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In the area of digital money, Bitcoin has been a high-profile focus, and recent news has rekindled the market: Hong Kong financiers have come together to support Asia’s first Bitcoin spot ETF application. This news, like a shocking bomb, quickly created a huge wave in the financial world. Let’s explore this dramatic event in depth, unlock the mysterious veil of the Bitcoin ETF, and see how the future digital money market will change.


As global financial markets evolve, digital money has gradually moved into the horizon. Bitcoin, as the most representative digital currency, is everywhere.


First, let us look at the meaning of the Bitcoin spot ETF. The ETF, an exchange trading fund, is a fund that can be traded on a stock exchange, and its portfolio is usually designed to track specific indices.


As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has always maintained a keen sense of insight and innovation in the field of digital money. Financial institutions have supported Bitcoin spot ETF applications, both as an expression of confidence in the future potential of digital money and as a positive exploration of Hong Kong’s financial markets.


Asia, one of the world’s largest digital-currency transactions, has high-profile financial and technological power and market dynamism. Once Asia reaches its first bitcoin spot ETF, it will give further impetus to the process of internationalizing digital-currency markets, attracting the attention and participation of more international investors, and inject new dynamism and dynamism into Asian financial markets.


In general, Hong Kong financiers have submitted information on their applications to launch the first digital currency spot ETF in Asia, undoubtedly an important milestone in the development of digital money markets. This will not only provide investors with more options and opportunities, but will also promote innovation in financial science and technology and move the digital money market towards greater regulation and maturity. Let's wait and see the introduction of the Bitcoin spot ETF.


However, according to the China Foundation, many Hong Kong institutions are in fact fighting, and since the approval by the United States of the spot ETF in Bitcoin, Hong Kong financial institutions are speeding up the layout of the virtual assets ETF, and news has come of applications submitted by affiliates of the Foundation, and some of those that have not yet submitted their applications are accelerating preparations.


People interested in issuing the spot ETF from the summer fund (Hong Kong) said that, in the view of the fund, the future-based virtual asset ETF had some limitations and that the extension of futures would be costly: the spot ETF would be the mainstream of the future market. Hong Kong is currently actively studying the operation of the spot virtual asset ETF under the guidance of the Hong Kong CVM, and exploring the development prospects of the virtual asset ETF in Hong Kong.


It was reported that institutions had submitted applications for the virtual assets spot ETF, while another foundation firm stated that the United States spot ETF was limited to cash foreclosure, unlike, according to the Hong Kong CSRC's disclosure circular, the spot ETF in Bitcoin in Hong Kong would be subject to various forms of cash and in-kind foreclosure.


In the view of this fund company, ETFs can provide better liquidity for investors and can be more easily traded than an encrypted currency exchange, while more regulated ETF pricing mechanisms can avoid price volatility and, in the case of virtual asset markets, spot ETFs will continue to draw funds from traditional financial markets and are expected to usher in a new growth cycle.

HashKey Group营运长翁晓奇曾在1月透露,已有10余家基金公司积极筹备在香港推出现货ETF,其中7至8家已进入实际推进阶段,多个香港现货ETF申请也与HashKey进入实质推进合作阶段,力拼在未来几个月内,尽速推动香港现货ETF落地。

In January, HashKey Group operator, Hong Xiaochi, revealed that more than 10 fund companies had been actively preparing to launch an ETF in Hong Kong, of which 7 to 8 were in the advanced stages of implementation, and that several Hong Kong spot ETF applications were in the advanced stages of substantive cooperation with HashKey in an effort to facilitate the landing of the ETF in Hong Kong as soon as possible in the coming months.


It is worth noting that the institutions interviewed generally agree that the Hong Kong Virtual Assets ETF has greater scope for development and that, in the view of their affiliates, the Hong Kong Virtual Assets ETF is expected to become an important conduit for Asian capital inflows as regulation continues to improve, products become richer and participating institutions and investors continue to grow.


At the same time, the authorities considered that the positive attitude of the CSRC towards the virtual assets spot ETF also reflected Hong Kong's in-depth knowledge and recognition of block chain technology, which helped to strengthen Hong Kong's position as a leading digital asset centre in the region, supported Hong Kong's development as the preferred Asian ETF market, and further enhanced Hong Kong's attractiveness and competitiveness as an international financial centre.


The summer fund (Hong Kong) indicated that while SEC approval of spot Bitcoin ETF has contributed to some extent to the development of relevant products in the Hong Kong market, providing illustrative examples for the Hong Kong market, there are some differences between the virtual asset ecology and regulatory requirements and the need for Hong Kong products to develop product frameworks suitable for Hong Kong regulation and investors.


According to the Hong Kong Foundation subsidiary, the new regulations for the regulation of virtual assets in Hong Kong, as well as the listing of virtual assets on-the-shelf ETFs, would either promote active cooperation between the virtual asset industry and regulation, provide compliance, security, inclusive investment pipelines for offshore investors and, in the long run, would also be expected to help Hong Kong develop a globally competitive Web3.0 industrial ecology.




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