比特币今日价格波动 如何合理配置数字资产 –

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:57 评论:0
比特币突破8800美元之后迎来了下跌,之前跟随大饼一起疯涨的主流币也纷纷回调,根据可盈可乐交易所币币交易数据显示,今日比特币价格最低跌至7500美元左右。Bitcoin had fallen after breaking $8,800,...



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Bitcoin had fallen after breaking $8,800, and the mainstream coins that had soared with the big pies had returned, and today, according to the data from the tradable Coca-Cola exchange on currency transactions, the price of bitcoins had fallen to around $7,500.


At present, the Coca-Cola Exchange has seven mainstream currencies: BTC (bitcoin), ETH (Etheria), BCH (bitcoin cash), LTC (Letco), XRP (Rippo) and USDT (Tedaco), GUSD (double-star dollar). The trend in mainstream currency tends to represent the direction of the market, and because the mainstream currency is more widely agreed and has more dispersed locations, the choice of the main currency can be used to some extent effectively to avoid cutting vegetables.




Bitcoin is a pioneer in the entire digital currency and block chain industry, and its performance largely represents the status quo of the market as a whole. In the ranking of the market value of the digital currency, the top five, while often changing, have been in the forefront of bitcoin.


Bitcoinexceeded a high price of US$ 20,000 in early 2018 and then went through a long bear market, falling to a low of over US$ 3,000 at the beginning of the year. As at 10 June, Bitcoin had a price of around US$ 7,600 on the Exchequer Exchange, with a total circulation market value of US$ 135,6 billion, or 56 per cent of the total market value of digital currencies.


ETH (Etheria)

比特币开创了去中心化数字货币的先河,利用多年的时间充分检验了区块链技术的可行性和安全性,然而比特币并不完美,其中协议的扩展性是一项不足。2013至2014年间,程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出以太坊和智能合约的概念,2014年,通过ICO众筹,以太坊项目得以建立并发行,经过几年的项目推进,以太坊已经成为一个图灵完备的公链,也成为了知名度能够比肩比特币热门主流币种,很多公链届的后起之秀都或多或少的参照了以太坊的设计思路。以太坊的兴起同时直接促成了ICO的火热,2017年底至2018年初的牛市很大一部分功劳都要归功于以太坊和ICO的推动。

Bitcoin pioneered the decentralisation of digital money, using many years to fully test the viability and security of block-chain technology, but Bitcoin was not perfect, and the extension of the agreement was an inadequate one. From 2013 to 2014, programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, introduced the concept of a talisman and smart contract. In 2014, through the ICO, the project was set up and launched, and after several years of projects, the talisman has become a fully fledged public chain, and has become more or less visible than the mainstream coins of the Bitco, and many of the post-circumstrations of the public chain have been inspired by the idea of an in-depth design.


As with Bitcoin, it reached an all-time high of over $1,400 at the beginning of 2018, falling to a low of around $100. Even so, early investors still reaped hundreds of times more, after all, at less than $0.50 at Taicha's ICO prices. As of 10 June, at around $233 at the Coco Exchange, the total market value in circulation was $24.8 billion, the second highest on the list of digital currencies.



瑞波公司是一家致力于打造全球通用的支付协议的公司,虽然和瑞波币XRP(Ripple)有着不可分割的关系,但作为一个相对中心化的数字货币,瑞波公司和瑞波币是分立的,也可以说瑞波公司是瑞波币的最重要的参与者。2012年,瑞波公司正式成立,当时名字叫OpenCoin,开发名为“瑞波交易协议”(Ripple Transaction Protocol)的新支付协议,2013年,这家公司正式更名为瑞波,并宣布瑞波的服务器和客户端全部开放源代码,这么做是在开源社区和公司之间再做一次角色的区分。Ripple项目的初衷是要建立一个分布式的P2P清算网络,瑞波币XRP是在Ripple区块链网络中的流通货币。虽然瑞波相比比特币成名较晚,但其对于数字货币的研究比比特币还要早,早在2004年,创始人Ryan Fugger就推出了Ripple的第一个实现版本。截至目前,瑞波已于全球范围内多家银行以及金融业巨头达成合作关系,在数字货币支付领域,瑞波既是先驱,也是风头正劲的业界翘楚。

As a relatively central digital currency, Rippo and Rippo are separate, or it can be said that Rippo is the most important participant in Rippoco. In 2012, Rippo was officially founded by the name of OpenCoin, which developed a new payment agreement called the Ripple Trade Agreement (Rippo Trading Protocol), which in 2013 was officially renamed Rippo, and announced that Rippo’s servers and customers had a full open source code, which was another distinction between open-source communities and companies. In 2004, the founder of the Rippger project launched a distributed P2P liquidation network, RippocoX RPP is a mobile currency in the Ripple district chain network.


Upon reaching an all-time high of $3.8 in early 2018, Rapo then dropped to a low of $0.25, during which time the total market value went beyond Etha on several occasions. As of 10 June, it was ranked third on the market value list for digital currencies.


BCH (bitcoin cash)


Who are you the first to think about when you bring up the domestic coins? The legendary Chinese bitcoin's rich Li laughs, the miner's big brother, the miner, or the founder of the miner's continent, Wu cynic? The three big guys have one thing in common: they've all been involved in issuing bitcoin splits. Bitcoin splits are simply systems upgrades that include soft fork and hard fork, and the soft fork usually refers to chains that are compatible before the upgrades, and the old fork is still consistent, while the hard fork is more connected from the bitcoin chain, and instead of following Big Brother's chain, they are a separate “bitch” chain that produces a new currency, and the weight of the bitcoins is divided into two.


Bitcoin's cash is the biggest upscaling of the pre-existing bitcoin system, and bitcoin's cash changes the size of the bitcoin network and optimizes the speed of the network's processing. With its arithmetic advantages, the Bitcoin continent quickly attracted many miners to the bitcoin cash mining, with a broad popular base, and successfully joined the mainstream currency.


Bitcoin cash peaked at over $4,000 at the end of 2017 and dropped at a low of $75 at the end of 2018. As at 10 June, Bitcoin had a price of $377, with a total market value in circulation of $6.7 billion, ranking fifth on the market value list for digital currencies.




The main difference is that it has four times the amount of bitcoin, and a quarter of the block generation time, 2.5 minutes, which has dramatically increased the speed of the transaction. In addition, its Hash calculation has been modified by Bitcoin's SHA256 has become the Scrypt algorithm. Because it is issued earlier than other mountain coins, it has a strong pre-emptive advantage, and it has a large constituency in mainstream currency.


At the end of 2017, the historical high of Leitco fell to over $20 at the end of 2018. As at 10 June, at $114 on the Pro-Cola Exchange, the total market value in circulation was $7.1 billion, ranking fourth on the market value list for digital currencies.


In all respects, these mainstream digital currencies represent the highest levels of the currency circle, with better investment value and profit space than other “shelter coins”, while Coca-Cola, as an exchange of slogans and power, selects mainstream value currencies in a responsible manner, allowing users to choose the dominant currency for their own choice and the cost of decision-making for new players is significantly reduced. At present, all registered Coca-Cola transactions involve the delivery of bitcoins.


Electronics and Technology (www.diankeji.com) is a leading information medium focused on the global TMT industry.

作为今日头条青云计划、百家号百+计划获得者,2019百度数码年度作者、百家号科技领域最具人气作者、2019搜狗科技文化作者、2021百家号季度影响力创作者,曾荣获2013搜狐最佳行业媒体人、2015中国新媒体创业大赛北京赛季军、 2015年度光芒体验大奖、2015中国新媒体创业大赛总决赛季军、2018百度动态年度实力红人等诸多大奖。

As the winner of today’s leading Qingyun Project, the 100+ Project, the digital annual authors of 2019, the 100th most popular in science and technology, the 2019 dog-searchers, the 2021st quarterly influence creators, the best industry media promoter of the 2013 search, the Beijing Quakers of the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship Competition, the 2015 luminous experience award, the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship final season, the 2018-degree dynamic year Red Man, and many other prizes.






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