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资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:55 评论:0
数据:以太坊前四名质押节点的市场份额近60% data: nearly 60% of the market share of the top four pledge nodes...



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data: nearly 60% of the market share of the top four pledge nodes in Tai Fan

Dune数据显示,以太坊质押实体分布中,Lido占据 30.1%的市场份额,Coinbase占14.5%,Kraken占8.3%,币安占6.6%,四者占比总和超59.5%。Nothing research合伙人Allen Ding称,随着gas price上升,staking的收益率会继续上涨,这会吸引更多人加入staking,而他们大概率会因为便利而选择这4个节点。

According to Dune, Lido accounts for 30.1 per cent of the market share in the distribution of ETA pledge entities, Coinbase accounts for 14.5 per cent, Kraken 8.3 per cent, currency 6.6 per cent, and four more than 59.5 per cent of the total. According to Allen Ding, partner of Nothing Research, as the gas price rises, the rate of earnings from stagking will continue to increase, attracting more people to stagking, and they will probably choose the four nodes because of convenience.


Bitcoin.com报道,西班牙足球甲级联赛与元宇宙公司Stadioplus和Vegas City Limited建立战略合作伙伴关系,将在Decentraland中向球迷提供虚拟体验。今年3月,西甲豪门巴塞罗那成立了Barca Studios,集中开发元宇宙。Socios.com今年8月向该工作室投资了1亿美元。此外,皇家马德里也提交了一系列商标申请,以保护其元宇宙相关知识产权。

Bitcoin.com reports that the Spanish Football A leagues have a strategic partnership with Yuan Cosmos Stadioplus and Vegas City Limited, which will provide virtual experience to fans in Decentraland. Last March, Barca Studios was created in Barcelona, Sicha Haomen, focusing on the development of the metaspace. Socios.com invested $100 million in the studio last August.


Cardano entered into cooperation with the State Wine Agency of Georgia to develop a block-based tracking system


The Cardano Foundation, in cooperation with the State Wine Agency of Georgia and other partners, is working to track the quality and authenticity of the wine produced in this Eastern European country, using block chain technology. Partners include the Bolnisi Brewer Association and Scantrust, which plan to use the Cardano block chain to enhance Georgia’s global reputation for wine production.

Yuga Labs任命Spencer Tucker担任该公司第一任首席游戏官

Yuga Labs appointed Spencer Tucker as the first CEO of the company

BAYC母公司Yuga Labs宣布任命Spencer Tucker担任该公司第一任首席游戏官,他将负责监督该公司旗下所有游戏计划及互操作性元宇宙项目Otherside,推动社区增长。 据介绍,Spencer Tucker在游戏行业拥有大约二十年的从业经验,擅长游戏开发、设计、UGC、Web3和创意社区参与等领域。

Yuga Labs, BAYC’s parent company, announced the appointment of Spencer Tucker as the company’s first chief game officer, who would oversee all of the company’s games programs and the interoperable metaspace project Othside, and promote community growth. Spencer Tucker, as described, has about two decades of professional experience in the game industry, specializing in areas such as game development, design, UGC, Web3 and creative community participation.


data: Viet Nam's overall encrypted currency is ranked first in the index, and China is ranked tenth

据区块链数据分析服务商 Chainalysis 的 2022 年全球加密货币采用指数报告显示,新兴市场在加密货币采用方面处于领先地位,其中越南整体指数排名第一,菲律宾、乌克兰、印度、美国紧随其后,中国整体指数排名第十。 此外,加密货币的全球采用率在2021年第二季度达到了目前的历史新高,而过去两个季度中每一个季度都处于下跌趋势。

According to the 2022 Global Indexing for Encrypted Currency, a block chain data analysis service provider, Chainalysis, emerging markets are in the lead in the adoption of encrypted currencies, with Viet Nam as a whole ranked first, followed by the Philippines, Ukraine, India, and the United States, with China as a whole ranking tenth. Moreover, the global adoption of encrypted currencies reached its current historical high in the second quarter of 2021, while each quarter of the past two quarters has been on a downward trend.

WalletConnect 发布钱包开源解决方案 Web3Modal v2.0 版本,新增 ENS 域名解析等功能

WalletConnect Release Wallet Source Solutions Web3Modal v2.0, add ENS domain name parsing and so on

Web3 基础设施 WalletConnect 发布钱包开源解决方案Web3Modal v2.0版本,新功能包括可自定义的UI、支持上百个钱包、最终用户登陆、可定制的条款和条件、ENS域名解析,未来几周内也计划添加和增强更多功能,包括支持React和Vanilla等多种框架、为账户地址和实时余额等功能预建组件、支持非EVM链等。

Web3 Infrastructure WalletConnect publishes a wallet open source solution, version Web3Modal v. 2.0, with new features including custom-defined UIs, support for hundreds of wallets, end-user landings, customable terms and conditions, ENS domain name parsing, and plans to add and enhance additional functions in the coming weeks, including support for various frameworks such as React and Vanilla, pre-construction components for account addresses and real-time balances, support for non-EVM chains, etc.


Founder of 7UpDAO: Azuki valued US$ 1 billion in a new round of financing


The founder of UpDAO, “26x14”, wrote on social media that the NFT project Azuki had been valued at $1 billion in a new round of financing and had overbilled.


Web3 Design Laboratory Kondux joins Yvetteda's Startup Acceleration Program

Web3设计实验室Kondux宣布已加入英伟达初创加速计划NVIDIA Inception,双方将合作创建可互操作性的3D资产,并且构建与NVIDIA Omniverse相关软硬件所需的应用程序接口(API)工具,所有这些技术都将作为安全的数字资产分层,提供最高级别的所有权保护。

Kondux, the design laboratory of Web3 announced that it had joined the NVIDIA Initiative, which would work together to create an interoperable 3D asset and build the application interface (API) tool needed for software and hardware related to NVIDIA Omniverse, all of which would serve as a secure digital asset stratification to provide the highest level of ownership protection.


is now the second largest poW block chain in market value


According to Coingecko, the current market value of the dog price exceeds $8 billion, while the current third largest market value, the Ethio Classic (ETC), is in fourth and fifth place, respectively.


The founder of BitConnect was sentenced to 38 months' imprisonment for carrying out a $2.4 billion ponzi scheme.

BitConnect加密货币投资平台的北美顶级发起人Glenn Arcaro因实施24亿美元的庞氏骗局而被判处38个月监禁,该骗局至少欺骗了95个国家的4,500人。 Glenn Arcaro于2021年9月认罪,并于9月16日在圣地亚哥联邦法院被判刑。

Glenn Arcaro, the top North American initiator of BitConnect's encrypted money investment platform, was sentenced to 38 months'imprisonment for carrying out a $2.4 billion Ponzi scheme, which defrauded at least 4,500 people in 95 countries. Glenn Arcaro pleaded guilty in September 2021 and was sentenced on 16 September in the Federal Court of Santiago.


The first game of the NFT market in the Terra chain has been renamed "Arcnes" .


The first game-based NFT market LUART on the erra chain has been renamed " Arcnes" and will be expanded and transformed into a Web3-focused game and a multi-chain Launchpad and market for the NFT project. Priority will be given in the future to the development of the game encryption ecosystem, which will help users to deal quickly and safely on their platforms or to sell their favorite game NFT.


tweets to launch the digital homogeneity

天下秀旗下自媒体数字藏品工具集TopHolder头号藏家联合微博钱包、微博会员正式上线数字藏品头像功能。 平台将100份定制款数藏头像面向百位百万以及千万级微博大V进行发放,包含互联网科技、娱乐、游戏动漫、生活方式类、萌宠、美食、 旅行等领域,正式开启数字藏品在社交场景内的新应用、新角色。

The platform distributes 100 custom collections of digital collections to hundreds of millions of people and tens of millions of levels of microblogging V. They include Internet technology, entertainment, games, lifestyle, pets, cuisine, and travel, officially opening new applications and roles in social scenes.


Hangzhou-wide digital renminbi charge function


In recent days, the Hangzhou digital renminbi payment function has become fully operational. The State Network Hang State Electricity Corporation has indicated that users can use the digital renminbi wallet to pay the wire bill by choosing the place to pay the fee, choosing the “go fee” directly, and choosing the interface for the payment.


Guangxi launch of block-chain-based flight upgrades for refrigerated container ports


In recent days, the programme of the Transport Department of the Guangxi Luang Autonomous Region on the demonstration of innovative work for the upgrading of the refrigeration container port service has been officially launched. The quality of the service has been further improved and the quality of the cold-chain logistics transport has been advanced.


views the launch of the Digital Collection Platform's


On 16 September, the digital collection distribution platform, YSC, which was set up by the Internet incubation, was officially launched, while the YSC series was synchronized with the YSC collection, with 2022 copies each.


GameFi infrastructure platform HubGame received $10 million in investment commitments from the Funverse Fund

GameFi基础设施平台Hub Game宣布获得Funverse基金1000万美元投资承诺,旨在为区块链游戏行业带来更多有价值的变化。据悉,HubGame多合一平台提供支付网关、钱包、NFT市场、交易和DeFi等服务,目前旗下覆盖50款NFT游戏,让用户GameFi投资体验更加无缝、安全和有效。返回搜狐,查看更多

The GameFi infrastructure platform, Hub Game, announced a $10 million investment commitment from the Funverse Fund to bring about more valuable changes in the block chain game industry. It is known that the HubGame platform provides payment gateways, wallets, NFT markets, transactions and DeFi services, and currently covers 50 NFT games under the flag, making the user GameFi's investment experience more seamless, safe and effective. 责任编辑:




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