
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:57 评论:0



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In 2017, small programs, shared bicycles, and the media were undoubtedly the most popular industries of the past year. Already in 2018, the Leeds dog, launched 100 years ago, has undoubtedly been the focus of attention.


Many people just heard the term block chains, and before they knew what they were, they started to enter the chain, fearing that they were wrong about the dividends. Many people believed that "b" had no money, it was terrible, the opportunity to make money was there, and you missed it!


But one's energy is limited, and it's not possible for you to understand each sector, especially as a new technology industry, where the entry threshold is still relatively high. Many people see that people make a lot of money in the chain, but it's hard to explain themselves, even though they can say a few terms.


Block chains, the 100-degree phrase, are interpreted as new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm.


It's hard to see if it's a face-to-face, distributed data, point-to-point transmissions, or you can't understand any of these professional terms. It's hard enough just to explain them one by one, so I've decided to give you a different explanation.


Block chain decentralised distributed account database based on computer encryption algorithms


So what's that supposed to mean? Computer encryption algorithms, i.e. encryption techniques, are basically the same as your cell phone locks. Why is this set up to protect your data security?


The next thing is to go down to the centre, where everyone can say two words, but sometimes it's easy to talk about itself.


So what's decentralisation? The so-called decentralization and centralization are mutually reinforcing. Decentralization is about centralization:


I'd like to give you an example of this. The normal process is:


You pay for the collection, you tell the store to deliver the goods, you confirm the receipt, you call the store.


From this process, we can see that the third-party platform is a trust mechanism of common choice between buyers and sellers, that is, that all of our transaction processes flow through a transit point like this, which is what we call the centre of the transaction and the centrality. But what is the disadvantage of centralization? It is that third-party platforms are difficult and dangerous.


So the advantage of decentralizing at this point in time is to see what kind of decentralised transaction process is. Let me say a few words:


You pay the seller, you collect the goods, and both parties declare the deal done.


See, whether the transaction process has become particularly convenient and simple, which you may not yet feel, but think of the amount of human, material and financial savings that have been made in the thousands of such transactions, which have been effective in protecting against third-party risk on the one hand, and in making the transaction process simple and autonomous without third-party restrictions on the other.


But is there no problem? There is no perfect thing in the world, and the technology of the block chain is the same. The biggest problem with decentralizing transactions is trust mechanisms, without centralized authority agents, how can I guarantee the accuracy and credibility of every transaction?


Here's the focus of block chain technology: how can block chain technology guarantee the credibility and accuracy of transactions?


To ease your understanding, I'll give you an example by playing mahjong!


In a chess room, four people were playing mahjong, and the crowd next to them had no money to watch because they had no money in their pockets. Suddenly, the first gun was lost to B.100, and A. said, "I am A, I lost to B. 100!" And B. said, "I am B. A just lost to me!" And the crowd watching them play mahjong kept the matter firmly in mind: A lost to B.A. You see, the system does not need an authoritative third party, nor even a win-win person to know each other, and the deal is done. Because people around it have recorded it in their hearts, a system that goes to the centre is formed.


And if Kai suddenly repents, "I didn't lose B$100 or I only lost 50 dollars, and then the guacamole crowds would come forward and say, "You're lying, when did you just lose B$100? You remember all of us?" So the trust of authority in the chain of blocks was born, but it wasn't the traditional central authority, but it was the public bookkeeping. And if the bad lord ever met them, he might give them a beating, and there was an incentive, that is, a mine-mining reward, which was the idea of Central Bank as a bitcoin in the year."


Although it's a good idea to go to the centre, how can he circulate? You know there's nothing in the world that money can't fix. If there is, it's a crazy rise in what he owns. At the outset, someone else's taking accounts for you, and they get paid accordingly — for example, Bitcoin, the first person to come in could get thousands of coins a day, so how can they get the currency in circulation? It's really thanks to the first person in the world who uses bitcoin, even though he bought a piece of pizza at a price of $69 with 20,000 bitcoins, folding the renminbi at its highest, about 210 million yuan, but it's also because of this transaction, which led to the landmark development of bitcoin, which was officially accepted as a currency in circulation by the people of the world! Since then, thousands of people have gone to dig bitcoins every day, making it circulate!


A lot of people think that bitcoin is a block chain, which is a false idea. One of the applications of the block chain is bitcoin, and bitcoin simply spreads block chain technology in a frenzy of finance!


That's why I'm such an easy-to-understand person. You know what I mean? You're welcome to discuss it together!


The last thing I need is a little commercial for the money. I hope you'll get more contributions!




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