从概念到落地,Web 3.0元宇宙时代下的泛娱乐出海新玩法

资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:73 评论:0
图源:品玩版权图库在过去的两年里,元宇宙和Web 3.0代表了互联网的技术趋势,同时获得了大众持续的关注度。Over the past two years, the meta-cosmos and Web 3.0 have repres...



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在过去的两年里,元宇宙和Web 3.0代表了互联网的技术趋势,同时获得了大众持续的关注度。

Over the past two years, the meta-cosmos and Web 3.0 have represented technological trends on the Internet, while at the same time generating sustained public attention.

2021年3月,“元宇宙概念第一股”Roblox(罗布乐思)于纽交所上市;同年5月,美国社交巨头Facebook改名为Meta,宣布将很大一部分精力押注到元宇宙相关应用开发;12月,百度推出沉浸式虚拟空间希壤,并于2022年11月初发布行业首份《Web 3.0营销白皮书》;2022年双11,阿里巴巴为Burberry,五粮液等知名品牌推出数字藏品馆,并由旗下虚拟偶像担任品牌大使;2023年,腾讯在TMELAND里举办元宇宙跨年音乐会,五月天等知名音乐人参加;与此同时,淘宝正在测试国内首场元宇宙直播,或将于春节推出。

In March 2021, Roblox (Robleth), the first share of the dollar cosmos concept, was placed on the market in New York; in May of the same year, the American social giant Facebook changed its name to Meta, announcing that it would devote a large part of its energy to the development of eco-cosm-related applications; in December, 100% launched the soaked virtual space of Greece and released the first White Paper of the industry, Web 3.0 in early November 2022; in 2022, Alibaba launched a digital collection of famous brands, such as Burberry, Five Grains and fluids, with virtual icons under the flag as brand ambassadors; in 2023, a meta-cosm inter-year concert was held in TMELAND, with the participation of distinguished musicians such as May; and at the same time, the treasures are testing the first domestic meta-cosmide live or will be launched in Spring Day.

元宇宙和Web 3.0为什么会出现?如何理解两者之间的关系?它们的应用场景又有哪些?

Why does the metacosystem and Web 3.0 appear? How does the relationship between the two be understood? What are their applications?

带着这些问题,品玩《从概念到落地,Web 3.0元宇宙时代下的泛娱乐出海新玩法》线上沙龙活动邀请到WebEye创新事业部总经理沈旦、比邻星球联合创始人董含灵、即构科技的运营专家Lily,分享了各自的观点。

With these questions in mind, Salon events on the line from the concept to the ground, the Web 3.0-dollar-cosmos, the New Law on Entertainment Out of the Sea, invited Shen Dan, the General Manager of the WebEye Innovation Department, Lily, the founder of the United Planets, to share their views.



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事实上,Web 3.0和元宇宙这两个技术概念经常被大家交互使用。有些人认为Web 3.0 是元宇宙的底层基础设施,而以VR、AR和高阶图像引擎为关键技术的元宇宙则是具体表现形式,二者之间是相辅相成、一体两面的依存关系。而另外一些人认为两个技术概念是两个完全独立的东西,一个是Web 2.0的技术迭代,一个是连接虚拟和现实的立体化网络生态。

In fact, the two technological concepts of Web 3.0 and the meta-cosmos are often used interchangeably. Some think that Web 3.0 is the base infrastructure of the meta-cosm, while the meta-cosm, with VR, AR, and high-level image engines as the key technology, is the concrete expression of a mutually reinforcing and interdependent relationship.

谈到元宇宙和Web 3.0两者之间的联系,沈旦认为可以从地域、时间、内涵三个层面去解读,

talks about the link between the meta-cosmos and Web 3.0 and Shenzhen believes that it can be read in terms of geography, time and content, .

“我个人觉得不必把这两个技术概念分得那么清楚。事实上,在不同的应用场景下,我们可以看到这个领域的很多创业者和科技公司会通过不同的概念去阐述自己的产品。首先从地域层面来说,在海外大众可能更倾向于或者更方便地用Web 3.0去形容这种新的技术趋势。而国内的话,由于一些历史的原因,可能大家更喜欢使用元宇宙这样的一个概念;在一些新的产业政策方面,元宇宙也在被政府和专家广泛地去使用。从时间维度上面来说,Web 3.0可能更早的被大家接受和传播,虽然元宇宙在92年的时候《雪崩》小说里面就被提出来了,但是真正流行、被创业者和投资人挂在嘴边,可能要晚于Web 3.0这样一个概念。”

"I personally don't think it's necessary to distinguish these two concepts from each other. In fact, in different applications, we can see that many entrepreneurs and technology companies in this field can describe their products through different concepts. First, from the geographical level of , the population abroad may be more likely or easier to use Web 3.0 to describe this new technological trend. And, at home, for some historical reasons, people may prefer to use a concept such as meta-cosmos; in some new industrial policies, the meta-cosm is also widely used by governments and experts. From the temporal dimension of , Web 3.0 may be accepted and disseminated earlier, although the meta-cosm was introduced in the Avalanche novel in 92, it may be later than Web 3.0."

“从内涵上面来说的话,我觉得Web 3.0代表的是一种信念感或者是仪式感的一个集合,它有着很多信徒,而元宇宙是更具象化的一种信息传达和表现的一种形式。”沈旦补充。

“In the words of above , I think Web 3.0 represents a sense of faith or a collection of ritual senses, with many followers, while the meta-cosm is a form of communication and expression that is more homogenous.” Shen Dan adds.

比邻星球的联合创始人董含灵则认为,无论是Web 3.0,还是元宇宙,它们仅仅是下一个时代来临的代名词。公司希望以一种具体的产品形式比如说UGC(用户生产内容)与大众一同体验下一代技术。比邻星球定位于开发构建3D沉浸式互联网AIGC、UGC平台的科技公司,通过搭建全 3D 虚拟人形象、虚拟场景、虚拟陪伴三大系统,公司致力于为用户实现沉浸式社交体验。

The co-founder of Planets shares the view that, be it Web 3.0 or the meta-cosmos, they are just the pronouns of the next era. wants to experience the next generation of technology in a specific form of product such as UGC (user content production) with the general public. The next planet is positioned to develop technology companies that build 3D impregnated Internet AGC, UGC platforms, and by building full 3D virtual images, virtual scenes, virtual accompaniment systems, companies are committed to socialization for users.

 图源:Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash
图源:Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

与Web 1.0 的信息互联网(BBS社区,新闻门户网站),以分享为特征的Web 2.0交互互联网(社交网络、视频网站、电商购物)不同的是,Web 3.0最大的亮点在于它给用户赋予了网络所有权,每个用户可以参与甚至主导Web 3.0网络生态建设。

Unlike Web 1.0, the Information Internet (BBS Community, News Portal), the sharing feature of Web 2.0 interactive Internet (social networking, video sites, electricity vendor shopping), the biggest highlight of Web 3.0 is that it gives users access to network ownership and that each user can participate in or even dominate Web 3.0 network eco-building.

基于区块链技术,Web 3.0的核心是分布式技术,其背后的内容创作者经济想象空间巨大。对于品牌广告主来说,新的技术迭代必然会带来营销模式的不同。在过去的一段时间里,很多知名品牌如Nike,Adidas推出自己版本的Web 3.0营销模式;入驻虚拟世界中开设虚拟商店来售卖数字版鞋服,针对用户特别是Z时代年轻人带来沉浸式互动体验。在国内,我们可以看到李宁与Web 3.0时代著名的NFT系列无聊猿达成合作,推出联名服饰系列。

Based on block chain technology, the heart of Web 3.0 is distributed technology, and the content creators behind it have a huge economic imagination. For brand advertisers, new technology overlaps are bound to lead to different marketing models. In the past time, many prominent brands, such as Nike, Adidas, have launched their own version of Web 3.0 marketing model; virtual stores in the virtual world have been opened to sell digital shoe uniforms, bringing immersion interactive experiences to users, especially young people of the Z era.


WebEye认为相较于Web 2.0移动互联网,Web 3.0在流量的形态上面以及在营销的方式层面来说,都有非常本质的区别。

WebEye believes that there is a very substantial difference between Web 2.0 mobile Internet and Web 3.0 in the form of traffic and at the level of marketing.

“从一开始,WebEye就致力于为本地和出海企业提供一体化品牌营销增长服务,包括数字媒体营销、智能广告投放、移动互联网的广告业务。可以说,WebEye是一家把流量玩明白的公司,但如果用Web 2.0的思维方式去做Web 3.0的品牌营销,品牌主容易栽跟头。我们感受到从2020年开始,整个互联网尤其是移动互联网的流量和广告投放的增速都在放缓,头部平台的马太效应愈发明显。比如说抖音起来了之后,整个互联网的流量更加聚焦,形成了一种虹吸效应,让很多开发者成为了一些大平台的流量的打工人或者说是一个租户。

“From the beginning, WebEye was committed to providing integrated brand marketing growth services for local and sea-based enterprises, including digital media marketing, smart advertising, mobile Internet advertising. WebEye is, for example, a company that makes traffic clear , but if we use Web 2.0 thinking to do Web 3.0 branding, brand owners are easy to follow. We feel that, starting in 2020, the flow of the Internet as a whole, especially mobile Internet, and advertising is slowing down, and that the horse effect of the head platform is becoming more apparent. For example, after the sound of shaking, the flow of the Internet as a whole has become more focused, creating a soaking effect that many developers become traffic workers or renters of some large platforms.

其次增量红利不在了,我们看到一些报告,反映出2023年智能手机的出货量预期将会持续下滑,退回到2014年的水平。今年国产手机的出货量普遍下降了10%~20%,流量越来越贵、获客越来越难。这就导致我们在整个的流量生态中做广告业务的风险也越来越大,在这样一个大背景下,WebEye从去年开始接触元宇宙以及Web 3.0,探索了数字藏品等一系列创新业务。

Second, the incremental dividend is missing, and we see reports that smartphones are expected to continue to decline in 2023, returning to their 2014 levels. This year, home-grown mobile phones have generally dropped by 10-20%, and traffic is becoming more expensive and more difficult.


Web 2.0的特点是千人千面,每个人都会被智能地推送信息,给他不同的产品和服务。在Web 3.0时代可能是一人千面,每个人在元宇宙里都有多个AI的虚拟人分身,这就导致了Web 3.0的流量形态发生了本质变化。

Web 2.0 is characteristic of thousands of people, and everyone will be able to send information intelligently to give him different products and services. In the Web 3.0 era, one person could have a thousand faces, each with multiple AI virtuals in the meta-cosm, leading to a fundamental change in the flow pattern of Web 3.0.

在Web 2.0的时代,我们是基于人本的流量,也就是我们流量的单位是人。到Web 3.0时代,我们会基于 AI和智能设备加上人的综合流量形态,因此数字营销也会发生巨大的变化。而直接通过算法和大数据触达用户的形式,将会变成触达用户的各种虚拟人分身、或者是用户的各种AI的助手,然后再触达到用户。

In the age of Web 2.0, we are based on the flow of human beings, that is, the unit of our flow. In the age of Web 3.0, we are going to have a huge change in digital marketing, based on AI and smart devices combined with people’s combined flow patterns.

Web 2.0的广告营销渠道之一是SEO搜索引擎优化,但在Web 3.0时代,我们可能有类似于AISO、即面向于AI的一系列搜索引擎优化或是智能推荐的优化,这让我们触达用户的方式从广告主变为从AI到人的形式。

One of the advertising channels of Web 2.0 is the GEO search engine optimization, but in the Web 3.0 era we may have a series of search engine optimizations or smart recommendations similar to AISO for AI, which allows us to reach users in a way that moves from the advertiser to the AI-to-person form.

同时在Web 3.0时代具备DAO(去中心化自治组织)属性的社群会更加重要,这也将会是营销重点要去解决的一个课题,这将会诞生更多像DAO营销等特殊的营销生态。”沈旦分享到。

At the same time, communities with DAO attributes in the Web 3.0 era will be even more important, and this will be a topic to be addressed by the marketing focus, which will give rise to more special marketing ecology such as DAO marketing.


2020年疫情导致全球各地经济停滞,但促进了包括游戏在内的泛娱乐社交行业的繁荣。相关领域表现最突出的,莫过于沙盒游戏平台Roblox。Roblox的爆发性增长带火了“元宇宙”相关概念,让市场、投资人看到了 UGC 内容生态+沉浸式社交更多的可能性。在这种潮流的助推下,虚拟世界与现实社会的边界慢慢被打破。2020年疫情期间,美国歌手Travis Scott在沙盒游戏《堡垒之夜》中举办了一场演唱会,有超过1200万名玩家观看。

The 2020 epidemic stagnated the world economy, but contributed to the prosperity of the pan-reser society, including games. No area was more prominent than Roblox, a sandbox game platform. Roblox’s explosive growth fueled the concept of a meta-cosm, allowing markets and investors to see more possibilities for   UGC content eco-plus immersion.

 图源:Fortnite's Travis Scott event
图源:Fortnite's Travis Scott event


In order to build a Chinese version of the Meso-Cosmos UGC (User Production Content) platform and a fast-track vehicle on the concept of the Meso-Cosmos, Roblox’s core team traveled collectively to create a neighbouring planet and worked to build social platforms for young users, including virtual accompaniment, virtual identity and virtual scenarios.


On the application of the meta-cosm concept in the fields of games and socialization, three applications were shared by the co-founder of the next planet.

  • 游戏化的3D场景:相比于现在单调3D场景下的互动体验,元宇宙下的3D场景中是可以支持用户操控他们的虚拟化身的。基于高阶图像引擎和VR技术,用户可以通过肢体动作和语言,实时操控虚拟人分身来与其他用户进行多人互动。
  • 数字身份:有别于当下的网络游戏账号,现实社会中的人可以使用数字身份在元宇宙UGC平台中娱乐、消费、社交、创作、挣钱等,还可以在不同场景间穿梭。
  • 内容创作者经济:用户发现他们不但可以通过平台社交,还可以通过建立自己的专属IP,例如虚拟领地,房屋,物品,然后交易赚钱。


“If you're going to build an endless virtual world, it's not enough to rely on the official production of content; it's also going to have to rely on the user to produce content, and it has to be driven by the creator's economy, which means that all users come to the virtual world, that they can produce different content themselves, and then every user can commercialize what they create. The creator's economy is very well tested on Roblox, and it's actually a very successful economic model.


The meta-cosm is widely recognized as a combination of underlying technologies, such as sub-era image engines, advanced virtual reality (VRs) and enhanced reality (ARs), cloud computing and data storage, faster network transmission speed than 5Gs. Apart from the content creators' economy under the UGC platform, the commercial potential of the combination of pan-recreation socialization and meta-cosm concepts is also enormous.



With regard to the use of the meta-cosmos in the pan-recreation field, Lily, an operational expert for ZEGO (i.e. structural technology), considers two trends to be of the greatest interest.


She said: “The first thing was the integration of polygamy and, in response to this claim, ZEGO, in cooperation with the head vendor, launched a pan-reser socialization 2.0, which includes K Songs, social games, film watching together, etc., which greatly enhances the interaction experience in the meta-cosm.


Another trend is to share time and space . For example, the RTI series, which we published in November, has the ability to call subject splits, traditional interactive live broadcasts, anchors on screens at wheat lines, has a stronger sense of isolation, ZEGO's subject partition technology, allows live mapping of the anchor and in the same context, and, of course, within the meta-cosmos landscape, allows users to share their experience of time and space.”


In response to these two trends, the built-up meta-cosmos interactive engines and space audio capabilities can quickly help companies to create social scenes with a high sense of immersion and improvisation, sharing time and space in the meta-cosmos, and experience multiple ways of playing. For example, they can be used in virtual concerts, along with singers, to sing in crowds; in virtual cinema viewings, the ovation of the audience at the great show can be celebrated, or they can steal from their neighbors without affecting others.

 图源:Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels
图源:Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels

扫码添加 品玩Global小助手,回复暗号:元宇宙,即可获取直播间观众福利:

Scanning for Global's little assistant, responding to the code: Woncos, you can get live audience benefits:

直播福利1:免费享受 WebEye 提供的【企业出海服务咨询 / 诊断服务】一次(方向可选:出海营销或企业上云),兑现时间为半年内。

Live benefit 1: Free access to WebEye's [business out-of-sea services counselling/diagnostic services] once (optional: out-of-sea marketing or company clouding) for a period of six months.


Live Benefit 2: A free-of-charge Globalizen Team packaged advisory service for business brand stories at sea is delivered over a period of six months.



on the Global

品玩旗下关注 #全球化 #品牌出海 #跨境电商 等出海生态的内容矩阵账号。

On the other hand, it is important to note that #globalize # brand goes out #cross-border power provider , etc.


Under the Shenzhen and Globalizen Content Teams collaborate to provide in-depth coverage, industry news, sea salon content, and maritime orientation branding and marketing services.




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       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
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    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...