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At present, the application of the block chain has been extended to a number of areas, such as digital finance, smart manufacturing, the Internet, and digital asset trading. We should take advantage of the high point of innovative development, strengthen top-level design, integrate the block chain industry into our new economic and social development planning cycle as soon as possible, using block chain technology as an important vehicle for modernizing our governance system and capacity.


As defined in the White Paper on Block Chains (2019) of the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, the Block Chain (Blockchain) is a method of accounting that is jointly maintained by multiple parties, using cryptography to secure transmissions and access, capable of achieving consistent data storage, difficult to tamper with and preventing denial.


At present, the new generation of information technologies, represented by artificial intelligence, quantum information, mobile communications, object networking, and block chains, is accelerating breakthroughs. Block chain technology is seen as the next generation of subversive core technologies following steam machines, electricity, and the Internet, and it is argued that the Internet is changing the way human society communicates information, while block chain technology is changing the way human society transmits values.


According to incomplete statistics, to date, 22 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) have incorporated the block chain into the report of the Government on its work in 2020.


Source: Public information, organized by the Chinese Industrial Research Institute.


i. Enterprise layout analysis of block chain industrial chains


From the point of view of the industrial chain, the industrial chain of China’s block chain industry is currently improving, and capital is injected into the warmth. Upstream includes lower-level technology and infrastructure, middle- and middle-stream are mainly technology extension platforms and services; downstream is dominated by block-chain applications.


Source: Chinese Institute of Commerce and Industry.


(1) Upstream analysis of the sector chain industrial chain


Upstream of the block chain is bottom technology and infrastructure. These include, inter alia, hardware enterprises such as base machines, chips, as well as business and research institutions such as base agreements, bottom platforms, etc. Upstream technologies include core basic components, protocols, and algorithms. One of the core technologies of the block chain, represented by Bitcoin, Leitcoin, and Tai Tai, is a distributed algorithm, digital key, data storage, network environment such as P2P agreements, consensus mechanisms, trade rules and incentives for miners to join a network node, representing a company with small ants, quantum chains, Vientiane blocks, etc.


Upstream infrastructure in the industrial chain is dominated by mining machines. In recent years, the sales of crypto-digital money machines have been on the rise, and the global market size of the ASIC-based crypto-money miner is expected to reach $10 billion (in return terms) by 2020, rising to $17.1 billion in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate of 41.3 per cent.


Source: Conmarketmap, Chinese Capital, Chinese Industrial Research Institute.


(2) Analysis in the chain of sector industries


The general application and technology extension layer provides a clearer direction for research on block chain products, using, inter alia, distributed technology, cryptography, consensus algorithm technology, and smart contract technology. It is primarily directed to developers for applications based on block chain technology, providing product-based services such as smart contracts, information security, data services, etc. based on bottom-level technologies, and improving the ease and accessibility of developers to develop applications at the platform level.


(3) Downstream Analysis of Block Chain Industrial Chains


The vertical sector application of the block chain is designed to achieve cross-border payments, supply chain finance, record-keeping, traceability, copyright protection, etc., based on Internet technology, in an era of information globalization and the prevailing digital economy, changing traditional business models to achieve real economic empowerment in the new era. The industrial chain is seen downstream as a core application component, including smart contracts, programmable assets, incentives, membership management, etc. The client is divided into two main categories: end-B service recipients: the application is still in its initial stages, with a chain + (finance, supply chain management, copyright protection, education, etc.).


The application of the block chain and its exploration have gone through three stages, and the various areas of society that have gradually expanded from the area of crypto-digital money have been enriched. The application of the financial sector, in particular, is gradually maturing, while applications in other areas are beginning to explore, and the future impact of the block chain on various areas of society can be expected to be far-reaching.


II. Block chain business statistics and 100% list


The data show that, by December 2019, the country was providing specialized technical support, products, solutions, etc., and 1,000 block-link companies with input or output. Over the past five years, the number of block-chain enterprises has grown rapidly, and more and more large IT Internet-based enterprises are laying out a chain of blocks.


Source: Saidi, China Business and Industry Institute.


On December 28, 2019, the Second Annual China Block Chain Economics Conference, held at the Beijing International Finance Museum, under the theme “Foresaw 2020: A Critical Year of the Block Chain.” It was reported that the conference, under the theme “foresaw 2020: A Critical Year of the Block Chain,” brought together over 500 leaders of relevant national block chain institutions, local government leaders, expert scholars, sector chain labels, and media representatives to sum up the industrial development landscape of 2019 and look forward to industrial landings in 2020.


According to the 100-per-cent list of Chinese block chain companies: Ali Baba Group Holdings Ltd., China United Network Communications Ltd., Shenzhen Chase Smart Technology Ltd., Trench Science and Technology Ltd., and Peking 100-degree Internet Science and Technology Ltd., 100 companies are on the list. From the regional distribution of top-list companies, Beijing accounts for the highest 40% share of businesses, Shenzhen State followed by 14 and 11 companies, followed by Shanghai 8, Chengdu 5 and Guiyang 4; Guangzhou, Nanjing, Zinan, Xian; and Xian, 2 companies. The following is a breakdown of the top 100-percent list of companies in China's 2019 regional chains:


Source: Serita think tank, China Business Institute.


III. Size and trends of the block chain industry


According to the IDC's Global Semi-annual Block Chain Expenditure Guide, the size of China's block chain expenditure was approximately $83 million in 2017, and the size of China's block chain expenditure was about $160 million in 2018. At this stage, the overall market size of the block chain is small because of the fact that the market's block chain projects are at an experimental stage with little investment. On the other hand, many enterprises have recognized the potential of the block chain and plan to increase their budgets in the future.


Source: IDC, China Industrial Research Institute.


(1) China or will launch a central bank digital currency


China has been active in the area of block chains and crypto-currency, with a significant proportion of the largest encrypted currency exchanges located in China, which is also the absolute centre of global mining. Against this background, the central leadership has officially recognized the importance of block chains in its speeches, stressing that China must take a leading position in this area, and that this direction has also enabled the sector to quickly tap into sizeable investment and R & D resources.


One of China’s main directions is currently the digital currency/e-payments initiative. Overall, although the scope of the forward projects will be limited, the plan itself will be launched initially in 2020.


(3) interoperability among block chain agreements is further enhanced


With the formal integration into the Linux Foundation's Hyperledger project, which was developed by Pegasy’s original Ether client Hyperdger Besu, we are also more certain that this wave of consolidation of the chain of authorized blocks has become apparent and will intensify in the new year. While there are still significant differences between the major sector chain agreements, such as Quorum, Besu, Fabric, and Corda, there is already an open-door framework in the market that will facilitate smooth collaboration between the agreements and will hopefully lead to the coexistence of the assets stored on the different block chains. In 2019, the deployment of the multi-cloud block chain began, so more pilot projects on the cross-section chain are expected to be formally visible and successful in 2020.


(3) DeFi and growth of open financial ecosystems


By 2019, various applications on the DeFi ecosystem had a total value of $290 million. This figure is largely due to the continued growth in the stable currency of MakerDAO and Dai, but at the same time the number of decentralized exchanges, expected markets, and lending applications is increasing.


(4) Ether 2.0 will continue to develop


As a developer of the 2.0 block chain client and component, the technical team listened carefully to the feedback from the ecosystem and started to be more active in updating and publishing. Good activity and the momentum for continuous improvement also led to greater confidence in the Ether block chain. So far, the project has been well developed; according to the project road map, the products planned for 2020 are on track.


(5) The rate of adoption of the lightning network will increase


By 2020, we will see more applications, nodes, and channels built on the second tier of the network. Overall, with the spread of enterprises such as RSK and Exonum and related tools, the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem based on the Bitcoin network will show a further trend of growth.


For more information, please download the study on the market prospects of the Chinese block chain industry 2020-2025, published by the China Business and Industry Institute, while the Chinese Business and Industry Institute provides specialized research on major issues from the 1455s, the 1455s of major projects, the 1455s of the Plan, and the 1455s of the Specialized Industrial Plan.




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