, how ordinary people get
普通人如何购买比特币,购买比特币到比特币交易所注册,比如okcoin,然后转人民币给交易所,然后买入比特币。 Ordinary people buy bitcoin, buy bitcoin and register it on a bitcoin exchange, for example, and then transfer the renminbi to the exchange and buy bitcoin. 在国内的交易平台注册一个账户,进行实名认证并绑定银行卡,然后把人民币充值到交易平台,就可以进行比特币的购买活动,很简单,自己可以去尝试一下。 By registering an account on the domestic trading platform, authenticating the real name and binding the bank card, and then charging the renminbi to the trading platform, the purchase of bitcoin can be carried out, and it is simple for itself to try. 国内怎么买比特币比较安全?首先你要想在国内购买比特币,那么你必须得找到比较可靠的人带你进入这个市场才可以不知道的,玩的人肯定会亏本的。下载个OKEx APP,买比特币是很安全的,到账速度也快,基本1分钟到账,买完以后还可以存到APP的钱包里。 How is it safe to buy bitcoin domestically? First, if you want to buy bitcoin domestically, then you have to find someone more reliable to take you into the market and not know it, and the players will lose their money. Download one 很早以前就有听说过比特币,现在比特币的价值也是在缓慢的爬升,但自己还没有真正买过,也不知道怎么去买,希望有前辈教我如何购买比特币以及购买比特币的流程等,现在购买比特币主要都是在比特币交易平台购买,比较大型的比特币交易平台主要有火币网,币安网,中比和比特儿等,现在火币网应该算是国内用户最多的网站了。想要购买交易比特币可以先在火币网注册一个帐号,注册之后要实名认证,实名认证完了之后会有一个法币交易区,在法币交易区可以直接购买比特币,也可以先购买USDT划转至币币交易区通过撮合交易购买比特币。 The larger Bitcoin trading platform, mainly >, now that the purchase of bitcoin 文章链接:https://www.btchangqing.cn/518909.html 更新时间:2023年04月18日 Update: 18/04/2023