Block Chain is an innovative distributed book technology that links data in block form and ensures the security and reliability of data on the chain through cryptography.
The key feature of the block chain is decentralisation and immaculateness. It is not dependent on any central agency, and all participants share a shared account book. Each participant has a complete copy of the account book, validating and synchronizing the data through a consensus algorithm.
1. 区块:区块是区块链中的基本单位,包含了一定数量的交易数据和该区块的哈希值。每个区块都包含前一个区块的哈希值,形成了一个链。
Blocks : blocks are the basic units of the block chain and contain a certain amount of transaction data and the Hashi value of the block. Each block contains the Hashi value of the previous block, forming a chain.
2. 节点:节点是区块链网络中的参与者,可以是个人电脑或专用的服务器。每个节点都可以存储、验证和传播区块链上的数据。
node: node is the participant in the block chain network and can be a personal computer or a dedicated server. Each node can store, validate and disseminate data on the block chain.
3. 共识算法:共识算法是节点之间达成共识的规则,用于验证并确认交易的有效性,确保节点之间的数据一致性。
Consensus algorithm: Consensus algorithm is the rule for reaching consensus between nodes to validate and confirm the validity of transactions and to ensure data consistency between nodes.
4. 钱包:钱包是用于存储和管理个人的加密货币的工具。钱包中包含公钥和私钥,用于进行加密货币的发送和接收。
Wallet: Wallet is a tool for storing and managing personal encrypted money. The wallet contains public and private keys for sending and receiving encrypted money.
1. 去中心化:区块链网络没有中心化的控制机构,所有参与者共同维护账本,没有单点故障。
Decentralization: There is no centralized control of the block chain network and all participants jointly maintain the books without a single failure.
2. 透明性:区块链上的交易信息对所有参与者开放,任何人都可以查看和验证交易的发生。
Transparency: The transaction information on the block chain of is open to all participants and can be viewed and verified by anyone as to the occurrence of the transaction.
3. 安全性:区块链采用密码学方法保证数据的安全性,交易一旦被确认,就不可篡改。
3. Security: The block chain uses cryptography to ensure the security of the data, and once the transaction is confirmed, it cannot be tampered with.
4. 高效性:由于区块链采用分布式记账的方式,无需中间人的参与,可以实现快速的交易和结算。
Efficiency: Rapid transactions and settlements can be achieved without the involvement of intermediaries, as block chains are recorded in a distributed manner.
1. 加密货币:区块链是比特币和其他加密货币的基础技术,实现了去中心化的电子货币系统。
1. Encrypted Currency: The block chain is the basic technology for bitcoin and other encrypted currencies, resulting in decentralised electronic currency systems.
2. 供应链管理:区块链可以追踪商品的生产、运输和销售过程,提高供应链的透明度和可追溯性。
Supply chain management: block chains can track the process of production, transport and sale of commodities and improve the transparency and traceability of the supply chain.
3. 金融服务:区块链可以用于实现快速的跨境支付、借贷和证券交易,降低金融服务的成本和风险。
Financial services: block chains can be used to achieve rapid cross-border payments, lending and securities trading, and to reduce the costs and risks of financial services.
4. 物联网:区块链可以用于物联网设备之间的安全通信和数据交换,确保设备的可信性和数据的完整性。
object networking: The block chain can be used for secure communication and data exchange between object networking equipment, ensuring the credibility of the equipment and the integrity of the data.
Block chains are considered to be a technology with revolutionary potential that may be applied in more areas in the future. As technology progresses and is adopted more widely, they are expected to change traditional business models and social structures to bring about a safer, efficient and transparent world for people.
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