
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:69 评论:0



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据华尔街日报4月6日消息,转帐公司Cash App创始人、加密货币公司MobileCoin Inc.首席产品官鲍勃·李(Bob Lee)近日在旧金山遇刺身亡。

According to the Wall Street Journal, on 6 April, Bob Lee, founder of Cash App, an encrypted currency company, MobileCoin Inc., was recently assassinated in San Francisco.

MobileCoin的创始人Joshua Goldbard在发给《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的一封电邮中证实了鲍勃的死讯。鲍勃自2021年以来担任MobileCoin的首席产品官,之前则参与过硅谷一些最知名产品的开发工作。

The founder of MobileCoin, Joshua Goldbard, confirmed Bob’s death in an e-mail to The Wall Street Journal. Bob has been Chief Product Officer of MobileCoin since 2021, and has been involved in the development of some of the most well-known products in Silicon Valley.


The news of Bob's murder was of great interest in the currency and the scientific world, and several big men paid tribute to his memory.




43 years old

据美联社消息,4月4日清晨,币圈大佬、Square前CTO、技术大拿鲍勃·李在旧金山市中心附近遇刺身亡。43岁的鲍勃最为人所知的是创立了Cash App,并曾担任Square的前首席技术官。

, according to the Associated Press, in the early morning of 4 April, Big Money Circle, former CTO of Square, and Technical Bob Lee were assassinated near the heart of San Francisco. Bob, 43 years old, was most well known to have created Cash App and served as former Chief Technical Officer of Square. /font


informed the San Francisco Police Department that the San Francisco Police had received a report at around 2:35 a.m. on Tuesday that Bob was alive and had a visible knife wound when the police arrived. The police then took him to a local hospital, but died of his injuries.


At present, no arrests have been made in this case and no information on potential suspects has been published.


According to Bob's LinkedIn page, his career was mainly as a Silicon Valley executive and angel investor. He said he had invested in companies like SpaceX and Figma.

据《福布斯》报道,Cash App是一款基于智能手机的支付应用程序,允许个人之间的汇款,目前价值400亿美元。自2013年推出以来,其用户群猛增,2017年月活跃用户达到700万,2020年攀升至3000万。

reported in Forbes that Cash App is a smartphone-based payment application that allows remittances between individuals, currently worth $40 billion. since its launch in 2013, its user base has increased dramatically, reaching 7 million active users in 2017 and reaching 30 million in 2020.

鲍勃去年年底搬到迈阿密,但上周在城里参加MobileCoin领导峰会,并多住了几晚看望朋友。多年前,老朋友道格·道尔顿 (Doug Dalton) 认识了鲍勃,当时他们都是刚开始职业生涯的软件工程师。?

Bob moved to Miami at the end of last year, but he went to the MobileCoin leadership summit in the city last week and stayed a few nights to see his friends. Years ago, old friend Doug Dalton met Bob when they were software engineers who had just started their careers?


many big curators sent a message of condolence

鲍勃遇刺身亡的消息传出后,科技界一片悲痛。Block首席执行官Jack Dorsey表示,接听电话的时候令人心碎:“鲍勃对Square和Cash App.STL起到了重要作用。”

After the news of Bob's assassination came out, the tech community was devastated. Jack Dorsey, Chief Executive Officer of Block, said that answering the phone was heartbreaking: “Bob played an important role in Square and Cash App.STL.”

据悉,Square是由Jack Dorsey和鲍勃共同创立的初创公司,鲍勃也是该公司的第一位首席技术官(CTO),现在该公司改名为Block Inc。在Square工作期间,鲍勃创建了CashApp,这是一种允许用户购买股票和比特币的汇款工具。在鲍勃职业生涯的早期,他在谷歌担任软件工程师时帮助开发了Android系统。

Square is known to be a start-up company co-founded by Jack Dorsey and Bob, the company’s first chief technical officer (CTO), now known as Block Inc. During his work on Square, Bob created CashApp, a money transfer tool that allows users to buy shares and bitcoin. In the early days of Bob’s career, he helped to develop the Android system while Google was a software engineer.

鲍勃在谷歌Android和Square的工作经历使他成为年轻科技工作者开始职业生涯的“神话人物”。Faire的联合创始人兼CEO Max Rhodes向彭博社介绍称,他在20岁出头的时候加入Square,每个人都很崇拜鲍勃,他可以解决别人解决不了的问题,并且所有工程师都想和鲍勃一起工作。

Bob's work experience at Google Android and Square made him a “myth” for young tech workers to start their careers. Faire's co-founder and CEO Max Rhodes informed Bloomberg that he joined Square in his early 20s, that everyone worships Bob, that he can solve problems that no one else can solve, and that all engineers want to work with Bob.

MobileCoin的CEO Josh Goldbard一份声明中写道:从在谷歌工作时对Android系统的巨大贡献,到成为Square的第一位首席技术官,再到创建CashApp,再到在Mobilecoin与我们一起工作,鲍勃的影响力肯定会远远超过他活在人世间的短暂时间。

In a statement by CEO Josh Goldbard of MobileCoin, it was written that Bob must have far more influence than he lived in the world for a short time, from his enormous contribution to the Android system while working on Google, to becoming the first chief technical officer in Square, to creating CashApp and working with us in Mobilecoin.

“鲍勃是一种自然的力量”。MobileCoin 首席执行官Joshua Goldbard在给 KPIX 的一份声明中说,他帮助将 Android 和 Cash App 引入了我们的世界。Moby是他的梦想:“21世纪的隐私保护钱包。我每天都会想念他。”

"Bob is a force of nature." Joshua Goldbard, Chief Executive Officer of MobileCoin, said in a statement to KPIX that he helped to introduce Android and Cash App into our world. Moby was his dream: "The privacy wallet of the 21st century. I miss him every day."


Mask called for San Francisco to focus on security


Bob’s death has once again raised concerns about San Francisco’s security among some of the leaders of the science and technology industry and others.

埃隆?马斯克在 Twitter 上对这一悲剧发表评论。

Elon Mask commented on this tragedy on Twitter.


“I'm sorry to hear that. Many of the people I know have been grossly violated.” He adds, “San Francisco's violent crimes are terrible, and even if the attackers are arrested, they will usually be released immediately.” He also asks whether San Francisco has taken stronger measures to prevent violent crimes.

旧金山地区检察官布鲁克?詹金斯 (Brooke Jenkins) 周三发推文向鲍勃·李的家人表示慰问,并表示目前还没有人被捕。“我们不能容忍在旧金山发生这些可怕的暴力行径。”

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins sent a tweet on Wednesday expressing condolences to Bob Lee's family and saying that no one had been arrested at the moment. “We cannot tolerate these terrible acts of violence in San Francisco.” /font>

旧金山地区检察官办公室通讯主任兰迪?克扎达(Randy Quezada)对媒体说,旧金山警察局必须在地区检察官办公室介入之前完成调查。

Randy Quezada, Director of Communications at the San Francisco Regional Prosecutor's Office, told the media that the San Francisco Police Department had to complete the investigation before the Regional Prosecutor's Office intervened.


“The police need to talk to witnesses, gather evidence and submit it to us, and then we will really be involved in evaluating the evidence and deciding whether to prosecute”.

“这次调查很不同,” 他说,“在有人被捕之前,我们都在待命。”

“This investigation is very different”, he said, “We are all on standby until someone is arrested”.


Encrypted Currency Circle Thunder Always

2023年初至今,加密货币圈“惊雷”不断。年初,加密货币交易所FTX创始人萨姆·班克曼·弗里德(Sam Bankman Fried)对于欺诈客户价值数百万美元数字资产的指控表示不认罪。

Since the beginning of 2023, the encrypt currency ring has been “shocked.” At the beginning of the year, Sam Bankman Fried, founder of the encrypted currency exchange FTX, pleaded not guilty to allegations of fraud of millions of dollars worth of digital assets.

三月,波场(Tron)创始人、火币(Huobi)全球顾问委员会成员孙宇晨(Justin Sun)于美东时间3月22日被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)起诉。美东时间3月27日(周一),美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)又起诉全球最大加密货币交易所币安(Binance)及其CEO赵长鹏涉嫌违反监管措施。

In March, Justin Sun, founder of Tron and member of the Huobi Global Advisory Committee, was indicted by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 22 March. On Monday, 27 March, US Eastern Time, the United States Commodity Futures and Exchange Commission (CFTC) also sued Binance, the world’s largest encrypted currency exchange, and its CEO, Zhao Changping, for alleged regulatory violations.


At the end of 2021, in the context of a huge increase in encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, Zhao Chang Poon, the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Poon, who was the richest of the Chinese with $94.1 billion (approximately $634.8 billion), became the world’s ten richest and famous.

孙晨宇和赵长鹏分别被起诉的消息传出后,当天加密货币均出现了全线加速下跌的情况。目前来看,尽管比特币价格在今年以来出现了引人注目的飙升(涨幅超60%),但美国监管部门加大打击力度以及几家与加密货币相关的银行倒闭挫伤了一些投资者的热情。City Index高级金融市场分析师Fiona Cincotta表示,比特币交易量大幅下跌将“不可避免地导致市场更加动荡”。

After the news of Sun Sun Woo’s and Zhao Chang Peng’s indictment, respectively, there was an all-line acceleration of the fall in the encrypt currency that day. It is now clear that, despite the dramatic surge in bitcoin prices since this year (more than 60%), the US regulatory authorities have stepped up their efforts and the collapse of several banks associated with encryption money has frustrated some investors’ enthusiasm. City Index’s senior financial market analyst, Fiona Cincotta, said that a sharp drop in bitcoin transactions would “inevitably lead to greater volatility in the market.”


According to CoinGecko’s data and data compiled by the company, by the end of March, 24-hour regular transactions in currency amounted to more than $6 billion, with approximately 65 million visits per month. The 24-hour regular transactions in Coinbase (COIN.US), the second largest encrypted currency exchange, were about $1.3 billion, with approximately 33 million visits per month. In contrast, in December last year, cash transactions in currency amounted to $278 billion; and Coinbase transactions amounted to $35 billion.


Source: combined from , daily economic news, Shenzhen News, etc.




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