
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:65 评论:0



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Bitcoin, an electronic currency based on cryptography, was published on November 1, 2008, with China’s White Paper on Bitcoin, which proposed a decentralised electronic accounting system, in which our electronic cash is accounted for by banks because of the country’s credit behind them. Decentralizing the electronic accounting system is shared by participants. Bitcoins can prevent sovereign crises and credit risks. Its benefits are less detailed, and many articles are presented at this level, mainly from a deeper technical point of view.


& nbsp; assuming that there are four individuals called ABCDs, they have initiated three transactions, A to B10 bitcoins, B to C5 bitcoins, and C to D2 bitcoins. If it is the traditional way of bookkeeping, these transactions are recorded in the bank's system, and this information is recorded by the bank, we trust that the bank will not add, delete or modify a record of the transaction at will, we will not be concerned about what the transaction is, and we will focus on our own account balances. Bitcoin keeps a copy of the account book for each ABCD, which records the transaction, and if everyone's book is consistent in real time, ABCD no longer needs the bank.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & Bitcoin does this, and whenever someone initiates a deal, he broadcasts a transaction to the whole network, and a person on the whole web, wraps the transaction over a period of time into a block, then links the blocks, one by one, and then forms a chain, the so-called block chain.



So, here's the question.


1. Why should I be involved in this system and why should I use my own computer resources to store this information?


2. Whose records prevail? For example, in the bill order above, the A user may be in that order, but B may be in a different order, or even B may not even receive this information about the C-D transfer.


3- Bitcoin, if it performs the payment function, ensures that the money is whose money it is, and that only its owner can spend it.


4; how to protect against forgery, tampering, and double payment, which is to verify that every transaction is actually sent by someone, such as B, who may create a message that someone has transferred me a sum of money, which is a false message, or B, which says I have transferred to someone, but in fact he does not have that amount of money, and what to do with it. Counterfeiting may mean that B may want to delete from the chain of blocks the record that he has transferred money to someone, so that his balance increases. Double payment means B has only 10 bits of currency, and he transfers 10 bits to C and D at the same time, causing double expense.


Because there are incentives for bookkeeping, fees for bookkeeping, and systematic incentives for packagers, the incentive is to generate a block every 10 minutes in which a certain amount of bitcoin will be rewarded, starting with 50 BTCs in four years, reducing 25 BTCs in four years and then by half in four years. Thus, Bitcoins will be generated less and closer to one of the largest values, calculated as: 50 × 6 × 24 × 365 & Times; 4 × 1 + 1 + 1/4 + 1/8 & Hellip;) & asymp; 21 million, of which the initial reward is 50 bitcoins and 6 bits per hour, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, 365 days per year, for the first four years, halving every four years thereafter.


In addition, the billing incentive includes a small fee for each transaction, which is accompanied by a certain fee for the initiation of each transaction, which is paid to the billed miners.


Nodes compete for bookkeeping by means of workload proof mechanisms, and they calculate a very complex mathematical question, the first of which is the generator of the next block. This is a difficult question, so that no one can figure it out with his brain. It's a probabilities-based approach. Miners have to go through history, speculation, and trying to solve the unknown. So what is this mathematical dilemma?


4.1 Hashi function


The Hashi function, also known as the numerical summary or hash function, is characterized by the input of a string that can generate another string, but if the input is different, the output string may be different and cannot be inverted through the output string. To give a simple example, for example, a 10-digit number in 1-100, it can be considered a Hashi method, such as 98%10=8, 66%10=6, 98 and 66 is input, and models 10 is Hashi function, and 8 and 6 are output, and in this model 66 and 98 are not extrapolated by 6 and 8, because it may be 56 and 88 etc., and because this example is simpler, there will be a Hashi collision, that 66 and 56 results are 6 and the output results are the same. An excellent Hashi function, which can produce a certain amount of output, the probability of which is almost zero.





As can be seen from the results of the program, the source information entered is different and the results are different (for convenience, the result is expressed on a 64-bit 16-digit basis), even if the orange has an extra stop, it produces a very different result. At the same time, a hexadecimal string of output does not reverse the input. For Bitcoin, it is sufficient to understand the functions of SHA256 and, if interested, the exact algorithm of SHA256 can be understood in depth. requires a C++ source message box or a private message from SHA256.


4.2 mining principles


First, a description of the data structure of each block in Bitcoin, each of which consists of two parts: a block head and a block block.


The blocks contain a number of transactional information collected by miners. The figure assumes that eight transactions are recorded in the blocks, that all transactions generate a Merkel tree, that the Merkel tree is a data structure that generates two or two hazes of leaves, that generates the upper node, that produces the upper node, that produces the upper layer until the final generation of a root, known as the Merkel root, is kept only in the block, which saves the space of the block and facilitates the validation of the transaction.


Block header includes Hashi of the parent block, version number, current time stamp, difficulty value, random number and the Merkel root mentioned above. & nbsp;



Assuming that the block chain has been linked to one block and that the four ABCD nodes have collected some of the transactions in the entire network for the previous 10 minutes, they have selected about 4 k of them, packaged them, generated Merkel root, and generated the information in the block head, i.e. the Hashi+version+time stamp+randial + Merkel root, which consists of a stringstr, using two Hashi functions to produce a binary number of 256, that is, SHA256 (SHA256(str) = 10010011… & Hellip; a total of 256 bits, which is required by bitcoins, the result of which must be zero, n is the difficulty, if the current number of bins does not match the requirements, the random value must be changed and recalculated until the condition is met.


It's only luck to solve the math problem, and theoretically, the best-luck miners can calculate the results one time, and the worst-luck can never be. But, on balance, the more a miner can count, the more than he can do in a unit time, the more likely it will be that the mine will succeed in a short period of time.


So how does n determine? Bitcoin designers want to produce a block on average every 10 minutes, and generally the probability of success is 1/2 per cent. It is assumed that there are 1W machines in the world with 14 Ts/s=1.4× 10%13/s, which is called Hashi rate, 600s per unit/s, so that we can do 8× in 10 minutes; 10:19 Hashi calculations, which, from a probabilistic point of view, would require a 2⁄n = 8 × 10:219, which can be decoded at about 66. So there is no way for this approach to make our luck better, we can only improve our ability to calculate as quickly as possible.


In addition, the C++ code, which is required to simulate the mining process, can respond to the mailbox by adjusting the difficulty values, simulating the mining algorithm of Bitcoin and controlling the speed at which blocks are generated.


This part is important to understand bitcoin.


5.1 Electronic signature technology


Identification techniques are common in life, and can be facial recognition, signature, fingerprinting, etc., but they are not safe in the digital currency field, as they can be forged by means of reproduction once digitized. Bitcoin uses electronic signatures.


When registered as a Bitcoin user, the system generates a private key on the basis of random numbers, a private key generates a public key, and a public key generates an address in which the private key must be kept confidential, kept on a hard disk or kept in the brain, because the private key is the only sign that uses bitcoin on the corresponding address, and if it is lost, all bitcoin will be unusable. The following describes the specific conversion process, which is as complex as the SHA265 algorithms, is not interesting to look at, as long as the random numbers -> private keys - > public key - > and the wallet address is a process in which the private key can encrypt a string of characters and the public key can decipher them, which is a non-recognize cryptography, which is generally the same function of the algorithms, which are different, given the complexity of the algorithms, which are as the SHA265 algorithms, which allows for a better understanding of the exact algorithm, but for a bitcot system, which is typical.


Conversion process (selection, without prejudice to understanding)


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 The first to generate a private key using a random number generator is a 256-digit binary number. The private key is non-public and corresponds to the password of the bank card.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2. Private keys are generated through the SECP 256K1 algorithm. SECP 256K1 is an elliptical encryption algorithm similar to the RSA algorithm that generates a public key through a known private key, but cannot reverse the private key through the public key.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3, like the SHA256 algorithm, RIPEMD160 is also a HASH algorithm where the public key can get the public key Hashi value and the public key cannot be rolled out through the Hashi value.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4, connect a byte version number to the public key Harshi's head and then calculate it twice as SHA256 and connect the first four bytes of the result to the public key Harshi's verification value at the end.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 5; using BASE58 to encode the results of the previous step, the wallet address (equivalent to a bank account) was obtained. For example, A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMTfTL5Slmv7Divfna



So, by doing so, we can summarize the relationship between the private key, the public key, and the wallet as follows. It can be seen that all values can be rolled out through the private key, and that the public key Hashi and the wallet address can be converted between BASE58 and BASE58 decoding algorithms.



When you understand the concepts of public key, private key, and address, it is easy to understand the process of anti-false verification. When A initiates a transaction, it creates a digital summary, a digital summary, a password via private key encryption. The A then broadcasts the transaction message, a public key, and a password. The person who receives the message first produces the transaction information in Hashi summary 1, then decrypts the password through the public key, and generates summary 2, so that, if the two summaries are the same, the message is actually A. The so-called signature is a secret letter.



5.2 Balance check


The concept of the balance should be said to be firmly entrenched, since the balance comes with what is known as the lending accounting method, and is the method now commonly used by banks to calculate a balance when a person's transaction record is properly accounted for, but there is no concept of the balance in Bitcoin, because it uses the UXTO model accounting method. For example, A-> B10 Bitcoins, B-> C5 Bitcoins, for the second transaction, B notes the information on the first transaction when initiating the transaction, so that it is known that B has received 10 bitcoins from A indicating that the conditions for initiating the second transaction are met. So the check of the balance in Bitcoins is done retroactively.



The above chart describes two transactions, in which in transaction 10001, B transferred 10 bitcoins to C. The process of verifying the transaction was: first decrypting B's signature through the public key of B, then comparing it to the specific content of the transaction (to the left of B's signature) and, if the same is the case, indicating that the message was sent by B, then checking whether the 10,000 transaction actually existed and the trueness of its content.


In fact, real transactions are more complex than this, because it is possible that multiple transactions constitute inputs, such as B-> C20 bitcoins, consisting of multiple transactions A-> B10, D-> and B10, where the previous transaction ID is two IDs, or even more. Here, for the sake of a simple description, only one transaction is listed.


5.3 Double payment


A sent two messages at the same time and transferred 10 bits to B and C. What would happen if only he had 10 bits? Assuming that node D first received the transfer to BTC and then received the transfer to C10 bitcoin, by means of the verification method above, the latter would naturally be rejected, while node E might receive the transfer to C10 and then the transfer to B10 bitcoin, which he would reject.


5.4 to prevent tampering


Assuming that A is transferred to B10 bitcoins, but he wants to remove this information from the block chain so that no one knows that it exists and can depend on it.
                first of all, the principle of the maximum chain, assuming that two miners are digging at the same time behind a block, or because of network delays, among other reasons, when the nodes dig at will according to what they consider to be the block, and only at the next block, there will be two chains, but there will be one that is long, compared to the currency, depending on the longest chain.



Returning to the scene above, the A-> can only begin to dig again from the first block of the B10 bitcoin, which is a piece of information, to create a chain, but in fact the block is moving a lot, he has to catch up, and while catching up, he has to move faster than the main chain, and if his calculations are strong enough to be successful in theory over a longer period of time, then he has to tamper with the transactional information. But that is almost impossible, because, even if the calculation is strong, the average output is 10 minutes, and from a non-technical point of view, if a person has more than half of the value of the net, why does he not continue digging on the chain?



The block chain is not the same as bitcoin, and bitcoin is not the block chain. The block chain is just a technology for bitcoin, a technology that inspires us. Bitcoin’s greatness is the application of block chain technology that has never been seen before.


Bitcoin is the most successful application of block chain technology, but Bitcoin itself has many problems, and the motivation to challenge sovereign currencies by issuing money is questionable. Moreover, because of its anonymity, Bitcoin only needs a public key or address to be traded, providing a good platform for the black industry.


And that's what the bitcoin principle is? The bitcoin theory is detailed in detail, and more information about bitcoin knowledge sharing can be found in other relevant script house articles!

Tag:比特币   区块链  



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