“一鍵入畫”,沉浸式體驗《聽琴圖》。 本版圖片均由受訪單位提供
Since its launch in 2004, the 19th China (Hin Shenzhen) International Fair of Cultural Property has been called “Stars” with the goal of making an eyeful every year, with government groups and companies full. The big blast exhibits on the video screen have been a hot topic during the festival, attracting a whole group of visitors to experience and take photos. What interesting and interesting exhibits this year will show the photo fair owner?
"Strong" is going to play "Strong Bridge" in the main conference hall.
In January of this year, at Zhejiang School of Music, an original dance show called "The Jing Jing Jing Bridge" was launched, and it was aired, and received a great amount of attention. The dance was inspired by "the wonderful gestures of actors, the coloured clothes and moving music styles in the town of Tai Soonyang, Zhegang State, which combines the colours of Jiang Nam and the sound of flute with the traditional sonics and the sound of flute.
In this event, the Zhejiang Fair invited the original team of Zhejiang Bridges to perform at the main venue and, in a fine, neat and dynamic form, displayed the natural beauty and human hospitality of the Zhejiang rich and spirited show, more than the life and vitality of China's land.
展開數字水墨畫卷 沉浸式領略江南風情
Opens digital ink rolls
What will be the beauty of China when technology comes to art? A digital film in the Zhejiang area of the Xinjiang Poe will be used to drive space projectors with virtual real engines, incorporating multi-sensor interactive devices such as visualization, hearing, touch, smell, etc., and turning the silent Chinese ancient drawings into a living world across time and time into a digital culture.
為增強展覽的觀賞性、趣味性和體驗感,展區還設置了《在浙裡 走進綠水青山》CAVE沉浸式體驗空間互動展項,以浙江的一天為時間軸,將青山、江湖、田野、海島、古村落等自然人文元素串聯在一起,呈現浙江如詩如畫的美好景象。
In order to enhance the viewing, taste and experience of the exhibition, the exhibition area has also set up an interactive exhibition of caved spaces in the "Going into Green Water Hills" with a single day of Zhejiang as a timeline, bringing together natural persons such as Aoyama, River Lake, Fields, Sea Island, Ancient Villages and others to present a beautiful picture of the river as a poem.
藏於北京故宮博物院的宋代名畫《聽琴圖》要“現身”文博會啦!今年展會,浙江伍馬奧恩科技有限公司將利用元宇宙技術,突破時空的局限,技術與藝術融為一體,讓觀眾“一鍵入畫”,夢回雅宋,身臨其境感受古人清雅的生活,聆聽響徹千古的悠揚琴聲。 This year, Zhejiang Woomaoun Technologies will use meta-cosm techniques to break the limitations of time and space, so that technology and art will be integrated into the audience, so that the viewers can “come back to painting” and dream of Jazon, who will be in the midst of an ancient life of Qing Jian Jian Jian. 據悉,觀眾體驗后還可以自動生成在畫中的視頻或者照片,分享到朋友圈“羨煞旁人”。 The viewers are also known to be able to automatically generate videos or photographs in the drawings and share them with the circle of friends. 4 掌握流量密碼 木頭還能這樣玩 "Strong" has the traffic code, and the wood can play like this. 不同於傳統手作,山東展區將木頭玩出了“七十二變”。有“中國樂高”之稱的巧林新魯班,將用榫卯結構現場搭建2.5米高超然樓,觀眾可以現場欣賞到中國名樓超然樓的亮燈瞬間,在娛樂中體會榫卯結構之美,感受非遺技藝文化的巧奪天工與山東文旅創新的獨特活力。此外,業內公認的中國木工文創領域標簽式頭部品牌匠杺社將新潮的理念與現代“玩法”碰撞,賦予傳統木作不一樣的生命力,在此次展會中將帶來用木頭做成的“科比球鞋”“鎮河獸”“國潮玩偶”等流量手工木制文創,絕對是手作愛好者的“夢工場”。 Unlike traditional works, the Shandong Exhibition has created a “72 change” in wood. In addition, the industrially recognized Chinese Carpentry Marked Head Maker, which is known as Lego, will build a 2.5-metre-high building on the ground, where viewers can enjoy the beauty of the lights of the superstitious buildings in China, in entertainment, and will feel the new unique energy of a non-genetic culture. In addition, the industrially recognized Chinese Carpentry Marked Head Maker, which is a “dreamyard” for its favorites, will be able to collide the concept of the new tide with the modern “play law” and give the traditional life force, and in this show, will bring hand-made writings such as the “cobby shoes” and the “state dolls” made of woodheads. 5 展示非遺文化 會場“長”出琉璃柿子樹 Shows the unorthodox culture where the "long" rises out of the persimmon tree . “世界琉璃看中國,中國琉璃看淄博。”博山琉璃是中國國家非物質文化遺產,也是淄博市重要的文化名片之一。這回,文博會主會場將“長”出一棵長7米、高4米的巨型淄博琉璃柿子樹——由山東金祥琉璃文化藝術有限公司總設計師袁世祥設計,通過跨界融合,融琉璃、鐵藝、扎染等多項工藝於一體的大型藝術作品《秋實》,曾獲得中國美術金獎,體現了淄博琉璃技藝的登峰造極及創意水平,是“山東手造”的典型代表。365顆晶瑩剔透的琉璃柿子挂滿枝頭,柿柿如意,事事如意,美好的寓意中,讓我們共同分享豐收的喜悅。 “The world is looking at China, China is looking at China, China is looking at China,” and Bo is one of China’s non-material cultural heritage, as well as one of the important cultural titles of the city. This time, the bookmaster will grow a huge seven-metre, four-metre-high-sized tomato tree – a typical representative of the “Sandang Hand” – designed by Yuan Shixiang, the chief executive executive executive of Phnom Penh's Cultural Arts Ltd., through cross-border integration, blending many works of art, such as linguine, iron, and dye, into one-size art, the Autumn Museum, which was awarded the Chinese Fine Arts Award, and which produced the highest and most creative level of technology in the country. 6 盡顯科技范 仿生機器人亮相 "Strong" is a technocratic simulation of a robot's face. 精致的妝容、豐富的表情、靈活的肢體動作……本屆文博會,遼寧展區盡顯科技范兒!大連蒂艾斯科技發展股份有限公司打造的擁有逼真皮膚、神態自然的仿生人形機器人,將在現場與觀眾互動。 Quite adornment, a rich look, a lively body movement... This year's book fair, the Penning Fair, is full of technologists! The Simulators, built by Dalian Tias Technology Development, Inc., with an artificial skin and a demented nature, will interact with the audience. 據悉,目前國內頂尖的仿生機器人,已經可以勝任老人陪護、企業前台、政務服務、智慧教育、商業活動等相關工作,而它們的終極目標,是在人類無法觸及之處,以人類的“思維”和“行為”解決問題。而大連博濤文化科技股份有限公司將憑借其巨型仿生機械藝術裝置——大型機器虎,讓參展觀眾領略科技智能與時尚元素融合的魅力。(記者 陳儀衡) According to the information received, the country’s top proliferators are now able to take over the jobs associated with elder escort, corporate front office, political service, intellectual education, business activities, and so on, and their ultimate goal is to address human “think” and “behaven” in places beyond the reach of humans. Dalian Bocing Cultural Science and Technology will use its giant imitation device, the Big Machine Tiger, to bring together scientific and technological intelligence and fashion elements. 分享讓更多人看到
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