
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:61 评论:0
来源 | 链得得App(微信ID:ChainDD)Source: chained to App. USDT出现以来,作为数字货币稳定价值和交易货币的功用,令其交易额长期处于全球逾千种数字加密货币交易量的最前端,对数字货币市场的影响力...



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来源 | 链得得App(微信ID:ChainDD)

Source: chained to App.


Since the USDT’s emergence, as a digital currency’s ability to stabilize its value and as a traded currency, it has long been at the forefront of more than a thousand digitally encrypted currency transactions worldwide, with significant and far-reaching implications for the digital currency market. At the same time, as a decentralized, highly autonomous market belief, the centralized USDT and its issuer, Teth, have always been in a variety of disputes.


What is the reason for the crazy USDT increase, where is the 1:1 counterpart dollar account and how is it audited? Is the user of the USDT able to exchange the dollar for the corresponding face value? What is the relationship between Bitfinex and Tether?


These key questions await answers.


On February 8, one of Medium's top informants, Bitfinex'ed, published a public recording of Tether and Bitfinex executives, trapped in “ super-haired & & & rdquao; market manipulation & & rdquao; and the wind wave, Tether, again pulled back public opinion.

链得得APP获取并编译的爆料人公开录音显示:Bitfinex和Tether的高管Phil Poter在谈话中表示:“我们之前和银行也出过一些问题,但都能够找到方法去解决,例如注册新的公司账户或者转到空壳公司。在比特币行业大家都会有各种技巧来达到目的。由于六个月前爆发的兆丰国际银行的丑闻,这次我们不能用以往的方法来处理。台湾现在在严格地审查境外金融流程。”

The chain was captured and compiled by the APP with the public recording of the blasters: Bill Potter, the top manager of Bitfinex and Tether, said in a conversation that: “ we had problems with the banks before, but we were able to find solutions, such as registering new company accounts or transferring them to shell companies. Everyone in the Bitcoin industry will have a variety of skills to achieve their objectives. As a result of the scandal that broke out six months ago, we can't deal with it this time in the way we did. Taiwan is now scrutinising offshore financial processes. & & rdquo;


The USDT is a digital currency issued by Tether, and although it is also a digital currency, it is very different from the decentralised figure of Bitcoin. The USDT calls for strict compliance with “ the dollar local & rdquao; and the idea that each release of a USDT is stored in a bank account with a dollar, which greatly ensures the stability of the USDT, the value of which floats around the dollar price.


As the global regulation of digital currency transactions becomes more stringent, many governments have banned the exchange’s use of French currency for digital currency exchange. In this case, USDT, which is almost equivalent to the dollar, becomes an entry ticket into the currency market, can buy a certain amount of USDT before purchasing digital currency, waiting for the right time to buy digital currency from USDT; similarly, when selling digital currency, it is replaced by USDT, which then turns it into a corresponding French currency.


This mode of operation is more secure than the purchase of digital currency in a single French currency, and Tether and USDT have also become important links to the world of traditional banks and digital currencies.


According to Coinmarkcap.com, the number of USDTs in circulation on the market is 2,223 million, with a current price of $1, which means that Teth has issued US$ 2.223 billion. If, according to Tether’s legal operating model, there should be at least US$ 2.2 billion in deposits in its accounts issued in equivalent terms.


This goes back to the problem of excesses that was first mentioned and, in the face of public, user and regulatory challenges, Tether does not currently provide evidence of the existence of this reserve through public channels.


According to the APP investigation, as a pass for entry & ldquao; currency & rdquao; and USDT is currently active on major trading platforms and appears to be held on the back of the dollar, and in essence no one knows where each dollar corresponds to.

由会计师事务所Friedman LLP公司出具的审计报告显示,截至2017年9月15日,Tether以及Tether相关公司的银行账户共有4.43亿美元以及1590欧元(约1970美元)。根据Coinmarketcap.com数据,2017年9月15日USDT在市场上流通的发行总数所对应的美元价值共计4.22亿美元。

The audit report issued by Friedman LLP, a firm of accountants, showed that, as at 15 September 2017, Tether and Tether-related bank accounts amounted to $443 million and Euro1590 (approximately US$ 1970).c According to Coinmarkcap.com data, the total circulation of USDT on the market as at 15 September 2017 amounted to US$422 million.


If the audit report issued by Friedman was accurate, the assets in Tether's account matched the quantity of USDT issued on 15 September; it is noteworthy, however, that the bank name in the report and the name of the related company were not disclosed.

  会计师事务所Friedman LLP公司审计报告(2017年9月15日)



A Wallet: 3BbDtxBSjgfTRxaBUgR2JACWrukLKtZdiQ


B Wallet: 3MbyQMMSkC3AgWkj9FMo5LsPTW1zBTwXL


C Wallet: 1 NTMakcgVwQpMdGxRQnFKyb3G1FAJysSfz


The chain made it possible to comb the number of USDTs issued by the B wallet since 14 June 2016, amounting to 2,236,044.84 million USDTs, corresponding to the current number of USDTs on the market.


On 14 June 2016 and 15 September 2017, B wallets were transferred to A wallets for a total of 431 million USDTs, a figure that coincides with the 15 September audit report by Tether. According to the current sources, the B wallets are the original wallets for the Tether platform for the release of USDTs, including most of the additional USDTs.


On 14 June 2016 and 17 November 2017, the B wallet was transferred to 661.084 million USDTs.


On 26 November 2017, the C Wallet was created, and since then the B Wallet has stopped transferring USDT to the A Wallet, and then transfers the next USDT through the C Wallet. From 26 November 2017 to the present, B Wallet transferred a total of 1,575 million USDTs through the C Wallet.


At present, the number of USDTs is zero, and the last two transactions were made on 19 December 2017, with 32642.273735 USDTs and 166.55 EURTs to C accounts, with the current balance of USDT 960153.48. This means that the official active wallets that are currently being issued are Cs. All USDTs issued on the market at this time are allocated from the USDT external transactions in this wallet.

  2017年9月15日 USDT市值(数据来源:Coinmarketcap.com)



Following the issuance of the audit report on 15 September 2017, USDT suspended its increase for the following one and a half months, starting on 28 October 2017, and began to produce almost insanely additional USDT. According to Tether, each release of USDT represents a dollar reserve, the number of USDTs amounted to 422 million on 15 September, and, as of 21 February 2018, there were 2,219 million USDTs in circulation on the market, meaning that Tether needed a reserve of $22.19 billion in its account. Following this massive increase, Tether currently has no relevant evidence to support the amount of deposits in the account and the corresponding changes.

  2018年2月21日 USDT市值(数据来源:Coinmarketcap.com)


2018年1月,Tether的前审计公司Friedman LLP已经宣布停止合作,目前没有审计公司表示正对Tether财务情况进行审计服务。其也至今没有再公开过应公开数据。

In January 2018, the former audit firm of Tether, Friedman LLP, had announced that it had ceased its cooperation, and no audit firm had indicated that it was performing audit services on Tether's financial situation.


With such a large endorsement responsibility for the credibility of digital assets in public circulation, however, there was no audit and there was a delay in disclosing up-to-date reserve and distribution information, which was clearly not a reliable image to be given in a decentralized, process-oriented and transparent market.


The nepotism between Bitfinex and Tether received the most attention in the challenge of manipulation of the Bitcoin price.

2015年2月USDT发布时,比特币期货交易量最大交易平台bitfinex宣布支持USDT交易。随后竞争币交易平台Poloniex交易所也支持USDT。USDT的发行和交易使用的是Omni(原Mastercoin)协议,而Omni币可以说是市面上的第一个基于比特币区块链的2.0币种。所以USDT的交易确认等参数是与比特币一致的。根据Tether的CTO及联合创始人Craig Sellars 称,用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过Bitfinex交易所换取USDT。

At the time of the release of the USDT in February 2015, bitfinex, the trading platform with the largest volume of Bitcoin futures, announced its support for the USDT transaction. The subsequent competition currency exchange Polonix also supported the USDT. The USDT was issued and traded using the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) agreement, while Omni is the first on the market to be based on the Bitcoin block chain of 2.0. So the parameters of the USDT transaction confirmation are consistent with Bitcoin. According to Terry's CTO and its co-founder, Craig Sellars, users can wire the United States dollar through SWIFT to a bank account provided by Tether, or through the Bitfinex exchange for USDT.


According to the Top30 Exchange, which ranked 24 hours on February 21st in the chain, Bitfinex is in fourth place for 9,584 million yuan. Bitfinex and Tether, one of the world’s largest digital currency exchanges, have a high degree of personal connection.

根据Bloomberg提供的海外数据查询,2012年在维京群岛注册的一家名为iFinex Inc.的公司,CEO为Mr. Jean-Louis van der Velde。这家iFinex Inc.公司目前运营着Bitfinex的业务,并显Bitfinex公司成立于香港,地址是1308 Bank of American Tower。

According to an overseas data search provided by Bloomberg, a company registered in the Virgin Islands in 2012, known as iFinex Inc., the CEO is Mr. Jean-Louis van der Velde. The iFinex Inc. currently operates Bitfinex and is known as Bitfinex, established in Hong Kong at 1308 Bank of American Tower.

在香港官方查询网站上可以看到,Bitfinex公司2013年3月8日注册在香港,注册地址也同为1308 Bank of American Tower。但在2014年4月29日,Bitfinex公司更名为Renrenbee。 而Renrenbee公司的官网显示,这是一家FinTech公司,目前正在开发并未投入运营。

However, on 29 April 2014, Bitfinex changed its name to Renrenbee, a network of officials of Renrenbee, which is a FinTech company and is currently not operational.

而Tether也在香港有注册公司,公司董事也是这位Van Der Velde先生。

Tether also has a registered company in Hong Kong and its director is Mr. Van Der Velde.


A combination of public information found that the core figures of Bitfinex and Tether's CEOs, CFOs, and the Chief Strategic Officer were highly consistent. So, to be exact, Bitfinex and Tether are almost identical companies.


When the power relationship between the two companies was deconstructed, it turned to the question of whether Tether's use of increased coordination with Bitfinex to manipulate Bitfinex's price represented data tracking.


In January of this year, an anonymous report showed that 48.8 per cent of the price increase in Bitcoin had been recorded in connection with the increase in USDT, and that the price of Bitcoin had begun to rise within two hours of the transfer of the new USDT to Bitfinex's wallet, out of 91 USDT surges recorded.

Tether 分析报告 该作者预测如果USDT和Bitfinex存在可疑行为的话,BTC的价格将会下跌30%-80%。这一预测是准确的,在2月初,比特币的价格一路跌至6400美元。

The author predicted that BTC prices would fall by 30-80% if there were suspicious behaviour on the part of USDT and Bitfinex. This forecast is accurate, and in early February Bitcoin prices fell down to $6,400.


Theoretically, USDT is a digital currency issued independently of the Bitcoin market and pegged to the dollar, and if it is not manipulated, an increase in the dollar equivalent will not drive the Bitcoin market up or down. To prove whether the increase in the USDT has manipulated the price increase in Bitcoin, it is first necessary to determine when the USD was increased and what changes have occurred in the Bitcoin market since the increase.

在链得得APP获得的这份匿名报告中,作者使用了Kolmogorov-Smirnov test(柯尔莫诺夫-斯米尔诺夫检验)方法来分析变量是否符合某种分布,并对USDT增发和比特币价格变动之间有无显著差异进行了比较。p值越趋近于0,表示二者的关联度越低,p值越趋近于1,则表示而这关联度越高。若p值大于0.05则认为是有显著性差异。通过USDT增发前后比特币价格数据进行对比,可以明显看到,在USDT增发前数小时,这一比率是非常平稳的,但是在USDT增发后数小时内,比特币的与USDT的相关性明显上升。报告的验证结果也表示USDT增发和比特币上涨存在关联。

In the anonymous report obtained by the APP chain, the author used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Kolmonov-Smirnov test) method to analyse whether the variables were in a certain distribution and to compare whether there were significant differences between USDT increases and Bitcoin price changes. The closer the p value is to zero, the closer the link is to one, the closer the p value is to one. If the p value is greater than 0.05, it is considered to be a significant difference. A comparison of the USDT price increases before and after USDT increases, it is clear that the ratio is very flat in the hours before the USDT increases, but within hours of the USDT increases, the higher the correlation between the USDT and the USDT is also evident.



“这已经越来越令人担忧了。”旗下拥有几个虚拟货币对冲基金的Pantera Capital联合首席投资官Joey Krug说,“这意味着大量从去年12月到今年1月份发行的USDT可能都不是真的。”

& & ldquo; this is becoming increasingly worrying. & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & ; & & & & ; & ; & & & & ; ; ; & ;


If each of the USDTs that Tether issues is backed by a corresponding dollar, this huge increase can be seen as an increase in the corresponding market demand for the USDT as a medium of trade during a period of frenzy in digital currency.


But if these USDTs are created in vain and without the support of the corresponding dollar assets, however, Tether is frenzy in excess of US$ 1 billion, without any cost, by releasing these USDTs to a large number of investors, diverting funds from the investors to purchase USDT, buying large quantities of digital monetary assets, such as bitcoins, either from them or directly from the increased USDT, rapidly driving the liquidity of the corresponding digital currency market, and by taking up digital currency prices, such as the Lagobitco currency, in search of suitable opportunities for higher delivery.


In the process, Tether used Bitfinex for large-scale Bitcoins and the rest of the digital currency transactions, seeking a premium after the increase in the USDT facilitated a change in the price of the digital currency.


As was the case with Tether's initial roll-out of the USDT commitment to reserve United States dollar equivalent assets to ensure currency stability, its biggest crisis of confidence remains in the absence of real-time transparent information on its dollar account assets and on the volume of USDT releases.


On 20 February, according to APP reports, the Dutch international grouping ING, one of the three Dutch banks, confirmed that Bitfinex had an account with the bank and was willing to serve the company.

ING发言人Harold Reusken也证实Bitfinex和Tether的确在ING有账户,但是ING没有提供Bitfinex账户的其他信息。自从去年4月台湾的银行以及富国银行切断和Tether的业务往来之后,Tether存放超过22亿美元的神秘银行账户去了哪里一直是个谜。如今关联公司Bitfinex被爆出在荷兰的账户,Tether的神秘账户是否也与ING相关,引人遐想。

ING spokesman Harold Reusken also confirmed that Bitfinex and Tether do have accounts at ING, but ING did not provide any other information on Bitfinex’s account. Since last April, when banks in Taiwan and rich countries cut off business with Tether, Tether’s secret bank account of over $2.2 billion has been a mystery.


In the face of aggressive public opinion tracking, ING Bank has recently publicly indicated “ customers cannot buy or sell bitcoins at ING, but we will not refuse to sell encrypted transactions on the exchange (e.g. via iDEAL). If there are indications that a client may commit a money-laundering offence, fraud or any other reason not to act in good faith, ING will freeze the account number of the client and terminate the bank relationship.


According to Bloomberg, the United States Commodity Futures Commission (CFTC) issued summonses to Bitfinex and Tether on 6 December 2017. In an official e-mail statement from two companies, Bitfinex and Tetherx took the attitude of “ we did not comment on any of these requests & rdquo; and, at the same time, the other regulatory CFTC spokesperson refused to comment on issues related to digital currency operations.


As a result, both the individual and his neighboring senior investors in digital money have quickly emptied their own USDT assets and stopped using USDT as a medium for trading the rest of the digital currency. While a centralized digital currency such as USDT has been subject to problems of excess, excessive hair, circulation, and lack of transparency of value endorsements, it continues to be the largest digital currency in the world, with the exception of Bitcoin, and beyond, and continues to influence price volatility in the digital currency market.


& & ldquao; if the USDT falls, I'm sure that a new replacement will soon arrive. As far as I know, there are now several teams working on the USDT, both within and outside the country. & rdquao; this person showed the chain to the APP.


Source: titanium media


Original title:

最新更新时间:02/27 08:57




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