
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:59 评论:0
DeFi是Decentralized Finance的缩写,意指去中心化+金融。随着区块链的迅速发展,其应用场景也在不断地丰富,金融是其中最有前景的行业。DeFi is an acronym for Decent...



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DeFi是Decentralized Finance的缩写,意指去中心化+金融。随着区块链的迅速发展,其应用场景也在不断地丰富,金融是其中最有前景的行业。

DeFi is an acronym for Decentralized Finance, which means decentralizing + finance. As the block chain develops rapidly, its applications are constantly enriched, and finance is one of the most promising industries.


DEFI is an ecology, not a single currency. It is active within the ecology. After two or three years of exploration, the DEFI ecology can be divided into broad categories.

第一类(资产):makerDAO,被普遍认为「启动了 DeFi 运动的项目」

Category I (assets): MakerDAO, widely regarded as "a project to launch the DeFi campaign "

最早出现的是makerDAO,于17年12月上线,开启了DEFI世界的第一道大门。 是以太坊上的'去中心化银行',发行了稳定币DAI和管理型代币 MKR。其中,DAI作为整个DeFi生态系统的基石,运用了自动化超额抵押+目标利率的反馈机制,是以太坊上规模最大和最久经考验的稳定币抵押解决方案。

The first to emerge was the makerDAO, which came on line in December 17, opening the first door to the DFI world. It was the #39 in Taiga; the decentralized bank #39; and the issuance of the stable currency DAI and the managed currency MKR. Among them, DAI, as the cornerstone of the entire DeFi ecosystem, applied the feedback mechanism of automated over-collateralization plus target interest rates, which was the largest and most tested currency-stabilization solution in the family.


Category II (lending): Compound, known as the "Window to DeFi"


Compound was established in September 2018 as the most important collateral lending platform in the current DeFi lending market. In 2020, Compound went online and managed the platform’s proxy COMP, with a price skyrocketing from $20 to $320.


Category 3 (exchange): DEX, decentralised exchange, is undoubtedly the cornerstone of DeFi's development.


DEX, in contrast to a centralised and encrypted money trading platform, has already given rise to alarming developments on the DEX-based decentralized exchange, such as the hot Bancor, Kyber, dYdX, DDEX, Uniswap, etc., with a total transaction volume of more than $3 billion in the first six months of 2020, and a single uniswap transaction volume that once exceeded a central exchange such as coinbase.

第四类(合成资产):Synthetix, 曾作为「DeFi市场最耀眼的新星」

Class IV (synthetic assets): Synthetix, used to be "DeFi's brightest new star."

2019年,崭露头角的合成资产平台 Synthetix, 不仅能够自行合成数位资产,也能通过虚拟货币购买法币、大宗商品、股票、指数等金融衍生品,其发行的代币 SNX 仅仅半年内飙涨近 800%, 2019 年 SNX 累计上涨近三十倍。

In 2019, Synthetix, a brand-new synthetic asset platform, was able not only to synthesize its own digital assets, but also to purchase financial derivatives such as French currency, commodities, stocks, indexes, etc. through virtual currency, with the issue of SNX, which rose by nearly 800 per cent in just six months, and by almost 30 times in 2019, SNX accumulated.


Class Five: "Yarn, the fire of the stars can set off the spark of the DFI world."

YFI 全称 yearn.finance,发行时间 2020年7月18日。发行初始价格仅有34$.整个项目没有任何预挖、预售、没有团队分配、没有机构融资,整个项目干净的就像是比特币。也正因如此,现在有人把YFI称为Defi界的比特币.单币差点涨破十万刀。成为2020年涨幅最高币种。涨幅高达两千多倍

YFI full name yearn.finance, issued on July 18, 2020. The initial price was only $34. The whole project was released without any pre-drawn, pre-sale, no team distribution, no institutional financing, and the whole project was clean like bitcoin. And that's why now someone calls YFI the bitcoin of the Defi world.


Centralized finance has many functions. For example:


(1) Legal, compliance, KYC, AML, accountant, law firm;


(2) Exchanges, CSRCs, and the Superintendency of Banks supervise the exchange.


(3) Banks and securities dealers.


(4) Central banks. Money is available.


These functions are performed in centralized finance. They work well, but they have many shortcomings. They can be supplemented by Defi.


For example, the central bank may not be used in Defi, because it has its own digital currency, with Bitcoin, Ether, EOS, USDT, USDC as a bottom-up payment tool; Defi has a smart contract, in Ether, the code is the law. So we do not need a judge or a judge, as long as there is a smart contract, to decide which contract can be executed; nor do we need a contract, which will be automatically executed by writing a smart contract and maturity, and there will be no contract dispute; because it is built on a block chain, the contract will not be tampered with, and the contract will not need to be kept in a notary and safe; all transactions can be traced, transparent and fair; and Defi is born without borders and is a broker.


These features of Defi make up for the shortcomings of centralized finance. Centralized finance, for example, is difficult to achieve. It has very high transaction costs, complex and slow transactions, and there are intermediaries such as banks, exchanges, securities dealers, accountants, lawyers, etc., who charge for services.


Defi is a supplement to the financial future of centralization. We can't say that Defi can turn central finance upside down, which is unlikely, like an ant shaking elephants.


Perhaps banks do not have branches in the region, and open accounts may require a lot of documents, information, and administrative fees, leading to people not wanting to or unable to open. But 80% of the world’s people without bank accounts, with mobile phones, have access to the Internet, and there is a risk that they will have access to financial services, that is, Defi, and only decentralized and distributed finance can minimize costs and access to finance via mobile phones and the Internet.


The rapid development of the DeFi has been accompanied by security incidents of all kinds, and in a world of code and rule, especially in the financial sphere, where money is involved, a large number of hackers have come in the face of carelessness or imprudentness, and the theft of tokens and the misuse of loopholes have become a problem for the DeFi.


In the first half of the year alone, several DeFi projects experienced serious accidents or hacker attacks.


Behind the frequency of security incidents were the poor infrastructure and the symptoms typical of DeFi at an early stage.




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