Mr. Wang has invested more than a year ago in bitcoins worth more than $1 million. In just a few months, Mr. Wang has not only failed to earn money, but has compensated for more than 400,000 dollars. Mr. Wang, on the grounds that Bitcoin is not a legal object under the law and does not possess monetary attributes, and that his contract with the trading platform should be null and void, sued Mr. Wang and two companies, the Beijing Fire Investment Management Company Ltd. and the Beijing Multi-Sense Technology Ltd., which are the source of funds, for three companies to return their lost funds.
Bitcoin, according to the basic theory of money, is either a metal with special natural attributes, such as gold and silver, or a government-backed banknote. Bitcoin as a virtual currency has neither a natural character similar to gold nor a government-backed credit. This virtual currency, because of its lack of government oversight, can easily be used as a tool for money-laundering offences. For example, in the case of the global extortion virus last year, its originators demanded payment in bitcoins.
The unsupervised properties of Bitcoins are bound to have unlimited market risks, and any purposeful speculative campaign can influence the price of bitcoins. In September 2017, seven ministries issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing, which calls for a cut-off of renminbi-bitcoin transactions for a limited period of time, and responses from the country’s major bitcoins trading platforms.
Mr. Wang, arguing that Bitcoin is not the legal subject of the law and is not of a monetary nature, and that the contract between him and the trading platform should be null and void, requested the three companies to return his lost funds. However, the platforms were engaged in financial transactions, transactions between virtual currency and virtual currency, rather than transactions between virtual currency and renminbi, and did not touch the legal line, because the laws and regulations did not explicitly prohibit the parties from making investments and transactions in bitcoin, but rather reminded the departments to strengthen the risk to the public.
There is no prohibition of the law, or freedom, as a fundamental principle of civil law. Since it is not illegal to make investments and transactions in bitcoin, the contract between Mr. Wang and the Bitcoin investment service platform should be valid.
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