
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:67 评论:0



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The city of wisdom is a cake that looks delicious, and many official and unofficial institutions come in to make cakes, but it is not very successful. As the Deputy Director of the Institute of Urban and Population Development of the Shanghai Institute of Social Affairs said, the city of wisdom has now evolved from the conceptual and modelling stage to the planning and construction stage and is still under exploration.


In September 2016, the "Inventive energy city" plan was first made public to the group. It was said that the goal was to build 万向集团要在区块链上构建智慧城市,这将如何实现?


According to the Thunderbolt Network, the applications of the chain of blocks that could be developed in the future of the City include distributed energy systems, a “shared economy” model for residential identity and electric vehicle equipment ID registration on the same ledger, tracking of power cells and secondary recovery for energy storage batteries, smart manufacturing, machine dialogue, intelligent home and intelligent community services.


Today, Thunderbolt has engaged in a dialogue with the Chief Innovator, CIO, the Chief Innovator, the Chief Innovator, the Advisers to the Block Chain and the New Chain Accelerator, and the General Manager of the Man cloud platform, Tautu Minh, to explore concrete planning and implementation initiatives for the City.


Wang Yung has told Thundernet that the City of Innovative Energy is a big project. It has a long time span of about 7 to 10 years, with a total investment of 200 billion and an area of nearly 10 square kilometres, and is expected to house 90,000 to 100,000 permanent residents.


According to Wang Yun, there are two levels of conglomerate.

  • 第一是指汇聚全球创新能力,万向希望能与全球范围内有能力的团队共同建设聚能城。

    The first is to bring together the global capacity for innovation in the hope of working with competent teams on a global scale to build energy cities.

  • 第二,“能”指能量Energy。汽车零部件与新能源产业是万向两大主业,电池产业是电动汽车价值链上非常重要的一环。而未来城市对于能源的需求会进一步扩大。从技术和价值链角度出发,智能能源的规划网络与汽车产业发展会有很多交集,与万向的前进道路也非常契合。

    In the future, cities’ demand for energy will expand further. From a technology and value chain perspective, smart energy planning networks interact with the growth of the automobile industry, and are well aligned with the way forward.


The Fusion City project is also directly related to the creation of a two-way platform. The two-way platform is an innovative entrepreneurship platform, which is now run by Wang Yun, who has pointed out that the two-way platform has an indispensable role to play in the transition from one industry to another.


The City of Innovative Energy is still in its early stages, with Tauczymin stating that the project has been under way with the Government for many years, and that the focus at this stage is on global recruitment by Unillustration and the search for national and international innovative business teams to build urban landscapes and business ecology.


Over the years, government and industry giants have been active in intelligent cities. What is the difference between a city that emphasizes innovation and is built on a block chain?



Tokumin said that the city would be constructed in a distributed manner to be a city . He explained that cities were a vast and complex system, densely populated, commercial ecology, scenes, conglomerate of businesses, and that this determined everything to be to have all the technical and application capabilities, one-stop shop.


“We build cities with thinking more appropriate to the chain of blocks, the essence of which is open collaboration, moving beyond the boundaries of business. Given the emergence of new technologies, new business models, unlike traditional urban planning, we use a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to give teams space.


He also noted that there would be entry points for other teams, such as distributed energy and smart cars, and that there would also be some direction for basic construction and functional planning, but there would be no way to plan specific scenarios.


In Wang Yun's view, while the city is a city built on a block chain, this does not mean that a network of blocks is designed from the outset, otherwise it falls into a centralized top-level design situation. Moreover, 在实践中不断完善

In his view, one of the main roles of block chains is to break down data silos. And the previous smart cities, smart city management projects, are still experiencing data silos. Smart transportation, smart energy systems made by different companies may not be possible, but connectivity between different systems can be achieved on block chains, and new applications can be built at the level of connectivity .

除了参与创新聚能城项目,陶曲明还是万向区块链云平台平台负责人。万云平台是基于区块链的去中心化云计算平台,目前处于半开放公测阶段。不同于IBM BaaS 构建在Hyperledger上,万云通过从下往上引入区块链底层架构,如以太坊、Factom和Bitcoin等,令这些底层技术最终通过API形式变得可获得和易用,并不限制某一底层架构,之后还将持续引入。创新聚能城也并非必须使用万云平台。

Unlike IBM BaaS, which is built on Hyperdger, through the bottom structure of the chain, such as Ether, Factom, and Bitcoin, which eventually becomes accessible and accessible through API, and which does not limit a substrate structure, IBM BaaS will continue to be introduced. The City of Innovative Energy also does not have to use cloud platforms.


Wang Yung describes this as "no team." In addition to the reasons why the situation in the block chain is unclear, he believes that this will help to occupy a high position in the ecosystem. As soon as the team is on board,


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