目前流行的Web 3.0定义

The current popular Web 3.0 definition

如果用游戏行业熟悉的概念来解释,Web 3.0就像是一款永远拿不到版号的游戏,永远处在测试阶段,正式开服总是“即将到来”状态。

If explained by the concepts familiar to the game industry, Web 3.0 is like a game that never gets a copy number, always at the test stage, and the formal opening is always “on the way”.

而在概念的理解上,说好听了可以认为Web 3.0是一个在不断更新改进的概念,它的定义总是当下最新的发展趋势。但是归根结底它就是个大篮子,随着时间与提起之人的不同,里边的内容在不断变化着,所以如果真想纠结它代表着什么,更多可能要看对话中的语境而不是寻找固定的意义。

In terms of conceptual understanding, it is well understood that Web 3.0 is a concept that is constantly being updated, and its definition is always the latest. But in the final analysis, it is a big basket, where the content changes over time, unlike that of the person who brought it up, so if you really want to get around what it represents, it is more likely to look at the context of the conversation rather than looking for a fixed meaning.


Yuan cosmos


/strong >

Facebook更名Meta,将重心发展转为“元宇宙”可以算是2021年互联网大事件之一,也是元宇宙进入了大众视野的唯一原因。但是与Web 3.0一样,元宇宙的概念也并非2021年出现的全新事物。

Facebook, renamed Meta, can be considered as one of the major Internet events of 2021 and as the only reason that the meta-cosmos entered public view. But, like Web 3.0, the concept of the meta-cosmos was not entirely new in 2021.

1992 年,尼尔·斯蒂芬森在他的小说《雪崩》中构建了一个反乌托邦世界,在这个世界中除了酷炫的黑客忍者之外,还有一个虚拟世界,被大多数人用来逃避备受企业资本压榨的现实生活,这个虚构的空间便是元宇宙。

In 1992, Neil Stephenson built an anti-Utopian world in his novel Avalanche, where, in addition to the cool hacker ninjas, there was a virtual world that most people used to avoid real life that was being squeezed by corporate capital, and the fictional space was the meta-cosmos.


The meta-cosmos in novels is an evolving “street”, with different products with virtual entrances in the streets, owned by an “association” that pays rent to develop new entrances in the streets, in essence no different from the real-world real-economy model, but is simply moved into the virtual world to expand possibilities.


Indeed, the concept of “human life in the virtual world” existed long before the avalanche’s founding name, “the meta-cosm,” at a time when the creation of man-made reality, represented by games, was gradually becoming possible. In fact, the idea of cyberplay was the source of Neil Stephenson’s concept of creating the meta-cosm.


And there is an indispensable element of the meta-cosm in the avalanche context -- the virtual world. Because the "street" is basically like a system platform for computers or mobile phones, if we look at Windows' desktop as a street, the different icons on the table are the entrances to different shops on the street, and Neil Stephenson may also be based on a street prototype created by the computer system at the time.


If we remove the concept of the “virtual world of users with virtual real-life devices” from the concept, there is only one long-established concept in the meta-cosmos that has no meaning for innovation at all. This is one of the reasons why the concept of meta-cosm today confuses many people: if one says that they want to re-invent tyres, but with another circular tyre, no one will understand what is meant by “re-inventing” here.


Even on the back of Facebook’s turn into Meta, it is intended to drive the development of its major social products through the VR products of Oculus under its flag. By contrast, many firms that have subsequently entered the market in the meta-cosmos do not have a product line that can support the building of a “virtual world” as a vital element, and there is a clear lack of wood to build bridges in the real realization of the avalanche concept of the meta-cosm.


However, after the outbreak of the VR in previous years, virtual reality is now being developed by hardware ceilings, with excessive sales prices making it difficult to expand the user community, and hence lack of high-quality applications that can effectively attract new users, creating a soft death cycle, which can only be further developed at this time if VR hardware becomes as popular as mobile phones.


As a result, virtual realities are rarely mentioned in the current meta-cosm discussions, much more like the construction of the “street” as a platform for product convergence.


In the avalanche concept of meta-cosm, there is another element that cannot be ignored – renting – that is, paying the association that owns the street for the use of the new entrance to the street. That is one of the reasons why many manufacturers are now trying to pre-create the meta-cosm, just as the flow of the major platforms at the beginning of the mobile game will yield more benefits, and everyone wants to be the first Apple on the meta-cosm.


But, as mentioned above, the real realization of the meta-cosmos also requires a breakthrough in technology related to virtual reality. The concept of meta-cosm, which is being discussed in the current context, is more inclined to “I want to build a matrix of products”, simply to rephrase an old concept in new terms.


Block Chain NFT


Snowflakes by technocrats


In the context of popular discussion, there are two definitions of block chains: an encrypted digital currency, represented by bitcoin, and the basic technology of distributed books and go-to-centre networks.


There is no substantive error in describing the block chain in either of these concepts: one term defines the block chain as “technology of “value expression” and “value transfer” in the digital world, which is the product of value in the block chain, while the bottom distribution books and decentralized networks are the technology on which the transfer of value depends.


The “distributed account” is described as a print, anti-false system that supports a currency, whereas the “decentralized network” is the distribution system for that currency, and the “value expression” above is the way in which the currency is presented and exchanged, which can be a coin; it can be a banknote or it can be presented as data.


At this point, the era of “values” representing the block chain is moving away. The range of products that apply distributed books and de-centralized network technologies is expanding, and the number of scenarios in which the block chain emerges as a basic technical attribute is increasing, so that the concept of block chains is increasingly oriented towards a technology rather than a digital currency of applied technology.


This, however, does not diminish the fact that some products are still “valued” as the attributes of the block chain, thus creating some conceptual confusion. The most common of these is the block chain game.


If you see a block chain game with the attributes of "distributed books and go-to-centre networks," it's impossible for anyone to figure it out. But if you look at it in terms of value, it's much easier. The initial "value expression" of the block chain is bitcoin, and in block chain games, bitcoin is replaced by props and money in the game.


But precisely because the attributes of the block chain are changing to the bottom of the technology, the name of the block chain game can easily be confusing, and therefore a more refined name — GameFi — appears.

GameFi是Game(游戏)与Decentralized finance(去中心化金融/DeFi)的结合,主要描述的便是在加入了基于区块链技术做出价值交易的游戏,本质意义上与大部分区块链游戏的概念是相同的。

GameFi, a combination of Game and Decentralized Finance (decentralized finance/DeFi), describes primarily the inclusion of a value-trading game based on block chain technology, which is essentially the same concept as most block chain games.


The emergence of the GameFi name has released some potential future development space for block-chain games, which are entertaining games designed solely to decentralize, rather than interactive financial property with game coats.


However, because of the inherent conflict between decentralization and the design-centred expression of the game and the short conceptualization, there is currently no single block-link game in the game industry based solely on value transfer technology, with the market being made more of a GameFi.


In the hot tide of DeFi in the block chain, a more controversial “value expression” product, NFT, emerged.

NFT全称为Non-Fungible Token,中文名叫非同质化代币。它本质上是加密货币的一种,但是我们通常谈论的比特币等产品属于“加密货币”(Cryptocurrency),而NFT则是由其衍生而出的“代币”(Token),也有翻译成“通证”。

NFT is called Non-Fungible Token. It is a non-homogenous token. It is essentially an encrypted currency, but the products we usually talk about, such as bitcoin, are “Cryptocurency”, whereas NFT is derived from it and translated into “Token” as well.


In short, if Cryptocurrency is treated as a negotiable currency, then Token is a product or data that represents a certain value in exchange for money. Like when you enter the arcade or casino, you exchange a currency in local circulation for a “money” that can be used to carry out the corresponding activity (trading) in the arcade/casino (market).


In NFT, the concept of “dissimilarization” describes the difference in value that arises in a currency-for-money product.


The homogenization of the two products represents the convergence of the value of the product, with two 10-dollar renminbis of no difference in value, while two tickets obtained after the same purchase of the items for $10 must have been coded different from the date of printing, so using this ticket is proof of the “uniqueness” of the items purchased for the 10-dollars.


In the concept of NFT, if the small ticket in your hand has the value of a transaction, it is a non-homogeneous token.


At present, in the practical application of NFT, there are a number of products that emphasize the value of goods purchased while ignoring the existence of small tickets, and the public's understanding of NFT is limited to the 10 dollar items actually purchased, while ignoring small votes that can prove singularity, which together create the public impression that the current NFT app is equivalent to a Ponzi scheme.


In fact, the definition suggests that NFT is more inclined to have practical applications, such as copyrights or auctions of works of art. In a sense, there is a greater preference for the “value transfer” technical dimension of the block chain, and it is clearly wrong for more people to define NFT in terms of “values” at present. It is simply an erroneous definition that draws on a large pool of capital, and it remains to be seen whether NFT can return to its original purpose.




Both the meta-cosmos and the NFT are currently at the centre of a battle for public opinion. Some think that these are just concoctions of ideas, with no value for investment. Some look at future developments, and think that these concepts will be the next phase of the Internet.


It is true that there are many speculators who profit from these concepts, but the technologies under these concepts are also present and of great value.


The concept of metacosystems and block chains is rooted in technological dimensions that are hard to understand when markets are new. When a shared economy emerges, the general public can understand the meaning of “shared” more simply, even if it does not understand the capital operations behind it, even if the products that actually emerge have nothing to do with the concept of “shared.”


However, time will eventually burst the bubbles blown by speculators, and as markets develop, people will eventually be able to recognize these new concepts with greater content, and make positive value judgements for products that are relevant to them. But all of this is based on the ability to put concepts into the crucible of the public, so the current chaos is also a good opportunity to judge the real value of the meta-cosm, the chain of blocks, and let us see what their value is in the future.




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