数说两会 | 产业区块链有望加速落地

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:148 评论:0



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As the cornerstone of the digital economy and the digital society, plays an important role. In the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Vision 2035 (draft), .


Several representatives of the two meetings, members of the Council of Political Ministers, proposed proposals relating to the block chain.


1, block chain > + game monitoring


The National Council of Political Ministers, the Vice-President of the Guangzhou Municipal Council and the Main Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Council of the State of Gueeng proposed the following: to study policy and technical standards for the management of cyber games based on block-chain technologies; to build a platform for managing games based on block-chain technologies; to develop a life-cycle management platform based on block-chained games; and to build a platform for managing Internet access for young people based on block-chains.


2, block chain > + medical information building


The Central Committee of the Taiwan Association for Democratic Autonomy submitted a proposal on " Rational Use of Block Chain Technologies to Enhance the Normative Use and Management of Medical Electronic Data " :


One is the establishment of a new model for the preservation and sharing of medical information and the introduction of a credible body, a third party, to endorse data security.


The second is to achieve real-time data sharing and to promote closer collaboration between the medical community. Block chain technologies can achieve near real-time data sharing in terms of data transmission speed and response time compared to traditional technologies.


Third is the establishment of an efficient and reliable system to trace medical devices and medicines. The immutable nature and authenticity of information based on block-chain technology can be traced back to the application, approval, procurement, receipt, use, management, maintenance, maintenance, scrapping, etc. of medicines, equipment and consumables, making the purchase, management and configuration of equipment and medicines in hospitals more rational and enabling the information management of the entire process.


3, block chain > + manufacturing industry


Liu Fei-heung, representative of the National People's Congress and secretary-general of the party of the Tian Jian Jianxuan Group, suggested using the block chain to decentralize, be credible and efficient technical features, to construct the industrial block chain of the engineering and machinery industry, to promote the chain of entry of related enterprises, and to establish an efficient synergy of ecology.


Fai-han Liu indicated that a government-led block-chained alliance of engineering and machinery industry, led by universities, block-chain companies, large engineering and machinery manufacturing and logistics enterprises, could be established to work on standards, model studies, the development of industry block-chain data specifications, application codes, smart contract codes, information security codes, etc., and to coordinate the alliance.


4, block chain > + digital economy


The National Political Consultative Council, the Under-Secretary-General, the Central Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Lee Shijie, in accepting the media on the eve of the National Conference, stated that, during the “14th Five-Year” period, support was given to the technological development of the block chain, which was conducive to enabling the real economy, optimizing social governance, and enhancing the country's international competitiveness. There are still problems with the development and application of the block chain. First, there is a lack of integrated planning and top-level design, which makes it impossible to create a unified synergy; second, the standard-setting body of the block chain does not have a “single chain” and a lack of industry national standards; third, the core technology of the block chain is in need of breakthroughs and there is a lack of innovative “column” for technology applications.


With regard to “how to support the technological development of the block chain and enable the digital economy”, Li Shijie suggested, firstly, that a more developed block chain development plan be developed at the central level, that the planning be more rigorous and that the development direction and development strategy be taken into account; secondly, that a system of joint meetings of sector directors of the block chain be defined as soon as possible and that national standards for the block chain industry be developed in the model of “Government + Research Institute + Enterprise + Social Organization”; again, that a “sandbox” system be implemented to promote rapid and steady development in the area of the block chain; and finally, that a hard nuclear research and development force be built around the sector chain ecosystem, exploring the core application landscape, bringing together a group of high-end and high-energy innovation platforms.


5, block chain > + justice


The President of the Supreme People's Court, Zhou, in his report on the work of the Supreme People's Court, referred to the opening of the judicial block chain, which supports the uploading of works by power holders, and the prevention and punishment of cybercircumstances.

6、区块链+ 智能网联车

6, block chain > + smart net combined vehicle


In an interview at the plenary meeting, the 13th Peoples' Congress representative, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Electric and Electronics Industries Internet Ltd., and Chairman of the Board, Zhu Lifeng, stated: “The full development of smart-networked cars, smart-networked roads and modern digital cities is to be promoted with security facilitation.” He suggested that key technology platform applications, such as a large-data security situational awareness of smart-networked cars based on the PKS system, should be built to explore new models based on smart-networked cars, “data plus block links plus insurance plus digital renminbi” to help promote industrial safety development.


7, block chains > + digitization of carbon assets


In promoting carbon financial innovation on the basis of , the National People's Congress, the People's Bank's Bank's Open State branch, Baik Mask, recommended that carbon asset uplinks be made transparent, secure, easily accessible, and digital carbon asset development based on a sector-based chain.

8、区块链+ 5G

8, block chain > 5G


During an interview with Xinhua Network, the Secretary of the Party, Chairman and Managing Director of the China Mobile Communications Group Henan Ltd., the National People's Congress stated that it was necessary to speed up the construction of the 5G Capacity System and to build a 5G Capacity System for the “Network + Talent + Eco+ Platform + Terminal”, and to make every effort to promote innovation in the integration of information technology such as 5G and artificial intelligence, object networking, cloud computing, big data, margin computing, block chains, etc., and to lay a solid foundation for the deep matching and wide application of 5G technologies with the vertical industry.


9, block chain > > + data transaction sharing


In an interview with a journalist, the representative of the National People’s Congress and President of Huannan Province, China’s Construction Bank, Wen Yihua, suggested strengthening financial science and technology at the national level. Financial technology is a matter of national financial competitiveness, and research on new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, block chains and mobile interconnections must be strengthened at the national level to enable commercial banks to export technology; and an open platform for national data harmonization and sharing should be established to allow for the orderly and open sharing of data resources under uniform rules, to speed up the opening of government and public sector data, to facilitate the exchange and sharing of Internet enterprise data resources, and to avoid creating “data silos”.


In fact, during the previous two local meetings, “digitization” and “block chains” had long become high-frequency terms in government reports and development plans, with many more provinces incorporating the development of block chain technology into the 14th Plan, and at least 20 of the country's 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) included the sector chain in the 2021 report of the Government:


Beijing proposed the establishment of a credible digital infrastructure based on the block chain, the formation of an international big data exchange and the promotion of high-level autopilot demonstration areas; Shanghai emphasized the need to focus on the digital transformation of cities and to promote the digitalization of the economy, the digitalization of life and the digitalization of governance; the development goals for the integration of sub-block chains with industries such as Lake North and Jilin; Chongqing and Fujian, among others, focused on the cluster development of sector chains; Hunan and Yunnan, among others, fine-tuned to the promotion of specific block chains; and Guangdong, among others, with a certain industrial base, explicitly proposed the further consolidation of the industrial dimension of the strong sector chain.


Looking ahead, in the context of accelerating the emergence of new patterns of development based on a domestic and international dual cycle, technological development of the block chain is significant and will, in synergy with other emerging technologies, constitute the infrastructure of the digital economy.




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