Hong Kong exchange.
1、欧易 1, ok交易所平台是数字货币交易平台之一。中文名称于去年正式推出。ok该平台为我们提供了安全.专业的数字货币交易经验为初学者提供了完整的流程指导。 The Ok Exchange platform is one of the
2、VEX 最早于13年就已上线,不知不觉已经过了7年。虽说也是一家元老级的平台了,不过现在整体热度相比头部三家还是差了不少。去年上线的平台币GT一路也是非常曲折,到现在还是处于腰斩的样子,为此经常在社区被用户骂、不过平台刷单现象比较少,财务真实性较高,并且多年来没有出过盗币事件,安全上做的也不错的。 As early as 13 years ago, it was seven years ago. Although it was also a senatorial platform, the overall heat is still much worse than that of the three heads. 平台目前已经上线了现货期货合约以及杠杆ETF等,交易品种比较全面,整体的操作体验也比较流畅,插针现象也比较少,平台技术性还是比较不错的。同时在交易APP上还内置了聊天室功能,用户的交流也很方便,当然有什么问题也是能把平台和项目方骂的狗血淋头,特别是去年IEO和GT上线暴跌那几天,真是全天24小时都把项目方拿来批斗。 The platform is now online in terms of spot futures contracts, leverage ETFs, etc., and deals are more comprehensive, the overall operating experience is more fluid, needle-pluging is less frequent, the platform is more technical, and there is also a chat room on the trade PPP, and user communication is easy. Of course, there are also problems in getting the dogs that the platform and the project party are squeezing, especially in the days that IEO and GT were on the line last year. 最后总结一下,平台运营比较低调,热度呢也不是很高,但是交易和深度上没有任何问题,特别是用户资产安全上保护的也非常全面,是一个适合长期参与交易平台。 In conclusion, the platform operates relatively low-key and the heat is not very high, but there are no problems in terms of trade and depth, especially with regard to the security protection of user assets, which is a suitable platform for long-term participation in the transaction. 3、炒币网 3, 是全球知名的加密货币交易所,支持多种数字加密货币交易,目前上线超过400种交易对。通过整合全球优质资产和搭建一流平台,致力于为用户提供便捷安全、功能全面的数字资产交易和转换服务。自2017年9月成立以来,始终保持着高速增长的态势。平台交易安全可靠、使用便捷、提现迅速,支持多语言,全年7×24小时的客户服务,在全球多个国家和地区创建并运营用户社群。 Since its inception in September 2017, the platform has maintained a high rate of growth. It is a secure, easy-to-use, fast-moving platform that supports multi-language, seven-by-four-hour customer service, creating and operating user communities in several countries and regions around the world. 4、FDEX 全球专业站,是集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡,由全球专业站团队负责运营。在新加坡、香港、、等多个国家和地区均有独立的交易业务和运营中心。在技术平台、产品支线、安全风控体系、运营及客户服务体系等方面,集团在全球均处于领先地位。 The Global Professional Station, an international hub for innovative digital assets under the umbrella of the Group serving users of global professional transactions, is dedicated to identifying high-quality opportunities for investment in innovative digital assets. It currently provides more than 40 digital asset-type transactions and investment services, based in Singapore and operated by a global team of professional stations. There are independent trading operations and operations centres in Singapore, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. The Group is a global leader in technology platforms, product feeder lines, security wind control systems, operations and customer service systems.
5、BBUEX 之前也因为被盗币一度被迫关闭,但是随后重新开业后积极合规,并且在欧美,等地的用户数节节攀升。而且该交易所比较奇葩的是成立至今9年时间其交易币种仅为5个,交易深度较好,并且平台的理财,衍生品交易众多。 Earlier, the stolen currency was forced to shut down, but then re-opened with active compliance and, in Europe and the United States, several days of increased user activity. And what is more surprising is that, nine years after its establishment, the exchange has only five currencies, its depth is good, and the platform’s finances and derivatives are numerous. 该交易所获得了欧洲多个国家的区块链经营牌照,同时国际化程度颇高,但是对国人不是太友好,所以也就了解下吧。 The Exchange has acquired a number of European countries' , while at the same time being highly internationalized, but not too friendly to the nation, so let it be understood. 6、BIBX 成立于2017年12月,总部位于中国香港,是一家面向全球的专业数字货币交易服务商。核心团队来自全球知名互联网及金融企业,包括数名数字货币行业最早期从业者,在数字货币领域具有丰富的技术开发及全球运营经验。致力于为全球用户打造最安全、稳定、高效的数字货币交易平台。 Founded in December 2017, Hong Kong, China, is a global-oriented professional digital-currency-trading service provider. The core team is drawn from well-known global Internet and financial enterprises, including several of the early players in the digital-currency industry, with rich technological development and global experience in the field of digital money. 7、DeBi 全球专业技术交易所 Global是通过专业技术认证与 全球联盟的分布式交易所,由塞舌尔共和国的BGH公司运营,成立于2019年正式上线,让更多用户享受世界级技术服务,支持在全世界任意地点提供法币和加密货币的交易,多层冷钱包资金充提系统使资金安全性得到最大化保障,通过强撮合引擎技术,支持每秒100.000.000笔交易服务。 The Global Professional Technology Exchange, operated by BGH, the Republic of Seychelles, through a distributed exchange of professional technical certification and global alliances, was established in 2019 to provide more users with access to world-class technical services to support transactions in French and encrypted currencies at any location around the world, with multiple layers of cold to maximize financial security by supporting 100,000 transaction services per second through combination engine technology.
8、UMI 交易所的创始人是纳杰克科德里奇与戴米安联合创立,其投资人也是币圈的知名度人士。目前交易5个币种,交易深度不错,其24小时的成交额1(7).8亿元,平台资金高达(8).47亿元,也是一家有实力的交易所。 The exchange was founded by Najak Kodrich in association with Damien, and its investor is also . Five currencies are currently traded, with a good depth of transactions, with a 24-hour turnover of $177.8 billion, with platform funds of up to 847 million and a powerful exchange. 9、LBank 是融科技公司Dunamu与美国国际站合作推出的数字货币国际站,2017年10月月底上线,目前支持来200多个交易对,超过110种代币的交易。 The Digital Currency International Station, launched by Dunamu, a mining company in partnership with the United States International Station, was launched at the end of October 2017 and currently supports more than 200 transactions of more than 110 currencies. 预计将成为最大的数字货币国际站,平台在未来还会逐步上架更多新的数字货币。该平台全球综合排名:2(7).交易方式支持现货和法币两种。24小时的成交额:1(4).91亿,目前是151个币种在该交易所上活跃。不单单在发展不错,在美国,新加坡,马耳他也都建立了数字资产交易所,平台使用KAKAO PEI简化身份验证,比OTP双通道身份验证更简单,也更安全。 It is expected to be the largest digital currency international station, and the platform will gradually build up more new digital currencies in the future. The platform’s global composite ranking is 2 (7). The mode of dealing supports both spot and French currency. A 24-hour transaction: 1(4),91 million, with 151 currencies currently active on the exchange. Not only in the United States, but also in Singapore, Malta has set up a digital asset exchange, and the platform uses KAKAO PEI for simplified identification, which is easier and safer than the two-channel identification of OTP. 综合来看,是一个安全可靠值得信赖的平台,交易深度够,活跃的交易所。 Taken together, it is a secure and trusted platform with sufficiently deep and dynamic exchanges. 10、SIGEN 也是曾经交易量前三的大型头部平台,不过近年来一直没有什么大的创新,交易系统的迭代升级推进也比较缓慢,网页交易界面也还是停留在过去的样子,有些坐吃山空的感觉。同时平台日常社区活动不多,社交平台上也看不到太多的互动,整体热度较差。再加上新平台的崛起,B网的市场份额近年来一直处于持续下滑之中,感觉整体已经去到2线平台了。 It is also a large head platform with the first three trading volumes, but there has been little innovation in recent years, and the iterative upgrading of the trading system has been slow, and the web-trading interface has remained as it was in the past, with some feeling that the platform’s daily community activities are low, that social platforms do not see much interaction, and that the overall heat is poor. With the rise of the new platform, the market share of Network B has been falling steadily in recent years, and it is felt that the whole has gone to the two-line platform. 不过俗话说瘦死的骆驼比马大,B网作为一个穿越了多轮牛熊的老牌交易所,技术上的实力还是值得肯定的,上线以来一直稳定运行,没有因为丢币造成过平台或用户的损失,并且多年来在币圈也攒下了不错的用户口碑,拥有一匹核心用户。同时对于一些冷门币种支持的也比较全面,比如Obyte字节雪球,目前最主要的交易平台就是b网,国内的平台几乎都买不到。 However, the saying is that thin camels are bigger than horses, and that the B net, as an old exchange that has crossed a multi-truck bear, is still technically positive, has been operating steadily on the line, and has not lost a platform or a user as a result of currency loss, and has for many years been
最后综合看来,作为一个老牌交易所,自身技术实力还是比较过关的,如果能加大一下运营的力度,多做下推广,比如开辟下国内的市场的话,应该还是会有不错的发展,算是一个靠谱的交易平台。 In conclusion, as a well-established exchange, its technological strength is relatively high, and if it can be more operational and more widespread, for example by opening up domestic markets, there should still be a good development as a sound trading platform.
虚拟货币的本质是什么? What's the essence of a virtual currency? 虚拟货币的价值支撑是认同它的人们对它的共识,认同它的人们认为它可以在商品交换中充当一般等价物,所以它有了价值。 The value of a virtual currency is underpinned by the consensus among those who agree with it and its belief that it can serve as a general equivalent in commodity exchanges, so it has value. 虚拟货币只是一种金融产品,就像股票和信用券一样,并没有进入到社会的日常生活层面。虚拟货币的交易,属于金融交易范畴,只不过借用货币的称谓而已。可实际上,虚拟货币是跨界金融产品和主权货币之间的畸形货币形式。由于虚拟货币具有价值量化和网络市场流通的原始功能,所以在虚拟网络上它就是实实在在的交易媒介。 Virtual money is just a financial product, like shares and bonds, and does not reach the everyday dimensions of society. Virtual currency transactions are financial transactions, but are simply called currency. Virtual money is, in fact, a deformed form of currency between cross-border financial products and sovereign currencies. 如何购买加密货币? How do you buy an encrypted currency? (1).选择加密货币交易所 (1). Selecting an encrypted currency exchange 要购买加密货币,首先需要选择经纪人或加密货币交易所。虽然任何一种都可以让你购买加密货币,但要记住它们之间的一些关键区别。 The first thing to buy an encrypted currency is to choose a broker or an encrypted currency exchange. While either can allow you to buy an encrypted currency, remember some of the key differences between them. 什么是加密货币交易所? What's an encrypted currency exchange? 加密货币交易所是买卖双方见面交易加密货币的平台。交易所的成本通常相对较低,但它们通常具有更复杂的界面、多种交易类型和先进的性能图表,这可能会阻止新的加密投资者。 An encrypted currency exchange is a platform for buyers and sellers to meet and trade in encrypted currencies. Exchanges are usually relatively low-cost, but they usually have more sophisticated interfaces, multiple types of transactions, and advanced performance charts, which may discourage new encrypted investors. 一些最著名的加密货币交易所是Coinbase,Gemini和Binance.US。虽然这些公司的标准交易界面可能会让初学者感到不知所措,尤其是那些没有股票交易背景的人,但它们也为用户提供了简单的购买选择。 Some of the most well-known crypto-currency exchanges are Coinbase, Gemini, and Binance.US. While the standard interfaces of these companies may be confusing for beginners, especially those who do not have a stock exchange background, they also provide users with simple options for purchasing. (2).创建和验证您的帐户 (2). Create and validate your account 一旦您决定加密货币经纪人或交易所,您可以注册并开立帐户。您可能需要根据平台和您计划购买的数量来验证您的身份。这是防止欺诈和满足联邦监管要求的重要一步。 Once you decide to encrypt a money broker or exchange, you can register and open an account. 您可能无法购买或出售加密货币,直到验证过程完成。该平台可能会要求您提交驾驶执照或护照副本,甚至可能会要求您上传自拍照片,以证明您的外观与您提交的文件一致。 You may not be able to purchase or sell an encrypted currency until the validation process is complete. (3).存入现金投资 (3). Cash investment 要购买加密货币,您需要确保您的帐户中有资金。您可以通过与银行账户关联,授权电汇,甚至使用借记卡或信用卡支付,将资金存入加密账户。根据交易所或经纪人以及您的融资方式,您可能需要等待几天才能使用您的存款购买加密货币。 If you want to buy an encrypted currency, you need to make sure that there are funds in your account. 这里有一个大买家应该小心:尽管一些交易所或经纪人允许你从信用卡上省钱,但这是非常危险和昂贵的。信用卡公司使用信用卡处理加密货币购买作为现金预付款。这意味着他们的利率高于传统购买,你必须支付额外的现金预付款。例如,当您提供现金预付款时,您可能需要支付交易金额的5%。这是您的加密货币交易所或经纪人可能收取的超出任何费用的费用;这些本身最多可以运行5%,这意味着您可能会因为成本而损失10%的加密货币。 One of the big buyers here should be careful: although some exchanges or brokers allow you to save money from credit cards, this is very dangerous and expensive. Credit card companies use credit cards to process encrypted money for cash advances. This means that their interest rates are higher than traditional purchases, and you have to pay additional cash advances. For example, when you provide cash advances, you may need to pay 5% of the transaction amount. This is what your encrypted money exchange or broker may charge more than any fee; these themselves can run up to 5%, which means that you may lose 10% of the encrypted currency because of the cost. (4).接下您的加密货币订单 (4). Take your encrypted currency order 一旦你的账户中有钱,你就可以发布你的第一个加密货币订单。有数百种加密货币可供选择,从比特币种加密货币可供选择ThetaFuel或Holo等待更加晦涩难懂的加密货币。 Once you have the money in your account, you can issue your first encrypted currency order. There are hundreds of encrypted currencies available, from 当您决定购买哪种加密货币时,您可以输入其股票代码(例如,比特币是BTC)还有你想买多少硬币。对于大多数交易所和经纪人来说,你可以购买加密货币的零碎股份,这样你就可以购买高价代币,如比特币或以太坊,否则这些代币需要数千人拥有。 When you decide to purchase an encrypted currency, you can enter its stock code (e.g.
(5). Select storage method
If you forget or lose the code to access your account, you may even lose your investment like millions of dollars in bitcoins. That is why it is so important to provide secure storage space for your encrypted currency.
itself is largely unaffected by cyberattacks.
"Designally, block chains are almost impossible to hack because they are fragmented and dependent on different security mechanisms. However, external variables such as heat
Thus, the best way to ensure user safety is to store it in non-host wallets, a wallet that allows them to have private keys and wallet seeds. In this way, the attackers need to know their private keys and wallet seeds to access their funds. With regard to platforms, hackers usually resort to cyberfishing attacks, trying to lure users into leaking information such as passwords and login information so that hackers can access their funds.
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