
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:77 评论:0
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> >. . >..................................................................................................

8月12日,腾讯发布了2020年第二季度及上半年业绩报告。其中“金融科技及企业服务” 单季收入298.62亿元,同比增长30%,超越网络广告成为腾讯的第二大业务收入板块。

On August 12, a performance report for the second quarter of 2020 and the first half of the year was released. Of this amount, “Financial science and technology and business services” earned $29,862 million in a single season, an increase of 30 per cent over the same period.


This is the first time in 20 years that a full-scale ToB business unit has emerged, bringing the ToB business up to an unprecedented strategic level. In the industrial sector, with the natural ToB genes, it is also an important part of the strategy.


In April of this year, the Episode launched the book “Industrial Block Chains.” In its preamble, Matheson said that today’s block chains are expected to go beyond bitcoin, far from the frenzy of passion, to start at the bottom of the valley, and to climb the long slopes of the industrial Internet. As in the case of electricity use in the industrial age, future “chains” may be combined with “clouds” as an important indicator of the economic society of the digital age.


On 26 May, Tang Dao, President of Tsing Cloud and Smart Industries, announced that the Tseng will invest $500 billion over the next five years in the further configuration of the new capital, and that the block chain is one of the key areas of input.


It is easy to see that the chain of blocks that is highly compatible with the industry Internet has become an important part of the ToB configuration.



The Development of Block Chains


From 2015 onwards, the troupe block chain team began to focus on block chain technology and to develop it autonomously.

2016年,腾讯开始进行区块链底层技术的自主研发,开发联盟链云服务BaaS、上线基于区块链技术的银行间联合贷款清算平台。并成立了金融区块链合作联盟,该联盟包括了微众银行、平安银行、腾讯等 31 家企业。

In 2016, Tseng began autonomous research and development of the bottom of the block chain technology, developing the Alliance Chain Cloud Service BaaS, an online platform for joint interbank loan clearing based on block chain technology. A financial block chain cooperation alliance was established, which includes 31 businesses such as Microbanks, Peacebanks, Tetsu, etc.


In April 2017, the White Paper on the Block Chain Programme was released, proposing the concept of building the building blocks of trust in the digital economy. It was also the first white paper on the Block Chain issued by a large Internet company.


Between 2018 and 2019, Témour launched autonomous and controlled block chain infrastructure — TrustSQL and a one-stop block chain service platform — TbaaS — and applied in a wide range of areas, such as taxation, medical care and games.


Source: White Paper on the Chain of Blocks in 2019


TrustSQL focuses mainly on the development and customization of block chain applications for bottom development platforms; TbaaS works to lower the threshold for businesses to use block chains, to strategize block chain services and to explore block chains and industry-wide solutions.


Source: White Paper on the Chain of Blocks in 2019


In 2020, the development of the block chain ushered in an unprecedentedly good external environment, and the tether also accelerated the layout of the industrial block chain.


On April 29, a block-chain accelerator, “Team Industrial Accelerator - Block Chain”, was officially launched, focusing on three main directions: technology, services, and application. The block-chain accelerator aims at integrating global block-chain industry resources, linking excellent block-chain enterprises, and promoting technological autonomy in block-chain innovation and enabling technology applications.


On 26 May, Tang Dao, the Managing Director of Tsing Clouds and Smart Industries, announced that the Tseng would invest over 500 billion over the next five years in priority areas, such as block chains, for further configuration of the new infrastructure.


On 1 June, Tsingyun launched the establishment of the Industrial Block Chain Alliance, which plans to recruit 100 members over the course of the year to jointly promote the construction of standards related to the industrial block chain, the development of core block chain technology and the landing of the industry.


On 3 July, the teeming “Away Cloud Calculating Data Centre” was officially launched, with the entire data centre cluster planning to house more than 1 million servers, with 200 emerging digital technologies that will land, including block chains, and will also be linked to the core nodes and marginal nodes that Tseng cloud already has in the Bay of Australasia area of Hong Kong.


On August 8, the Trench Block Chain Accelerator was listed as the top 32 global list. Thirty-two enterprises, including the business safety chain, the Chengdu chain, and the Kwangki tree, operated mainly around the three main directions of the industrial block chain solution, the industrial block chain infrastructure, and the services around the industrial block chain, which were valued at over $7.6 billion.


After five years of research and development and exploration, both in the development of bottom technologies and in the construction of industrial ecology, the tether chain has achieved considerable results.


On 31 July, IPRdaily, the intellectual property industry media, jointly with the IncoPat Innovation Index Research Centre, published the Global Patent List (TOP100), which ranked second in the 872 patent applications in the first half of 2020.



Currently, there are extensive attempts to apply the tether chain in the areas of supply chain finance, commercial bank notes, judicial record-keeping, electronic record-keeping, public interest searchers, digital content protection, product traceability, medical prescriptions, etc.


As of 3 July, the Shenzhen block chain electronic**, which provides bottom-level technical support from the tether block chain, now stands at 25 million tickets, has been widely used in hundreds of areas such as public transport, civil and political life, financial insurance, retail catering and Internet services.


On 23 December 2019, a circular on the establishment of a digital currency research team (virtual organization) and the designation of the relevant officials was issued. It was decided to set up a digital currency research team (virtual organization) under the business development infrastructure and the financial application line. The project team is responsible for carrying out the work of the digital currency research project, following up on the latest policies of the relevant government departments, conducting digital currency-related studies, innovation in business models and field validation.

腾讯还开发了“微企链”和“至信链”,分别用于改善小微企业融资困境和司法存证。目前,“微企链”已获深交所无异议函和储架规模 100 亿元,“至信链”已有多家高级人民法院加入成为权威节点,当前链上存证数据超过千万条。

It has also developed “micro-business chains” and “to-letter chains” to improve micro-enterprise financing dilemmas and judicial documentation, respectively. At present, the “micro-business chain” has received 10 billion yuan in letters of no-objection and shelf size, and several high-level people's courts have joined the chain as authoritative nodes, with more than 10 million pieces of evidence in the current chain.


In April 2019, the first game containing block chain elements, " Together to catch demons ", went online. In less than two months, the tether block chain module, " Monopoly Cats ", mounted in the game, has generated millions of block chain active addresses and nearly thousands of block chain transactions.


In addition, the tether chain has been successfully applied in areas such as government, traceability, supply chain finance, copyright protection, and the administration of justice.


Future layout


In the context of the fact that the block chain has risen to a national strategy and has been incorporated into the new infrastructure, it is undoubtedly the right approach as an Internet giant enterprise, plus a code block chain.


In fact, more than just tweaking, the Internet businesses of Ali, Pedu, and Kyundong are in a grid. No one is willing to fall behind in the transition of information Internet to value Internet and consumer Internet to industrial Internet.


Though it has accumulated over five years in the area of block chains, it is not without rivals. Its biggest opponent is Ali, specifically Ali’s ant chain.


From the point of view of block chain technology, the early entry of Ali has a clear lead. Beginning in 2016, Ali has been the world’s first patent for block chain technology for four consecutive years.


On July 23, the ant block chain was officially upgraded to an ant chain. According to inside the ant group, the name “ant chain” was raised by Ma Yun himself, which is enough to demonstrate the importance that Ma Cloud and Ali attach to the block chain.


In addition to the challenges of competitors, the block chain industry itself currently faces a number of problems.


First, block chain technology has many problems in data synchronization, validation, etc. in the chain of assets, making it difficult to advance the commercialization of block cross-chain technology.


Second, block chain technology, as a new technology, requires a great deal of technical talent, while the market is extremely short of block chain technology, which inevitably delays the commercialization of block chain technology.


In future markets, the application of block-chain technologies, once they have completed the asset chain, will expand significantly, even trigger an industrial revolution, but in the segment-chain markets where giants are fighting each other, there is a risk that the problem of “information silos” will arise as a result.


For tweaking, the added block chain is naturally an important signal for turning to ToB, but it also has to face many unknown challenges.




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