比特币行情5天内多次反转 已有平台9亿无法兑付

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:61 评论:0
  原标题:太刺激!比特币行情5天内多次反转 期...



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  原标题:太刺激!比特币行情5天内多次反转 期货屡屡爆仓!减半行情生变?已有平台9亿无法兑付 来源:券商中国


In five days, the digital money market was rapidly turning and turning, and it was confusing to see how things were going down.


Last Saturday night, after a short and fast stop of $10,000, with market promises and guesses, Bitcoin prices turned downward. For example, on 13 February, the price of Gate.io began to fall when it reached its recent peak of $10498, and on 17 February, when it arrived at $9461 at around 22:00, it rebounded, with a maximum decline of almost 10 per cent in five days. On 19 February, at 5 p.m., the price of Bitcoin returned to $10230.


With the fall in bitcoin prices, there has been a fall in the recent boom in mainstream and platform currencies. The trading platform Fcoin, once in the red, was unable to pay at a scale of between 7,000 and 13,000 BTCs (with a value of about $68-126 million, or about 880 million renminbi) again exposed the trading platform’s risks.


In the event of shock, the risk of a digital-currency contract transaction has increased dramatically. An investor who recently lost nearly 30 per cent of his leverage trade said that it would be better to vacate the deal rather than try to catch it up, and that there would never be a real emptiness, but only a real loss.


There may also be more perspectives on the expectations of halving the number of cases.


BTC is not standing at $10,000, with the largest drop of nearly 10% in five days.


Despite the “50-per-cent” trend, the trend is increasing in Bitcoin. In the case of Gate.io prices, for example, on 13 February, the price of Bitcoin began to fall when it reached its recent peak of $10498 and, on 17 February, when it was detected at about $9461, rebounded, with the largest drop of nearly 10 per cent in five days, and on 19 February, at 5 p.m., it returned to $10230.

  OKEx数据显示,BTC现货数据方面,杠杆多空比为19.59,币币主动买入量276.34 BTC,币币主动卖出量179.12 BTC,USDT场外溢价率为101.42%。

The OKEx data show that for BTC spot data, the leverage ratio is 19.59, the currency buys 276.34 BTC, the currency sells 179.12 BTC and the USDT off-site premium is 101.42 per cent.


For the current market shock, the top analysts of OKEx told Chinese journalists that the main trend in the market was still upwards, with half-percent expectations and speculation, but that there was a strong shock at the $10,000 gate. Because $10,000 was an important psychological juncture for the market, the market and the amount of space would be playing in the vicinity of the price, and market performance and expectations would now be consistent.


“The current decline is a secondary trend, and bitcoin prices will return at that stage to about one third-2/3 of the increase in the previous round. The current decline in this round, from 10,500 to the current $9,700, is still in the normal swing zone. But if Bitcoin prices continue to fall, breaking the $9,000 mark, we need to consider whether the main market trend has been reversed.” The analyst says.


In spite of the current market shocks, the sense of participation remains high, with some analyses indicating that every call is a good opportunity to “get in the car.” The most important underpinning of this sentiment is the imminent halving of bitcoin production.


Is it reasonable to expect to halve?


Will this good expectation be met in a rapidly changing market, a digital currency?


According to the above-mentioned OKEx analyst, optimism about “cut-off” is normal from a rational expectation point of view, as halving bitcoin does theoretically stimulate price increases; the first two halves also bring about bitcoin price increases from historical experience; thus, when information is combined, the market is generally optimistic about “half-per-cent business”.


“However, we can often observe many “irrational” behaviors in the digital money market, so will there be irrational behaviors in this “50-percent” scenario? There is a real possibility, because once the market has reached expectations of rising instincts, people are overspeculating for animal instincts, leading to bubbles in bitcoin prices, and a sharp fall in the future is inevitable. Bitcoin has only broken the $10,000 mark twice in history, and some users believe that the price is already high, that the market has bubbles, and that it will naturally be empty.” According to the analyst.


After reducing BTC production by half on two previous occasions, prices have been “one-by-one, one-by-one,” a lesson that has led many people to imagine the idea of halving it. But it is important to note that the BTC’s own prices and the overall market ecology of the digital money market have now changed dramatically, and these factors need to be taken into account while looking forward to the “half-by-half” scenario.


The Vice-President of ParallelVC of the block chain fund, Lee Seok-yung, told Chinese journalists that many believed that the 5-10-fold surge in BTC’s previous halving was due to increased demand and supply, but he did not believe that supply and demand would be the main reason for reducing BTC by half in 2016. By the third halving, on 10 July 2016, there had been 157.5 million output, a large volume that could not be explained by the supply and demand side alone.


On the one hand, the last time BTC was halved, the BTC was close to $2w, if the price of btc was set to $20w. The total market value would amount to $35,000 billion in a short period of time, with a relatively small risk of such inflow. On the other hand, starting in 2017, some mainstream financial institutions, such as Fuda, began to focus on and configure bitcoins.


Although the attitude is relatively conservative, “I am sure that halving the price of Bitcoin will be good enough, and I think it will bring the price of Bitcoin to a significant level.” Lee Suh-yung argued that the first half of the price of Bitcoin had reached 1,837,000 at the time of the year, leaving only 2.63 million.


The four major contracts market went up to $397 million.


By the end of 2017, the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Futures Exchange (CBOE) launched Bitcoin futures. Last June, COBE closed the deal and indicated that it was evaluating its plans to continue providing digital asset derivatives for the transaction.


The digital currency market is more volatile than traditional financial assets, and the market is risky because it has not yet been regulated uniformly. And the current contractual trading platforms are non-official, with poor independence and transparency, some trading platforms are not technologically compliant, and, in times of volatile behaviour, frequent user losses and even losses have been severed.


According to the performance of the contract market, as at 19 February, at 10:30, according to the large number of OKEx transactions, BTC contracts had a surplus of 2.33 per cent, a quarterly contract base balance of $353.81, a permanent contract base balance of $4.2 per cent and a permanent contract fund rate of 0.080 per cent; BTC contracts had a total of 11,253,730 units and 24,464,491 transactions; active purchases of 315,200 units and active sales of 309,598 units; and elite accounts made multiple accounts of 48 per cent, with a larger headhold of 22.89 per cent, empty accounts of 49 per cent and empty head of 22.69 per cent.


During an interview with a Chinese journalist who was the co-founder of the Digital Asset Contract Analysis Tool, Duwan, BTC experienced a 55-day rise in the BTC shock since December 18, 2019, when it arrived at a tender spot price of $10,500 on February 13. The overall increase was exactly one of the Python cut-off values of 55. The BTC then turned back. On February 15, BTC fell by $10,000, and reached a recent low of $9456 on February 17th.


The rising “twilight” of this, ETC fell from $13 to a minimum of $8.66, BSV from $382 to a minimum of $254, and BCH from $498 to a minimum of $366.


A large number of high-level multi-head silos accompanied by large feedbacks. According to the High Dealers, on February 17 alone, four major exchanges [OKEx, coin, currency, BitMEX] blew up as much as $397 million.


“The higher risk behind the higher returns of the digital currency is the first priority for investors”, according to Duwan, as the BTC halved and the wave began to adjust, the market temporarily entered a shock period. The shock will last for one or two weeks, and then the BTC will likely hit a major wave of halving.

  上述OKEx分析师对券商中国记者表示,在套利机制的作用下,一般合约市场的比特币合约价格和比特币现货价格之间往往存在一个比较稳定的基差,所以合约市场的表现往往跟比特币现货市场价格走势一致。从2月17日OKEx公布的合约大数据看,季度合约基差309.4 USDT,较前几日小幅回落,但仍然处于高位水平;BTC合约多空持仓人数比为2.28,市场做多人数占据较大优势,市场对后市信心仍然处于相对强势状态。

According to the above-mentioned OKEx analyst to Chinese journalists, there is often a relatively stable base difference between the price of the Bitcoin contract in the general contract market and the price of the Bitcoin spot price under the arbitrage mechanism, so the performance of the contract market tends to be consistent with the price of the Bitcoin spot market. According to the large data on the contract published by the OKEx on 17 February, the quarterly contract base is 309.4 USDDT, which has fallen slightly over the previous days, but is still at a high level; the BTC contract is more empty than it is at 2.28, the market is more numerous than the market, and market confidence in the post-market remains relatively strong.


According to a Chinese journalist, a contractor who invests in semi-summer coupons, since mid-December 2019, some mainstream currencies have experienced significant increases, with ETC rising from about $3 to $12 at the bottom, nearly four times the increase.


“I built a lot of low leverage near the bottom, so I made up to 40 times the profit, but the recent roundback lost about 30% of the profit. Thus, capital markets are accompanied by the risk of a mega-reflection, and trades are better off than trying to catch up, and there is never a real emptiness, only a real loss.” The user said.


Platform currency down, trading platform risk alert.


With the fall in bitcoin prices, there has also been a rebound in recently visible platform currencies.


On the afternoon of February 10, OKEx issued an announcement declaring the exchange chain OK Chain to test the web line, while officially destroying 700 million OKB, which is 70% of the total release of OKB, the team will no longer reserve OKB until it becomes the first fully circulating platform currency in the world.


As a result, other platform currencies have risen at different scales, but less so than OKB. For example, HT has increased by 4.23% in the last seven days, while BNB has increased by -6.43% in the last seven days.


An insider told Chinese journalists that the price performance of the platform’s currency was often linked to the platform’s industrial strength, buy-back destruction policy, and ecological construction. OKB destroyed 70% of the OKB directly at this time, with significant benefits and the best price performance; and HT, the Chinese dollar’s ZB and others, issued similar announcements, so there was a certain increase.


In fact, similar to listed companies’ shares, the value of the platform’s currency depends, on the one hand, on the platform’s own value, and, on the other, on circulation as the most important measure. Market flows and supply and demand are more important factors in determining the price of the so-called “public chain” application.


But, in the context of this broad principle, trading platforms differ in terms of specific “repurchase” and “destruction” strategies, and “real” destruction is interesting. In particular, multiple changes to the rules give a question mark as to the effectiveness of the rules.


In July 2019, the change in the repurchase destruction mechanism, which “will give up the BNB share held by the management team and be added to the BNB quarterly destruction plan”, did not seem to alter the result that the BNB stock would be reduced, but investors did not pay the bill, generally questioning that the currency would destroy the BNB held by its management team while not fulfilling its previous obligations to buy back from the circulation market and destroy BNB, did not result in the destruction of the BNB share of the management team on the basis of the original quantity of repurchased destruction volume. On a quarterly basis, the destruction source would change from a secondary market to a BNB held by an undepriveded team.


This has since been replicated by a number of trading platforms.


During the evening of February 17, the trading platform Fcoin announced that it was not expected to be able to pay, and that it would be in the range of 7,000-13000 BTC (with a value of approximately $68 billion to $126 million, equivalent to about 880 million yuan).


The platform was set up in 2018 because the high-value return model of “trading or mining” was once the largest digital currency trading platform in the world, over and above a trading platform such as military currency and currency security. In the bulletin, its founders argued that the biggest problem was not that the system could not recover, but that the fund reserve could not be paid for by its users. The internal problems and technical difficulties currently faced were the result of financial difficulties.





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